Generate hexagon lattices graph on the world using Networkx - networking

I want to generate a hexagon grid on the ocean for finding a shortest path.
Networkx provides lattice.hexagonal_lattice_graph which generates a graph whose nodes and edges are the hexagonal tiling of the plane.
However, I do not want to search along the edges of the hexagons, but I would like to consider the hexagons as nodes and the 6 adjacent hexagons as the neighboring nodes. In this way, there are 6 search directions from a node, as shown in this figure.
To apply this on a ship routing problem, I would generate such a graph for the earth and exclude all hexagon tiles inside land polygons, and divide the hexagons intersecting with the land polygon borders into smaller hexagons, creating a higher graph density in coastal areas.
How do I create such a hexagonal tiling graph, such that each node has edges in the six directions with Networkx?

Similar question is found here.
I recursively subdivided triangles of an icosahedron into smaller triangles as done in this blog.
Then used Networkx to construct a graph of the vertices and edges.


Calculating area without overlap of polygon

I have a question. I am trying to calculate the area of the following layer (see picture)
intersect area
I used the intersection tool to find the intersection between the layer of 4 overlapping buffers with another polygon (transformed from raster and therefore consists of many other polygons). This layers now consists of more than 200 polygons and most of them on top of each other. I actually want to calculate the 2D area of this layer, so I actually want to transform this layer of many polygons into one polygon so that you are able to calculate the area of this one polygon. My question is therefore, is there a possibility to transform this layer into polygons that are adjacent of each other and that there are no overlapping polygons anymore so I can calculate the area? Maybe there is another way to do this?
If understand your question correctly, you should be able to use the Dissolve Boundaries tool in ArcGIS; dissolve into one polygon; then calculate the area of that polygon.

If i already know the Voronoi vertices points, how can i create a polygon from the list?

I'm trying to create this in Gamemaker. I already know the Voronoi vertices but i'm stuck with how to create polygons for each seed object. I need them to be independent so i can split it up later to apply texture mapping to them.
I've tried delaunay already but it doesn't seem as accurate as my voronoi generation. But being that the cicrumradius is the voronoi vertices anyways i feel like i don't need it. The problem with the Delaunay is that it only returns the points near the center of the diagram and doesn't return any points towards the Borders of the Box. The only good thing is that delaunay did skip an extra step and made it easier to return if the the seeds x and y are within the circumradius then just add them to the list of vertices
Is there any way to make a polygon from a plot of points from a data structure?
Pick the midpoint of each edge and the distance to each site then sort the result and pick the first and second (when they are equal) and save them into polygons. For the borders there is of course only 1 edge.
Duplicate:Getting polygons from voronoi edges

Fit surface to 3 to 100 points where z values are 3D

I found myself in quite a big problem. I am average in math and I need to solve something, which is not very covered on the internet.
My problem: I have 2D space defined by X and Y. This space is just a drawing space. I want to assign to particular Xs,Ys a color with RGB values.
So let says I have 4 points with defined position in XY and color in Z:
[0,0, [255,0,0]]
[0,10, [0,255,0]]
[5,5, [0,0,0]]
and my drawing space is xy: 15x15.
And I want to distribute the colors to all empty points
For me its quite a delicate problem, because Z axis is basicly 3D space by itself.
My whole intention is to create a color map in which points 1,2,3,4 have between them smooth transition.
I am able to solve this in 1D where the transition is between 2 points. But I need to create 2D color map in XY drawing space based on fitted surface to these 4 points, which kind of depend both on the space of 3D-RGB and distance between them in XY drawing space.
Thanks in advance for help
You do not show any algorithm or code, so I will just explain a high-level algorithm. If you need more details or code or mathematical formulae, show more of your own work then ask. You do not explain just what you mean by "smooth transition"--there are multiple meanings. This will result in continuous shading but may not be smooth enough for your purposes.
First, given your points in the rectangular drawing space, find the Voronoi diagram for those points. This divides the drawing space into convex polygons, each polygon around one of your points.
For each vertex in the Voronoi diagram, figure which points are closest to the vertex--there will usually be just three of your points but there could be more. Then at that vertex point, assign the color that is the average of the RGB values of the nearby given points. That is, average the R values and the G values and the B values separately.
For any point on a Voronoi polygon edge, its color is the weighted average of the two colors at the endpoints. I.e. If the point is one-third of the distance from one end, its RGB value is one-third of the distance from the values at the endpoints.
Finally, for any point inside a Voronoi polygon, calculate the ray from the point that defined that polygon (the "center point") through the current point you are looking at. Find where that ray intersects the polygon. The RGB value is then the weighted average of the values of the center point and the polygon-intersection point.
The hardest part of all that is finding the Voronoi diagram. Fortune's algorithm can do this in a reasonable time. You can probably find a library to do that for you in your chosen programming language.
Another algorithm is to start with a triangulation of your given points and the corners of the drawing region. Then the color of any point in a triangle is the weighted average of the colors of the vertices. This will be automatically consistent for points on the vertices or edges of the triangles, so this is probably simpler than my previous algorithm. The difficulty here is finding a triangulation (any will do).

How do I draw a pair of concentric circles with graphviz?

Something really simple, like a big circle 'A' and a smaller circle 'B' inside it. Surprisingly no examples have nested circles.
Graphviz doesn't draw circles; it draws graph nodes of different shapes. You can get a node consisting of two concentric circles by setting the node's shape=doublecircle. Alternatively, you can draw two nodes with shape=circle at the same position. For a basic catalogue of node shapes, see

How to detect border vertices of an open mesh 3d model?

There are two kinds of surface mesh models, closed mesh like a sphere or a cube and the second one is the open mesh model which means the surface of the model is not in a closed loop. It is open from somewhere like a hollow pipe.
Sp what I want is I want to detect the border vertices of the open mesh model. there is no border in closed loop mesh but in open mesh we have to detect border vertices for some smoothing, subdivision, etc. operations.
Kindly, suggest me how can I select/detect border vertices ? what is the optimal way to do this ?
by comparing edges of the triangles ? Give me some idea ?
Assuming that you have a manifold mesh, then the border of the mesh are those edges which belong to only one polygon. Edges that are not on the border will belong to two polygons. The border vertices are the vertices that belong to the border edges.
A naive way to find the border vertices is to iterate through all your edges, count how many polygons they belong to, and if they only belong to one polygon, then collect the edge's vertices as border vertices. You will have to remove duplicates vertices from your collection, though.
A second approach is to have your mesh data structure examine each edge as they are added to the mesh, or as polygons are attached to particular edges. In this way, the mesh data structure can keep a list of up-to-date border edges for you, so that when you needed the edges you would not have to find them each time. This will greatly reduce the overhead of determining border edges, although inserting edges and polygons will be slightly more expensive. Your mesh data structure will also take up a bit more memory.
Assuming that your mesh is a 2D (or 2.5D) regular, well-constructed triangulation. You can use some of the properties listed here:
Page 9 defines the degree (or valence) of a vertex as the number of incident edges. As shown, all boundary vertices 4 incident edges. "Internal" vertices have 5 incident edges.
Page 17 defines a boundary edge as one that is adjacent to exactly one face.
You might find the discussion on page 22 helpful (closed 2-manifold triangle meshes)
