Replacing NAs in a time variable in R - r

I am having issues when dealing with the NAs in my dataframe.
The variable that has all the NAs is a time variable in the format HMS. I want to replace the NAs with 00:00:00.
Here is an example of what I am looking at.
< time> 00:00:07, 00:00:02, NA, 00:00:00, NA, 00:00:00, 00:00:00, NA, 00:00:00
Or a better view might be
'hms' num [1:965201] 00:00:07 00:00:02 NA 00:00:00 ...
- attr(*, "units")= chr "secs"
I have tried to run the following code but it returns the same data with no changes.
K$hold_time[$hold_time)] <- 0
Also when I run this line it gives me the correct amount of NAs so I know that R is picking them up correctly.

It looks like hold_time is of class hms. Try using :
k$hold_time[$hold_time)] <- hms::hms(0)
Reproducible example :
k <- data.frame(hold_time = hms::hms(sample(100, 10)))
k$hold_time[c(5, 8)] <- NA
# hold_time
#1 00:00:31
#2 00:01:19
#3 00:00:51
#4 00:00:14
#5 NA
#6 00:00:42
#7 00:00:50
#8 NA
#9 00:01:37
#10 00:00:25
k$hold_time[$hold_time)] <- hms::hms(0)
# hold_time
#1 00:00:31
#2 00:01:19
#3 00:00:51
#4 00:00:14
#5 00:00:00
#6 00:00:42
#7 00:00:50
#8 00:00:00
#9 00:01:37
#10 00:00:25


Efficient way for insertion of multiple rows at given indices & with repetitions

I have a data frame (DATA) with > 2 million rows (observations at different time points) and another data frame (INSERTION) which gives info about missing observations. The latter object contains 2 columns: 1st column with row indices after which empty (NA) rows should be inserted into DATA, and 2nd column with the number of empty rows that should be inserted at that position.
Below is a minimum working example:
DATA <- data.frame(datetime=strptime(as.character(c(201301011700, 201301011701, 201301011703, 201301011704, 201301011705, 201301011708, 201301011710, 201301011711, 201301011715, 201301011716, 201301011718, 201301011719, 201301011721, 201301011722, 201301011723, 201301011724, 201301011725, 201301011726, 201301011727, 201301011729, 201301011730, 201301011731, 201301011732, 201301011733, 201301011734, 201301011735, 201301011736, 201301011737, 201301011738, 201301011739)), format="%Y%m%d%H%M"), var1=rnorm(30), var2=rnorm(30), var3=rnorm(30))
INSERTION <- data.frame(index=c(2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 19), repetition=c(1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1))
Now I'm looking for an efficient (and thus fast) way to insert the n empty rows at given row indices of the original file. How can I additionally complement the correct datetimes for these empty rows (add 1 minute for every new row; however, every weekend and bank holidays there are some regular gaps which are not contained in INSERTION!)?
Any help is appreciated!
Looking at the pattern in INSERTION and matching it with DATA most probably you are trying to fill the missing minutes in datetime of DATA. You can create a dataframe with every minute sequence from min to max value of datetime from DATA and then merge
merge(data.frame(datetime = seq(min(DATA$datetime), max(DATA$datetime),
by = "1 min")),DATA, all.x = TRUE)
# datetime var1 var2 var3
#1 2013-01-01 17:00:00 -1.063326 0.11925 -0.788622
#2 2013-01-01 17:01:00 1.263185 0.24369 -0.502199
#3 2013-01-01 17:02:00 NA NA NA
#4 2013-01-01 17:03:00 -0.349650 1.23248 1.496061
#5 2013-01-01 17:04:00 -0.865513 -0.51606 -1.137304
#6 2013-01-01 17:05:00 -0.236280 -0.99251 -0.179052
#7 2013-01-01 17:06:00 NA NA NA
#8 2013-01-01 17:07:00 NA NA NA
#9 2013-01-01 17:08:00 -0.197176 1.67570 1.902362
#10 2013-01-01 17:09:00 NA NA NA
Or using similar logic with tidyr::complete
tidyr::complete(DATA, datetime = seq(min(datetime), max(datetime), by = "1 min"))
If performance is a factor on a large data frame, this approach avoids joins:
# Generate new data.frame containing missing datetimes
tmp <- data.frame(datetime = DATA$datetime[with(INSERTION, rep(index, repetition))] + sequence(INSERTION$repetition)*60)
# Create variables filled with NA to match main data.frame
tmp[setdiff(names(DATA), names(tmp))] <- NA
# Bind and sort
new_df <- rbind(DATA, tmp)
new_df <- new_df[order(new_df$datetime),]
head(new_df, 15)
datetime var1 var2 var3
1 2013-01-01 17:00:00 0.98789253 0.68364933 0.70526985
2 2013-01-01 17:01:00 -0.68307496 0.02947599 0.90731512
31 2013-01-01 17:02:00 NA NA NA
3 2013-01-01 17:03:00 -0.60189915 -1.00153188 0.06165694
4 2013-01-01 17:04:00 -0.87329313 -1.81532302 -2.04930719
5 2013-01-01 17:05:00 -0.58713154 -0.42313098 0.37402224
32 2013-01-01 17:06:00 NA NA NA
33 2013-01-01 17:07:00 NA NA NA
6 2013-01-01 17:08:00 2.41350911 -0.13691754 1.57618578
34 2013-01-01 17:09:00 NA NA NA
7 2013-01-01 17:10:00 -0.38961552 0.83838954 1.18283382
8 2013-01-01 17:11:00 0.02290672 -2.10825367 0.87441448
35 2013-01-01 17:12:00 NA NA NA
36 2013-01-01 17:13:00 NA NA NA
37 2013-01-01 17:14:00 NA NA NA

