Best way to create wordpress dev site on different server but when domain in use - wordpress

Looking for guidance on best practice in creating a new Wordpress website, online, when
A) I'll be hosting the site on a new server
B) The site will need to be viewed by client online
C) The site domain is currently live, in use and must remain directed to current server (until site complete) and
D) Current site is very old and would likely throw up endless issues if transferred to the new server.
E) No-one has access to the current server.
I'm currently looking at options around temp URL's, or just using a dev URL I use solely for builds. Then once complete and DNS redirected to the new server, Find and Replace all references of dev URL for the correct URL.
I've searched online but generally, only find answers to the queries "building site without impacting live site" or "building site locally". Not my query - "building a site online with a domain I can't use as it's in use etc".
Any guidance on this would be appreciated. Thank you.

Create an edit in your machines hosts file so that the live url points to your dev server instead of the live server. When the client needs to check the progress they can temporarily update their own hosts file to check and then delete it out to go back to seeing their current site.
If you’re computer runs Windows, follow the instructions below:
Press the Windows key.
Type Notepad in the search field.
In the search results, right-click Notepad and select Run as administrator.
In Notepad, click File > Open
Change the File Type in the bottom right corner to All Files instead of Txt Files
Open the following file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
Scroll to the bottom of the file and type the IP address of your dev server (
Press Tab
Type the address we gave you (
Click File > Save to save your changes.
Close Notepad
If Mac
Press Command & Space
Type Terminal
Press Enter
Type sudo nano /etc/hosts
Press Enter
Type the password you use to log into your machine
Press Enter
Scroll to the bottom of the file
Type the IP address of your server (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)
Press TAB
Type the web address we gave you (
Press Ctrl & X
Press Y to save
Press Enter


Google Cloud, is it normal for Wordpress(click to deploy) install running more than 30 min?

I have problem previously with my WordPress, so I delete that one and re-install another one using the same "Click to deploy Wordpress". But the installing time is longer than before and still running after 30 min. The website seems up but the information part(password, phpMyadmin password..etc) doesn't come out.
Is there something wrong with my setting? or is because I delete and re-install too many times? or what should I do to fix it?
Below is the image:
the right side keep running more than 30 min
I have managed to reproduce this issue and found a workaround that you can use for now until it is resolved.
Launching the Wordpress service creates two VMs- one temporary “coord” VM that handles the Wordpress build and deployment, and a main WordPress VM that hosts Wordpress. The issue appears to arise when the “coord” VM is not able to retrieve a startup script needed to complete the build, specifically:
As a result of this, the coord VM continually and unsuccessfully attempts to retrieve “”, and the WordPress installation remains stalled.
The cause of this appears to be that the “coord” VM doesn’t receive an external address upon it’s creation, preventing it from retrieving “”.
In order to resolve this issue you can assign the coord VM an external IP address, which allows it to retrieve “”, which in turn allows it to complete the WordPress setup/deployment process.
Instructions for the workaround
In the Compute Engine “VM instances” page, click on the “coord” VM (the machine name should contain the string “coord”)
Click Edit
Click on the network interface for the machine
In the External IP drop-down select “Ephemeral”
Click on “Done”
Click on “Save” at the bottom of the page
This will provide it with an external IP address and allow it to access the resources it needs to complete the setup.
I’ve reported this issue and you can click on the star icon to receive email notifications of any update on it.

Can it be traced the texts you copied on internet from your local computer?

Suppose I copy and paste some texts or code from my local computer's notepad or some text editor and directly paste it in online editor like . Can it be traced ? If yes, How ?
2 developer connected to company network as well as internet (Not directly but using a "Use automatic configuration script" in Internet Options->Connections->LAN Settings
Use Case:
1 developer is copying code from his local editor and pasting on online editor (
Other developer directly writing the code in online editor.
As a Network Administrator point of View:
How to trace and avoid those two case ?
As a Developer point of View:
How to check if the Admin have enabled such things to be traced ?
If it is enabled, how to be not traced ?
Yup, there are many methods. I will name a few.
Some JS scripts. The website can detect what you are copying.
MITM attacks on the network you are using. Wifi with no password is the most dangerous one. Using CSploit on an android phone anyone can see your traffic.
Some keyloggers and other viruses can log keyboard and copy-paste activity.
Remote administration apps and malwares can stream your screen to the hacker.

