Tailwind class doesn't take effect - css

I created a react setup for a little project and decided to add tailwind. It was successful but when I add the class to the components, I don't see any change.
This is the link to the repository

Everything seems fine. Once delete the node modules and package.lock.json file and install node modules then start the server.
Also, there is no need to import tailwind.css in App.js.
Just main.css is enough as we are already appending all the styles to main.css (check scripts in package.json)

I found the problem. It was from my webpack config for CSS loader. I noticed when I added my own stylesheet, not all the rules were applied.
loader: "css-loader",
options: {
modules: true,
importLoaders: 1,
sourceMap: true
I had to remove all the options. I don't even know why I added it at first. Tailwind CSS now works.

If you know that you've configured Tailwind and added the right settings and presets, maybe you need to add this:
module.exports = {
content: [
'./public/index.html', <-
or this, if you're using ReactJS:
module.exports = {
content: [
// ...
Within your tailwind.config.js file.
You also can learn/read more about it on: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration, that worked perfectly for me!


Antd dark theme is overriding my own css. How to solve it?

I installed antd to the CRA project. And I made some of my own classes and override default andt css.
Then I wanted andt table component but with dark theme.
So installed dark theme using webpack but failed. So I tried with craco and worked fine.
Using craco-less, successfully installed dark-theme but now it is overriding my own css.
After I checked the reason in inspect mode, my css is overriding default andt css and dark theme is overriding mine.
Did anyone experience in this kinda problem? Thanks in advance.
Following antd's Customize-Theme guide you can use u craco config craco.config.js like the one in the example to override theme variables.
const CracoLessPlugin = require('craco-less');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
plugin: CracoLessPlugin,
options: {
lessLoaderOptions: {
lessOptions: {
modifyVars: { '#primary-color': '#1DA57A' },
javascriptEnabled: true,
In my experience you have to use less files to override the less from antd, so try to move your custom styles into less files.
Check this thread too, for a detailed description.

Angular custom webpack config enable CSS modules

I'm trying to apply CSS modules concept agains my angular app, to order embed it into existing frontend with CSS which unfortunately overlaps. My project uses scss, I want webpack "modulize" my CSS after CSS if formed from scss on last build step I think.
I want to use CSS loader of webpack to achieve this.
But I couldn't make it work.
to order customize my webpack config.
I've tried to apply the next configuration
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/i,
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
modules: true,
and got this error
ERROR in Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
(1:1) Unknown word
> 1 | exports = module.exports = require("../../../../css-loader/dist/runtime/api.js")(false);
I've tried to find and add css loader into existing
module.exports = (config, options) => {
const rules = config.module.rules || [];
rules.forEach(rule => {
if (String(rule.test) === String(/\.css$/)) {
rule.use.push({ loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: true }})
return config;
Getting the same error. How to make it work?
Update 1:
I found that angular uses postcss which also provides this functionality as a plugin, postcss-modules. Also still can't make it work.
I was able to implement CSS Modules in Angular with the help of #angular-builders/custom-webpack as you suggested.
However, my solution use postcss-modules and posthtml-css-modules instead of the css-loader to hash the styles.
postcss-modules hash all the styles, then posthtml-css-modules replaces the class names on the html files by the hashed class names.
I documented my solution here:
Live Demo: https://angular-css-modules.herokuapp.com/
Github Repo: https://github.com/gquinteros93/angular-css-modules
Article with the step by step: https://indepth.dev/angular-css-modules/
I hope it will be useful for you.

Styling not applied to vue web component during development

While developing a Vue web component, the style is not applied to the web component, but added to the head of the document. This means that the style is ignored in the shadow DOM. Here is how I wrap the web component in main.js:
import Vue from 'vue';
import wrap from '#vue/web-component-wrapper';
import MyWebComponent from './components/MyWebComponent';
const WrappedElement = wrap(Vue, MyWebComponent);
window.customElements.define('my-web-component', WrappedElement);
Again, any CSS rules inside the style tags do not take effect.
When I build for production, the styles are added to the web component. I use the following command to do the wrapping:
vue-cli-service build --target wc --name my-web-component ./src/components/MyWebComponent.vue
Is there a way to achieve the same thing with vue-cli-service serve?
edit: example repo here: https://github.com/snirp/vue-web-component
edit2: I have the feeling my problem is closely related to this issue. I cannot make much sense of the workarounds, and I would value a more basic solution.
Based on the GitHub issue you linked, the solution is to set the shadowMode option in vue-loader and vue-style-loader. shadowMode is false by default in a Vue CLI project, but we can tweak that in vue.config.js.
First, we'd inspect the Webpack config to determine which loaders to change:
# run at project root
vue inspect
The command output reveals several loader configs with shadowMode: false:
/* config.module.rule('css') */
test: /\.css$/,
oneOf: [
/* config.module.rule('css').oneOf('vue-modules') */
resourceQuery: /module/,
use: [
/* config.module.rule('css').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader') */
loader: 'vue-style-loader',
options: {
sourceMap: false,
shadowMode: false // <---
/* ... */
/* ... */
full list of Webpack loader configs with shadowMode: false:
So, we can set shadowMode: true for those configs in vue.config.js with this snippet:
function enableShadowCss(config) {
const configs = [
configs.forEach(c => c.tap(options => {
options.shadowMode = true;
return options;
module.exports = {
// https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/webpack.html#chaining-advanced
chainWebpack: config => {
Creating <projectroot>/vue.config.js with the snippet above enables Shadow CSS in development mode in your project. See https://github.com/snirp/vue-web-component/pull/1.

