Does Biztalk natively or through plugins support fetching market data from Bloomberg Hypermedia API?
It isn't clear what sort of API's they expose.
Data License supports multiple technologies including SPARQL, RStudio, Python and Jupyter and can output Tidy Data as CSV, JSON, Turtle or XML files.
BizTalk can certainly do CSV, JSON or XML, and can communicate with SOAP or REST API services, so if it is either of those, then yes, BizTalk can natively fetch data from those.
I'm just getting started on iot and note that iot-core uses DynamoDB. That's not going to work for me (no table joins, no stored procs etc.). Is it possible to use a different DB? I usually use Postgres but appreciate it may not be the quickest for a lot of inserts. What do others use?
For IoT use case and telemetry data storage, I'd suggest to use AWS Timestream. When data is sent to AWS IoT Core, you can use an IoT Rule to forward data to Kinesis Data Stream (useful here for decoupling as well as doing batch processing from downstream pipeline). AWS Lambda can be used to pull data from Kinesis Data Stream, enrich the data if needed (like adding building, users, company information) before storing the data into Timestream. You can then use Grafana to visualize the data from Timestream.
I’m new to using FHIR - Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. Is it possible to make an existing Firebase project FHIR-compatible? My project uses Firebase mostly as a database for info sent to us by an application (NoSQL, BaaS). My idea is to convert the existing data into FHIR resources but I’m not sure what to do after that. How do I approach turning a Firebase project into a FHIR server?
FHIR is a standard for data exchange. It can be used with a wide variety of persistence technologies and varying proprietary database organizations. Each system is unique and needs to find its own way to map its particular data structures to and from the appropriate FHIR structures. Both the .NET and Java reference implementations include 'façade' capabilities designed to make it easier to express proprietary data structures over FHIR. (Just search for ".NET FHIR facade" or "Java FHIR facade".)
I want to fetch my website's google analytics data into cassandra using Nifi , is there any way for it?
You should be able to use InvokeHttp to query the Google Analytics data (perhaps with a POST to batchGet), or you could use ExecuteScript and include the Java API driver/JAR in your Module Directory path. Once you get the response(s), there are many processors you can use for any transformation of the data, including ReplaceText for generating a CQL statement to insert the data. Then you can send the statement(s) to PutCassandraQL for ingest into Cassandra.
What is the relationship between IBM Cloudant, PouchDB, Hoodie, Meteor?
I was watching which mentions those technologies but haven't yet wrapped my head around the relationships, so I would appreciate a neat textual summary.
IBM Cloudant is a database-as-a-service based on Apache CouchDB. It's a JSON document store whose storage mechanism makes it great of having multiple, partially-connected data sets e.g. a copy "in the cloud" and a copy on a mobile device.
PouchDB is an open-source database that can run in a browser or in Node.js that speaks the CouchDB replication protocol. It can be used to store data on the mobile device, optionally replicating data to the cloud (CouchDB or Cloudant) when needed. This practice is often called "Offline First" development - getting your app to store and retrieve data in a local data store to give the user 100% uptime, even when there's no network connection.
Hoodie and Meteor are opinionated application development frameworks. You can use their scaffolding to build your applications. They in turn may use PouchDB for local storage and/or Cloudant or CouchDB as a server-side store.
I'm not really sure how to best word this. We have an ASP.NET web application with the backend services accessible over a WCF service layer. We need to add some reporting/dashboard type bits to the web application.
To make it scalable the data needed for the reporting needs to be calculated on the backend. I'm just wondering if there is a recommended way to pass this data around. It doesn't make much sense to have different service methods to get the different bits of data, it feels like it should be summarised already.
I had a look at WCF Data Services, but that seems more for retrieving full object trees. Maybe some sort of XML document so extra items can be added to the summary without needing service layer changes?
The data would be things like number of orders today, number of orders specific to the person running it, open orders outstanding etc.
Does anyone have any pointers?
Thanks for your time
You can look at something like ASP.NET Web API and use an XML Formatter for your data. You can use ViewModels to flatten your data and send over the wire to your web app to bind to grids or whatever you need to.
Basically you would get request (filters, keywords, etc) from your web app, send the parameters to your reporting back-end, retrieve the reporting data, map the values to your ViewModels and serialize them using Web API. Using Web API you can use all kinds of formatters for your data to XML, CSV and JSON to vCard, iCal, PDF, etc...
You can read more about it here: