Do not make the width of the button proportionnel to the width of the popup window - css

I want to make a button in a popup window as Script Lab as follows. Note that, in Script Lab, the width of the button is enough to hold the sentence in one line, even though the popup window is not very wide:
I almost use the same code as ScriptLab:
import { PrimaryButton } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Button';
... ...
return (
<div style={{ height: '100vh', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column'}}>
style={{ margin: 'auto' }}
text="Open link in new window"
// tslint:disable-next-line: jsx-no-lambda
onClick={() => {;
Here is my result, where the width of the button is proportionnel to the width of the popup window. As a consequence, the sentence needs to be displayed in 2 rows, which is not what I want.
Does anyone know how to amend the code to get the effect like Script Lab?
Edit 1:
I have made a sandbox:
Now, the problem is, if we Open In New Window and open in a new browser tab several times, we may see a little adjustment of the font of the text in the button. Does anyone know how to avoid that?

On button width:
In order to not have the width of the button grow proportionately with the container you can enforce the width: auto on the button. This way it will only be as wide as it needs to be to contain the text. Value auto is also better than having a fixed width, because it can automatically wrap the text if the popup becomes too narrow to display the text in one line (with fixed width your button would overflow instead - which looks really bad).
On font adjustments
For the font adjustments you experience - this is a very common thing on web and it even has its own name - FOUT (Flash of Unstyled Text). It happens when you use custom fonts on the page, because these are files like any other and so they take some time to download. Browsers prefer displaying the content as early as possible (even without custom fonts loaded) to displaying the perfect content (by waiting on all resources) with some speed penalty.
The only way (at least that I know) to completely avoid FOUT is to use system fonts instead of custom fonts (github does that for example).
If that's not an option, you can minimize the FOUT by caching the fonts on client machines for long times. This way they will experience the flash briefly on the first visit, but not on subsequent ones.
You can also try to minimize the FOUT by telling the browser to try to preload the font files that will be needed for the page (part of the reason why FOUT happens is that browser discovers the fonts very late)

Set a fixed width to the button.Setting a fixed width will make it unproportional to the width of the pop-up window.
Second Option: If you use min-width, the button width will decrease to a point.
Third Option: If you use max-width, the button width will increase upto a point.
Fourth Option: You can also use '#media' queries to customize the width according to size of the screen.

You don't want the button's text to wrap, so you'll need to change the font size, which you can do when you find that the button's height increases when the text wraps. I suggest that you create a invisible, but not 'display: none', possibly 'off-screen' version of the button so that the real button's font is changed after you know the right size is needed. Alternatively, what about an image or glyph instead of text, and a Title for the button text?


How to get rid of useless scrollbars in a material dialog when a radio-group is used?

This Stackblitz example opens a simple dialog which contains a radio group in the mat-dialog-content div.
You can see that the dialog-content shows an ugly scrollbar:
This does not happen when other components are used: e.g. input, etc.
Using chrome dev-tools, I can see that the mat-radio-buttons have a height of 20px:
but the mat-radio-group only has a height of 17px:
Is this a bug in angular material components (the example uses version 12.0.4), or is there a simple workaround/css that we can use to get rid of the scrollbar?
I've tried explicitly setting the height on the mat-radio-group, but this has no effect.
in production we do of course have many dialogs and some of them are large and need the scrollbars
we need an application wide solution/workaround
simply hiding the scrollbars is not okay: it must remain auto so that the dialog can react to size changes (e.g. user rotates device, some items are shown/hidden dynamically, etc.
For now we came up with a workaround that fixes the issue in all our 30+ dialogs.
The nice thing is that we can apply it in one place, in styles.scss:
.mat-dialog-content {
padding-bottom: 10px !important;
We just add a padding to the bottom of the dialog content area and then scrollbars: auto works as expected in all our dialogs (small and large). i.e. when you make the browser window larger/smaller, the scrollbar is automatically shown/hidden.
And it also works when there are multiple mat-radio-groups in one dialog.
The additional padding between the content and bottom dialog-actions is acceptable for our ui.
Stackblitz example with workaround
The reason this happens is due to the ripple effect on the radio button - which takes up additional space and causes the scrollbar to show. See
There are a number of ways to resolve this, such as using padding or margins on the components or on the dialog content itself like you did. The important thing is that there is enough space added to accommodate the ripple.

