Styling Background in Blazor page/component - css

I have a Blazor app, right now, a default "/" page and one called "/rtdpage"
No problem getting the background on the "/" to black
html, body {
background-color: black;
Problem is that I'm looking to get the /rtdpage styled with a
background-color:rgb(189, 191, 193);
I can't figure out how to apply a class to the page/app/body, or get the background to change
#page "/rtdpage"
background-color:rgb(189, 191, 193);
<h1>This is the RTD page</h1>
#code {}
Also dried putting a <div> around and setting it to 100% width and 100% height, but still leaves most of the page black
Obviously, I'm a newbie at this

Second try,
You can create 2 components ;
#page "/Yellow"
body {
background-color: yellow;
#code {
#page "/Blue"
body {
background-color: blue;
#code {
When you then go these pages; you see this;
In case you would like to have a complete blue or yellow page , without anything else, you need to change the MainLayout.razor component to this :
<div class="main">
<div class="content px-4">

You can add background color with inline CSS in main class the color as per your choice like this in MainLayout.razor.
div class="main" style="background-color: #F8F9FB"


Changing css class properties based on condition (*ngIf in angular 2)

I want my css class to change based on condition. I'm trying to use this:
<div *ngIf="dropDownBg==='Active'">
<style type="text/css">
background: green !important;
<div *ngIf="dropDownBg==='Suspended'">
<style type="text/css">
background: red !important;
<div *ngIf="dropDownBg==='Disabled'">
<style type="text/css">
background: grey !important;
But this doesn't work. By default browser seems to be ignoring and divs with *ngIf and only the last style overrides the others. Below is the browser interpretation:
UPDATE: This scenario arose because I'm using ng-select dropdown which internally uses class 'ui-select-toggle'over which I don't have any control. So WEIRD people downvoting this question, please take a note of that.
This is the code:
<div style="min-width: 200px;position: absolute;right: 0">
placeholder="Select a number">
You can't dynamically change stylesheet of the document like this. Instead, define classes for possible situations and change the toggle's class.
Try something like this:
.ui-select-toggle { /* whatever */ }
.ui-select-toggle.suspended { background: red; } { background: green; }
And then change class of the toggle:
An element can have several CSS classes, so that you can define common properties in main class (ui-select-toggle) and extra properties specific for each state in the secondary class.
In your case you must create 3 styles
and you use the directive
[NgClass] = "{style1: condition, style2: condition, style3: condition}
If it's only one property (here being background), you can do this :
<div [style.background]="...">...</div>
In your case, it could be :
<div [style.background]="dropDownBg === 'Active' ? 'green' : dropDownBg === 'Suspended' ? : red : dropDownBg === 'Disabled' ? 'grey' : 'black'">...</div>
With black being your fallback color.

