Websocket interceptor - nginx

I'm looking for a way to wrap/intercept a websocket with a proxy that enriches the responses coming back from the web socket, as implicitly as possible.
For example, lets say I have a websocket endpoint: wss://stream.abc.com:1234 and I want to enrich the incoming json messages.
A brute force approach would create a new endpoint that's listening and creating a web socket to the remote socket for every connection and proxying the communication enriching the responses before sending them back to the client.
However I wonder if there's a more standard library that can do that, maybe with nginx?


Mixing websockets and http

When speaking from a conceptual point of view, is it standard practice to mix WebSockets and HTTP requests when making a chat application (or any application that requires real-time communication between devices)?
Imagine a scenario with a client and a server in a chat app. What would be the best approach for connecting and sending data between the client and the server? Would it be using sockets for both sending and receiving or HTTP requests for sending (so the client would get a response and then know if the message was received), and then using WebSocket for only receiving new messages?
No this is not standard practice.
If you need real-time communication between client and server you normally just use a websocket connection and keep that one open. The client can send messages to the server and receive messages through the same connection.
Using HTTP requests for sending messages to the server and receiving new messages via websocket seems odd and just adds unnecessary complexity.
Now if your server has some endpoints to subscribe for real-time data e.g. a chat room and endpoints for getting information you don't necessary want to subscribe to e.g. information about a certain user, than you can use the appropriate protocol for each endpoint

Apache Camel TCP client with Permanent connection to a TCP server Asynchronous response

I need to implement a tcp/ip client which connects to existing tcp server with a permanent connection. the client has to send multiple requests and response arrives asynchronously. I have use netty to do the integration part. I have to ensure that the response is done for the relevant request. How to implement this using apache camel.
This is What I need to achieve. this TCP client need to have a permeant connection and server may response asynchronously. So I need to make sure that the relevant response has been send to the relevant request.

Can i reverse the upgrade from websocket back to http?

I had a data received by websocket client Now i want it to send to http server . Is there any method to store the data outside message event ?
Can i convert websocket client back to http client ??
No, a WebSocket connection can't be "downgraded" back to HTTP.
But yes, moving the information out of the WebSocket event and starting a new HTTP request is quite trivial... though implementation details would (obviously) depend on language, environment etc'. i.e., a browser client implementation will be very different from a C client.
Note that the server can't initiate an HTTP request, but the server can ask the client to do so.

How asp.net websites work in terms of network models?

My understanding regarding network model communication:
Application layer:
1. HTTP(Not Persistent or stateless): For exchanging messages like get, post, put etc. Here connection is made to webserver and disconnected after sending response. So server will not keep track of the previous requests.
2. Websockets(Persistent or statefull): For creating a communication channel that will be open to exchange data. Here we can keep track of the previous requests. Like we can know how many users are currently connected to our server.
Transport layer:
TCP(Persistant and Statefull): Will let the server know to which application to connect using port number. Both HTTP and web sockets will work upon this layer.
Considering working with HTTP and TCP:
I make a HTTP request from browser(application layer):
Connects to web server sends all files requested and also makes a TCP connection with the application(transport layer).
After sending response it's disconnected.
My confusion:
I got totally confused when I heard, read that TCP is Statefull and Persistant connection.
Q1. Now after step three is browser still connected to webserver because of TCP?
Q2. Is the context object we get in server side in c# code is the complete request packet with HTTP info, TCP info, function to invoke or controller to invoke in MVC etc?
Q3. If client and server are still connected with TCP. Then on next HTTP request does it will use the available TCP connection or will create new TCP and HTTP connection? Why can't it use previous TCP to communicate? Or TCP will be destroyed after HTTP? Or what's happening?

IBrowse and persistent connection per client process

I need to operate with a SOAP service from Erlang. SOAP implementation is not a subject, I have a problem with HTTP requests at a client side.
I use IBrowse as a HTTP client. This SOAP service uses a specific authorization mechanism, which relates an opened session to a client connection (socket). So, the client should use only one persistent connection to server (socket), and if it try to send a request via another socket (e.g., connection from pool) - authorization will fail.
I use IBrowse in this way:
Spawn connection process to server (ibrowse:spawn_worker_process/1)
Send request to server via spawned process with {max_sessions, 1} and {max_pipeline_size, 0}.
If I understand the docs right, this should use one socket for server connection with disabled pipelining, also, I use Connection: Keep-Alive header and HTTP version explicitly set to 1.0. But my connection is always closed after the response is received.
How can I use IBrowse (or another http-client) the way I described above?
I think you could that with hackney by reusing a connection.
Also gun is quite nice http client, easy to use, keeping connection, but with little less connection control.
