Increase size of Twemoji in REACT - css

My REACT component's code is like this
import React from 'react';
import { Twemoji } from 'react-emoji-render';
import emoji.css;
const emoji = () => {
return ( <Twemoji className="Twemoji" text=":+1:"/> );
export default emoji;
My css file (emoji.css) has the following code
.Twemoji {
width: 20em;
height: 20em;
but the size of the emoji doesn't change.
if I inspect the element and modify the inline style in the page html that works
Please can you help me understand how I can increase the emoji size via CSS

Twemoji Component does not take a prop className (see here), instead you will have to use the options prop in order to pass a custom css classname
const options = { className: "Twemoji" };
const emoji = () => {
return ( <Twemoji text=":+1:" options={options} /> );
you would also have to add !important to width and height in the css class to take precedence over the element style (see css precedence)
.Twemoji {
width: 4em !important;
height: 4em !important;


Change body background with data-theme attribute on click with React

I'm trying to change the theme in an app using the data attribute and then changing the CSS variables according to the different data-theme values.
In the App component, I check if the user has a default theme set, and use that to set new theme on click
import "./styles.css";
import useLocalStorage from "use-local-storage";
export default function App() {
// Check user set theme mode...
const defaultDark = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches;
// Create theme mode state...
const [theme, setTheme] = useLocalStorage(
defaultDark ? "dark" : "light"
// Handle on click from the theme switcher...
const clickHandler = () => {
const newTheme = theme === "light" ? "dark" : "light";
return (
<div className="App" data-theme={theme}>
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
<button onClick={() => clickHandler()}>Dark Mode</button>
In the styles.css I set the different variables to define the theme
/* Set the dark mode variables... */
[data-theme="dark"] {
--background: black;
--title-text: white;
--desc-text: grey;
/* Set the light mode variables... */
[data-theme="light"] {
--background: white;
--title-text: black;
--desc-text: grey;
/* Page Styles... */
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background: var(--background);
/*The rest of the CSS...*/
The rest of the elements work fine as they are wrapped in an element that has the data-theme attribute. However, the body is not wrapped with the data-theme attribute, so there is no change in the body background. In this example, I used .App but I would like to change the body instead. Is there a way to wrap the body in the data-theme attribute in React?
Here is the link to the full code in CodeSandbox
Full code on CodeSandbox
How about wrap App with div.body them pass data-theme into .body instead and make div.body cover body
<div className='body' data-theme={theme}>
<div className='App'></div>

How can I set background image by dynamic names with styled-component?

I'm trying to set background-image with styled component. In the code below, I want to set background image with different divs, with img_01, img_02, img_03, .....
I saw many cases importing img path and use that, but I want to use dynamic name depending on the variable. Do I need to import all the images and set each of them?
import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
const Div1 = styled.div`
width: ${props => props.width};
background: url('asset/images/img_0${props=>props.num}.png');
class Main extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Div1 width={"475px"} num={1}>
<Div1 width={"154px"} num={2}>
How Can I do that without importing all ?
You can write it like that :
const Div1 = styled.div`
width: ${props => props.width};
background-image: ${props => `url('asset/images/img_0${props.num}.png')`};

How to style body tag with CSS-in-JS approach?

