restart svg animation on hover (mouseover) svg or css solutions only - css

This is my svg, the eyes blink every 12 seconds, but I want the user to be able to trigger that on any mouseover event. So restart the animation on hover.
I've tried adding
begin="mouseover;...." to my svg animate tags, but it just triggers that lone animation, not all 6 animations, and I don't want it to trigger when the user hovers over a small shape, but rather over the whole svg.
I'm not keen on javascript because it slows the load time. I'd love some assistance, it'll help those impatient to view the animation again.
<svg width="120.03" height="120.4" viewBox="0 0 120.03 120.399" xmlns="" style="display:block; margin:auto; margin-top: -110px;">
<path d="M13.936 69.536s-.904.55-1.48 1.279-1.667 3.216-1.667 3.216-1.105-7.03-1.199-10.04c-.093-3.01.45-7.942.45-7.942l-8.691.6s1.9-6.464 3.147-8.991c1.245-2.527 3.596-5.994 3.596-5.994s-2.52-.16-3.896.15S0 43.612 0 43.612c2.675-9.279 6.027-16.872 10.94-22.178C18.673 13.326 34.6-.32 57.991.004s33.594 5.326 44.206 13.637c10.612 8.311 17.832 29.67 17.832 29.67l-7.942-2.098 6.743 14.685-8.99.6-.75 15.883-2.847-3.296s-.488 10.012-1.649 13.936c-1.16 3.924-4.645 9.44-4.645 9.44l-1.349-3.596s-2.494 7.072-5.095 9.59c-2.118 2.051-5.239 2.718-7.942 3.896-7.797 3.4-13.699 8.929-23.826 9.141s-27.169-6.132-33.417-11.239c-6.248-5.106-6.593-11.389-6.593-11.389l-1.199 5.245s-4.679-9.466-5.694-13.636-.9-10.939-.9-10.939z" fill="#45332c" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M19.331 13.043s-3.966-3.487-4.945-5.844c-.904-2.176-.6-7.043-.6-7.043s7.166 3.172 13.17 5.076c3 .953 7.174.818 12.08 1.929 4.907 1.11 10.865 3.784 10.865 3.784L48.85 6.3l6.894 5.544 3.896-9.29 3.596 9.74 7.643-5.695-1.499 4.646s6.731-2.78 10.639-3.747c3.908-.965 8.456-.707 12.737-1.873 4.281-1.165 12.737-5.17 12.737-5.17s-.35 4.496-1.199 6.594c-.849 2.098-3.896 5.994-3.896 5.994s6.142 7.34 7.343 12.438c1.2 5.097 1.137 11.9-1.199 16.933s-6.847 9.09-11.688 11.389c-4.842 2.298-10.806 2.824-15.734 1.798-4.928-1.026-9.334-4.78-12.438-7.193s-6.444-6.593-6.444-6.593-4.605 5.051-7.942 7.492c-3.336 2.442-7.178 5.841-12.138 6.744-4.96.902-11.333.372-16.184-2.398-4.85-2.77-9.06-8.213-10.789-13.337s-.665-10.657.45-15.285 5.694-11.988 5.694-11.988z" fill="#785647" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
<ellipse id="yellow" cx="35.443" cy="30.654" rx="17.099" ry="17.066" fill="#f9c802" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.73361021, 17.606645" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".734"/>
<ellipse id="black" cx="35.664" cy="30.051" rx="8.848" ry="8.848" fill="#302c3b" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.75924348, 18.22184352" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".759"/>
<ellipse id="white" cx="28.696" cy="24.431" rx="2.847" ry="4.196" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.62362205, 14.96692913" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".624"/>
<ellipse id="yellow2" cx="84.029" cy="29.938" rx="17.066" ry="17.066" fill="#f9c802" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.73219484, 17.57267607" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".732"/>
<ellipse id="black2" cx="84.216" cy="29.976" rx="8.848" ry="8.848" fill="#302c3b" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.75924348, 18.22184352" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".759"/>
<ellipse id="white2" cx="77.248" cy="24.356" rx="2.847" ry="4.196" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.62362205, 14.96692913" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".624"/>
<path d="M34.232 104.03l-.344 6.305 3.284 8.9 3.391-6.781 2.12 7.629 3.92-7.735 2.119 6.04 2.86-6.146 1.167-7.312zM65.57 105.35l5.616 13.563 2.437-6.676 2.437 8.16 3.709-8.054 2.33 6.676 3.71-9.007-1.166-6.781z" fill="#f59e01" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M21.064 60.248s-1.255 4.953-1.199 7.642c.056 2.69 1.649 8.242 1.649 8.242l1.648-3.896s-.085 7.66 1.086 11.09c1.172 3.427 5.058 8.091 5.058 8.091l.15-4.196s.463 3.721 1.948 5.844 7.343 5.845 7.343 5.845l-7.043 7.792 5.094.6-2.547 2.397s4.28-.363 5.994-1.349c1.715-.986 3.896-4.196 3.896-4.196s1.782 3.081 3.121 3.966c1.34.885 4.664.917 4.664.917s-.704-3.049-.442-3.234c.32-.227 2.997 1.798 2.997 1.798l-.45-2.098 11.538-.15-.45 2.847 3.783-.837-.869 2.111s4.14-.577 4.938-1.413c.797-.835 3.537-3.607 3.537-3.607s3.022 3.412 4.646 4.196c1.623.784 4.495.75 4.495.75l-2.547-2.698 6.144.45s-3.181-3.102-4.346-4.646-2.697-4.495-2.697-4.495 5.457-2.504 6.893-4.496 1.648-6.294 1.648-6.294l1.218 4.566s3.437-5.57 4.327-7.862c.89-2.293.717-3.393.899-5.245s.15-5.844.15-5.844l1.798 2.697s1.37-7.276 1.498-9.89c.128-2.615-.3-5.694-.3-5.694l-40.758 4.345z" fill="#785647" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M36.563 61.997l-5.006 6.939s4.14 1.15 6.252.953c2.112-.197 6.04-2.119 6.04-2.119s-1.236 3.934-2.331 5.404c-1.096 1.47-3.921 3.285-3.921 3.285s4.698.717 6.993.212c2.296-.505 6.358-3.179 6.358-3.179l-1.59 6.888 7.63-8.795 3.062 16.27 3.19-16.482 6.463 8.795-.636-7.206s2.438 2.334 4.45 3.073 7.418.742 7.418.742l-5.26-8.59s2.796 1.16 4.795 1.35c2 .19 7.043-.6 7.043-.6l-4.645-7.193s-8.02-.125-11.913-.899c-1.947-.387-6.65-2.862-8.88-3.889s-3.15-.13-3.15-.13-6.802 3.06-10.823 4.146c-4.021 1.085-11.539 1.025-11.539 1.025z" fill="#ffe8bb" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M53.047 37.768s4.706-3.805 7.343-3.746c2.637.059 6.593 3.746 6.593 3.746S63.06 66.979 60.54 66.989c-3.12.012-7.492-29.221-7.492-29.221z" fill="#f59e01" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
id = "yellowEye"
values="17.066; 0; 17.066"
keyTimes="0; 0.5; 1"
id = "yellowEye2"
values="17.066; 0; 17.066"
keyTimes="0; 0.5; 1"
id = "blackEye"
values="8.848; 8.848; 0; 0; 8.848; 8.848"
keyTimes="0; 0.23; 0.48; 0.51; 0.77; 1"
id = "blackEye2"
values="8.848; 8.848; 0; 0; 8.848; 8.848"
keyTimes="0; 0.23; 0.48; 0.51; 0.77; 1"
id = "whiteEye"
values="4.196; 0; 0; 4.196"
keyTimes="0; 0.27; 0.7; 1"
id = "whiteEye2"
values="4.196; 0; 0; 4.196"
keyTimes="0; 0.27; 0.7; 1"

In SMIL you can use the event mouseover. Since you want the eyes to blink simultaneously I've putted the eyes in a group and I'm targeting the group:
begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; whiteEye2.end+12s;"`
However you won't get a blink when mousing between the eyes. To fix this I'm adding to the group a rect behind the eyes:
<rect x="18" y="12" width="84" height="36" fill="none" pointer-events="all"/>
The rect has no fill so you need to add pointer-events="all" in order to make it sensitive to the mouse.
