Flask-MQTT disconnects after 'Socket error on client <unknown>' while running on uWSGI NGINX - nginx

I have a setup where I use Flask-MQTT to connect my python Flask API to a Mosquitto broker. Whenever I run the Flask API with the development server all is well. But whenever I spin it up for production (using wsgi+nginx), the connection with Mosquitto is made, but everytime i try to publish something i get the following error:
Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.
My app.ini has the processes configured to 1 (processes = 1)
My mosquitto.config has the allow_anonymous flag set to trye (allow_anonymous true)
I can't really seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong here...
So what i think is happening is that the Flask-uwsgi application is trying to connect to mosquitto more than once. There is a master process that connects with Mosquitto on initialize. Then there is a second process that is being used whenever input is given on the Flask app. I'm not sure, but I think Mosquitto only wants one connection at the time, therefor erroring on the second. So now i either need to:
A) Configure Mosquitto in a way that it accepts multiple connection from the same device
B) Configure Flask in a way that wil only use one single process (configuring processes = 1 is not enough, it will still spawn two processes)

99% of the time, a "Socket error on client <unknown>" is an authentication error. I don't know Flask, so I don't know where to point you at, but something in your code is either trying to pass a username/password that is not defined to Mosquitto, or its trying a TLS connection with an cert that Mosquitto doesn't like.

Alright, it turns I could've read that the whole multiple processes wouldn't work from the start at the official Flask-MQTT documentation. It sais right there in think letters:
Flask-MQTT is currently not suitable for the use with multiple worker
So I looked at my uwsgi app.ini file again closely and actually the answer is quite simple. I turned out i had a like in there master = true.. after I removed that it works like a charm.


How to recover with a retry from gremlin NoHostAvailableException

I am using Gremlin Java driver to connect to a local gremlin server.
Simple code flow
Creating client
Cluster cluster = Cluster.build().addContactPoint(<endp>).port(<port>).enableSsl(false).create()
Client client = cluster.connect();
Submit Script
If when i submit the first time the Gremlin server is down, on subsequent retries after bringing back gremlin server, connection still fails to create.
Exception First attempt when Gremlin Server is down:
org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.NoHostAvailableException: All hosts are considered unavailable due to previous exceptions. Check the error log to find the actual reason
Exception After Gremlin server is brought back up:
tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.NoHostAvailableException: All hosts are considered unavailable due to previous exceptions
One thing to note is i do not create client on retry just do
Submit Script
It is quite possible that Gremlin server may go down anytime, how to recover in such circumstances. Fundamentally is
Normally, the Client should attempt to reconnect to a host that is previously marked unavailable. By default, it should be retrying the host at 1 second intervals as governed by this configuration: connectionPool.reconnectInterval. In your case, however I think you've uncovered a bug where the reconnect attempts are not started because the Client was never able to reach the host in the first place. As of 3.4.11, you can only remedy this by recreating the Client as you noted in your comments. I've created an issue to track this problem here: TINKERPOP-2569

Mosquitto broker : fully init?

I would need to fully initialize my mosquitto 1.5.7 broker , to clean all messages stored in the broker memory, all messages counter....
How can I do it ?
The #SYS always get all stored information when I restart with :
systemctl restart mosquitto
data in #SYS
If I can initialize the broker,does clients will connect again automatically ? (using their "reconnect process ...")
Thank for your help,
It really isn't clear what you are actually asking here, but to clear all the data from a Mosquitto broker you need to shut it down, then delete the persistence file (the path to this file will be in the mosquitto config file normally found in /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf)
Once you have deleted the persistence file restart the broker.
And yes, most clients will reconnect when the broker comes back up, but all their session data will have been lost so they will need to resubscribe to any topics they are interested in.

gRPC not dropping disconnected channel

Steps to reproduce
Start server
Send a client RPC to server
Restart server
Using the same client, send another RPC. The call will fail
Send another RPC, this call will success
Also I found that if the server is leave stopped for a long time before starting up again, the call in step 5 will return "channel is in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE" as well.
Example code: https://github.com/whs/grpc-repro
(Install from requirements.txt then run main.py)
Expected result
All call should success.
Tested with Python grpcio==1.19.0 server/client and with go-grpc server. I tried setting grpc.max_connection_age_grace_ms, grpc.max_connection_age_ms, grpc.max_connection_idle_ms, grpc.keepalive_time_ms, grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls but they doesn't seems to help.
The question is duplicated with https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/grpc-io/199V_iF0NMw/NahHz_vMBwAJ.
The feature you want probably is "wait_for_ready". In case of TRANSIENT_FAILURE (server not available temporarily), it will automatically wait for the channel become READY again without failing. Read more about wait for ready.

