ngx-gallery width and height options missing - css

I'm wondering, how to give ngx-gallery ( a new height. It has a fixed value of 500px and changing the parent divs height is not changing anything.
I was looking either for some attribute in the template like this
[height] = '250px'>
Followup-question: In the Stackblitz, the behaviour is fit-height (regarding the black background) and in my application it is fit-width, so the black stripes are above and under the image. How can i change this too?
(which was possible on older? version , but is no more a valid attribute)
some css code (looking in the dev tools, the sliding images are labeled div.g-template.g-item-template), which is also not possible to overwrite:
div.g-template.g-item-template {
height: 200px !important;

Demo add class to galery element
<div class="basic-container">
<h2>Gallery component</h2>
<gallery class="custom"
[playerInterval] = 5000
in css change


Sign In With Google button responsive design

Is there any way to make the new "Sign In With Google" button responsive? Specifically, vary the width based on the width of the containing element? I'd really just like to set the width to 100%.
I'm aware I can set the data-width attribute but this sets it to an explicit width and doesn't update if you change it after the initial script load - you have to reload the whole script to resize the width.
This isn't a perfect solution but it works for us. We're using Twitter Bootstrap.
The new JavaScript library has a renderButton method. You can therefore render the button multiple times on one page passing different widths to each button using something like this (400 is the max width allowed by the library)
private renderAllGoogleSignInButtons(): void {
this.renderGoogleSignInButton(document.getElementById('google-signin-xs'), 400);
this.renderGoogleSignInButton(document.getElementById('google-signin-sm'), 280);
this.renderGoogleSignInButton(document.getElementById('google-signin-md'), 372);
this.renderGoogleSignInButton(document.getElementById('google-signin-lg'), 400);
this.renderGoogleSignInButton(document.getElementById('google-signin-xl'), 400);
private renderGoogleSignInButton(element: HTMLElement, width: number){
const options {
type: 'standard',
width: width
};, options);
We then use the display classes from bootstrap to hide/show each button depending on the size.
<div class="mx-auto" style="max-width: 400px">
<div class="d-none-sm d-none-md d-none-lg d-none-xl">
<div id="google-signin-xs"></div>
<div class="d-none d-none-md d-none-lg d-none-xl">
<div id="google-signin-sm"></div>
<div class="d-none d-none-sm d-none-lg d-none-xl">
<div id="google-signin-md"></div>
<div class="d-none d-none-sm d-none-md d-none-xl">
<div id="google-signin-lg"></div>
<div class="d-none d-none-sm d-none-md d-none-lg">
<div id="google-signin-xl"></div>
We use a wrapper container with mx-auto and a max-width to center the buttons but you don't have to do this.
Our actual implementation is slightly different than the above as we're using Angular and the button is a component but you can get the idea from the above.
The only drawback with this method is that the "personalized button" doesn't seem to display for all rendered buttons but it doesn't seem to affect their functionality.
This answer is based on the new Google Identity Services.
You could try listening for a resize in the window using the resize event, then re-render the Google Sign In button on change. The assumption here is that the container will respond to match the window size:
addEventListener('resize', (event) => {});
onresize = (event) => {
const element = document.getElementById('someContainer');
if (element) {
renderGoogleButton(document.getElementById('googleButton'), element.offsetWidth); // adjust to whatever proportion of the "container" you like
renderGoogleButton(element, width) {
const options = {
type: 'outline',
width: width
}, options);
I've also had better results when the button is centered, not left aligned. The following in Bootstrap:
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div id="googleButton"></div>
NB: The max width for the Google button as of the time of writing is 400px, so bear that value in mind as the limit.
I did a workaround, and it worked for me. As I needed the button to have 100% width in mobile devices.
If you have another element on the screen that behaves the same way you need (like having its width 100%), you can select it using a querySelector, and get its width element.clientWidth, after this you can pass the width to the renderButton function provided by google.
But this solution is not valid if you would like the button to change its size on resizing.
I used transform: scale like this in the CSS:
.sign_in_btn_wrapper {
transform: scale(1.5, 1.5);
float: left;
margin-left: 20vmin;
font-weight: bold;
Then, instead of wrapping it as I intended, I found that it was fine to just add the class directly to the goog div:
<div class="g_id_signin sign_in_btn_wrapper"
By fiddling with combinations of data-size and data-width, along with the scaling factors, I was able to make it the size I wanted. You can use CSS media queries to adjust the 'transform: scale' values so that it is 'Responsive' to the display size of the user's device. You could also use other trickier methods by having JS tweak variables in your CSS that are then used to set the scaling factors.
Good luck. You'd think it'd be in the interest of these big 'sign in with' providers to get together a coordinating working group to make it easier for web site developers to make all the sign-in buttons the same damn size -- you know they'd rather not have their button come out smaller, and pages look better when things are uniform. And what's with only having dimensions in pixels? At least give us vw, vh, and my favorite: vmin. (Using vmin to set things like font size means you can often skip more tedious RWD contortions and call it good enough.) </end_rant>