How can I make a same class name unique to different pages

I am using single CSS file for all my pages, but I come across with this problem. I have an almost identical (with minor differences) element on two different pages ( let's say home page and about page; This is my CSS codes for a specific element in the Home page, I want to use this for another page with minor differences. How do I name those two classes,
Do I need to use completely separate class names like .home.topcontainer { and .about.topcontainer { etc, or is there any robust way handling this issue?
What is the best way of naming CSS blocks for different pages, if I am using a single CSS file for my whole website to avoid me get confused over class names?
.top_container {
background-color: #143952;
width: 90%;
font-family: 'Scope One', serif;
The best practice is to add some relevant class in body tag (as you can see in several CMS like magento etc.) and then use like this:
<body class="home">
<div class="top_container">
<!-- Do something -->
<body class="about">
<div class="top_container">
<!-- Do something -->
now you can use css like:
.home .top_container{}
.about .top_container{}
Let's assume this is your Home page
<div id="home">
<div class="top_container">
And this is your about page:
<div id="about">
<div class="top_container top_container_about">
Now, in your CSS file, add the style for the 'top_container' class like so:
.top_container {
//css styles common to the top_container element
And then write the style that's unique to the top_container in the about section:
.top_container_about {
//css style unique to the about section
This is one way which takes advantage of the 'Cascading' property of a 'Cascading Style Sheet'.
Commonly used practice here is to use a base class and a variation to that base class. That way we use the base css-class for both elements and change it a little by overwriting some values with the variant-class. You didn't specify how you want the top containter to change but here is an example:
.top_container {
background: #000;
color: #fff;
width: 200px;
height: 50px;
padding: 10px;
.top_container.top_container--narrow {
width: 100px;
<div class="top_container">
<div class="top_container top_container--narrow">
I add the page name to the body class, and make changes like that using CSS like
.style {
margin: 0;
.home .style {
margin: 10px;
From what I learned in coding scss, it is better to make your class name a general one. In css only you can make it like this:
width: 100%;
<div class="top-container"></div>
<div class="top-container about"></div>
<div class="top-container contact"></div>
The about class will override whatever style you have in top-container. So its easy to use, short and quite simple. You can use this in making your class name a more general one.
If there are same elements on both pages such as Header then you can use the same class name for them on both pages so that they will look exactly identical on both pages. And for making some changes to those elements you can use different CSS selectors. In the below given code, I have used class and id as selectors.
Homepage: header background color is blue.
<header class="top_container" id="home_header">
About page: header background color is red
<header class="top_container" id="about_header">
CSS file:
background-color: blue;
color: white;
background-color: red;
I would do like so. Cause you might have a .top-container on every page you need to set like a "default" style for .top-container. So CSS Cascading Style Sheet. Cascade from top and if an element needs to be a little different just set the differences in a more specific defined class. Something like so:
.top-container {
/* apply all styles for .top-container */
} {
/* this .top-container will have all styles from .top-container defined above */
/* so only define all DIFFERENT things for here */
} {
/* define all DIFFERENT things for here */
/* like before it will always have the .top-container styles */

Is there a way to style elements based on flex-wrap state?

Quite straight forward, is there a way to know whether an element has been wrapped because of flex-wrap and therefore style it differently?
I would use javascript or jquery to achieve this.
My approach would be:
get the offsetTop of the element using :first-of-type selector.
use the each method of jquery to run through all elements and compare if offsetTop of $(this) is different of the offsetTop value you got on step1.
Provide some code if you need help developing it.
You can make the different class with styling that should be applied to that flex-wrap property. You can manage these classes by javascript. Please check the implementation of this approach as:
Here is the code where 2 classes are made, flex-wrap-blue which set flex-wrap to wrap and change color to blue and other class is flex-wrap-green which set flex-wrap to wrap-reverse and change color to green. I am managing these 2 classes by javascript as show the code below:
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button id="btn-wrap">Apply Wrap</button>
<button id="btn-wrap-reverse">Apply Wrap Reverse</button>
<br />
<div class="large-box">
<div class="small-box">One</div>
<div class="small-box">Two</div>
<div class="small-box">Three</div>
<div class="small-box">Four</div>
CSS Code:
.large-box {
border:1px solid #f00;
padding:1% 0 1% 0;
.small-box {
border:1px solid #f0f;
.flex-wrap-blue {
.flex-wrap-green {
Javascript Code:
function addClass(elem, className) {
if (!elem.classList.contains(className)) {
function removeClass(elem, className) {
if (elem.classList.contains(className)) {
const btnWrap = document.getElementById('btn-wrap');
const btnWrapReverse = document.getElementById('btn-wrap-reverse');
const box = document.getElementsByClassName('large-box')[0];
btnWrap.addEventListener('click', function(){
addClass(box, 'flex-wrap-blue');
removeClass(box, 'flex-wrap-green');
btnWrapReverse.addEventListener('click', function(){
addClass(box, 'flex-wrap-green');
removeClass(box, 'flex-wrap-blue');
You can find the code working at my Codepen.