Global variable in SCSS / SASS with angular components

We are developing a cloud application in angular 5 that will be deployed in a single instance but will be addressed to several customer.
The question concerns the management of themes, each customer wants to have his own theme (mainly colors).
The architecture (simplified) of the application looks like this:
-- component1
-- current
-- customer1
-- customer2
Currently we are deploying by client, so there is no problem, we copy / paste the style in the current before the build.
Each component.scss imports _variables.scss to exploit the variables.
We would like that when a user logs on to the app, we detect the customer and choose the right style, but that the css is generated at compile time.
Is there a way to define global variables that can be modified in runtime and that impacts sub-components?
The solutions I tested:
Set in angular-cli a scss per customer, build and execute script js to modify the html link to css "href = 'assets / {customer} .bundle.css'". It works for global styles, but variables in subcomponents are not updated.
Use pure css to declare scope variables: root {--color-primary: gray; } and exploit them in the sub-components .test {color: var (- color-primary)}.
Make a JS script that will update all the global variables according to the client.
It works, but no equivalent in SCSS? strange
I do not know if I gave enough detail, thanks for the help.
As there is no proper way to do this; And solution used by Angular theming was not satisfactory to us; we've decided to use custom webpack builder that will compile our style based on the entries we provide. Please note, that we are not using SCSS in angular components explicitly.
"use strict";
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const AutoPrefixer = require("autoprefixer");
module.exports = {
entry: {
"modern_style.application": "./src/styles/modern_style.scss",
"default.application": "./src/styles/default.scss"
plugins: [
new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: "[name].bundle.css"
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.scss$/,
use: [
loader: "postcss-loader",
options: {
ident: "postcss",
plugins: [AutoPrefixer()],
sourceMap: true
loader: "resolve-url-loader"
loader: "sass-loader",
options: {
precision: 8,
includePaths: [],
sourceMap: true
These entry files will have their variables set & customizations applied in each respective entry file, which looks like this:
// Entry file: modern_style.scss
$someVariableToBeUsedOrOverwritten: red;
#import "common/allModulesAreImportedHere"
This generated style, e.g default.bundle.css is then loaded via <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" [href]="linkToTheme">
There is no way to pass any variables from ts to scss.
All you need is theming.
So for each customer you need a global body class whith its own set of variables / classes.
Check out angular material theming docs for example https://material.angular.io/guide/theming#defining-a-custom-theme
Mixins will solve your issue.
In the specific customer scss files, you would be holding the specific definition.
In the component.scss, you would be using the mixin, which is specific to the customer and it will resolve your issue on both compile and run time.

Next.js - React SSR Cannot find module './page.scss' when rendering on the server (client side rendered works fine after saving the file)

When you're using the create-react-app package you're able to have .scss-files compiled into .css-files as you type in them. You can then do import './Header.css'; in your React component files and the styles are applied. It's easy to use your dev-tools and see where the styles are coming from.
Next.js tried to get everyone to use Styled-JSX to have your stylesheets inline inside your JSX files, similar to how web components (or Polymer) do it. I personally strongly dislike that approach.
Other problems:
Styled-JSX isn't supported in my IDE (Webstorm) (even the work-around looks awful);
Styled-JSX isn't supported in my dev-tools (Chrome) - there is no reference to what line the style is defined at;
It makes my source code look like a garbled mess;
How do I include 3rd party CSS solutions with Styled-JSX? Am I now supposed to add a <link> to my <head>? For everything external? How is that optimal usage of bandwidth? Referencing to files inside of node_modules feels awkward and bad, too.
So, just add rules to next.config.js, right?
module.exports = {
webpack: (config, { dev }) => {
test: /\.(css|scss)/,
loader: "style-loader!css-loader"
return config
And then just import './Page.scss'; (Don't worry, it's valid CSS, not even SASS yet, I know I did not include the sass-loader here just yet. I try to keep it simple first.)
Refresh the page (Server Side Rendered): does NOT work;
Save the file (dynamically loaded after saving the file): it does work (until you reload the page);
Keeps complaining the file can't be found, plenty of Google hits there, too. No real solutions that work today.
So, why doesn't it work with SSR?
Note that v5 of next.js will support CSS/Sass/Less almost out of the box:
For importing .css .scss or .less we’ve created modules which have sane defaults for server side rendering.
Until then, the following set of rules worked for me (assuming the .sass files are in /styles dir):
test: /\.(css|sass)/,
loader: 'emit-file-loader',
options: {
// this path is relative to the .next directory
name: 'dist/[path][name].[ext]'
test: /\.css$/,
use: ['babel-loader', 'raw-loader', 'postcss-loader']
test: /\.sass$/,
use: ['babel-loader', 'raw-loader', 'postcss-loader',
{ loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
includePaths: ['styles', 'node_modules']
.map((d) => path.join(__dirname, d))
.map((g) => glob.sync(g))
.reduce((a, c) => a.concat(c), [])
