QML Remove Animation of ListView Item with a QSqlTableModel - qt

I'm using a list view with a QSqlTableModel in the background. I use also a SwipeDelegate for the list view elements to provide a "delete button", as shown here:
When the button is now pressed, the the item is deleted from the database using this code in the QSqlTableModel subclass:
void qsoModel::deleteQSO(int id) {
Side question: When I understood it correctly, removeRow is implicitly calling beginRemoveRows(...) and endRemoveRows()?
For the ListView I used a remove Transition:
ListView {
id: listView
anchors.fill: parent
model: qsoModel
delegate: QSOItem {}
remove: Transition {
NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 1.0; to: 0; duration: 400 }
NumberAnimation { property: "scale"; from: 1.0; to: 0.0; duration: 400 }
However, If I press the delete button, the animation is not shown. the list element just disappears fastly. Any ideas why this is happening?
The complete source code can be found in this commit: https://github.com/myzinsky/cloudLogOffline/tree/b501d41a0f23d40139cfca9a6d4f724f4ab251b2

From looking at the code on github it looks like the model is executing the beginRemoveRows() and endRemoveRows() methods so I think this won't be the issue. And you say the records are removed from the database so I think the problem is more related to qml.
So regarding the qml animations there are few things:
First thing, if you want the opacity and scale animation parallel you will need to wrap them in a ParallelAnimation. Second thing is you will need to specify a transition for removeDisplaced otherwise the items that would be moved up in the list when you delete an item from the list are just being pushed to the new position covering the record that is executing the animation for removal.
You should be able to see this if you assigned a transition to the removeDisplaced looking like this.
property:"y" // Specifying "y" so the displaced records slowly proceed upwards
duration:5000 // 5s should be enough to see what's actually happening
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
The problem I mentioned in the original post wasn't the only problem. The problem is that the removeRow() function doesn't call beginRemoveRows() and endRemoveRows()! If you wrap those calls around the removeRow() call you will see animations happening. But you will still need to assign a transition to removeDisplaced to see everything happening.
EDIT by Question Author
The idea is to update the model after the animation from QML side:
remove: Transition {
SequentialAnimation {
NumberAnimation {
property: "opacity"
from: 1.0
to: 0
duration: 400
ScriptAction {
script: {
I just call select when the animation is done from the QML side


Drawer animation in QML

How to change the animation (i.e duration and easing curve) of the Drawer type in QML?
I've tried this :
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
easing.amplitude: 1000
easing.period : 1000
But it has no effect.(Sorry but the diversity of animation types in QML has got me confused and I'm unable to try all possible options)
You'll need to override the Popup::enter transition as documented here:
Note, the drawer implementation makes a lot of assumptions about how it gets on and off screen so it is easy to break it if you aren't careful.
You can see the default ones here:
enter: Transition { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 5 } }
exit: Transition { SmoothedAnimation { velocity: 5 } }
So, start from there and slowly tweak until you get what you want.

How to add transition to ListView : positionViewAtEnd()/positionViewAtBeginning()

I need some times to set my View of my ListView on lastItem or firstItem (positionViewAtEnd()/positionViewAtBeginning()).
However, it is a brutal jump and I would like to add a Transition.
I tried to add this :
Behavior on contentY
id: contentYAnimation
PropertyAnimation {duration: 300 }
But it doesn't change anything. Any suggestion?

Temporarily disable (ignore / not display) the animation on a complex QML component

Is it possible to temporarily disable (ignore / not display) the animation on a complex QML component until a certain point in time? And later activate the animation and work as usual.
For example. A complex page on QML displays the data of the object, there are many small animations. When changing a data object, these animations should be ignored.
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
property variant cppViewModel: MyCppViewModel {
onBeforDataObjectChanged: {
onAfterDataObjectChanged: {
Rectangle {
id: idRect1
Behavior on x { NumberAnimation { ... }}
Behavior on y { NumberAnimation { ... }}
x: cppViewModel.dataObject.offsetX
y: cppViewModel.dataObject.offsetY
scale: cppViewModel.dataObject.scale
Rectangle {
id: idRect2
width: cppViewModel.dataObject.width
heigth: cppViewModel.dataObject.heigth
Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { ... }}
Behavior on heigth { NumberAnimation { ... }}
ColumnLayout {
Rectangle {
Layout.preferredHeight: 100 * cppViewModel.dataObject.width1
Behavior on Layout.preferredHeight { NumberAnimation { duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad; }}
//... Any number of children with animation
PropertyAnimation { target: idRect1; property: "scale"; from: 0.9; to: 1.0; ... }
If the values of the properties of the current data object change, then animation is needed. If the entire object changes to another, then the animation needs to be blocked.
To disable Animations, there are various ways, and the right one depends on how the Animation is started.
If the Animation is started by setting the running-property, you can simply add a && animationsEnabled
to the condition where animationsEnabled is a property, you have to define somewhere else and toggle it accordingly.
If you use the function: run() to start your Animation, the solution is to not do it.
If you use the Animation within a Behavior, you can use the Behaviors enabled-property to deactivate the Behavior and its Animation.
Finally, I can think of Transitions. Just as Behavior, Transition has an enabled-property, to deactivate it.
I hope I have not forgotten a way to animate and you will find the appropriate solution for your problem!

How to subclass Behavior in QML

I have a number of objects on my screen that I change the opacity of, and to make this opacity change animated instead of instantaneous, I add this Behavior to each of the objects:
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 500
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
I am attempting to subclass this (not sure if "subclass" is the correct term here). I've created a file named FadeBehavior.qml with these contents:
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 as Controls
Behavior on opacity {
id: fadeBehavior
NumberAnimation {
duration: 500
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Then, instead of adding the Behavior to each object, I'm adding:
FadeBehavior { }
But this is not working (sorry I can't add more information than "not working" - this is an inherited app and I have not been able to run it in debug mode; when I make a mistake in my QML file, all that happens is that my window comes up as a blank one-inch square).
It seems as if the on opacity in the first line is the part Qt doesn't like. In FadeBehavior.qml on opacity is underlined in red, expecting token {. Is there some other syntax for specifying the name of the property the Behavior is attached to?
Here is one work around that would work.
Subclass all of the standard types that you need (Rectangle, Item, Image, etc.) like this
Item {
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 500
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Save this as MyItem.qml and change every Item to MyItem.

asynchronous (kind of) animation in qml

let's say i have the following QML Components:
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
Repeater {
model: myModel
delegate: Bar {
barProp: elemProp
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
property string barProp: ""
Text {
text: barProp
NumberAnimation on x {
from: 0; to: 100
duration: 1000
loops: Animation.Infinite
I maintain myModel from C++, it has the following Q_PROPERTY declaration:
Q_PROPERTY (QDeclarativeListProperty <Bar> myModel READ myModel
NOTIFY myModelChanged)
Now, my problem is that every time I add a new element to the underlying QList, the animation specified in Bar resets, so in practice, the elements always completely overlap. What I want is that the element animations are not synchronous, and each can continue seamlessly regardless of the rest. Is this possible to do?
You should use a QAbstractItemModel (QStandardItemModel may be easiest) rather than a QList. QAbstractItemModel notifies the view when new items are inserted/removed/moved and the view reacts appropriately by modifying its content. In contrast, the view knows nothing about the changes made to a QList; only that something has changed. This means that the list has no choice but to destroy and recreate all delegates.