How to put xampp localhost website online? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 1 year ago.
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I am new to the WordPress. I have a made WordPress website in xampp localhost, now I want to show that site to my friend before making it online without using any hosting services, but can not show him because it is on localhost.
You can follow below steps for this, I am assuming your website name is "myweb":
1) Go to your website folder in "Xampp/htdocs/myweb" and compress your website folder to make tar or zip.
2) Buy linux hosting from any hosting service provider. I would prefer Just ensure they give "CPANEL" with this hosting.
3) After you purchase this plan, you will get URL and credentials to login to "cpanel". Login to "cpanel" by opening link ""
4) Click on option "File Manager" in FILES tab.
5) On left side panel, click on "public_html".
6) Then click on "Upload" on top panel.
7) Click on "Select File".
8) When upload finish come back in "public_html" folder and right click on this compressed file, click "Extract".
9) Ensure that when you are clicking on "public_html", you are able to view folders "wp-admin", "wp-content" etc.(and all other content of your website) on right side pane.
10) Now its time to set database. Go to "CPANEL" homepage again as we did in beginning and click on "MySQL Databases" in DATABASES section. Create new database, create new user, add user to database(give any password), give privileges to user for this created database.
11) Now go to "CPANEL" homepage again and then to "File Manager"->"public_html". Right click on file "wp-config.php" and select "Edit". Click OK. Now change 'DB_NAME', 'DB_USER', 'DB_PASSWORD' here. Give same values here as we did in previous step. Do not change 'DB_HOST', let it be "localhost".
12) Now we have website ready, database settings ready, its time to populate database with data we had in localhost.
13) So first we fetch SQL data from your local machine in form of SQL file. In your browser type localhost/phpmyadmin. Click on your database on left side. Click on "Export" on top panel. Select "Format" as "SQL". Click on "Go". Save the file anywhere and open it with any editor. Replace all occurences of "localhost" with "". Save the file.
14) Now its time to import this SQL data into remote server. Go to "CPANEL" homepage. Then click on "phpMyAdmin". Click on database name you have created here before. This time click on "Import" and upload "SQL" file which we just modified on local computer. Click on "GO". You should see all your tables in this database now.
15) All set, just go to browser and type "". Your site is up !
You can put your XAMPP server online without buying a hosting plan from web hosting provider, all you have to do is, get these followings.
Allow external connections to Apache HTTP server through the firewall on port 80.
Get a Static IP from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) (contact your ISP).
Share the static public IP which you've got from ISP to your friend.
you can access XAMPP locally using now change the local IP with your public static IP lets say(http://10.123.53.X/index.html)
An easy solution to show is to share your screen on a video call if you do not want to spend money on hosting. Or you can use teamviewer.
Now you can use a tool called ngrok which provides a secure tunneling. You will get a temporary url for your localhost. More information is at
Its really easy, just go to a Free Hosting Provider that has no LIMITATIONS! Has mySQL Server Creation and With Unlimited Disk Space that can be Used (I personally Use it), it is Go Check it Out, and get a Domain (for example: or .tk) from, you can learn how to setup by watching a Video on YouTube!
You can sign up in a free sub domain to upload your website.
Free Subdomain
Then install filezilla to transfer your files to you subdomain.
Hope it will help.
You don't need to purchase any kind of Domain or something just change your base_url in framework which you are using like i am using codeigniter it will be
like http://localhost/home
just call locally this address.
its done
you can view your site on each system.

Not all files are listed / shown in FTP (Dedicated Server)

I just inherited a Wordpress site that a client had half-developed by another web developer.
The site is hosted on a Strato dedicated Server and has got a Plesk installed on it.
I just made an ftp user to get ftp access to the site. Up till here, everything is fine and correct.
The problem is that not all directories and files are shown in the ftp (FileZilla). I know that there are more files, because I can see them in the web file manager.
I thought it was a permissions problem, but I have checked all the permissions and they are all correct.
Any ideas what the problem could be?
Open FileZilla FTP client.
From the Menu bar choose Server
Select Force Showing Hidden Files which should be the last option.
You should now be able to see all files including 'hidden files' within the FTP remote window.
It's a pretty late reply, but I hope it can help someone out there.
1 - Open "Filezilla"
2 - Click "Site Manager"
3 - See "Protocol" there, click the drop down and select "SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol"
Now connect and everything should be there!

Visual Website Optimizer A/B Testing On Local Machine

So I have my app running on my local server, I am trying to a/b test the feature with Visual Website Optimizer.
I put the server address(publicly not available) in the preview URL, but when I open the preview page, it gives a warning saying "Error: Cookie could not be set.". Cookies are enabled.
My question is, should the preview page (or default campaign url) be publicly reachable for VWO to work properly?
In order to run the VWO on localhost, you just need to make a small adjustment to the /etc/hosts file. Just add "" at the end of the line that says " localhost"
Now you can run the VWO on any URL that starts with
The URL of the page should be publicly reachable only for Screenshots of the variations. Live previews should work even if the URL is accessible only locally. Though you should use a valid URL i.e. a URL having a valid domain name and TLD.
For any other info / debugging I would request you to send a mail to support (at) wingify (dot) com if not already done so that an exact solution can be shared.
This is probably because you are opening your website as an html file in your file system. You can host your static website locally with HarpJS. Install it through npm
npm install -g harp
Go to the root dir of your site and run harp server. Now you'll be able to open your site on http://localhost:9000
Also I have written an article how to easier develop experiments for Optimizely/VWO usage