<svg width="120.03" height="120.4" viewBox="0 0 120.03 120.399" xmlns="" style="display:block; margin:auto;">
<g id="theGroup">
<rect x="18" y="12" width="84" height="36" fill="none" pointer-events="all"/>
<ellipse id="yellow" cx="35.443" cy="30.654" rx="17.099" ry="17.066" fill="#f9c802" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.73361021, 17.606645" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".734" />
<ellipse id="black" cx="35.664" cy="30.051" rx="8.848" ry="8.848" fill="#302c3b" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.75924348, 18.22184352" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".759" />
<ellipse id="white" cx="28.696" cy="24.431" rx="2.847" ry="4.196" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.62362205, 14.96692913" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".624" />
<ellipse id="yellow2" cx="84.029" cy="29.938" rx="17.066" ry="17.066" fill="#f9c802" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.73219484, 17.57267607" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".732" />
<ellipse id="black2" cx="84.216" cy="29.976" rx="8.848" ry="8.848" fill="#302c3b" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.75924348, 18.22184352" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".759" />
<ellipse id="white2" cx="77.248" cy="24.356" rx="2.847" ry="4.196" fill="#fff" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="0.62362205, 14.96692913" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity=".436" stroke-width=".624" />
<animate id="yellowEye" xlink:href="#yellow" attributeName="ry" values="17.066; 0; 17.066" keyTimes="0; 0.5; 1" dur="0.25s" fill="freeze" begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; blackEye.end+12s;" />
<animate id="yellowEye2" xlink:href="#yellow2" attributeName="ry" values="17.066; 0; 17.066" keyTimes="0; 0.5; 1" dur="0.25s" fill="freeze" begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; blackEye.end+12s;" />
<animate id="blackEye" xlink:href="#black" attributeName="ry" values="8.848; 8.848; 0; 0; 8.848; 8.848" keyTimes="0; 0.23; 0.48; 0.51; 0.77; 1" dur="0.25s" fill="freeze" begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; blackEye.end+12s;" />
<animate id="blackEye2" xlink:href="#black2" attributeName="ry" values="8.848; 8.848; 0; 0; 8.848; 8.848" keyTimes="0; 0.23; 0.48; 0.51; 0.77; 1" dur="0.25s" fill="freeze" begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; blackEye.end+12s;" />
<animate id="whiteEye" xlink:href="#white" attributeName="ry" values="4.196; 0; 0; 4.196" keyTimes="0; 0.27; 0.7; 1" dur="0.25s" fill="freeze" begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; blackEye.end+12s;" />
<animate id="whiteEye2" xlink:href="#white2" attributeName="ry" values="4.196; 0; 0; 4.196" keyTimes="0; 0.27; 0.7; 1" dur="0.25s" fill="freeze" begin="2s; theGroup.mouseover; whiteEye2.end+12s;" />


Why doesn't the group animation work for me?

I have svg (from undraw edited in figma) with groups selected by id and I would like to have animation in css on these groups.
But I set animation for group with id head and it doesn't work (The head should tilt, but the image doesn't move at all).
Can you help me?
Thank you in advance for your reply!