I want to apply a background image to the body of only one component

I am very new to React, so apologies for the mistakes in advance.
In my React app, say I have 2 components and as the CSS styles are global, it picks up CSS styles from all the files.
However, I wish to add a full background image to one of the components which I was able to achieve by using this code in my CSS file:
body {
background-image: url("../image.jpg");
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
The problem is that the same image is also being applied to another component. I read a few answers and found that I can use ComponentDidMount hook and add the image to the body tag there. I tried that, but it doesn't show anything.
componentDidMount() { = "url('../image.jpg')"; = "center"; = "no-repeat"; = "cover";
I realized I had the wrong wording for the question. What I mean to say is that I have two pages in React. For one of the pages, I want a full background image. However, because CSS styles are global, the background image is getting applied to all the pages.
You can use inline styling or specific styling by assigning a specific class or ID to the top element of one component.
// If Background variable has url to the background image.
const style = {
backgroundImage: `url(${Background})`
// in component use that inline style
return (
<div style={style}></div>
IF YOU WANT TO WORK with body only...
then add a class to body on component A mount and remove the class on component B mount. And attach the background property to the class.
A component usually return some jsx and in most cases a div. In other to apply a css to a single component I mean the jsx the component is rendering. you should define a css class, that apply a background image to the div the component is rendering and make the height of the div the window height. you can do this via inline css all
const MainDiv =()=>(
<div classname="testClass">
This will show background image in the covering the entire body
//Other content of your page can be added here like the rest of your page contents
This is my blog post
this is my navbar
ReactDOM.render(<MainDiv />, document.getElementById("root"));
backgroundImage :"url('../image.jpg')";
backgroundPosition :"center";
backgroundRepeat : "no-repeat";
background-size : "cover";
width: 100%;
height: 100vh

Adjust Angular UI Boostrap Modal Size/Width

Essentially what the title says - need to make this wider. Tried several solutions, neither work. Note that the "backdropClass" is applied perfectly and works, but the windowClass doesn't, nor the "size" option. I have tried them independently, nothing. CSS is in the same folder as the working backdrop class"
templateUrl: 'myTemplate.html',
controller: 'controllingControllerCtrl',
backdrop: 'static',
backdropClass : 'blackBackgroundModal ' +
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow' +
size: 'sm'
.resizeModalWindow .resizeModalDialog {
width: 5000px;
What needs to be done for at least the "size" option to register - I don't really need custom widths.
Edit: Forgot checked links!
Checked this Q first
Then this
And of course docs
bootstrap css has media queries defining the width of a modal based on screen size. to globally overwrite them use !important
like this
.modal {
size: 5000px !important;
You should have white space between those two classes will recognize by the css rule.
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow ' +'resizeModalDialog',
^^^added space here
Add this to your CSS:
.resizeModalDialog .modal-dialog{
width: 5000px;
Add the property where you instance the modal
windowClass will not resize another way.

Make the width 100% of textarea inside an xeditable using angularJS

In this example when the user want to edit the row or to add a new one, you can see the width of text-area(Description column) don't follow the width of the td, so I added some CSS, but no changes. So how can I make the width take the 100% of the td using CSS ?
This is the code :
<span style="width:100%" editable-textarea="user.status" e-name="" e-form="rowform" e-ng-options="s.value as s.text for s in statuses">
{{ showStatus(user) }}
This is the EXAMPLE.
The span that you are adding width: 100% to actually gets hidden. What you need to do is update the CSS for the class of the span that appears that wraps the inputs. Seems to be .editable-wrap

CSS positioning to fill container: width vs. left/right?

