How to get unique values from table() function in R - r

I have a data frame which 31 columns. In column of Year (named "Anos"), I have rows which years are repeated and when I use table(df$Anos), I get frequency of years. I need only years with 12 observations (12 months).
freq_years <- table(df$Anos)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020
10 12 12 3 11 6 8 12 12 12 5
How to get automatically in a new variable only years with freq = 12? (maybe like 2010,2011,2018,2019)

Here is a tidyverse version. Depending on your use with the other 30 columns in your data frame, keeping the data as df2 might be useful.
#create example dataset
df <- data.frame("Anos" = c(rep(2009,10),
# count number of years by row and filter to those with only 12
df2 <- df %>% group_by(Anos) %>% count() %>% filter(n == 12)
# create variable with list of years that have exactly 12 rows
variable <- df2$Anos

We can create a logical vector and subset the names of the table output
names(freq_years)[freq_years == 12]


How to exclude observation that does not appear at least once every year - R

I have a database where companies are identified by an ID (cnpjcei) from 2009 to 2018, where we can have 1 or more observations of a given company in a given year or no observations of a given company in a given year.
Here is a sample of the database:
> df
cnpjcei year
<chr> <dbl>
1 4774 2009
2 4774 2010
3 28959 2009
4 29688 2009
5 43591 2010
6 43591 2010
7 65803 2011
8 105104 2011
9 113980 2012
10 220043 2013
I would like to keep in that df only the companies that appear at least once a year.
What would be the easiest way to do this?
Using the data.table library:
df<-df[,unique_years:=length(unique(year)), by=list(cnpjcei),][unique_years==10]
We can use dplyr, group_by id and filter only the cases in which all the elements in 2009:2018 can be found %in% the year column.
Please mind that, for this code to work with the sample database as in the question, the range would have to be replaced with 2009:2013
df %>% group_by(cnpjcei) %>% filter(all(2009:2018 %in% year))
You can keep the ids (cnpjcei) which has all the unique years available in the data.
result <- df %>%
group_by(cnpjcei) %>%
filter(n_distinct(year) == n_distinct(.$year)) %>%

How to add rows to dataframe R with rbind

I know this is a classic question and there are also similar ones in the archive, but I feel like the answers did not really apply to this case. Basically I want to take one dataframe (covid cases in Berlin per district), calculate the sum of the columns and create a new dataframe with a column representing the name of the district and another one representing the total number. So I wrote
covid_bln <- read.csv('', sep=';')
c_tot<-data.frame('district'=c(), 'number'=c())
for (n in colnames(covid_bln[3:14])){
x<-data.frame('district'=c(n), 'number'=c(sum(covid_bln$n)))
c_tot<-rbind(c_tot, x)
Which works properly with the names but returns only the number of cases for the 8th district, but for all the districts. If you have any suggestion, even involving the use of other functions, it would be great. Thank you
Here's a base R solution:
number <- colSums(covid_bln[3:14])
district <- names(covid_bln[3:14])
c_tot <-, number)
rownames(c_tot) <- NULL
# If you don't want rownames:
rownames(c_tot) <- NULL
This gives us:
district number
1 mitte 16030
2 friedrichshain_kreuzberg 10679
3 pankow 10849
4 charlottenburg_wilmersdorf 10664
5 spandau 9450
6 steglitz_zehlendorf 9218
7 tempelhof_schoeneberg 12624
8 neukoelln 14922
9 treptow_koepenick 6760
10 marzahn_hellersdorf 6960
11 lichtenberg 7601
12 reinickendorf 9752
I want to provide a solution using tidyverse.
The final result is ordered alphabetically by districts
c_tot <- covid_bln %>%
select( mitte:reinickendorf) %>%
gather(district, number, mitte:reinickendorf) %>%
group_by(district) %>%
summarise(number = sum(number))
The rusult is
# A tibble: 12 x 2
district number
* <chr> <int>
1 charlottenburg_wilmersdorf 10736
2 friedrichshain_kreuzberg 10698
3 lichtenberg 7644
4 marzahn_hellersdorf 7000
5 mitte 16064
6 neukoelln 14982
7 pankow 10885
8 reinickendorf 9784
9 spandau 9486
10 steglitz_zehlendorf 9236
11 tempelhof_schoeneberg 12656
12 treptow_koepenick 6788

Using custom order to arrange rows after previous sorting with arrange

I know this has already been asked, but I think my issue is a bit different (nevermind if it is in Portuguese).
I have this dataset:
df <- cbind(c(rep(2012,6),rep(2016,6)),
colnames(df) <- c('Year,'Variable','Value)
I want to order the rows to group first everything that has the same year. Afterwards, I want the Variable column to be ordered like this:
I know I could usearrange() from dplyr to sort by the year. However, I do not know how to combine this with any routine using factor and order without messing up the previous ordering by year.
Any help? Thank you
We create a custom order by converting the 'Variable' into factor with levels specified in the custom order
df %>%
arrange(Year, factor(Variable, levels = c('',
'', '', '',
'', '')))
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Year Variable Value
# <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2012 0.6626196
# 2 2012 0.2248911
# 3 2012 0.2925740
# 4 2012 0.5188971
# 5 2012 0.9204438
# 6 2012 Outros,total 0.7042230
# 7 2016 0.6048889
# 8 2016 0.7638205
# 9 2016 0.2797356
#10 2016 0.2547251
#11 2016 0.3707349
#12 2016 Outros,total 0.8016306
df <- data_frame(Year =c(rep(2012,6),rep(2016,6)),
Variable = rep(c('',
Value = runif(12,0,1))