animation: head 1s ease infinite alternate;
transform-origin: bottom;
#keyframes head{
transform: rotateZ('-10deg');
transform: rotateZ('10deg');
<div class="svg-animation">
<svg width="600" height="523" viewBox="0 0 600 523" fill="none" xmlns="">
<g id="undraw_developer_activity_re_39tg 1" clip-path="url(#clip0_3_67)">
// Lots of other vectors
<g id="head">
<path id="ab6171fa-7d69-4734-b81c-8dff60f9761b" d="M199.507 172.87C226.126 172.87 247.704 151.292 247.704 124.674C247.704 98.0553 226.126 76.4769 199.507 76.4769C172.889 76.4769 151.311 98.0553 151.311 124.674C151.311 151.292 172.889 172.87 199.507 172.87Z" fill="#FFB6B6"/>
<path id="bf427902-b9bf-4946-b5d7-5c1c7e04535e" d="M241.715 89.3366C241.715 89.3366 254.32 65.2383 226.587 63.0475C226.587 63.0475 202.945 41.6007 178.847 59.1267C178.847 59.1267 165.702 59.1267 158.514 74.0013C158.514 74.0013 148.176 70.0805 145.904 80.5736C145.904 80.5736 138.339 102.481 145.904 122.198C153.469 141.915 155.981 144.106 155.981 144.106C155.981 144.106 143.551 102.768 173.808 100.577C204.064 98.3866 237.923 79.4782 240.444 103.577C242.966 127.675 246.76 133.612 246.76 133.612C246.76 133.612 270.709 99.1951 241.715 89.3366Z" fill="#2F2E41"/>
<path id="Vector_42" d="M257.955 122.04H254.428C254.428 95.3746 228.038 77.901 201.415 77.8869C197.542 77.8755 193.678 78.2513 189.881 79.0085C185.606 79.8621 181.169 80.885 176.809 82.2182C159.618 87.4879 143.675 97.6743 143.675 122.04C143.671 126.772 144.273 131.485 145.467 136.064L142.052 136.953C140.786 132.083 140.146 127.072 140.148 122.04C140.148 100.75 148.888 86.1264 163.984 77.4072C171.92 72.8218 181.606 69.8661 192.702 68.427C197.32 67.8127 201.988 67.6708 206.635 68.0037C237.251 70.2047 257.955 93.6816 257.955 122.04Z" fill="#009B77"/>
<path id="Vector_43" d="M263.832 123.994L262.442 113.723C262.099 111.129 260.85 108.74 258.915 106.979C257.673 105.831 256.186 104.98 254.566 104.491C252.947 104.003 251.238 103.888 249.568 104.157L247.36 104.461C246.755 104.54 246.173 104.739 245.646 105.045C245.12 105.352 244.659 105.76 244.291 106.245C243.92 106.73 243.649 107.282 243.492 107.872C243.336 108.462 243.298 109.076 243.381 109.681L246.591 133.341C246.723 134.305 247.155 135.204 247.826 135.909C248.497 136.614 249.373 137.09 250.33 137.27C250.613 137.327 250.901 137.356 251.19 137.355C251.398 137.355 251.605 137.341 251.811 137.313L254.28 136.981C255.785 136.781 257.234 136.276 258.537 135.496C259.84 134.716 260.969 133.678 261.856 132.445C262.047 132.177 262.23 131.902 262.4 131.62C263.722 129.312 264.226 126.625 263.832 123.994Z" fill="#009B77"/>
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<path id="Vector_45" d="M263.832 123.994L262.442 113.723C262.099 111.129 260.85 108.74 258.915 106.979L262.11 130.519C262.158 130.897 262.255 131.267 262.4 131.62C263.722 129.312 264.226 126.625 263.832 123.994Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_46" d="M252.848 131.395C253.813 131.264 254.299 128.967 253.932 126.264C253.565 123.562 252.486 121.477 251.521 121.608C250.555 121.739 250.07 124.036 250.437 126.738C250.803 129.441 251.883 131.526 252.848 131.395Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_47" d="M250.732 118.697C251.697 118.566 252.182 116.269 251.816 113.566C251.449 110.864 250.369 108.779 249.404 108.91C248.439 109.041 247.954 111.338 248.32 114.041C248.687 116.743 249.767 118.828 250.732 118.697Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_48" d="M264.135 123.635C265.1 123.504 265.586 121.207 265.219 118.505C264.852 115.802 263.773 113.717 262.808 113.848C261.842 113.979 261.357 116.276 261.724 118.979C262.09 121.681 263.17 123.766 264.135 123.635Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_49" d="M201.415 77.8868C197.542 77.8755 193.678 78.2513 189.881 79.0085C185.606 79.8621 181.169 80.8849 176.809 82.2182C170.002 81.8867 164.993 80.1231 163.984 77.4071C171.92 72.8218 181.606 69.866 192.702 68.4269C197.32 67.8126 201.988 67.6708 206.635 68.0037C207.127 68.292 207.552 68.6812 207.883 69.1457C208.213 69.6101 208.442 70.1393 208.554 70.6984C208.885 73.1534 206.085 75.7635 201.415 77.8868Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_50" d="M156.38 146.519L150.948 123.938C150.754 123.123 150.324 122.384 149.711 121.813C149.099 121.242 148.331 120.864 147.505 120.728C147.272 120.692 147.036 120.673 146.8 120.672C146.467 120.673 146.136 120.713 145.812 120.791L143.71 121.299C141.003 121.954 138.667 123.656 137.213 126.031C135.76 128.406 135.308 131.261 135.957 133.969L138.391 144.099C138.947 146.484 140.27 148.62 142.158 150.18C142.464 150.427 142.784 150.655 143.117 150.864C144.3 151.605 145.619 152.102 146.996 152.325C148.374 152.548 149.782 152.493 151.138 152.162L153.233 151.654C153.787 151.525 154.309 151.282 154.764 150.942C155.442 150.448 155.957 149.764 156.245 148.976C156.532 148.188 156.579 147.333 156.38 146.519Z" fill="#009B77"/>
<path id="Vector_51" d="M144.992 142.317C145.939 142.089 146.19 139.755 145.552 137.104C144.914 134.452 143.629 132.487 142.682 132.715C141.735 132.943 141.484 135.277 142.122 137.929C142.76 140.58 144.045 142.545 144.992 142.317Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_52" d="M137.938 144.434C138.885 144.206 139.135 141.871 138.497 139.22C137.859 136.568 136.574 134.604 135.627 134.832C134.68 135.059 134.43 137.394 135.068 140.045C135.706 142.697 136.991 144.661 137.938 144.434Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<path id="Vector_53" d="M156.725 146.434L151.293 123.853C151.082 122.972 150.615 122.172 149.951 121.555C149.287 120.937 148.456 120.53 147.562 120.382L154.976 151.224C155.708 150.688 156.265 149.947 156.576 149.094C156.888 148.242 156.94 147.316 156.725 146.434Z" fill="white"/>
<path id="Vector_54" d="M137.185 129.497C137.035 128.869 136.753 128.28 136.359 127.768C135.596 129.746 135.455 131.909 135.957 133.969L138.391 144.099C138.947 146.484 140.27 148.62 142.158 150.18L137.185 129.497Z" fill="#3F3D56"/>
<clipPath id="clip0_3_67">
<rect width="600" height="522.608" fill="white"/>

How do I control animation-play-start on nested animate element?

I'm trying to create an svg that only plays its animation when it's hovered over.
I've made multiple attempts to affect the animation-play-state attribute of the following svg markup's nested animate elements; and I'm just not getting it.
I've tried:
inlining, which doesn't work, because apparently there is no inline equivalent of the animation-play-state CSS property. I also haven't been able to affect the element's inline attributes, unless I set both 'default' and 'hover' states within my CSS
selecting elements by attribute, i.e.
svg [id^=anim_RenderLayer] {/*some attribute*/}
which doesn't have an effect on any attribute I've tried
setting the CSS properties to the enclosing g elements and svg element, which was unsuccessful for the animation-play-start attribute, but successful for others.