Dynamic height for material ui tab containers

I'm having a problem which at first I thought it was the general configuration of my app and the height I was giving to my page wrapping classes. But I made a simple out of the box material ui tab example and it seems this is natural to material ui Tabs Component.
Material UI tabs component gives their tab container the same height, being that height the largest of all its containers. So if you have one tab content with lots of content in it, it makes the other tab contents just as large, even though they may only have one text field and a button in them.
How can I make it that the height of the container adjusts to the content of its own tab?
Here is a visual
Here is why TAB ONE is so large, TAB TWO is setting the height
Here is a webpackBin for you to see the code working and mess with it.
One hack I've done so far is setting a definite height and overflow, but I don't want to do that because it creates a double scroll bar (one in the tab container, one in the body) besides, it's buggy looking.
I would like it if the tab container (the one with the green border) adjusts to the content as it does in TAB TWO, BUT individually.
Thanks in advance!
If you set the height based on the given element's current visibility you will be able to resolve this issue.
.react-swipeable-view-container > div[aria-hidden="false"] {
height: 100%;
.react-swipeable-view-container > div[aria-hidden="true"] {
height: 0;
Note: this solution could be improved by using a better selector, something more descriptive like a class name. I suppose it's subjective though, using an attribute selector is not technically wrong and actually more specific than just a class.
animateHeight will animate height on tab change. if all tabs have different height it will show height accordingly.
animateHeight // it will animate height on tab change
<div>{'slide 1'}</div>
<div>{'slide 2'}</div>
<div>{'slide 3'}</div>
Happy Coding ...!
There's a merge request that have been accepted here on the lib that could be interesting with a new method called updateHeight
action={actions => {
this.swipeableActions = actions;
<div>{'slide n°1'}</div>
<div>{'slide n°2'}</div>
<div>{'slide n°3'}</div>
componentDidUpdate() {

Style textarea and button

In a chrome extension (so feel free to make Chrome-specific suggestions), I'd like to make a textarea and a button on a single row. The textarea has a defined height (in rows). The button should be the same height as the textarea. Ideally some attribute or setting allows me to manually determine the width of the button versus the width of the textarea. Ideally this is just a css/html solution, not javascript if I can avoid it.
You will need to use flex box with
{ align-items:stretch }
Check this illustration:

Updatepanel height remaining largest size after update

After almost 4 years of use, one of my testers noticed something strange with my update panels.
Let's say I have a display mode and it takes 100 pixels in height. The user then switches to edit mode and the updatepanel updates. The window is now 500 pixels in height. The user clicks save and it turns back to display mode, which is only 100 pixels.
Now the dom only takes 100 pixels, but there still is a scrollbar all the way to 500 pixels. If the user shrinks the screen down to 100 pixels, he/she will still see a scrollbar, despite the fact that there's nothing down there anymore.
What the hell is causing this and how do I fix it? It's like the updatepanel doesn't tell the window it doesn't need all that height anymore.
Sounds to me like your control maybe using visibility="visible|hidden" instead of display:"none|block".
Use IE Dev Toolbar or Firebug to see what the DOM structure is during your page state.
It also may just be that your edit mode is too big for its fixed height container. Try not constrain the outermost container so it can grow with the dynamically changing internal content.
The visibility property determines
whether a given element is visible or
not (visibility="visible|hidden").
However, when visibility is set to
hidden, the element being hidden still
occupies its same place in the layout
of the page.
CSS Properties: Display vs. Visibility

CSS: How to increase the size of a OSX submit button

How do I increase the native FORM submit button size for OSX-Safari?
I want to keep the native look of a FORM submit button for it's respective operating system while also enlarging the size of the submit button. (Meaning, no use of images, custom borders etc..)
Using the following CSS:
input.submitbutton {font-size:150%;}
On Windows, this increase the submit button size height and width as desired ... regardless of the browser (Safari, Firefox, IE, Chrome).
But on OSX - Safari does not increase the button size at all. The form button size remains the default size.
Try to include this CSS property on your style:
-webkit-appearance: button;
Hope this helps!
Safari's form buttons are notoriously hard to style (if not impossible).
As others have said, height is pretty much untouchable.
What you can do is set the font size to an exact pixel size to resize the button.
input.submitbutton {font-size:14px;}
That should make the font size larger and the button as well. It does max out can't just keep increasing the font size.
The "native look" of a pushbutton includes a fixed height by definition
Push Button Specifications
Control sizes:
Push buttons are
available in regular, small, and mini
sizes. The height of a push button is
fixed for each size, but you specify
the width, depending on the length of
the label text you supply. If you
don’t specify a wide enough button,
the end caps clip the text.
What you want would not be "native" and therefore will necessarily involve the creation of a custom image, or you can always do something like this
If you apply a border to the button, Safari abandons it's glossy button and you can do what you like with it.
I am using several input type="button" and they style ok using:
input[type="button"] {
-webkit-appearance: button;
They did not style without the -wbkit- line.
or use the <button> tag.
Particletree! Rediscovering the Button Element
It’s an edge case, but if you’re trying all sorts of things and just can’t get Safari to make button labels smaller, you might have activated the “Never use font sizes smaller than X” option in Safari’s preferences:
This snagged me yesterday. Just turn it off and Safari will be much more likely to respect your CSS directives.
Seems obvious, but have you tried changing the element size instead of the font size?