interpolation for limited number of NA

i have a dataframe df with a column containing values (meter reading). Some values are sporadically missing (NA).
df excerpt:
row time meter_reading
1 03:10:00 26400
2 03:15:00 NA
3 03:20:00 27200
4 03:25:00 28000
5 03:30:00 NA
6 03:35:00 NA
7 03:40:00 30000
What I'm trying to do:
If there is only one consecutive NA, I want to interpolate (e.g. na.interpolation for row 2).
But if there's two or more consecutive NA, I don't want R to interpolate and leave the values as NA. (e.g. row 5 and 6).
What I tried so far is loop (for...) with an if-condition. My approach:
for(i in 1:(nrow(df))) {
if(!$meter_reading[i]) &$meter_reading[i-1]) & !$meter_reading[i-2])) {
Giving me :
Error in if (!$meter_reading[i]) &$meter_reading[i - :
argument is of length zero
Any ideas how to do it? Am I completely wrong here?
I don't knaow what is your na.interpolation, but taking the mean of previous and next rows for example, you could do that with dplyr :
df %>% mutate(x=ifelse(,
# row time meter_reading x
#1 1 03:10:00 26400 26400
#2 2 03:15:00 NA 26800
#3 3 03:20:00 27200 27200
#4 4 03:25:00 28000 28000
#5 5 03:30:00 NA NA
#6 6 03:35:00 NA NA
#7 7 03:40:00 30000 30000
A quick look shows that your counter i starts at 1 and then you try to get index at i-1 andi-2.
Just an addition here, in the current imputeTS package version, there is also a maxgap option for each imputation algorithm, which easily solves this problem. Probably wasn't there yet, as you asked this question.
Your code would look like this:
na_interpolation(df, maxgap = 1)
This means gaps of 1 NA get imputed, while longer gaps of consecutive NAs remain NA.