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting the below code's animation element's into the 'paused' state, 'running' state on hover over, and to restart on mouseout?
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:inkscape="" height="100" version="1.1" width="100">
<g id="RenderLayer_LineSet" inkscape:groupmode="lineset" inkscape:label="RenderLayer_LineSet">
<g id="frame_0001" inkscape:groupmode="frame" inkscape:label="frame_0001">
<g id="strokes" inkscape:groupmode="layer" inkscape:label="strokes">
<path d=" M 50.000, 61.244 57.071, 68.315 64.142, 75.386 67.616, 78.860 74.687, 71.788 78.860, 67.616 71.788, 60.544 64.717, 53.473 61.244, 50.000 68.315, 42.929 75.386, 35.858 78.860, 32.384 71.788, 25.313 67.616, 21.140 60.544, 28.212 53.473, 35.283 50.000, 38.756 42.929, 31.685 35.858, 24.614 32.384, 21.140 25.313, 28.212 21.140, 32.384 28.212, 39.455 35.283, 46.527 38.756, 50.000 31.685, 57.071 24.614, 64.142 21.140, 67.616 28.212, 74.687 32.384, 78.860 39.456, 71.788 46.527, 64.717 50.000, 61.244 " fill="red" />
<animate attributeName="display" begin="-0.500s" dur="0.500s" id="anim_RenderLayer_LineSet_000001" keyTimes="0.0;0.083;0.167;0.25;0.333;0.417;0.5;0.583;0.667;0.75;0.833;0.917;1" repeatCount="indefinite" values="none;none;none;none;none;none;none;none;none;none;none;inline;none" />
<g id="frame_0002" inkscape:groupmode="frame" inkscape:label="frame_0002">
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<path d=" M 50.000, 61.200 57.068, 68.273 64.136, 75.347 67.653, 78.867 74.712, 71.784 78.897, 67.585 71.823, 60.517 64.749, 53.449 61.244, 49.947 68.312, 42.873 75.380, 35.799 78.822, 32.355 71.738, 25.296 67.578, 21.150 60.504, 28.218 53.430, 35.286 50.000, 38.712 42.926, 31.644 35.852, 24.576 32.422, 21.150 25.339, 28.209 21.178, 32.355 28.247, 39.429 35.315, 46.503 38.756, 49.947 31.682, 57.015 24.608, 64.083 21.103, 67.585 28.162, 74.668 32.347, 78.867 39.415, 71.793 46.483, 64.719 50.000, 61.200 " fill="red" />
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<path d=" M 61.217, 48.154 68.347, 41.144 75.478, 34.133 77.544, 32.102 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 31.021, 77.843 38.152, 70.832 45.282, 63.821 50.000, 59.183 50.000, 60.463 " fill="red" />
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<path d=" M 50.000, 58.878 57.160, 65.859 64.319, 72.841 69.140, 77.541 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 61.210, 47.947 68.370, 40.966 75.529, 33.984 77.394, 32.166 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 30.860, 77.541 38.020, 70.560 45.180, 63.578 50.000, 58.878 50.000, 60.388 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 22.606, 32.166 29.765, 39.147 36.925, 46.129 38.790, 47.947 " fill="red" />
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<g id="strokes" inkscape:groupmode="layer" inkscape:label="strokes">
<path d=" M 38.795, 47.810 37.939, 48.584 30.524, 55.293 23.109, 62.002 19.609, 65.168 26.369, 72.537 30.753, 77.316 31.874, 77.986 39.038, 71.008 46.201, 64.031 50.000, 60.331 57.163, 67.309 64.327, 74.286 68.126, 77.986 69.247, 77.316 76.007, 69.947 80.391, 65.168 72.976, 58.459 65.560, 51.750 62.061, 48.584 61.205, 47.810 " fill="red" />
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<path d=" M 50.000, 58.667 57.182, 65.626 64.363, 72.584 69.247, 77.316 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 61.205, 47.810 68.387, 40.851 75.569, 33.893 77.295, 32.220 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 30.753, 77.316 37.935, 70.358 45.116, 63.399 50.000, 58.667 50.000, 60.331 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 22.705, 32.220 29.887, 39.178 37.068, 46.137 38.795, 47.810 " fill="red" />
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<g id="strokes" inkscape:groupmode="layer" inkscape:label="strokes">
<path d=" M 38.797, 47.760 37.910, 48.559 30.482, 55.253 23.053, 61.947 19.575, 65.081 26.333, 72.452 30.714, 77.230 31.837, 77.962 39.008, 70.993 46.179, 64.023 50.000, 60.309 57.171, 67.279 64.342, 74.248 68.163, 77.962 69.286, 77.230 76.044, 69.859 80.425, 65.081 72.996, 58.387 65.568, 51.693 62.090, 48.559 61.203, 47.760 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 62.090, 48.559 69.261, 41.589 75.879, 35.156 77.259, 32.241 69.506, 25.925 66.104, 23.153 58.675, 29.847 51.246, 36.542 50.000, 37.665 42.571, 30.970 35.142, 24.276 33.896, 23.153 26.143, 29.469 22.741, 32.241 24.121, 35.156 31.292, 42.126 37.910, 48.559 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 50.000, 58.589 57.190, 65.539 64.381, 72.488 69.286, 77.230 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 61.203, 47.760 68.394, 40.810 75.584, 33.861 77.259, 32.241 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 30.714, 77.230 37.904, 70.280 45.094, 63.330 50.000, 58.589 50.000, 60.309 " fill="red" />
<path d=" M 22.741, 32.241 29.931, 39.191 37.121, 46.141 38.797, 47.760 " fill="red" />
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I was able to create a working solution, using the techniques implemented by Heydon Pickering in the following article:
You can see a working implementation at:
Basically, each path element within the svg represents a 'frame' of animation; and each of those frames are made visible for only brief moments of time - in the same manner that traditional motion pictures are displayed.
