I am getting an error message to reinstall see below - jshint

enter image description here
Failed to load jshint library. Please install jshint in your workspace folder using 'npm install jshint' or globally using 'npm install -g jshint' and then press Retry.


Error, 'ASK CLI v1 is not functional' in Visual Studio Code

Here's the entire error message....
Command 'ASK: Deploy the skill' resulted in an error (ASK CLI v1 is not functional. Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /q /s /c "ask init -l" error: unknown option '-l' )
Happens when I 'ASK deploy' or any ASK command. Anybody have any ideas what that means?
I figured it out and assuming you are a windows user, this may be your issue.
Before you install ASK-CLI on Windows, you must install the Node.js windows-build-tools package. Before you install windows-build-tools, make sure you have the version of Node.js that the package requires. If you have already installed ASK-CLI you need to uninstall it. Then install it again after you have installed windows-build-tools.
To install windows-build-tools, first open PowerShell with the Run as Administrator option, then type npm install -g --production windows-build-tools.
After I did this, I had to delete and recreate my ASK project, then my ASK deployments started working.
Reference: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/smapi/quick-start-alexa-skills-kit-command-line-interface.html
I have a step by step to setup a new environment:
npm install -g --production windows-build-tools
npm install -g ask-cli
ask configure
npm install -g lambda-local
Please assure that you are running the command as Administrator or using sudo on Linux.

Solutions to solve "zsh: command not found: grunt" not working

Trying to run grunt in my command line, but I am getting zsh: command not found: grunt.
In my project directory, I ran npm install -g grunt-cli, as per the grunt documentation. I've tried running npm install and npm install grunt --save-dev. I still get the same result.
Options I've tried:
adding grunt to zsh as a plugin
adding /usr/local/share/npm/bin/ to $PATH, as specified here
the solutions in this article on Hongkiat ("Solving Grunt “Command Not Found” Error in Terminal [Quickfix]"). There is a command here that is deprecated.
trying sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
None of these are working. Any tips on how to get grunt to work?
My system:
Mac OS v10.11
npm v5.6.0
node v8.9.4
zsh 5.0.8
Have you tried creating a .zshrc file and other files necessary to set the zsh paths on your mac?

Grunt command line is not working

When I try to run
$ grunt
it showing this error
Fatal error: unable to find local grunt
I have installed grunt in my project by using this command
npm install -g grunt-cli
can any one tell me what I have done wrong?
Try to use sudo as sometimes it is just because of access-permission issues. Also check if you are running the command in your project's root directory.
so try
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
it might also be a good idea to update your update existing npm before installing grunt-cli by running
npm update -g npm

Unable to install Grunt ?

I've installed grunt :
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
/Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.0/bin/grunt -> /Users/user/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.0/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
└── grunt-cli#1.2.0
But when i run grunt i have errors:
grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0)
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
If you're seeing this message, grunt hasn't been installed locally to
your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt,
please see the Getting Started guide:
Where i am wrong please ?
you have to install grunt globally and locally
you have installed the cli globally with the -g flag
now you have to install it locally in your package.json with ...
npm install -SD grunt
then your "grunt" command will work - assuming you have a valid gruntfile
This looks like a duplicate of Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
In a nutshell, try running grunt:init or npm:init first (depending on the version you have. See linked question for more details.
install the command-line interface:
npm install -g grunt-cli
install the local task runner:
cd [my project root]
npm install grunt --save-dev
define your Gruntfile.js as per http://gruntjs.com/getting-started#the-gruntfile
run the tasks with: grunt

grunt not installing/available globally

I'm trying to install grunt globally using the following command from the command line:
npm install -g grunt
The installation command seems to succeed with no errors written to the console. However, when I enter grunt at the command line after install I get the following error:
'grunt' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
It looks like the install command installs grunt into the following directory by default:
Not sure if the user-specific install directory might have anything to do with the issue? Any idea what might be causing the problem or how to debug?
You don't need to install grunt globally. I suggest you make grunt a dependency of your project. That way anyone can execute a npm install and get grunt. If you want to use the terminal commands, then you must install the command line interface package
npm install -g grunt-cli