Cut timestamp into numeric slots in R

I have timestamp column, having data in the form 2016-01-01 00:41:23
I want to convert this data into 12 slots each of 2hrs from the entire dataset. The data is of not importance, only the time needs to be considered.
00:00:00 - 01:59:59 - slot1
02:00:00 - 03:59:59 - slot2
22:00:00 - 23:59:59 - slot12
How can I achieve this in R?
x <- c("01:59:59", "03:59:59", "05:59:59",
"07:59:59", "09:59:59", "11:59:59",
"13:59:59", "15:59:59", "17:59:59",
"19:59:59", "21:59:59", "23:59:59")
cut(pickup_time, breaks = x)
Above code gives error: : 'x' must be numeric
Considering your dataframe as df we can use cut with breaks of 2 hours.
df$slotnumber <- cut(strptime(df$x, "%H:%M:%S"), breaks = "2 hours",
labels = paste0("slot", 1:12))
# x slotnumber
#1 01:59:59 slot1
#2 03:59:59 slot2
#3 05:59:59 slot3
#4 07:59:59 slot4
#5 09:59:59 slot5
#6 11:59:59 slot6
#7 13:59:59 slot7
#8 15:59:59 slot8
#9 17:59:59 slot9
#10 19:59:59 slot10
#11 21:59:59 slot11
#12 23:59:59 slot12
df <- data.frame(x)

Recode Date (time) varibre in to new discrete variable

i have time variable : "00:00:29","00:06:39","20:43:15"....
and I want to recode to new vector - time based work shifts:
07:00:00 - 13:00:00 - 1
13:00:00 - 20:00:00 - 2
23:00:00 - 7:00:00 - 3
thanks for any idea :)
Assuming the time variables are strings as shown, this seems to work:
secNr <- function(x){ sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x,":",fixed=TRUE))) * c(3600,60,1)) }
workShift <- function(x)
n <- which.max(secNr(x) >= c(secNr("23:00:00"),secNr("20:00:00"),secNr("13:00:00"),secNr("07:00:00"),secNr("00:00:00")))
"workShift" computes the work shift of one such time string. If you have a vector of time strings, use "sapply". Example:
> Time <- sprintf("%i:%02i:00", 0:23, sample(0:59,24))
> Shift <- sapply(Time,"workShift")
> Shift
0:37:00 1:17:00 2:35:00 3:09:00 4:08:00 5:28:00 6:03:00 7:43:00 8:27:00 9:38:00 10:48:00 11:50:00 12:58:00 13:32:00 14:05:00 15:39:00 16:56:00
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
17:00:00 18:22:00 19:02:00 20:42:00 21:11:00 22:15:00 23:01:00
2 2 2 NA NA NA 3

Calculating elapsed time for different interview dates in R

So my data looks like this
subjid type date
1 a baseline 2013-02-07
2 a first 2013-02-27
3 a second 2013-04-30
4 b baseline 2013-03-03
5 b first 2013-05-23
6 c baseline 2013-01-02
7 c first 2013-07-23
8 d baseline 2013-03-29
9 e baseline 2013-06-03
and I'm trying to make a variable "elapsedtime" that denotes the time elapsed from the baseline date to first and second round interview dates (so that elapsedtime=0 for baselines). Note that it varies individually whether they have taken further interviews.
I tried to reshape the data so that I could subtract each dates but my brain isn't really functioning today--or is there another way?
Please help and thank you.
Screaming out for ave:
I'll throw an NA value in there just for good measure:
And you should probably sort the data to be on the safe side:
dat$type <- ordered(dat$type,levels=c("baseline","first","second","third") )
dat <- dat[order(dat$subjid,dat$type),]
Turn your date into a proper Date object:
dat$date <- as.Date(dat$date)
Then calculate the differences:
dat$elapsed <- ave(as.numeric(dat$date),dat$subjid,FUN=function(x) x-x[1] )
# subjid type date elapsed
#1 a baseline 2013-02-07 0
#2 a first <NA> NA
#3 a second 2013-04-30 82
#4 b baseline 2013-03-03 0
#5 b first 2013-05-23 81
#6 c baseline 2013-01-02 0
#7 c first 2013-07-23 202
#8 d baseline 2013-03-29 0
#9 e baseline 2013-06-03 0
This makes no assumptions that baseline is the always at position 1:
dat$date <- as.Date(dat$date)
dat$elapesed <- unlist(by(dat, dat$subjid, FUN=function(x) {
as.numeric(x$date - x[x$type=="baseline",]$date)
