InexactError: Int64(::Float64) - julia

I am still learning the language Julia and i have this error. I am writing an mosquito population model and i am trying to run my main function a 100 times. This main function uses many other functions to calculate the subpopulation levels.
# Importing KNMI data
xf = XLSX.readxlsx("C:/Scriptie_mosquitoes/knmi_csv.xlsx")
sh = xf["knmi_csv"]
temperature = sh["B3:B368"]
precip = sh["F3:F368"]
subpopulation_amount = 100
imat_list1 = zeros(100,length(temperature))
imat_list = Array{Float64}(imat_list1)
adul_list1 = zeros(100,length(temperature))
adul_list = Array{Float64}(adul_list1)
egg_list1 = zeros(100,length(temperature))
egg_list = Array{Float64}(egg_list1)
diaegg_list1 = zeros(100,length(temperature))
diaegg_list = Array{Float64}(diaegg_list1)
imat_list[1] = 100.0
adul_list[1] = 1000.0
egg_list[1] = 100.0
diaegg_list[1] = 100.0
for counter = 1:1:subpopulation_amount
u = Distributions.Normal()
temp_change = rand(u)
tempa = temperature .+ temp_change
e = Distributions.Normal()
precip_change = rand(e)
println("hallo", precip_change)
However i get this error which i tried to fix with all the Float64 stuf. I doesn't work unfortunatly. I hope some of you guys see the problem or can help me with understanding the error message.
ERROR: InexactError: Int64(87.39533010546728)
[1] Int64 at .\float.jl:710 [inlined]
[2] convert at .\number.jl:7 [inlined]
[3] setindex! at .\array.jl:825 [inlined]
[4] main(::Int64, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Any,2}, ::Float64, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,2}) at .\REPL[905]:19
[5] top-level scope at .\REPL[938]:10

You can check the documentation for InexactError by typing ?InexactError:
help?> InexactError
search: InexactError
InexactError(name::Symbol, T, val)
Cannot exactly convert val to type T in a method of function name.
I think that explains it nicely. There is no Int64 that represents the value 87.39533010546728.
You have a variety of options available. Check their help to learn more about them:
julia> trunc(Int, 87.39533010546728)
julia> Int(round(87.39533010546728))
julia> Int(floor(87.39533010546728))

We do not see the code of main. However it seems that you are using values of one of the Arrays that you have as its argument to use for indexing some vector in your code. And since vector indices need to be integers it fails. Most likely some variable is in wrong place in your main - look around [] operators.
When debugging you could also try to change your Arrays to Int elements and see which change causes the problem to stop. E.g. round.(Int, tempa) etc.

The problem is just what it says: you cannot exactly represent a decimal number (87.39) as an integer.
You need to decide what you want to do here - one option is to just round() your decimal number before converting it to an integer.
It's hard to say from the code you posted where exactly the error occurs, but one potentially less obvious way for this to happen is if you try to index into an array (e.g. my_array[i]), and your calculations lead to i having a non-integer value.


Julia: How to read in and output characters with diacritics?