CartoDB: Style block in infowindow get's ignored. Can't override custom styles

I'm trying to make a custom infowindow in CartoDB Editor. From the docs, it should be possible to use a <style> block to specify or override the default styles. But it seems like the whole block get's ignored. When I look at the Chrome Dev Tools, my styles are not present at all. They don't get overridden, they are just not there. Inline styles work fine, though.
The markup for the info window popup:
<style type="text/css">
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom {
background: #666;
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom:before {
border-top: 14px solid #666;
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom h4 {
color: #fff;
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom p {
color: #ff0;
<div class="cartodb-popup v2 custom">
<div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper">
<p>Borough code: {{borocode}}</p>
<div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div>
Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? I already tried it with and without the custom class, but I left it in there, because i thought some extra specifity won't do any harm. I'm pretty sure this <style> approach worked a year ago.
I could do most styling using inline styles, but that's very cumbersome and doesn't work for pseudo elements, like the small popup arrow.
Any way to do this on the web interface, or do we need to host this on our own servers to edit the .js scripts, etc?
This is my map:
The example above is outdated and <style> blocks in the infowindow editor are not allowed any more. You can only use CSS inline styles in the CartoDB frontend editor. To get full control over the infowindow and the tooltip appearance, use cartoDB.js. In this example I'm changing the popup background color to grey:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom {
background: #666;
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom:before {
border-top: 14px solid #666;
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom h3,
div.cartodb-popup.v2.custom p {
color: #fff;
<section id="map"></section>
<script type="infowindow/html" id="template">
<div class="cartodb-popup v2 custom">
<div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper">
<div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
cartodb.createVis('map', '', {
tiles_loader: true,
center_lat: 48.6,
center_lon: 11.4,
zoom: 7
.done(function(vis, layers) {
var subLayer = layers[1].getSubLayer(1);
// Select template from dom
subLayer.infowindow.set('template', $('#template').html());
Weirdly, I was able to get my infowindow to dynamically get taller without using any script tags. I set the width of the window using the web interface, and then added this to the infowindow custom HTML by clicking the button near the top.
{{mtrsrc}} is a column in my table.
Here's my code:
<div class="cartodb-popup v2 custom_infowindow">
<div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper">
<div class="row">
<div class="label"></div>
<div class="info">
<img height="300" src="{{mtrsrc}}.png" />
<div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div>

position a picture in the middle

I (absolute beginner) would like to put an image into a box with a little margin around. I tried with padding and so, didn't work. Then I tried this:
<div style="border:1px solid #CC6699; width:11em; height:5.5em;">
<img style="align:center; width:10em; height:5em;" src="path">
But instead the image gets stuck in the upper left corner.
Couple of ways to do this:
My usual is to set a background image instead.
In your css:
div#img_container {
background: url(images/myImage.png) center center
In your html:
<div id="img_container"></div>
Or to just put some padding around it in your CSS
img#myImage {
padding: 20px;
and the HTML
<img id="myImage" src="images/myImage.png" />
Try this:
#wrap {
width: 500px;
text-align: center;
.pic {
padding: 5px;
border: 2px solid #000;
<div id="wrap">
<img src="logo.gif" class="pic">
CSS level 2 doesn't have a property for centering things vertically. There will probably be one in CSS level 3. But even in CSS2 you can center blocks vertically, by combining a few properties. The trick is to specify that the outer block is to be formatted as a table cell, because the contents of a table cell can be centered vertically.
<div style="border:1px solid #CC6699; width:11em; height:5.5em;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;display:table-cell;">
<img style="width:10em; height:5em;" src="path">
As rpflo suggests, using the background-position property is especially great if the container happens to be smaller than the image. Just remember to include the "background-repeat:none" style if you don't want the image to be tiled.
Use the following small jQuery plugin. It centers the loading image in the middle of the specified container (vertically and horizontally):
Demo site:
Usage: This plugin positions a loading image centrally over a specified html container (div, span...).
Currently available configuration settings:
{ path: "../Images/ajax.gif", overlayColor: 'green', opacity: 0.2, zindex: 2000, isrelative:true }
Minimum configuration for initialization:
$('.4th').CenterImage({ path: "../Images/ajax-bar.gif" });
Call this, in order to remove the loading image (and the overlay)