The start and restart of the animation are accomplished by removing and then re-adding classes that apply the animation. i.e.,
.timeline>g:nth-child(1) path.frame {
animation-name: click_animation_frame_1;
.timeline>g:nth-child(2) path.frame {
animation-name: click_animation_frame_2;
#keyframes click_animation_frame_1 {
0% {opacity: 1;}
16.666666666666668% {opacity: 0;}
#keyframes click_animation_frame_2 {
16.666666666666668% {opacity: 1;}
33.333333333333336% {opacity: 0;}
for (let g of document.getElementById('timeline').children) {
for (let path of g.children) {
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" height="100" version="1.1" width="100" id="timeline">
<g id="frame1">
<path d=" M 38.797, 47.754 37.907, 48.556 30.476, 55.248 23.046, 61.940 19.571, 65.070 26.329, 72.441 30.709, 77.219 31.832, 77.959 39.004, 70.990 46.176, 64.022 50.000, 60.306 57.172, 67.275 64.344, 74.243 68.168, 77.959 69.291, 77.219 76.049, 69.848 80.429, 65.070 72.999, 58.378 65.568, 51.686 62.093, 48.556 61.203, 47.754 "/>
<path d=" M 62.093, 48.556 69.265, 41.587 75.875, 35.164 77.255, 32.244 69.500, 25.931 66.100, 23.163 58.669, 29.855 51.239, 36.548 50.000, 37.664 42.570, 30.971 35.139, 24.279 33.900, 23.163 26.145, 29.476 22.745, 32.244 24.125, 35.164 31.297, 42.133 37.907, 48.556 "/>
<path d=" M 50.000, 58.579 57.191, 65.528 64.383, 72.476 69.291, 77.219 " />
<path d=" M 61.203, 47.754 68.395, 40.805 75.586, 33.857 77.255, 32.244 " />
<path d=" M 30.709, 77.219 37.900, 70.270 45.092, 63.322 50.000, 58.579 50.000, 60.306 " />
<path d=" M 22.745, 32.244 29.937, 39.193 37.128, 46.142 38.797, 47.754 " />
<g id="frame2">
<path d=" M 38.862, 47.999 38.070, 48.714 30.643, 55.410 23.215, 62.106 19.758, 65.223 26.516, 72.594 30.832, 77.300 31.832, 77.959 39.004, 70.990 46.176, 64.022 50.000, 60.306 57.172, 67.275 64.344, 74.243 68.168, 77.959 69.168, 77.300 75.926, 69.930 80.242, 65.223 72.815, 58.527 65.388, 51.831 61.930, 48.714 61.138, 47.999 "/>
<path d=" M 61.930, 48.714 69.102, 41.745 75.875, 35.164 77.104, 32.562 69.354, 26.243 66.014, 23.519 58.587, 30.216 51.160, 36.912 50.000, 37.957 42.573, 31.261 35.146, 24.565 33.986, 23.519 26.236, 29.839 22.896, 32.562 24.125, 35.164 31.297, 42.133 38.070, 48.714 "/>
<path d=" M 50.000, 58.768 57.189, 65.719 64.379, 72.670 69.168, 77.300 " fill="none" />
<path d=" M 61.138, 47.999 68.327, 41.048 75.517, 34.098 77.104, 32.562 " fill="none" />
<path d=" M 30.832, 77.300 38.022, 70.349 45.211, 63.398 50.000, 58.768 50.000, 60.306 " />
<path d=" M 22.896, 32.562 30.085, 39.513 37.274, 46.464 38.862, 47.999 " fill="none" />
<g id="frame3">
<path d=" M 39.014, 48.573 38.450, 49.083 31.031, 55.788 23.612, 62.493 20.195, 65.581 26.955, 72.950 31.120, 77.490 31.832, 77.959 39.004, 70.990 46.176, 64.022 50.000, 60.306 57.172, 67.275 64.344, 74.243 68.168, 77.959 68.880, 77.490 75.640, 70.121 79.805, 65.581 72.386, 58.876 64.967, 52.171 61.550, 49.083 60.986, 48.573 "/>
<path d=" M 61.550, 49.083 68.722, 42.114 75.875, 35.164 76.753, 33.307 69.014, 26.974 65.813, 24.354 58.394, 31.059 50.975, 37.764 50.000, 38.645 42.581, 31.940 35.162, 25.235 34.187, 24.354 26.448, 30.687 23.247, 33.307 24.125, 35.164 31.297, 42.133 38.450, 49.083 "/>
<path d=" M 50.000, 59.209 57.184, 66.165 64.369, 73.121 68.880, 77.490 " />
<path d=" M 60.986, 48.573 68.170, 41.617 75.354, 34.661 76.753, 33.307 " />
<path d=" M 31.120, 77.490 38.304, 70.534 45.488, 63.578 50.000, 59.209 50.000, 60.306 " />
<path d=" M 23.247, 33.307 30.432, 40.263 37.616, 47.219 39.014, 48.573 " />
<g id="frame4">
<path d=" M 39.191, 49.237 38.889, 49.510 31.480, 56.225 24.070, 62.941 20.701, 65.994 27.462, 73.361 31.452, 77.709 31.832, 77.959 39.004, 70.990 46.176, 64.022 50.000, 60.306 57.172, 67.275 64.344, 74.243 68.168, 77.959 68.548, 77.709 75.310, 70.341 79.299, 65.994 71.890, 59.279 64.480, 52.563 61.111, 49.510 60.809, 49.237 "/>
<path d=" M 61.111, 49.510 68.283, 42.542 75.454, 35.573 75.875, 35.164 76.345, 34.170 68.619, 27.821 65.579, 25.323 58.169, 32.038 50.759, 38.753 50.000, 39.441 42.590, 32.726 35.180, 26.011 34.421, 25.323 26.695, 31.672 23.655, 34.170 24.125, 35.164 31.297, 42.133 38.469, 49.101 38.889, 49.510 "/>
<path d=" M 50.000, 59.720 57.179, 66.682 64.357, 73.644 68.548, 77.709 " />
<path d=" M 60.809, 49.237 67.988, 42.275 75.166, 35.313 76.345, 34.170 " />
<path d=" M 31.452, 77.709 38.631, 70.747 45.809, 63.785 50.000, 59.720 50.000, 60.306 " />
<path d=" M 23.655, 34.170 30.834, 41.132 38.012, 48.094 39.191, 49.237 " />
<g id="frame5">
<path d=" M 39.334, 49.778 39.247, 49.857 31.844, 56.581 24.442, 63.304 21.111, 66.329 27.874, 73.696 31.721, 77.886 31.832, 77.959 39.004, 70.990 46.176, 64.022 50.000, 60.306 57.172, 67.275 64.344, 74.243 68.168, 77.959 68.279, 77.886 75.042, 70.520 78.889, 66.329 71.486, 59.606 64.084, 52.882 60.753, 49.857 60.666, 49.778 "/>
<path d=" M 60.753, 49.857 67.925, 42.889 75.097, 35.920 75.875, 35.164 76.012, 34.874 68.297, 28.512 65.389, 26.113 57.986, 32.837 50.584, 39.560 50.000, 40.090 42.598, 33.367 35.195, 26.643 34.611, 26.113 26.896, 32.475 23.988, 34.874 24.125, 35.164 31.297, 42.133 38.469, 49.101 39.247, 49.857 "/>
<path d=" M 50.000, 60.135 57.174, 67.102 64.348, 74.069 68.279, 77.886 " />
<path d=" M 60.666, 49.778 67.840, 42.811 75.013, 35.844 76.012, 34.874 " />
<path d=" M 31.721, 77.886 38.895, 70.919 46.069, 63.953 50.000, 60.135 50.000, 60.306 " />
<path d=" M 23.988, 34.874 31.162, 41.841 38.335, 48.808 39.334, 49.778 " />
<g id="frame6">
<path d=" M 78.720, 66.467 71.957, 73.833 68.168, 77.959 60.996, 70.990 53.824, 64.022 50.000, 60.306 42.828, 67.275 35.656, 74.243 31.832, 77.959 25.069, 70.593 21.280, 66.467 28.679, 59.740 36.079, 53.014 39.393, 50.000 32.221, 43.031 25.049, 36.063 24.125, 35.164 31.835, 28.796 34.690, 26.439 42.089, 33.166 49.489, 39.892 50.000, 40.357 57.399, 33.631 64.799, 26.904 65.310, 26.439 73.021, 32.806 75.875, 35.164 68.703, 42.133 61.531, 49.101 60.607, 50.000 68.006, 56.727 75.405, 63.454 78.720, 66.467 "/>

Marker with custom image and text (HERE Maps)

Do you know if it's possible to have a label in right side of icon like google maps function "MarkerWithLabel"?