Processing ASCII characters beyond the range 1-127 can easily crash Julia.
mystring = "A-Za-zÀ-ÿŽž"
for i in 1:length(mystring)
print(Int(mystring[i]),"::" )
println( mystring[i] )
gives me
8:::ERROR: LoadError: StringIndexError("A-Za-zÀ-ÿŽž", 8)
[1] string_index_err(::String, ::Int64) at .\strings\string.jl:12
[2] getindex_continued(::String, ::Int64, ::UInt32) at .\strings\string.jl:220
[3] getindex(::String, ::Int64) at .\strings\string.jl:213
[4] top-level scope at R:\_LV\STZ\Web_admin\Languages\Action\Returning\chars.jl:5
[5] include(::String) at .\client.jl:457
[6] top-level scope at REPL[18]:1
It crashes after outputting the first character outside the normal range, rather than during that output, which is mentioned in the answer to String Index Error (Julia)
If declaring the values in Julia one should declare them as Unicode, but I have these characters in my input.
The manual says that Julia looks at the locale, but is there an "everywhere" locale?
Is there some way to handle input and output of these characters in Julia?
I am working on Windows10, but I can switch to Linux if that works better for this.
Use eachindex to get a list of valid indices in your string:
julia> mystring = "A-Za-zÀ-ÿŽž"
julia> for i in eachindex(mystring)
print(i, ":::")
print(Int(mystring[i]), "::")
Your issue is related to the fact that Julia uses byte-indexing of strings, as is explained in the Julia Manual.
For example character À takes two bytes, therefore, since its location is 7 the next index is 9 not 8.
In UTF-8 encoding which is used by default by Julia only ASCII characters take one byte, all other characters take 2, 3 or 4 bytes, see
For example for À you get two bytes:
julia> codeunits("À")
2-element Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String}:
I have also written a post at that tries to explain how byte-indexing vs character-indexing works in Julia.
If you have additional questions please comment.
String indices in Julia refer to code units (= bytes for UTF-8), the fixed-width building blocks that are used to encode arbitrary characters (code points). This means that not every index into a String is necessarily a valid index for a character. If you index into a string at such an invalid byte index, an error is thrown.
You can use enumerate to get the value and the number of iteration.
mystring = "A-Za-zÀ-ÿŽž"
for (i, x) in enumerate(mystring)
In case you need the value and index of the string in bytes you can use pairs.
for (i, x) in pairs(mystring)
In preparation for de-minimising my MCVE for what I want to do, which involves advancing the string position not just in a for-all loop, I used the information in the post written by Bogumił Kamiński, to come up with this:
mystring = "A-Za-zÀ-ÿŽž"
for i in 1:length(mystring)
mychar = mystring[nextind(mystring, 0, i)]
print(Int(mychar), "::")
println( mychar )

Cannot return value from a function: ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: `nothing` should not be printed; use `show`, `repr`, or

I've been solving the problem sets from Harvard's CS50 with Julia. This script is meant to be my solution of [plurality elections.]1
println("How many contenders do we have?")
const max_candidates = parse(Int, readline()) # a maximal number of candidates
# Let us define a composite type for the candidates in our elections
mutable struct Candidate
function vote(name)
for i in 1:max_candidates
if candidates[i].name == name
candidates[i].votes = candidates[i].votes + 1
function print_winner()
max_votes = 0
for i in 1:max_candidates
if candidates[i].votes > max_votes
max_votes = candidates[i].votes
for i in 1:max_candidates
if candidates[i].votes == max_votes
candidates = Vector{Candidate}(undef, max_candidates)
for i in 1:max_candidates -1
println("Name of the candidate: ?")
name = readline()
votes = 0
candidates[i] = Candidate(name, votes)
println("Thank you, let us move to the next candidate.")
#The last candidate i registered outside of the loop because I do no want
#the line println("Thank you, let us move to the next candidate.") to be executed after them.
println("Name of the last candidate: ?")
name = readline()
votes = 0
candidates[max_candidates] = Candidate(name, votes)
println("How many voters do we have?")
voter_count = parse(Int, readline())
for i in 1:voter_count
println("Who are you voting for?")
name = readline()
winner = print_winner()
When I run this script I get the following error
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: `nothing` should not be printed; use `show`, `repr`, or custom output instead.
[1] print(::Base.TTY, ::Nothing) at ./show.jl:566
[2] print(::Base.TTY, ::Nothing, ::Char) at ./strings/io.jl:42
[3] println(::Base.TTY, ::Nothing) at ./strings/io.jl:69
[4] println(::Nothing) at ./coreio.jl:4
[5] top-level scope at none:0
[6] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
[7] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1044
[8] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
[9] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:266
[10] _start() at ./client.jl:425
in expression starting at /home/jerzy/C.../plurality.jl:65
The expression referred in the error message as "expression starting at /home/jerzy/C.../plurality.jl:65" is the last name of the script.
I do not understand what is this nothing?
Nevertheless, following the suggestions of the error message I modified the last line of my code, changing it from:
and got the following output:
I did a some research here and there, yet being a newbie, I don't understand why can't I return a value from my function print_winner. From what I read, return statements are not obligatory.
In the definition of print_winner, when I substitute
and then when the last line is
winner = print_winner()
then I am able to finally get the name of the winner. But it is not the way I want it. I want to return a value and assign it to a variable, and then do something with this variable. I would be able to do this in PHP or Racket, why cannot I in Julia?
The function print_winner doesn't return anything, in which case the object nothing is actually returned. So winner gets the value nothing (from winner = print_winner()), and println(winner) is equivalent to println(nothing), which leads to the error.
I want to return a value and assign it to a variable
Then just do that: return a value from print_winner. Julia can't know what you would want this function to return, so you have to be explicit about it. By default, Julia returns the value of the function expression, which in this case is the result of the last expression, which is here a for loop. The expression-value of a for-loop is nothing in Julia.