I am a beginner to CSS-in-JS and emotion, and trying to port a sass react app to emotion. Right from the start I already have the issue of not knowing how to style the body tag.
Do people generally use to do this? I can't find this covered anywhere ...
Suppose I want to port following code to emotion, how would that be accomplished?
$bodyFillColor: rgb(218, 236, 236);
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
min-height: 100vh;
max-width: 100vw;
background-color: $bodyFillColor;
.noScroll {
overflow: hidden;
Have any best practices evolved yet that cover this?
With Emotion you can set something up, like the following create-react-app example, to inject global styles:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Global, css } from '#emotion/core'
const bodyFillColor = `rgb(218,236,236)`;
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
body {
background: ${bodyFillColor};
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
min-height: '100vh';
max-width: '100vw';
'body.noScroll': {
// Prevent scrolling; conditionally activate this
// in subcomponents when necessary ...
overflow: 'hidden',
<App />,
This shows an example of injecting a style on the body and also assigning a class to the body that can conditionally be activated later on.
{this.state.activate && <Global styles={{`stylesetc`}}/>}
StyledComponents uses a CSS-in-JS approach and works great with React applications. This is a technique I've used in the past straight from the documentation:
import { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components'
const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
body {
color: ${props => (props.whiteColor ? 'white' : 'black')};
// later in your app
<Navigation /> {/* example of other top-level stuff */}
<GlobalStyle whiteColor />
If you're using react application you can create index.css file and set your wanted properties for the body. Then you must import the index.css file in your index.js file and the changes will take place.
As per the question if the task is as small as changing body's background color in js then below approach can also be followed any where in your code most probably in App.js
if(theme==='dark') = '#000'
else = '#FFF'
No need to use a whole styling library for it.
Also i tried editing, you can try that too according to below example
bgColor = '#000'
bgColor = '#FFF' `background: ${bgColor}`
Remember following 2nd approach you may overwrite whole body style so please take care of that.
I hope this helps :)

gatsby-image: how to import the processed image into css and use it with background-image property

I sucessfully implemented the gatsby-image into my project and replace lots of img tag that are used in my components. But now im trying to optimized the background image for some of my component but i dont know how since using gatsby-image would generate a new img tag, and i cant use that to style as a background for say a div element. can s1 show me how i can use the generated images with css. Here's my code:
const HeaderlineSection = ({headerOne}) => {
<div className="header-back" ></div>
export const query = graphql`
query IndexPageQuery {
headerOne: imageSharp(id: { regex: "/header_one.jpg/" }) {
sizes(maxWidth: 1200 ) {
previously, in my css i use a non optimized image for backgroud-image:
.header-back {
background: url(../images/header_one.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat;
height: 470px;
width: 100%;
I am using gatsby-background-image plugin for that. Here is one exemple of how you can use it :
import React from 'react'
import { graphql, StaticQuery } from 'gatsby'
import styled from 'styled-components'
import BackgroundImage from 'gatsby-background-image'
const BackgroundSection = ({ className }) => (
<StaticQuery query={graphql`
query {
desktop: file(relativePath: { eq: "seamless-bg-desktop.jpg" }) {
childImageSharp {
fluid(quality: 100, maxWidth: 4160) {
render={data => {
const imageData = data.desktop.childImageSharp.fluid
return (
<BackgroundImage Tag="section"
<h1>Hello gatsby-background-image</h1>
const StyledBackgroundSection = styled(BackgroundSection)`
width: 100%;
background-repeat: repeat-y;
export default StyledBackgroundSection
The code is self-explanatory, but basically, element will be replaced with the element that you select in the Tag attribute and will have the background image set to the one selected with the graphql imageSharp query.

How to properly overwrite existing className with emotionJS

I'm trying to use emotion to overwrite the styling of an existing React component from a 3rd party library.
I try my best to simplified the problem in this codesandbox
The ExternalLib simulates a 3rd party component I'm using which I should not change the code.
As you can see it accepts a "prefix" props for css namespace and uses className in static string.(the original one has it as sass variable also)
I first try to get the base className hash with css function, then I try to compose those in emotion way of composition, and I get the expected visual result.
const baseStyle = css`
background-color: blue;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
const getItemStyle = ({ disabled }) => {
return `
height: 50px;
margin: 4px;
background-color: ${disabled ? "gray" : "yellow"};
const getTextStyle = ({ color }) => {
return `
color: ${color}
const StyledExternalLib = styled(ExternalLib)`
.${baseStyle}-track {
.${baseStyle}-text {
however inspecting the style tags, I got many duplicated styles, what am I doing wrong?
you can see there are twice the yellow background
Here what i found, use css prop to the parent tag
"& .class__youwant--overwrite": {
margin: 80
Worked in my case
