Grafana maps with rockset and dynamodb - amazon-dynamodb

Hy all, i am using grafana with rockset to collect real time series form our dynamodb database, but we have the next problem in the plugin maps.
My data with the next query:
select country,real,_event_time from commons.Players
'US' '0.5' '2020-05-27T08:40:51.548000Z',
'UK' '0.2' '2020-05-27T08:40:50.548000Z'
I read that i must pase the country code in the group by:
country,sum(real) as total ,_event_time
from commons.Players
group by _event_time,country
but this doesn't work, I select the correct type of location data (countries) but impossible to see anything.
I don't have problem with any kind of graph but in the map is impossible to my to see the information. I have read documentation and really I don't understand the query that i must use in this part to see the data.
Thanks for everything.

You didn't post your panel configuration so it is blind guess. Use query:
_event_time AS "time",
country AS "code",
FROM commons.Players
and configure Map Data Options->Location Data: countries to "translate" 2 letter country code to map coordinates.


Google places api not showing results for some places

Hello i am using simple google map places api to get near by atms for users. My client lives around new york and for some strange reason api shows zero results for that place, but works fine near me (pakistan) . I searched for it a little and found out it was google's issue and some other places were also experiencing the same problem. But i never quite found any solution for this.
This is the get call i use,74.1059&radius=10000000&keyword=atm&key=MY_KEY
I would really appreciate the help. Thank you :)
Google place nearby search maximum 50,000 meters (31 miles) . if you try enter more than 50,000 it not work proper.
There is another way for find all ATM in a city. google provide Text Search Requests,NV,89501,USA&key={API_KEY}
query = keyword + in + city Name
for get city name using latitude longitude,-119.81380&sensor=true
For more information how to get city name using latitude longitude
for more information about how to use Text Search Requests
OR (second way)
There is another way for find all ATM in a city.
Open Google Maps .
create 10-12 or more points latitude , longitude value to trigger
Then use a loop to find all places within these points.
If you want more appropriate results, increase first trigger points
for your requests.
- It is just a logic i created in php.
$triggerPoints = array("lat1,long1", "lat2,long2", "lat3,long3",....);
foreeach(triggerPoints as $tP){
$requestUrl = "$tP&radius=[YOUR_RADIUS_VALUE]&type=[YOUR_TYPE]&name=panera&key=[YOUR_KEY_HERE";
$results = file_get_contents($requestUrl);
//Do what you want with response JSON data
SHORT ANSWER: Use logical types with your needs.
In my case i used food types instead of supermarket. In some cases, my local market named A101 wasnt found under supermarkets. To find which keywords is best for you, you can search below url with your location and map_key and find most common keywords under types for each query and use it.,%2029.24326049097467&rankby=distance&keyword=a101&key=YOUR_MAP_KEY

How to list unique values of a particular field in Kibana

I am having a field named rpc in my elasticsearch database and I am displaying it using Kibana. When I search in search bar of kibana like:
It display all the values of rpc field but I want to have only those value to be displayed which are unique.
I have been playing around with Kibana4 since a couple of weeks now. I find it intuitive and simple and the experience has been great till now. Following your question, I tried getting unique results via a Data Table visualization. Why? Because I personally find it easier to understand. Following are the steps:
1. Get unique count
Create the visualization (Visualize -> Data Table). First lets get
the count of how many unique entries we have for a particular field
(We will use this in the later part for verification). I'm using
clientip.raw but as I see, it will work just fine with any friendly
field name too.
2. Set the aggregation right
Set you aggregation back to count and have a Split Rows as follows. Not doing this will give you count 1 for each field value (since it is looking for unique counts) when you populate the table. Noteworthy part is setting the Top field to 0. Because Kibana won't let you enter anything else than a digit (Obviously!). This was the tricky part. Hit Apply and you'll get the results. Unique field values and the count of each of them.
3. Verification:
Going to the last page of the table, we see there are exactly 543 results. This is how I know it works.
What Next?
You save this visualization and add it to a Dashboard. There you can always check the request, query, response and other stats.
Just an addition to the above mathakoot answer.
For the user of newer version (which do not allow bucket size of 0 anymore) just set a value greater than the maximum number of result
And report the value in the Options>Per Page field
I am using Kibana 6 so the UI looks a bit different than the older answers here.
Here is what worked for me
Create a visualization from your query, I used a line graph type (don't think it matters)
Under Data, set metrics aggregation = "Unique Count" and set field to your field.
Set x-axis aggregation = "Terms" and set field to your field.
Set Size > your number of records
Under Metrics and Axes, disable drawing of the graph, circles, and labels (this really helps the UI not lag)
Run query and then click "Inspect" and download CSV
Metrics & Axes
I wanted to achieve something similar but I'm stuck with Kibana 3.1.
I simply added a panel of type "TERMS" and configured its Field = User-agent and left everything else on default values. This gave me a nice bar chart with one bar for each User-agent.