Creating a stochastic SIR model in Julia

I am new to julia and want to create a Stochastic SIR model by following:
I have written my own interpretation which is nearly the same:
# Following the Gillespie algorthim:
# 1. Initialization of states & parameters
# 2. Monte-carlo step. Random process/step selection.
# 3. Update all states. e.g., I = I + 1 (increase of infected by 1 person). Note: only +/- by 1.
# 4. Repeat until stopTime.
# p - Parameter array: β, ɣ for infected rate and recovered rate, resp.
# initialState - initial states of S, I, R information.
# stopTime - Total run time.
using Plots, Distributions
function stochasticSIR(p, initialState, stopTime)
# Hold the states of S,I,R separately w/ a NamedTuple. See '? NamedTuple' in the REML for details
# Populate the data storage arrays with the initial data and initialize the run time
sirData = (dataₛ = [initialState[1]], dataᵢ = [initialState[2]], dataᵣ = [initialState[3]], time = [0]);
while sirData.time[end] < stopTime
if sirData.dataᵢ[end] == 0 # If somehow # of infected = 0, break the loop.
# Probabilities of each process (infection, recovery). p[1] = β and p[2] = ɣ
probᵢ = p[1] * sirData.dataₛ[end] * sirData.dataᵢ[end];
probᵣ = p[2] * sirData.dataᵣ[end];
probₜ = probᵢ + probᵣ; # Total reaction rate
# When the next process happens
k = rand(Exponential(1/probₜ));
push!(sirData.time, sirData.time[end] + k) # time step by k
# Probability that the reaction is:
# probᵢ, probᵣ resp. is: probᵢ / probₜ, probᵣ / probₜ
randNum = rand();
# Update the states by randomly picking process (Gillespie algo.)
if randNum < (probᵢ / probₜ)
push!(sirData.dataₛ, sirData.dataₛ[end] - 1);
push!(sirData.dataᵢ, sirData.dataᵢ[end] + 1);
push!(sirData.dataᵢ, sirData.dataᵢ[end] - 1);
push!(sirData.dataᵣ, sirData.dataᵣ[end] +1)
sirOutput = stochasticSIR([0.0001, 0.05], [999,1,0], 200)
#plot(hcat(sirData.dataₛ, sirData.dataᵢ, sirData.dataᵣ), sirData.time)
InexactError: Int64(2.508057234147307)
Stacktrace: [1] Int64 at .\float.jl:709 [inlined] [2] convert at
.\number.jl:7 [inlined] [3] push! at .\array.jl:868 [inlined] [4]
stochasticSIR(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Int64,1}, ::Int64) at
.\In[9]:33 [5] top-level scope at In[9]:51
Could someone please explain why I receive this error? It does not tell me what line (I am using Jupyter notebook) and I do not understand it.
First error
You have to qualify your references to time as sirData.time
The error message is a bit confusing because time is a function in Base as well, so it is automatically in scope.
Second error
You need your data to be represented as Float64, so you have to explictly type your input array:
sirOutput = stochasticSIR([0.0001, 0.05], Float64[999,1,0], 200)
Alternatively, you can create the array with float literals: [999.0,1,0]. If you create an array with only literal integers, Julia will create an integer array.
I'm not sure StackOverflow is the best venue for this, as you seem to editing the original post as you go along with new errors.
Your current error at the time of writing (InexactError: Int(2.50805)) tells you that you are trying to create an integer from a Float64 floating point number, which you can't do without rounding explicitly.
I would highly recommend reading the Julia docs to get the hang of basic usage, and maybe use the Julia Discourse forum for more interactive back-and-forth debugging with the community.