TCP > COM1 for receiving messages and displaying on POS display pole

I currently have a Java Applet running on my web page that communicates to a display pole via COM1. However since the Java update I can no longer run self-signed Java Applets and I figure it would just be easier to send an AJAX request back to the server and have the server send a response to a TCP port on the computer...the computer would need a TCP > COM virtual adapter. How do I install a virtual adapter to go from a TCP port to COM1?
I've looked into com0com and that is just confusing as hell to me, and I don't see how to connect any ports to COM1. I've tried tcp2com but it doesn't seem to install the service in Windows 7 x64. I've tried com2tcp and the interface seems like it WOULD work (I haven't tested), but I don't want an app running on the desktop...it needs to be a service that runs in the background.
So to summarize how it would work:
Web page on comp1 sends AJAX request to server
Server sends text response to comp1 on port 999
comp1 has virtual COM port listening on port 999, sends data to COM1
pole displays data
EDIT: I'm using Win 7 x64 and tcp2com doesn't work as a service. I tried using srvany but I get an error stating that the application started then stopped. If I use powershell and pass the tcp2com as an argument, it doesn't quit but it also doesn't run. So I nixed the whole 'service' deal and put the command: powershell -windowstyle hidden "tcp2com --test tcp/999 com1" and it works...sort of. The characters that get sent are all effed. I can write "echo WTF > COM1" on another computer which has COM2TCP (different vendor) and it'll come up as a single block on the POS display pole. However if I use COM2TCP on both the server and client machines, everything works fine...but that's only a trial version and it costs several hundred dollars! On another note, is there a way to send the raw text over IP without having to use another Virtual COM > IP adapter on another computer? Sort of like how curl works but different...?
After somewhat of an exhaustive search, I came across a program called 'piracom'. It's a very simple app that lets you specify port settings for the express purpose of connecting a serial port to an listening port over the network. So this is IP > Serial. For Serial > IP I used HW-VSP3-Single as even on the piracom website it said it's compatible! I've tested and it works!
I just put a shortcut to piracom in the startup folder of my user account; the app runs off of a .ini that it updates every time you make a change...so if you run the server and hide it, on the next reboot of the pc it'll start up running and hidden with all prior settings. Easy.
Now it's a matter of installing HW-VSP3 on the server and making a method on the Rails app which will write to the virtual COM port. The only issue I can see right now is that writing echo \14Test This! > COM3 actually prints the \14...if I do that in my Java applet, it sends the "go to beginning" signal.
Addendum 1: The \14 problem was fixed by using the serialport gem for RoR. I created a method in a controller that returned head :no_content and then send data to the COM port. Calls to this method were made via jQuery's $.Ajax, using "HEAD" HTTP method. Apparently though I had to add the GET verb in Rails routes because the HEAD option isn't supported for some gimpy reason.
Addendum 2: Some garbage data was being sent to the display pole at the end of the string...turns out I needed to turn off the "NVT" option in HW-VSP3. Also keep in mind that firewalls need to be modified to allow communication.

Flex & nginx : Channel.Call.Failed

I created a web application, here is the architecture :
Tomcat7 deploy on Amazon EC2
Granite DS
nginx to redirect HTTPS throught the tomct7 port 8181
Flex application that uses RemoteObject on a secure Channel.
Occasionaly, maybye when a request takes to long time, the execution of a RemoteObject in Flex triggers this error :
faultCode:Channel.Call.Failed faultString:'error' faultDetail:'NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 504'
But in the most time, the response of the Remote object is correct.
Could you tell me if Nginx could block something? Or if BlazeDs has a tomeout?Any clues?
Thank you very much
We've had this issue for a long time...problem is we haven't been able to find a repeatable way to force it to disconnect.
Here the most comprehensive list of things to try that i've been able to find:
We've tried a couple of those solutions and it seems like we're getting less client disconnects.
There also may be a problem with AVG's linkscanner hijacking the request as it leaves the browser, and then losing it somewhere. We had one machine in our shop that would disconnect when using IE, and since uninstalling AVG, it's never happened on that machine again.
another thing you could check is the socket timeout:
NetConnection.Call.Failed happening sporadically in Flex3/Tomcat/BlazeDS/Spring
and here is a thread on adobe forum about the issue:
