NATS messaging : export issue -

I am exploring NATS for my project and stuck while adding exports. Despite '--private' flag is specified, the export is seen to be public when I describe it.
Here is a command I used to add export:
nsc add export -a TestCustomerAccount -n TestCustomerAccountExport -s "customers.TestCustomer.>" --private
$ ./nats-server --version
$ nats-server: v2.1.7
Could someone please help me? Doesn't it look to be a issue?
Thanks and Regards,

Resolved. This was a minor defect. NATS team confirmed this and it is just a cosmetic defect with no impact on the actual functionality.


Firebase (Cloud Functions) - Compile FFmpeg with video stabilization (vidstab)

I'm using Firebase with the Cloud Functions feature and FFmpeg.
I see that FFmpeg is now included by default in the pre-installed packages, as you can see here.
This way, I can use it with a spawn command like this:
await spawn('ffmpeg', [
and it works perfectly.
Unfortunately, when I'm trying to stabilize the video with vidstab, it seems that I have the following error:
ChildProcessError: `ffmpeg -i /tmp/1628240712871_edited.mp4 -vf vidstabdetect=result=transforms.trf -an -f null -` failed with code 1
I think it's because libvidstab is not activated with FFmpeg, as stated below:
To enable compilation of this filter, you need to configure FFmpeg with
Do you have any idea how I can activate/use it?
Thank you in advance
For your information, I achieved to do it.
I had to upload my own binary. For that, I just downloaded a pre-compiled Debian-based Linux environment binary (here, but you can have your own anywhere else ;) ) and put it inside the functions directory.
After that, I just deployed the functions, as usual.
This would result in the functions being deployed along with the binary.
I can now call my own binary with a command like this:
import { spawn } from 'child-process-promise';
await spawn('./ffmpeg', [
// my commands
I hope it helps ;)

Auth fail when running `sbt new`

Here's a transcript so far:
$ sbt new lagom/lagom-scala.g8
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/abrahma/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] Set current project to lagomlife (in build file:/Users/abrahma/Bitbucket/Practice-Scala/LagomLife/)
[info] Set current project to lagomlife (in build file:/Users/abrahma/Bitbucket/Practice-Scala/LagomLife/)
ssh:// Auth fail
I've verified authentication with
$ ssh -T
Hi agam! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Also verified that I can access the repo in question (i.e. I can do the following, in a separate location):
git clone ssh://
Edit: fwiw I'm able to work around whatever the root cause is here:
git clone ssh://
g8 file:///Users/abrahma/tmp/lagom-scala.g8
I ran into this problem as well, and solved it by removing the following from my ~/.gitconfig:
[url ""]
insteadOf =
Are you using OpenSSH 7.8 or newer, and have you recently created your private key?
If so you might be running into the issue described in “Invalid privatekey” when using JSch aka jsch#129.
The root cause was discovered to be the ssh private key mismatch.
The question has a workaround to convert the key file to an older format if that's the error you're seeing.
You need to add your SSH key to the agent:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

How to delete GAVs in Nexus 3 through Nexus REST API

Is there a way to delete GAVs through a REST API in Nexus 3? From various
google searches it appears that this capability existed in Nexus 2, but not in
Nexus 3 yet. Is that true?
I tried the following with my current Nexus installation, which is OSS 3.2.1-01:
I was trying to delete GAV:
groupId = org.mycompany.myproject
artifactId = myartifact
version = 1.0.0
$ curl --request DELETE --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" --write-out '%{http_code}\n' http://my-server:8081/service/local/repositories/my-repo/content/org.mycompany.myproject/myartifact/1.0.0
This gave me a 405.
I also looked at the release notes for 3.3 through 3.5 and nothing jumped out
that REST API support was added.
I also looked into I downloaded
the nexus-book-examples and downloaded several of the Javadocs (nexus-core,
nexus-repository, nexus-common, nexus-script, nexus-commands, nexus-selector)
for version 3.2.1-01 and started to look through the code. It was not clear
where to start with a simple program to delete GAVs.
Am I correct that you cannot delete GAVs through the REST API in Nexus 3? Is
there a plan to support this in a future Nexus 3 release? Is there a way to do
what I want to do by creating a Groovy script using the code referenced by the
REST+and+Integration+API link above? Is there some sample code which will help
bootstrap me to using the above code (either 3.2.1-01, or a newer version of
You might take a look at our Beta REST API in Nexus Repository 3. Upgrade to a version greater than 3.3, preferably to 3.5 (just so you are using latest and greatest) and navigate to:
Since the REST API is currently Beta we have yet to publish documentation or fanfare around it while we let people experiment with it and give us feedback.
You should see endpoints for deleting components and assets. You will likely want to use the component delete, so that it will clean up all associated assets.
Let me know your mileage!
According to the documentation, you can delete an ASSET (individual file) or a COMPONENT (a set of files, like jar+md5+sha1+pom.xml representing an artifact) only if you know the assetId or the componentId
So you should issue a separate search call passing the GAV and finding out the componentId, then use the componentId to delete in a second call.
However I see here and here that people can delete an asset just by specifying the entire path... I have tried with
curl -u admin:admin123 -X "DELETE" -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8081/repository/deployments/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.18/commons-compress-1.18.jar
and it gives me a HTTP 204 (no content). In my case "deployments" is a hosted repository. I have tried the same command on "central" (aproxy repo) and I get a 405.
But if I try to download the whole component (including pom, sha1 etc) with
curl -u admin:admin123 -X "DELETE" -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8081/repository/deployments/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.18/
I get a HTTP 404.
I know, it's painful and in Nexus2 it was much easier.