Replace values based on months in a dataframe with values in another column in r, using apply functions

I am working with a time series of precipitation data and attempting to use the median imputation method to replace all 0 value data points with the median of all data points for the corresponding month that that 0 value was recorded.
I have two data frames, one with the original precipitation data:
> head(df.m)
prcp date
1 121.00485 1975-01-31
2 122.41667 1975-02-28
3 82.74026 1975-03-31
4 104.63514 1975-04-30
5 57.46667 1975-05-31
6 38.97297 1975-06-30
And one with the median monthly values:
> medians
Group.1 x
1 01 135.90680
2 02 123.52613
3 03 113.09841
4 04 98.10044
5 05 75.21976
6 06 57.47287
7 07 54.16667
8 08 45.57653
9 09 77.87740
10 10 103.25179
11 11 124.36795
12 12 131.30695
Below is the current solution that I have come up with utilizing the 1st answer here:
df.m[,"prcp"] <- sapply(df.m[,"prcp"], function(y) ifelse(y==0, medians$x,y))
This has not worked as it only applies the first value of the df medians$Group.1, which is the month of January (01). How can I get the values so that correct median will be applied from the corresponding month?
Another way I have attempted a solution is via the below:
df.m[,"prcp"] <- sapply(medians$Group.1, function(y)
ifelse(df.m[format.Date(df.m$date, "%m") == y &
df.m$prcp == 0, "prcp"], medians[medians$Group.1 == y,"x"],
Description of the above function - this function tests and returns the amount of zeros for every month that there is a zero value in df.m[,"prcp"]
Same issue here as the 1st solution, but it does return all of the 0 values by month (if just executing the sapply() portion).
How can I replace all 0 in df.m$prcp with their corresponding medians from the medians df based on the month of the data?
Apologies if this is a basic question, I'm somewhat of a newbie here. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Consider merging the two dataframes by month/group and then calculating with ifelse:
df.m$month <- format(df.m$date, "%m")
df.merge <- merge(df.m, medians, by.x="month", by.y="Group.1")
df.merge$prcp <- ifelse(df.merge$prcp == 0, df.merge$x, df.merge$prcp)
df.m <- df.merge[names(df.m)]
A dplyr version, which does not rely on original order. This uses slightly modified test data to show replacement of zeroes and multiple years
## test data with zeroes - extended for addtional years
df.m <- read.delim(text="
i prcp date
1 121.00485 1975-01-31
2 122.41667 1975-02-28
3 82.74026 1975-03-31
4 104.63514 1975-04-30
5 57.46667 1975-05-31
6 38.97297 1975-06-30
7 0 1976-06-30
8 0 1976-07-31
9 70 1976-08-31
", sep="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
medians <- read.delim(text="
i month x
1 01 135.90680
2 02 123.52613
3 03 113.09841
4 04 98.10044
5 05 75.21976
6 06 57.47287
7 07 54.16667
8 08 45.57653
9 09 77.87740
10 10 103.25179
11 11 124.36795
12 12 131.30695
", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE)
# extract the month as integer
df.m$month = as.integer(substr(df.m$date,6,7))
# match to medians by joining
result <- df.m %>%
inner_join(medians, by='month') %>%
mutate(prcp = ifelse(prcp == 0, x, prcp)) %>%
select(prcp, date)
prcp date
1 121.00485 1975-01-31
2 122.41667 1975-02-28
3 82.74026 1975-03-31
4 104.63514 1975-04-30
5 57.46667 1975-05-31
6 38.97297 1975-06-30
7 57.47287 1976-06-30
8 54.16667 1976-07-31
9 70.00000 1976-08-31
I created small datasets with some zero values and added one line of code:
#create sample data
prcp <- c(1.5,0.0,0.0,2.1)
date <- c(01,02,03,04)
x <- c(1.11,2.22,3.33,4.44)
df <- data.frame(prcp,date)
grp <- data.frame(x,date)
#Make the assignment
df[df$prcp == 0,]$prcp <- grp[df$prcp == 0,]$x

converting a dataframe in given format

Given data frame values are
Group year Value
A 2010 17
A 2011 18
F 2010 8
F 2011 9
i want to convert it into
Year A F
2010 17 8
2011 18 9
is there any simple solution to solve this
df <- read.table(text=" Group year Value
A 2010 17
A 2011 18
F 2010 8
F 2011 9", header = TRUE)
dfc <- dcast(df, year ~ Group )
Although the syntax can be confusing, I still find reshape in base R useful to know. Using df provided by gauden
reshape_df <- reshape(df,dir="wide",idvar="year",timevar="Group")
colnames(reshape_df) <- c("year","A","F")
The converts to data from "long" format to "wide". Usually, the time variable becomes the column name, but in this case, we seek "A" and "F". Therefore, the syntax calls for timevar to be "Group".
