How to get HTML element considering later content of another tag and not the class? - r

I am transforming HTML into a beautiful and tidy CSV. I have a file full of tables and with few classes. I have three types of tables, and their structure is the same. The only difference is the content within the "th" element which comes after the element in which I am interested. How can I get only the content of the tables that have certain text in "th" ("text_that_I_want_to_get")? Is there a way to insert a class with R inside each type of table?
Type 1 of table
<th class="array">text_that_I_want_to_get</th>
<td class="array">
<th class="string">name</th>
<th class="string">mean</th>
<th class="string">stdev</th>
Type 2 of table
<th class="array">text_that_I_want_to_get</th>
<td class="array">
<th class="string">name</th>
<th class="array">answers</th>
Type 3 of table
<th class="array">text_that_I_want_to_get</th>
<td class="array">
<th class="string">Reference</th>

You need the following three xpaths:
xpath1 <- "//td[table[./thead/tr/th/text() = 'stdev']]/preceding-sibling::th"
xpath2 <- "//td[table[./thead/tr/th/text() = 'answers']]/preceding-sibling::th"
xpath3 <- "//td[table[./thead/tr/th/text() = 'Reference']]/preceding-sibling::th"
These find the td node that is at the root of each of the three table types, then locate the preceding th sibling with the text you want.
So to get "text_that_I_want_to_get" for table type 1, you do:
read_html(url) %>% html_nodes(xpath = xpath1) %>% html_text()
#> [1] "text_that_I_want_to_get"
And you can do the same with xpath2 and xpath3 to get text from table type 2 and table type 3.


The value in the td tag is not correspondingly above table head (react-bootstrap)

I am trying to create a table in reactjs using bootstrap. Everything seems fine except:
As you can see, the titles inside the thead tag is not aligned exactly above its corresponding td tag. Is there a way to do it?
Here is the code:
<Table striped hover responsive >
<th ></th>
{team &&, key) =>{
return <tr key={key}>
<td>{key + 1}</td>
<td><img src={[0].href} alt='team logo' width={40} height={40}/></td>
<td >{}</td>
I cannot see the code, but there seems to be some margin for the td. But you will still have issues with it lining up due to the number of words in td to the data listed. A solution would be styling each td by itself until you get it how you'd like.

Split long html table into two or more tables

I am generating pdf using pdfreactor, and I have one problem. The result that I am getting from my backend service is a very long HTML table, something like $this:
<td>XXXX (XXXX)</td>
<td>XXX XXXXXXX</td>
<td colspan="12"><strong>XXXXXXXXX</strong></td>
<td>-XXXXXX XXX</td>
<td>-XX X X</td>
So, the client want's me to if the content is overflowing the page, split the table into two, or more tables.
If it was HTML document and not pdf, I could use Javascript to determine the width of the table element, and then split it, but I can't.
Is there any way some css master knows is this possible to do with css?

Bootstrap : complex table

I have a specific table to display.
It displays an array of objects.
My object contains:
common data (displayed in black in the table)
'income' specific data (displayed in red in the table)
'depense' specific data (displayed in green in the table)
I did something that looks like what I want but I'm not sure I did it in the clean way.
<table border=1>
<th colspan=5>Depense</th>
<th colspan=5>Income</th>
<th rowspan=2> id invoice</th>
<tr >
<td rowspan=2>id invoice : 10</td>
<td>fact 12</td>
Plus : in order to display each record on two rows I had to add a column called "id invoice", then as I don't want it to be display I added some css to hide it.
I am pretty sure my code is dirty, but I don't know how to do that another way.
If someone can help me on this...

wenzhixin bootstrap table no populating

I have this bootstrap table where I cannot populate with my data, on data-url im calling a function inside my controler, when I inspect the the object i can see that it loaded correctly but for some reason it not populating the table Am I missing somenthing?
<table id="t_user" class="table table-hover tbl_usr"
data-url="<?php echo site_url('mda_user/tblrefresh')?>"
<th data-field="state" data-checkbox="true"></th>
<th data-field="id" data-sortable="true"><?= $id?> </th>
<th data-field="name" data-sortable="true"><?= $name?> </th>
<th data-field="password"> <?=$password?></th>
<th data-field="operate"
What is the content of your responseHandler(res) function?
eg, I defined my table mostly inline but also with some JS:
url : "/api/data",
responseHandler: function(res) {
(The response is wrapped in some JSON that I need to remove to pass the pure array to bootstrap-table)

Select table rows excluding first row

How to select table rows excluding first row. Number of table rows could vary.
Here is example:
<table id="grdVerzekeringen" >
<th>First name</th><th>Last name</th>
In this example I want to select table rows that have actual data not header data. I could use css selectors or XPath.
If the header row uses th, you are lucky. Just use the following XPath expression:
If the header uses td as well, you can use the position() function:
