How to Customise the Extent Report by removing unwanted graphs and Extra space - extentreports

is there a way to remove Steps Graph and Logs Graph From the extent report and customise the layout. (Need to remove the graphs in the highlighted in red)
Example Image
Updated Issue: I was able to hide the unwanted graphs using the configuration.xml file
<!-- custom javascript -->
$(document).ready(function() {
document.getElementsByClassName("col-sm-12 col-md-4")[1].style.setProperty("display","none");
document.getElementsByClassName("col-sm-12 col-md-4")[2].style.setProperty("display","none");
<!-- custom styles -->
but now the graph layout is not nice.. there are lots of unwanted blank space.
is there a way to fix the layout issue
Updated Image

Hate to reply for the my own question :)
but found a way to do this using java script.
in the extent report configurations add the following line to resize the Test results graph
sparkReporter.config().setJS("document.getElementsByClassName('col-sm-12 col-md-4')[0].style.setProperty('min-inline-size','-webkit-fill-available');");


Set a Grid next to another in a gwt Page

What kind of styling should I set to two Grids in order the one to stand next to the other? In the way I have created them in the xml file, the second stands below the other and it does not comply with the style of the general Page:
<z:StaticDataGrid ui:field="staticDataGrid" />
<z:DataGrid ui:field="displayedDataGrid" />
StaticDataGrid and DataGrid are class representing Grid.
Place the grids inside a HorizontalPanel to place them side by side.
<z:StaticDataGrid ui:field="staticDataGrid" />
<z:DataGrid ui:field="displayedDataGrid" />

Should I use PurePDF or AlivePdf

My company has only two flex pdf libraries available, AlivePDF and PurePDF.
I am having trouble finding very good documentation related to what I need to do so I hope to get some feedback from people who have used these libs.
The primary thing I need to do is paste a group of DisplayObjects into a pdf, with decent quality of the image. I had used org.alivepdf.pdf.PDF.addImage(..) function before but the image quality was very poor and somehow the process cropped off parts of the image, making it unusable.
Here is an example of something that might need to be pasted into a pdf:
<s:HGroup id="imageGroup">
<s:Label text="Chart Title" />
<mx:Legend dataProvider="myChart" />
<mx:LineChart id="myChart">
<!-- do chart stuff here -->
PDF.addImage() generates low resolution graphics. For higher quality, use this instead:
take a snapshot of the image group using ImageSnapshot.captureImage(), setting the dpi to 300
add the resulting bytearray to the PDF using addImageStream()
I have used AlivePDF for a while. There are a few quirks and the documentation is sparse, but this is workable and the results are great.

Loss of image quality when zooming in Flex Mobile application

i have a mobile application that i am creating in Adobe Flex (Flash Builder 4), and i am trying to create a zoom function. The one i have works, but the point is to be able to more easily read words that are in the image (the images are .jpg files). The images are 2550x3300 originally, but as soon as you zoom, the image quality reduces drastically, and nothing is readable.
My code for the zoom function is included below.
protected function onZoom(e:TransformGestureEvent, img:Image):void
img.transformAround(new Vector3D(e.localX, e.localY, 0), new Vector3D(img.scaleX*e.scaleX, img.scaleY*e.scaleY, 0));
and this is the code for the image object:
<s:Image id="titlepage" includeIn="title_page" x="0" y="0" width="320" height="415"
gesturePan="onPan(event, titlepage)"
gestureZoom="onZoom(event, titlepage)"
Image quality would be improved by setting smooth to true for anti-aliasing.
<s:Image smooth="true" />
There are many ways to handle registration issues - you might be interested in Yahoo Astra utils DynamicRegistration class.
Maybe something like this?
protected function image_gestureZoomHandler(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
new Point(event.localX, event.localY),
image.scaleX *= event.scaleX,
image.scaleY *= event.scaleY);
<s:Image id="image"
gestureZoom="image_gestureZoomHandler(event)" />
I'm not positive on this, but I think the 'transform' functions creates a bitmap out of your Image which is why you're losing quality. Try using the 'smoothing' attribute on your image.
From there, it's simply scaling and moving your image incrementally. However, what I'm not sure about is if the localX/Y property is from the original place of touch, or of the new position on the container (ie. if you're pinch/zooming from the middle and it scales, will the point still be on the middle or slightly top left).
I'll try to test this out on my phone and see what I come up with.

