Choosing the most ideal font format - css

I should use the font family Nunito [»] from the Google font library.
Due to some improvements such as site speed performance and concerns like independence, I need to run this technology locally.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
I used this tool for this: google-webfonts-helper [»]
My minimum browser support (Modern Browsers) will be IE9+. In this case, when I select that option from the tool, it gives the following #font-face block.
/* nunito-regular - latin-ext_latin_cyrillic */
#font-face {
font-family: 'Nunito';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: local('Nunito Regular'), local('Nunito-Regular'),
url('../fonts/nunito-v12-latin-ext_latin_cyrillic-regular.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Chrome 26+, Opera 23+, Firefox 39+ */
url('../fonts/nunito-v12-latin-ext_latin_cyrillic-regular.woff') format('woff'); /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */
Since the opening speed of the project was our primary goal, some questions were kept in mind.
As you can see, this code tries to load both woff and woff2 fonts.
The thing that comes to my mind is that since I included woff, why should I try to include woff2?
Wouldn't it be enough to include the woff type font set for all modern browsers (IE9+)?
Finally, I learned that IOS operating system based devices use ttf type font. As a matter of fact, when I use only woff, what is my minimum IOS support?

woff2 is the modern "standard font" and is supported on modern browsers. Woff2 is a more compressed font, so the woff2 files are smaller then the woff files. To support modern and some older browsers, both the woff2 and woff files has to be there. The priority is to ask if the font is present on the device, if not then present Woff2, and if woff2 fails, load the woff font.
If you look at the performance, the woff2 is the best choice. The woff is a fallback for older browsers.
Note that not both woff2 and woff are loaded. If woff2 is supported, the browser will only load woff2. On the other hand, if woff2 is not supported, then only the woff is loaded. Presenting both is the best option.
WOFF2 : modern browsers
WOFF : fallback if woff2 is not supported
TTF : Android-browser on Android 4.3 or older
EOT : Internet Explorer 8 or older
SVG : iOS-Safari 3.2-4.1. SVG webfonts are not supported anymore in most browsers
Note that svg files are huge files and bad practice if you're working on performance optimization.
So for best performance, and for very good cross browser presentation, woff2 and woff are enough. Your css looks fine, first check local, then try woff2 and then, if woff2 fails, a fallback to woff.
RE: your comment
To test the performance, I uploaded a Bootstrap page with Font-Awsome and Open-Sans. These webfont files are located in a subfolder on my domain. Each font has this priority:
src: local('Open Sans Italic'),
url('../webfonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('../webfonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Italic.woff') format('woff'),
url('../webfonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Italic.ttf') format('truetype');
The waterfall diagram shows that from each webfont only the woff2 is loaded. If you do not have to support the old 'Android-browser' on Android 4.3 or older then remove the TTF line from this css example.


CSS - What is font squirrel webfont generator used for

I thought that the font squirrel webfont generator was used to make a font compatible for all the browsers. But I tried the classic
#font-face {
font-family: myFirstFont;
src: url(sansation_light.woff);
and it works for all the latest versions of the browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge and even Internet Explorer... Is it used for older versions of the above? Thanks
The reason webfont generators continue to generate old fonts is because they follow the principle of "If it's not broken, why remove it?".
For example, EOT is is a font format that still occasionally shows up in font generators, despite being completely unnecessary in modern day. It supports Internet Explorer 6+.... and if you REALLY need to support a browser that's 20 years old, Font Squirrel can help with that.
...But in the modern day, you only need WOFF and WOFF2. The other font flavors are obsolete and unnecessary because all modern browsers can use .woff , and most can use .woff2 .
You can see compatibility here:
As you said, the solution provided by Font Squirrel works great for all modern browsers.
However, if you need to target older versions I would recommend that generate a more complete #font-face css, also more font extensions are provided.
I use the following css when I need #font-face:
font-family:"Rage Italic";
src:local("RageItalic"), local("RageItalic"), url("../fonts/RageItalic.woff") format("woff"), url("../fonts/RageItalic.ttf") format("truetype"), url("../fonts/RageItalic.svg#RageItalic") format("svg");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

Roboto from materializecss weird font rendering in Chrome, Firefox, OK with IE?