I already have a solution, it isn't my favorite (right side of the icon), I have in top of the icon like the sample:
function addSVGMarkers(map){
//Create the svg mark-up
var svgMarkup = '<svg width="76px" height="53px" xmlns="">'+
'<g id="unload-plate" transform="translate(27.49994 17.5)">'+
'<g id="surface1">'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(9.48437 0)" id="Shape" fill="#FF7F00" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M10.6016 30.793L10.7266 30.793C13.0781 26.8164 15.3477 22.7891 17.6406 18.7773C18.2109 17.7813 18.7851 16.7813 19.3594 15.7891C19.7305 15.1523 20.1406 14.5391 20.4297 13.8594C21.5781 11.1875 21.6406 8.15625 20.543 5.45313C20.0781 4.30469 19.3867 3.26953 18.5664 2.34375C15.4687 -1.17187 10.0156 -2.07422 5.85937 0C3.73828 1.05859 2.09375 2.78906 1.04297 4.89453C0.4375 6.10938 0.0585928 7.52344 0 8.87891C-0.0742187 10.6016 0.21875 12.2734 0.898437 13.8594C1.56641 15.418 2.59375 16.8711 3.4375 18.3438C5.8125 22.4961 8.16797 26.6719 10.6016 30.793L10.6016 30.793Z" transform="translate(0.003907203 1.082031)" id="Shape" fill="#D73925" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(11.78906 0)" id="Shape" fill="#FF7F00" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(0.125 8.714844)" id="Shape" fill="#FF7F00" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(6.863278 9.402344)" id="Shape" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(0 11.51563)" id="Shape" fill="#00A65A" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(21.14843 12.45313)" id="Shape" fill="#00A65A" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L0.999997 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(13.60156 26.76953)" id="Shape" fill="#00A65A" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 144.5C0 64.6892 66.442 0 148.477 0C230.512 0 296.954 64.6892 296.954 144.5C296.954 224.248 230.512 289 148.477 289C66.442 289 0 224.248 0 144.5L0 144.5Z" transform="matrix(0.0623782 0 0 0.0622568 1.4375 1.433594)" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="1" />'+
'<path d="M8.85307 1.05859L14.1617 1.05859L14.1617 0L8.4976 0C8.10697 0 7.79057 0.316406 7.79057 0.707032L7.79057 8.23047L0.130413 10.2773C0.036663 10.3008 -0.0180244 10.3984 0.00541305 10.4961L0.189007 11.1758C0.212443 11.2734 0.3101 11.3281 0.407757 11.3047L9.21635 8.94532C9.27885 10.2578 10.3531 11.3086 11.6851 11.3086C13.0562 11.3086 14.1617 10.1992 14.1617 8.83204C14.1617 7.46485 13.0562 6.35938 11.6851 6.35938C10.6968 6.35938 9.85307 6.94141 9.45463 7.77344L8.85307 7.77344L8.85307 1.05859ZM11.6851 7.42188C12.4663 7.42188 13.0992 8.05469 13.0992 8.83204C13.0992 9.61329 12.4663 10.2461 11.6851 10.2461C10.9038 10.2461 10.2671 9.61329 10.2671 8.83204C10.2671 8.05469 10.9038 7.42188 11.6851 7.42188Z" transform="translate(3.619586 4.628906)" id="Shape" fill="#000000" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L75 0L75 52L0 52L0 0Z" transform="translate(0.5 0.5)" id="Rectangle-2" fill="none" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M6.499 0L64.501 0C68.0903 0 71 2.9097 71 6.499L71 6.501C71 10.0903 68.0903 13 64.501 13L6.499 13C2.9097 13 0 10.0903 0 6.501L0 6.499C0 2.9097 2.9097 0 6.499 0Z" transform="translate(3.499939 2.499969)" id="Rectangle" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="round" />'+
'<text x="38" y="12" font-size="11px" font-family="Arial" font-weight="bold" fill="white" text-anchor="middle">99-D-123456</text>'+
// Add the first marker
var bearsIcon = new
svgMarkup.replace('${FILL}', 'blue').replace('${STROKE}', 'red')),
bearsMarker = new{lat: 41.8625, lng: -87.6166 },
{icon: bearsIcon});
function addSVGMarkers(map){
//Create the svg mark-up
var svgMarkup = '<svg width="76px" height="53px" xmlns="">'+
'<g id="unload-plate" transform="translate(27.49994 17.5)">'+
'<g id="surface1">'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(9.48437 0)" id="Shape" fill="#FF7F00" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M10.6016 30.793L10.7266 30.793C13.0781 26.8164 15.3477 22.7891 17.6406 18.7773C18.2109 17.7813 18.7851 16.7813 19.3594 15.7891C19.7305 15.1523 20.1406 14.5391 20.4297 13.8594C21.5781 11.1875 21.6406 8.15625 20.543 5.45313C20.0781 4.30469 19.3867 3.26953 18.5664 2.34375C15.4687 -1.17187 10.0156 -2.07422 5.85937 0C3.73828 1.05859 2.09375 2.78906 1.04297 4.89453C0.4375 6.10938 0.0585928 7.52344 0 8.87891C-0.0742187 10.6016 0.21875 12.2734 0.898437 13.8594C1.56641 15.418 2.59375 16.8711 3.4375 18.3438C5.8125 22.4961 8.16797 26.6719 10.6016 30.793L10.6016 30.793Z" transform="translate(0.003907203 1.082031)" id="Shape" fill="#D73925" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(11.78906 0)" id="Shape" fill="#FF7F00" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(0.125 8.714844)" id="Shape" fill="#FF7F00" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(6.863278 9.402344)" id="Shape" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(0 11.51563)" id="Shape" fill="#00A65A" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L1 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(21.14843 12.45313)" id="Shape" fill="#00A65A" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L0.999997 1L0 0Z" transform="translate(13.60156 26.76953)" id="Shape" fill="#00A65A" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 144.5C0 64.6892 66.442 0 148.477 0C230.512 0 296.954 64.6892 296.954 144.5C296.954 224.248 230.512 289 148.477 289C66.442 289 0 224.248 0 144.5L0 144.5Z" transform="matrix(0.0623782 0 0 0.0622568 1.4375 1.433594)" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="1" />'+