How to set Floating IP for VM using Apache Brooklyn ?- Floating IPs are required by options, but the extension is not available Error

I am trying to launch a very basic VM using Apache Brooklyn 0.8 on OpenStack ( Liberty) setup . I have mentioned the option
auto-create-floating-ip true
in the YAML but I see the following error-
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Floating IPs are required by
options, but the extension is not available!
Blueprint used:
endpoint: https://myurl
identity: tenant-name:username
credential: "My-password" true
name: VM
- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.EmptySoftwareProcess
name: Empty software process
imageId: RegionOne/image-id
keyPair: my-keypair-name
securityGroups: my-security-group
privateKeyFile: /path/to/my-key/in/brooklyn-machine
loginUser: ubuntu
availabilityZone: nova
Any help ?
Thanks in advance .
This error normally means one of two things:
that the OpenStack endpoint you are targeting does not support the Nova floating IP extension; or
the namespace is different from a "normal" OpenStack setup, so jclouds fails to correctly retrieve the available extensions (e.g. this currently happens for OpenStack devtest).
Can your provision a VM using floating IP manually? If no, it is likely (1) above - see the cloud provider's docs, or ask the administrator which extension should be used instead.
If yes, it is likely (2) - see the jira issue JCLOUDS-1013. You can check this using the nova python client, running the commands below:
nova list-extensions | grep FloatingIps
nova --debug list-extensions 2>&1 | grep namespace
If the namespace is equals to, then you'll need a special jclouds "provider" for openstack-devtest, to tell jclouds to expect this alternate namespace.
Work has been done by Andrea Turli at Cloudsoft for this. The code is at, and there is a pre-built jar at This code may well move into the github jclouds org over time.
Note this code is written against jclouds 1.9.2. That means you'd have to upgrade to Brooklyn 0.9.0. Or if you really want to stick to Brooklyn 0.8.0, create a fork of jclouds-openstack-devtest so you can update the pom/code to be against jclouds 1.9.1.
To use the jclouds-openstack-devtest jar, put it into $BROOKLYN_HOME/lib/patch/, restart Brooklyn, and change your location definition to jclouds:openstack-devtest-compute (instead of jclouds:openstack-nova).
jclouds-openstack-devtest jar with Brooklyn 0.10 solved the above issue

How to pass command line arguments to a Meteor app?

I would like to pass command line arguments to my Meteor app on start up.
For example --dev, --test or --prod indicating whether or not it is running in dev, test or prod environments. It can then load different resources on start up, etc...
I tried something like this in a /server/server.js
var arguments = process.argv.splice(2);
console.log('cmd args: ' + JSON.stringify(arguments,0,4));
The I ran a test. And quite a few others with just random command line arguments.
meteor --dev
The output in the console is only this.
cmd args: [
What is the best way to get command line arguments into a Meteor app?
Or, is this even the correct way to solve the higher level problem? and if not, what is the correct way to solve this problem of distinguishing between running enviro?
Meteor doesn't forward command line args to your app, if it doesn't know them. You have multiple possibilities:
Rewrite parts of meteor.js to forward unrecognized args. This shouldn't be too hard, but it's not a pretty solution. And if updates occur you are in trouble. :D
You could write a small config file and change the behaviour of your app based on the configuration options in there. Take a look at this question.
The easiest thing to do is using environment variables. You can read env vars in node like this. After that you can start your app the "express.js" way: $ METEOR_ENV=production meteor
I hope I could help you! :)
The reason it doesn't work is because the meteor command starts a proxy (which gets the arguments you give) and then it starts the meteor app with --keepalive.
process.argv will have correct values if you build Meteor with meteor build --directory /my/build/path and run it.