Kibana i see Indices and fields but cannot Chart or Visualize

I curled the sample bank data to elasticsearch. On Kibana I see under the Indices bank and on visualize all the fields (age, balance, etc.) on the left but cannot see charts on the right. It always says No Results Found. On the left I selected Y-Axis - Agg as Average and Field as Balance and X-Axis Agg as Terms and Field as Age, all from drop downs. Then I used the APPLY action. No error is displayed, but neither is a chart.
What am I doing wrong here? Using curl I can check the elastic search and see that the data exists. No matter what I do, I do not see any logging in the elasticsearch logs under /usr/share/elasticsearch/logs.
I don't know if you figured this out or not but I had the exact same problem. I was using a mapping type that did not contain the field I was trying to visualize. Make sure the _type field contains a mapping with the correct indexed fields.
When setting up my initial index patterns, I glossed over specifying the 'Default timestamp' field, and the UI didn't insist on having one. The fix was to delete my index patterns and re-create them them, with the specified timestamp field. Everything snapped into place.

How does Google Maps decide when to use a specific icon?

I am using the Google Maps Places library to do a search for nearby hospitals, but it returns results that aren't necessary hospitals (but have 'hospital' as one of their types). However, I've noticed that actual hospitals have a hospital icon on the map, so Google must somehow know which establishments are actually hospitals. Does anyone know if the public has access to this data?
This is the icon I'm referring to:
Example of request I'm making:
var request = {
location: self.location,
radius: 20000,
types: ['hospital'],
keyword: 'hospital'
Example result that isn't a hospital:
"name":"Penobscot Community Health Center",
"vicinity":"1012 Union Street, Bangor",
My guess is there are a couple ways to get around this. You might remove the keyword argument from the API, which acts like a search term rather than a specific match on a type of location like the type field does.
You may want to be careful about your radius value choice.
Next, if you do a search on Google Maps in general you'll get a broad assortment of results. Do you need every result to be an actual hospital or can you do your own filtering afterwards?
If you do your own filtering it looks like type information and even icons are embedded in the result JSON. You might see if there's a distinguishing characteristic between the types of results you want and filter by that. Otherwise, any additional graphical data would not be accessible via the API.

Generate heatmap in Kibana?

Does anyone know of a way to generate heatmaps in Kibana?
What I'm looking for is something similar to the clusters in bettermap, but continuous (and color-coded).
The only prerequisite is to have a geoip.location field.
If you're using an log which provide the requester origin IP you can easily get the Longitude, Latitude and then convert those values to the required geoip.coordinates field, and then the location
In kibana 4 beta:
open the Visualize tab
select tile map object
in the metrics value select the desired criteria from the drop down list, e.g. unique count
select the relevant field, e.g. hostip
in the buckets select Geo Coordinates
in the field select geoip.location
select the require percision (this might be important if you don't have a lot of data)
select the view option, you can toggle between change in color or size of circle
BTW, if you're using logstash to send the request to elasticsearch you can use the dns filter to reverse IP to coordinates
logstash dns filter
Heatmap support for Kibana 4 is on the way - and it's looking good.
Apparently the delay is that is has to be rewritten slightly to use SVG rather than it's current approach.
In Kibana 4, the index field has to be explicity defined as a geo_ip type in your mapping. Kibana 3 was able to correctly interpret floats etc. as coordinates, but as of now 4 does not. Once you change it you will have to reindex your data, and it should be all set.