I'm using Materialize CSS coming with the Roboto 2.0 font. Font looks horrible in Chrome 43 and Firefox 37. Surprisingly with IE it looks very good (full resulution):
Same happens with other fonts like Lato and Open Sans and also on my work computer (same videocard and OS, if matters). Is there something wrong in my setup (Windows 7 x64 + NVIDIA GTX 780 1920x1080 display)?
Nope, nothing wrong. There are a few things at play here that could impact how things are rendered.
The state of Web Fonts and #font-face is that browsers have varying support of various file types and those file types may render differently inside of the browser.
Commonly, you'll see these types:
Browsers don't typically just support one of these types, they'll support a few and so the order in which they're listed in the #font-face rule determines which file type is used. To add to that, these files have varying sizes for the same fonts so that has to be considered.
Chrome in particular renders .woff poorly it seems and if you're linking directly to css to use web fonts you're at Google's discretion as far as which font is used/loaded and the service seems to prefer .woff/.woff2 for file size reasons.
You can read a lot more about this in detail at places like CSS Tricks, MDN, and other Blogs. Using custom web fonts still isn't as easy as it should be but services like TypeKit help with some of the heavy lifting.
Now all that is just dealing with varying file types for fonts. There are still plenty of CSS properties that can impact how a particular font displays in a browser, both vendor specific and general use.
Finally, we can't take the Operating System out of the equation, as operating systems have their own Font rendering engines. Here's a good article from TypeKit about some of those differences.
TL;DR - No, it's not likely your Graphics Card (although that can obviously play a part in it). It's most likely the font file type being used in the browser. Seems that opting for .woff2 then falling back to .eot (IE) and .ttf will produce better quality than .woff or .svg.
Hope that helps!
Have you tried specifying font smoothing/rendering?
It generally makes a big difference in my experience.
body {
/* Better Font Rendering */
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
It's font OS rendering issue. The simple solution is to use google font like:
<link href=',700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Or the complex solution, but often the best, is to use #font-face with every type of file format for every browser.
#font-face {
font-family: 'MyWebFont';
src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
url('webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */
url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */
url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */
In case anyone stumbles across this, it's a problem with the version of Roboto bundled with Materialize. A solution has been posted here

What font format should I use for my site

I want to use a font for my website, I got the overall research and found variety of formats for fonts, Now i want to know that what is the standard format?
Or What are the standard formats?
.TTF (True Type Font)
.EOT (Embedded OpenType)
.OTF (open type font)
.SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
.WOFF (Web Open Font Format)
So far, I've used all of these formats, something like this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Font';
src: url('Font.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
src: url('Font.eot?#') format('eot'), /* IE6–8 */
url('Font.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Saf3—5, Chrome4+, FF3.5, Opera 10+ */
url('Font.woff') format('woff'), /* FF3.6+, IE9, Chrome6+, Saf5.1+*/
url('Font.otf') format('opentype'),
url('Font.svg') format('svg');
But in this case, the site is too heavy (size of all formats is almost 1MB) , So what should i do to be more optimized ?
Understanding Font File Types
WOFF fonts often load faster than other formats because they use a compressed version of the structure used by OpenType (OTF) and TrueType (TTF) fonts.
ideal for mobile use
supported only by IE
The WOFF format was initially created as a reaction to OTF and TTF, in part, because these formats could easily (and illegally) be copied
Google Fonts offers this as a way to use their fonts.
Watch the file size
Fonts can be surprisingly heavy, so lean towards options that offer lighter versions. For example, favor a font set that is 50KB versus one that weighs 400KB.
Limit the character set, if possible
Do you really need the bold and black weights for one font? Limiting your font sets to load only what is used is a good idea and there are some good tips on that here.
Consider system fonts for small screens
Many devices are stuck on crappy connections. One trick might be to target larger screens when loading the custom font using #media.
In this example, screens smaller than 1000px will be served a system font instead and screens that wide and above will be served the custom font.
Use OTF/TTF(all browsers) & EOT(I.E) for Desktop screens and use system fonts for small screens as they render faster.
And do consider google fonts. Best choice so far.
I just tested chrome (43) and firefox (37) and ie (10) - in all cases only one font format (respectively: woff, woff and eot) of the five was downloaded. Based on that small sampling, it seems* that including the various file types in your #font-face declaration doesn't have a negative impact on the user.
*If you happen to know how other browsers behave, let us know.

