Bootstrap right col right absolute aligned to page with no-padding - css

I'm trying to create a row with two cols. And right col should be right aligned to the page... I don't want use container-fluid... please help...

As for now to align the one column to the right so that it takes up the whole screen, I would think that you would be better off with custom styling.
It would be a lot easier to figure out this problem if you post an example code snippet with the picture.


How to make columns in Slickgrid cover entire grid/row width?

Im trying to get slickgrid to autoadjust the columnsizes to fit the width of the grid but it do not seem to work. There is a grayish area to the right.
This is how it looks:
When i manualy click "Adjust column-sizes" in the menu the result looks like this:
That how I want it by default and not by having to click the menu-option.
Anyone who have had the same problem and know what the fix is?
Thanks in advance
You have to put the sum of column percentages to be equal to 100 to get them to display so

Want to Add checkbox in all direction of Image Slider

Below is the Slider I am working on. But I am facing some problem with Fog caption Alignment.
I wanted to align the Html caption in all four direction ie:
Will be top left
Will be on top right
Will be on bottom left
I want to place checkbox with some text in these fields.So please let me know how to proceed.
I tried doing but it struck in right side only.
Any help is Appreciated.
I'm not really sure of what you want. I updated your code. Please see the link:
Is that what you want?

Cell border in xtragrid

I have one Devexpress xtragrid with certain columns. Now I want to remove the bottom and left borders of the second and third column. Is there any way to achieve this? I tried to draw cell border with the grid back color. But it seems not working for me.
I have attached the screen shot of the grid with in which I have marked the expected behaviour. Kindly help me.
Please refer to the How to merge cells horizontally in GridView example which demonstrates how to implement a similar feature.

CSS positioning of images and labels on div

I'm developing a kind of list where my elements are clickable. I already used this code and now I have this:
However, now I need to add some more elements (one or two buttons, 1 label, and 1 image) like in the following picture.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance! - here you have it :) updated. Put your buttons inside the buttonContainer

How to vertically align multiple tables or graphics in Lyx

What I wanted to do is that I had multiple tables and/or images of different heights and wanted them positioned on the page side by side, so that the tops of the objects were aligned.
I couldn't figure this out, it didn't matter whether I put these 'in-line' or in separate Boxes (Minipages) (that seemed to be aligned the way I wanted in the editor), in output Lyx always seemed to align these objects somehow around the center of their height and not the top.
Finally, (after several hours of googling and trying to figure this out) I have the answer, so I'm posting it below, because I hope someone like me will find it useful in the future.
The way I solved this is relatively easy.
For each image/table I created a Box (Minipage). In each Box I put, on the first line, Vertical Space (Insert -> Formatting -> Vertical Space) and set the size to 0 in. After the Vertical Space I inserted the graphic/table. This way, if you put several boxes next to each other (for example by setting their width to 25% page width, or whatever you desire), they will be aligned by the top in the output.
You can also do Ctrl+Space (to insert a 'protected space') and then Enter, which seems to work the exact same way.
Hope this helps.