Drag & Drop involving accordion panes (VB/ASP)

I have an accordion control in ASP 3.5, with multiple accordion panes. For the sake of simplicity, I will only focus on one pane as the problem is pane specific. Using JQuery, I created a draggable function and applied it to my .drag CSS class. On Page_Load, I create a bunch of image objects and assign that class to them, in addition to an image. Once I load the page, I can drag all the images around as intended. What I can't do, however, is drag those images outside of the accordion panel they were created in! Is there a way around that? I tried using this, but to no avail:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$(".drag").draggable({ containment: 'document' });
Is there something in the actual aspx page that I should be focusing on? I'm adding the images to a panel in my accordion pane, and it looks like this:
<ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane id="AccordionPane1" runat="server">
<Header> Chassis</Header>
<asp:Panel ID="ChassisPanel" runat="server">
I appreciate any guidance!
Have you tested this in multiple browsers? Sounds to me like an issue I had with IE. Perhaps adding a large Z-Index value to your .drag class in CSS would help.
All I had to do was add the clone helper, then anything I drag is able escape its parent container. This is how I updated my drag line and now it works:
$('.drag').draggable({ revert: true,helper: 'clone' });}
Now for the life I me I can't figure out the droppable bit :)

displaying HTML inside a Flex application

I have some HTML that is generated via a Rich Text Editor outside of my Flex application but would like to display it inside Flex.
The HTML is simple HTML tags, things like styles, anchors, and possibly image tags, is there a control that would let me render this HTML in flex or am I going to have to roll up my sleeves and roll my own?
Any ideas appreciated...Thanks.
If the HTML is really simple, you can display it in a normal label or textarea component, If it is more complex, I'll quote what I answered in this question. The discussion there also has a little more info.
If it is complex HTML and Javascript, one possible way is HTMLComponent, a method that uses an iframe over your flash to make it appear like the HTML is in your app. There are a few downsides to this method however - most of them described in detail at
If this can move offline, you could use Air (it has an mx:HTML component built in). has a detail of this technique as well.
Check out the documentation on mx.controls.Label and flash.text.TextField (which is what displays the text in a Text or Label control in Flex). The TextField documentation states that
The <img> tag lets you embed external image files (JPEG, GIF, PNG), SWF files, and movie clips inside text fields. Text automatically flows around images you embed in text fields. To use this tag, you must set the text field to be multiline and to wrap text.
Which means that you can display an image in a Text component in Flex by setting its htmlText property to some HTML which contains an <img> tag. You can't use Label, because it is not multiline.
I've noticed that text fields have trouble with properly measuring their heights if the images displayed in them are left or right aligned with text flowing around them (e.g. align="left"). You may have to add some extra spacing below to counter that if you plan to use aligned images.
You will have to use flex iFrame control.
It is not an 100% flash solutions, and combines a bit of js calls but works perfectly for me.
You can grab latest source code from github
Here is some sample code from the component author.
A basic example application showing how to embed a local html page in a Flex application.
#author Alistair Rutherford
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
<!-- Example project presentation -->
<mx:ApplicationControlBar dock="true">
<mx:Text selectable="false">
<mx:htmlText><![CDATA[<font color="#000000" size="12"><b>flex-iframe - Simple html example</b><br>This example shows how to embed a simple Html page in a Flex application.</font>]]></mx:htmlText>
<!-- HTML content stored in a String -->
<mx:String id="iFrameHTMLContent">
<p>Simple HTML Test application. This test app loads a page of html locally.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> is based on the work of</p>
<li>Christophe Coenraets</li>
<li>Brian Deitte</li>
<!-- Example using the 'source' property -->
<mx:Panel title="A simple Html page embedded with the 'source' property"
<flexiframe:IFrame id="iFrameBySource"
<!-- Example using the 'content' property -->
<mx:Panel title="A simple Html page embedded with the 'content' property"
<flexiframe:IFrame id="iFrameByContent"
Indeed you can display images in a TextArea component. The approach is not entirely without problems though...