For elements that are absolutely positioned inside a relatively
positioned container.
If you want the element to fill the width of the container.
The element is also bottom-aligned.
Is it best for maximum browser compatibility to set a width in pixels for the element, or simply use left and right?
Any common bugs to watch out for with either method?
Clearly, using left: 0; and right: 0; would make the code more manageable in cases where the image's width or padding were to change, but are there any downsides where width: 300px would be favorable instead?
Historically we learnt to use width instead of left & right because IE6 didn't support
at the same time the two properties of the same axis
<div style="top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;">modern browsers</div>
<div style="top:0;height:100%;position:absolute;">MSIE6</div>
<div style="left:0;right:0;position:absolute;">modern browsers</div>
<div style="left:0;width:100%;position:absolute;">MSIE6</div>
<div style="left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;">modern browsers</div>
<div style="left:0;top:0;height:100%;width:100%;position:absolute;">MSIE6</div>
Also, this technique will not work on some elements (including on modern browsers, by spec )
<!-- these will not work -->
<!-- edit: on some browsers they may work,
but it's not standard, so don't rely on this -->
<iframe src="" style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;"></iframe>
<textarea style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;"></textarea>
<input type="text" style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;">
<button ... ></button>
and possibly others... (some of these can't even be display:block)
But, analysing what happens in the normal static flow using the width:auto property
<div style="width:auto;padding:20px;margin:20px;background:lime;">a</div>
You will see it's very similar to...
<div style="width:auto;padding:20px;margin:20px;background:lime;
... same properties with the same values! This is really nice! Otherwise it will look like:
<div style="width:100%;height:100%;
<div style="padding:20px;margin:20px;
Which is also different, because the inner div doesn't fill the y axis.
To fix this we will need css calc() or box-sizing and an unnecessary headache.
My answer is, left + right | top + bottom are really cool since they are closest to the static positioning's width:auto
and there is no reason to not use them. They are way easier to use compared to the alternative and they
provide much more functionality (for example, using margin-left, padding-left and left at the same time in
one single element).
left + right | top + bottom is considerably
better supported by browsers compared to the alternative width:100% + box-sizing | calc()
and it's also easier to use!
Of course if you don't need (as in your example) to grow the element also in the y axis,
width:100% using some nested element for the padding, it's the only solution to archive support also for MSIE6
So, depends by your needs. If you want to support MSIE6 (it's the only actual reason to do that) you should use with:100%, otherwise use left + right!
Hoping to be helpful.
Both methods are fine, but if you want your design to be responsive or mobile phone compatible - I would recommend using Left: and Bottom: if the container is not enclosed in <div>.
If it is enclosed in a <div> then doing it with width: 100% ormax-width: 200px is a way in my opinion that causes least display problems.
Avoid using fixed widths in CSS if you want your theme to be responsive.
Both of the solution is working in every browser without any problems. In these cases I like to add a width: 100%; left: 0; bottom: 0; for the element, but if you like left:0;right:0; bottom:0; more, than you can use that, too.
I haven't tested this on all browsers (and modes) but for the IE quirks mode (e.g. in an .HTA without !DOCTYPE defined), I have created a subroutine that corrects the WIDTH or HEIGHT on elements where the LEFT/RIGHT style or the TOP/BOTTOM style are set (not “auto”). To avoid going in to all kind of unit conversions, the routine temporary removes the LEFT (or TOP) style and sets the WIDTH (or HEIGHT) to 100% to determine the RIGHT (or BOTTOM) offset in pixels.
The script is written in VBScript, but it should be do difficult to translate the idea to JavaScript.
<script language="VBScript">
Option Explicit
Sub Justify(ByVal hElement)
Dim sStyleTop, iTop, iBottom, sStyleLeft, iLeft, iRight
With hElement
If <> "auto" And .currentStyle.height = "auto" And .currentStyle.bottom <> "auto" Then
iTop = .offsetTop
sStyleTop = = "auto"
.style.height = "100%"
iBottom = -.offsetTop
.style.height = .offsetHeight - iTop - iBottom & "px" = sStyleTop
End If
If .currentStyle.left <> "auto" And .currentStyle.width = "auto" And .currentStyle.right <> "auto" Then
iLeft = .offsetLeft
sStyleLeft = .currentStyle.left
.style.left = "auto"
.style.width = "100%"
iRight = -.offsetLeft
.style.width = .offsetWidth - iLeft - iRight & "px"
.style.left = sStyleLeft
End If
For Each hElement In .Children
Justify hElement
End With
End Sub
Sub window_onload
Justify Document.body
End Sub
<style type="text/css">
body {
<div id="outer">
<div id="inner">
The command to justify all elements in a document is:
Justify Document.body
I am invoking this from the onload event as it concerns a fixed size .HTA in my case but I expect the routine also to work on the onsize event for sizable windows (or parent elements).