'<path d="M8.85307 1.05859L14.1617 1.05859L14.1617 0L8.4976 0C8.10697 0 7.79057 0.316406 7.79057 0.707032L7.79057 8.23047L0.130413 10.2773C0.036663 10.3008 -0.0180244 10.3984 0.00541305 10.4961L0.189007 11.1758C0.212443 11.2734 0.3101 11.3281 0.407757 11.3047L9.21635 8.94532C9.27885 10.2578 10.3531 11.3086 11.6851 11.3086C13.0562 11.3086 14.1617 10.1992 14.1617 8.83204C14.1617 7.46485 13.0562 6.35938 11.6851 6.35938C10.6968 6.35938 9.85307 6.94141 9.45463 7.77344L8.85307 7.77344L8.85307 1.05859ZM11.6851 7.42188C12.4663 7.42188 13.0992 8.05469 13.0992 8.83204C13.0992 9.61329 12.4663 10.2461 11.6851 10.2461C10.9038 10.2461 10.2671 9.61329 10.2671 8.83204C10.2671 8.05469 10.9038 7.42188 11.6851 7.42188Z" transform="translate(3.619586 4.628906)" id="Shape" fill="#000000" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M0 0L75 0L75 52L0 52L0 0Z" transform="translate(0.5 0.5)" id="Rectangle-2" fill="none" stroke="none" />'+
'<path d="M6.499 0L64.501 0C68.0903 0 71 2.9097 71 6.499L71 6.501C71 10.0903 68.0903 13 64.501 13L6.499 13C2.9097 13 0 10.0903 0 6.501L0 6.499C0 2.9097 2.9097 0 6.499 0Z" transform="translate(3.499939 2.499969)" id="Rectangle" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="round" />'+
'<text x="38" y="12" font-size="11px" font-family="Arial" font-weight="bold" fill="white" text-anchor="middle">99-D-123456</text>'+
// Add the first marker
var bearsIcon = new
svgMarkup.replace('${FILL}', 'blue').replace('${STROKE}', 'red')),
bearsMarker = new{lat: 41.8625, lng: -87.6166 },
{icon: bearsIcon});
This logic can also be implemented with bubble info, however if the location needs to be modified then path value needs to be modified. please refer :

Override colors of an SVG icon with CSS

I'm using some SVG icons from Entypo as <img> elements in my HTML.
<img src="svg/Entypo+ Social Extension/twitter-with-circle.svg"></img>
Is it possible to change colors of this icon using CSS? Or do I need to edit the SVG itself?
You will need to inline using the <svg> element, and then change the color of the particular path with:
svg path.myPath {
fill: red !important;
Here is an example:
svg path {
fill: red !important;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg role="img" aria-label="Code The Web logo" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns=""
xmlns:sodipodi="" xmlns:inkscape="" version="1.1" id="svg2" viewBox="0 0 622.72601 266.69141" height="266.69141" width="622.72601" inkscape:version="0.91 r13725"
<title>Code The Web logo</title>
inkscape:current-layer="svg2" />
<linearGradient xmlns="" x1="100%" y1="100%" x2="38.1041974%" y2="38.1041974%" id="pink-theme">
<stop stop-color="#FFC83E" offset="0%"/>
<stop stop-color="#FA709A" offset="100%"/>
rdf:resource="" />
<dc:title />
d="m 392.37834,367.00251 q 0,-12.00037 4.43091,-23.63151 4.61552,-11.63113 13.29272,-20.86219 8.67719,-9.23106 21.04681,-14.95431 12.36962,-5.72326 28.24704,-5.72326 19.01598,0 32.86257,7.93871 14.03121,7.75409 20.86219,20.67757 l -27.50855,19.56985 q -1.84621,-4.80015 -4.98477,-7.93871 -2.95394,-3.13856 -6.64637,-4.98478 -3.69242,-1.84621 -7.75408,-2.58469 -3.87705,-0.73849 -7.56947,-0.73849 -7.75409,0 -13.47735,3.13856 -5.53863,2.95394 -9.23106,7.93871 -3.5078,4.80015 -5.35401,11.07727 -1.66159,6.0925 -1.66159,12.185 0,6.83098 2.03083,13.1081 2.03083,6.27712 5.90788,11.07727 3.87704,4.80016 9.41568,7.75409 5.72325,2.76932 12.73886,2.76932 3.69242,0 7.56947,-0.73848 3.87704,-0.92311 7.38484,-2.76932 3.69243,-2.03083 6.46175,-4.98477 2.95393,-3.13856 4.61552,-7.56947 l 29.35477,17.53901 q -2.95394,7.20023 -9.04644,12.92348 -5.90787,5.72326 -13.66196,9.6003 -7.56947,3.87705 -16.43129,5.90788 -8.67719,2.03083 -16.98515,2.03083 -14.58507,0 -26.77006,-5.72325 -12.00038,-5.90788 -20.8622,-15.50818 -8.67719,-9.6003 -13.47734,-21.7853 -4.80015,-12.185 -4.80015,-24.73924 z"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:900;font-stretch:normal;line-height:100%;font-family:Raleway;-inkscape-font-specification:'Raleway Heavy';text-align:center;text-anchor:middle;fill:#41b3d3;fill-opacity:1"
id="path4146" />