What's the correct order to load fonts in?

Paul Irish suggests that the 'bullet proof' way to load fonts is to render EOT first, followed by WOFF, TTF, and lastly SVG.
#font-face {
font-family: 'Tagesschrift';
src: url('tagesschrift.eot'); /* IE 5-8 */
src: local('☺'), /* sneakily trick IE */
url('tagesschrift.woff') format('woff'), /* FF 3.6, Chrome 5, IE9 */
url('tagesschrift.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Opera, Safari */
url('tagesschrift.svg#font') format('svg'); /* iOS */
However, he doesn't explain why this is the correct order (I assume performance). Can anyone elaborate? Also, what are the quality differences? E.g. SVG appears to produce better scaling/antialiasing in Chrome.
There is no “correct order”, and it’s not a loading order but a list from which each browser is expected to pick up one font resource to load – namely this first one they support (and it works that way).
EOT comes first because it is the only one that old versions of IE support, but its position is really not important.
WOFF is generally said to the optimal for web fonts. Whether that is true may depend on opinions, rendering routines, and fonts, but it’s anyway the conventional wisdom behind the order
TTF and SVG are listed last because some browsers support only such formats. If they were placed earlier, those formats might get used by some browsers that support WOFF as well.

ie8 not rendering/loading #font-face fonts on first page load

All other browsers - FF, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE9 - works fine.
But in IE8 it wont load the #font-face font - but if you navigate to another page and then return, the font renders/loads fine.
See image:
Top: Text as seen once you navigate to another page, Bottom: as seen when the site first loads
CSS code:
#font-face {
font-family: 'FontNameHere';
src: url('/font/webfont.eot');
src: local('?'), url('/font/webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('/font/webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('/font/webfont.svg#webfontkKNhbsUZ') format('svg');
Thanks in advance.
Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera support the WOFF (Web Open Font Format) font.
Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera support fonts of type TTF (True Type Fonts) and OTF (OpenType Fonts).
Chrome, Safari and Opera also support SVG fonts/shapes.
Internet Explorer also supports EOT (Embedded OpenType) fonts.
Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions, do not support the #font-face rule.
IE8′s relationship with web fonts is a bit more complex than “it doesn’t support it”. It does actually support them, but in a way that makes using them a pain.
There are five types of web font formats:
Embedded Open Type (EOT)
TrueType (TTF)
OpenType (OTF)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Web Open Font Format (WOFF)
Of the bunch, WOFF is going to become the standard. It’s supported by Chrome, Firefox (since 3.6), Opera, Safari, and IE9.
Of course IE8 knows nothing about WOFF and instead exclusively supports EOT (to be fair, this is largely because IE8 preceded WOFF). This means that to use a web font which can be displayed in both IE8 and other browsers, you have to supply EOT and WOFF formats.
To make matters worse, IE8 has a bug which prevents it from loading more than one format for the same font. Fortunately, there is a hack you can use.
Anyway, here’s the cross-browser CSS for #font-face
#font-face {
font-family: 'OpenSans';
src: url('fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.eot');
src: url('fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/OpenSans-Light-webfont.svg#OpenSansLight') format('svg');
font-weight: 300;
font-style: normal;
In this example, I’m using a font called Open Sans and its multiple formats (EOT, WOFF, TTF, and SVG) which are stored in the “fonts” folder on my site.
If you’re wondering why I included the SVG format, the answer is because mobile Safari (iPhone/iPad) supported only this format until version 4.1.
I know this is an old question, but it comes up quite high on Google searches so I thought there might be some value in adding an answer here...
I have not yet come to a definitive answer, but I was unable to find others suffering the same symptom you're describing.
Generally, with IE8, webfonts either work or they don't -- but I was having them not load on some page loads (usually but not always the first), and seeing them sporadically not load from page to page on a site I'm working on.
I use a separate development server and this problem only occurs there, not on production!
I haven't yet figured out why this is the case. My first instinct was MIME types for EOT fonts, so I added one on my dev server. That didn't fix it. I haven't had time to fully diagnose, and since production is more important and I'm quite busy I probably won't be able to dig in any further for a bit - but perhaps someone will see this at the top of some google results and it'll be a catalyst for them to figure out the issue...