d="m 583.78145,434.75848 q -14.95431,0 -27.13931,-5.72325 -12.185,-5.72326 -20.86219,-14.95432 -8.6772,-9.41568 -13.47735,-21.41605 -4.80015,-12.00038 -4.80015,-24.73924 0,-12.92348 4.98477,-24.92386 4.98478,-12.00037 13.84659,-21.04681 9.04644,-9.23106 21.23144,-14.58507 12.36961,-5.53864 26.95469,-5.53864 14.95431,0 27.13931,5.72326 12.185,5.72325 20.86219,15.13893 8.6772,9.41568 13.29273,21.41606 4.80015,12.00038 4.80015,24.55461 0,12.92349 -4.98478,24.92386 -4.98477,11.81576 -13.84658,21.04682 -8.86182,9.04643 -21.23144,14.58507 -12.185,5.53863 -26.77007,5.53863 z m -29.72401,-66.46362 q 0,6.64636 1.84622,12.92348 1.84621,6.0925 5.53863,10.89265 3.69242,4.80015 9.23106,7.75409 5.72326,2.95394 13.47734,2.95394 7.75409,0 13.47735,-2.95394 5.72326,-3.13856 9.23106,-7.93871 3.69242,-4.98477 5.35401,-11.26189 1.84621,-6.27712 1.84621,-12.73886 0,-6.64636 -1.84621,-12.73886 -1.84621,-6.27712 -5.72325,-10.89265 -3.69243,-4.80015 -9.41568,-7.56947 -5.53864,-2.95394 -13.10811,-2.95394 -7.75409,0 -13.47734,2.95394 -5.53864,2.95394 -9.23106,7.93871 -3.69242,4.80015 -5.53864,11.07727 -1.66159,6.0925 -1.66159,12.55424 z"
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id="path4148" />
d="m 665.69267,433.65076 0,-131.08103 50.40158,0 q 16.24666,0 28.61628,5.16939 12.36962,5.16939 20.67757,14.03121 8.30795,8.86181 12.55424,20.86219 4.24629,11.81575 4.24629,25.2931 0,14.95432 -4.80015,27.13931 -4.61553,12.00038 -13.29273,20.67757 -8.67719,8.49258 -20.86219,13.29273 -12.185,4.61553 -27.13931,4.61553 l -50.40158,0 z m 79.94096,-65.72514 q 0,-7.56947 -2.03083,-13.84659 -2.03083,-6.27712 -5.90788,-10.70803 -3.69242,-4.4309 -9.23105,-6.83098 -5.53864,-2.58469 -12.36962,-2.58469 l -14.40045,0 0,68.30983 14.40045,0 q 7.0156,0 12.55424,-2.5847 5.53863,-2.58469 9.23106,-7.20022 3.87704,-4.61553 5.72325,-10.89265 2.03083,-6.27712 2.03083,-13.66197 z"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:900;font-stretch:normal;line-height:100%;font-family:Raleway;-inkscape-font-specification:'Raleway Heavy';text-align:center;text-anchor:middle;fill:#41b3d3;fill-opacity:1"
id="path4150" />
d="m 891.08629,402.26516 0,31.3856 -93.41831,0 0,-131.08103 91.75672,0 0,31.3856 -55.75559,0 0,18.46211 47.63226,0 0,29.17015 -47.63226,0 0,20.67757 57.41718,0 z"
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id="path4152" />
d="m 573.97201,518.57648 -37.66272,0 0,99.69543 -36.00113,0 0,-99.69543 -37.84734,0 0,-31.3856 111.51119,0 0,31.3856 z"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:900;font-stretch:normal;line-height:100%;font-family:Raleway;-inkscape-font-specification:'Raleway Heavy';text-align:center;text-anchor:middle;fill:#41b3d3;fill-opacity:1"
id="path4154" />
d="m 702.84624,487.19088 0,131.08103 -36.00113,0 0,-51.32468 -43.93984,0 0,51.32468 -36.00113,0 0,-131.08103 36.00113,0 0,48.37075 43.93984,0 0,-48.37075 36.00113,0 z"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:900;font-stretch:normal;line-height:100%;font-family:Raleway;-inkscape-font-specification:'Raleway Heavy';text-align:center;text-anchor:middle;fill:#41b3d3;fill-opacity:1"
id="path4157" />
d="m 818.78834,586.88631 0,31.3856 -93.41831,0 0,-131.08103 91.75672,0 0,31.3856 -55.75559,0 0,18.46212 47.63226,0 0,29.17014 -47.63226,0 0,20.67757 57.41718,0 z"
style="font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:900;font-stretch:normal;line-height:100%;font-family:Raleway;-inkscape-font-specification:'Raleway Heavy';text-align:center;text-anchor:middle;fill:#41b3d3;fill-opacity:1"
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SVG polygon fill is hiding my text labels

For some reason when I add a white fill to the polygon, the text elements dont show. I tried using z-index to bring the text labels above but still. The text elements are black. If I set the polygon fills to none, the text labels show.
My fiddle (with original issue):
UPDATE: Based on the right answer below, this is the updated working fiddle:
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426.125,490.75 426.125,487.75 323.5,487.75 323.5,490.875 310.333,490.875 310.333,487.75 232.5,487.75 232.5,490.5 219.25,490.5
219.25,487.75 78.375,487.75 78.375,505.125 62.875,505.125 62.875,487.75 61.001,487.75 61.001,475 133.875,475 133.875,472.125
147,472.125 147,475 219.5,475 219.5,472 232.25,472 232.25,475 285,475 285,472.5 298.125,472.5 298.125,475 418.375,475
418.375,472.625 431.875,472.625 431.875,475 505.875,475 505.875,472.375 "/>
<line class="st3" x1="384.339" y1="487.75" x2="384.339" y2="500.625"/>
<polyline class="st3" points="366.625,500.625 401.625,500.625 401.625,504 415,504 "/>
<line class="st3" x1="401.625" y1="500.625" x2="401.625" y2="487.75"/>
<polyline class="st3" points="67.625,475 67.625,472.75 66,472.75 66,425.312 84.5,425.312 84.5,475 "/>
<line class="st3" x1="111.875" y1="465.75" x2="111.875" y2="475"/>
Simply move your text elements above the polygons by reversing the order of the "units" and "labels" groups:
You may want to change the color of your texts so that they don't disappear in the background when a room is highlighted.