Getting the whole AST of the file / complex code

Julia manual states:
Every Julia program starts life as a string:
julia> prog = "1 + 1"
"1 + 1"
I can easily get the AST of the simple expression, or even a function with the help of quote / code_*, or using Meta.parse / Meta.show_sexpr if I have the expression in a string.
The question: Is there any way to get the whole AST of the codepiece, possibly including several atomic expressions? Like, read the source file and convert it to AST?
If you want to do this from Julia instead of FemtoLisp, you can do
function parse_file(path::AbstractString)
code = read(path, String)
Meta.parse("begin $code end")
This takes in a file path, reads it and parses it to a big expression that can be evaluated.
This comes from #NHDaly's answer, here:
If you already have your file as a string and don’t want to have to read it again, you can instead do
parse_all(code::AbstractString) = Meta.parse("begin $code end")
It was pointed out on Slack by Nathan Daly and Taine Zhao that this code won't work for modules:
julia> eval(parse_all("module M x = 1 end"))
ERROR: syntax: "module" expression not at top level
[1] top-level scope at REPL[50]:1
[2] eval at ./boot.jl:331 [inlined]
[3] eval(::Expr) at ./client.jl:449
[4] |>(::Expr, ::typeof(eval)) at ./operators.jl:823
[5] top-level scope at REPL[50]:1
This can be fixed as follows:
julia> eval_all(ex::Expr) = ex.head == :block ? for e in ex eval_all(e) end : eval(e);
julia> eval_all(ex::Expr) = ex.head == :block ? eval.(ex.args) : eval(e);
julia> eval_all(parse_all("module M x = 1 end"));
julia> M.x
Since the question asker is not convinced that the above code produces a tree, here is a graph representation of the output of parse_all, clearly showing a tree structure.
In case you're curious, those leaves labelled #= none:1 =# are line number nodes, indicating the line on which each following expression takes place.
As suggested in the comments, one can also apply Meta.show_sexpr to an Expr object to get a more "lispy" representation of the AST without all the pretty printing julia does by default:
julia> (Meta.show_sexpr ∘ Meta.parse)("begin x = 1\n y = 2\n z = √(x^2 + y^2)\n end")
:(#= none:1 =#),
(:(=), :x, 1),
:(#= none:2 =#),
(:(=), :y, 2),
:(#= none:3 =#),
(:(=), :z, (:call, :√, (:call, :+, (:call, :^, :x, 2), (:call, :^, :y, 2))))
There's jl-parse-file in the FemtoLisp implementation of the Julia parser. You can call it from the Lisp REPL (julia --lisp), and it returns an S-expression for the whole file. Since Julia's Expr is not much different from Lisp S-expressions, that might be enough for you purposes.
I still wonder how one would access the result of this from within Julia. If I understand correctly, the Lisp functions are not exported from libjulia, so there's no direct way to just use a ccall. But maybe a variant of jl_parse_eval_all can be implemented.

Julia: Index an array with Int64?

The following code complains
ERROR: `setindex!` has no method matching setindex!(::Type{Array{Int32,32}}, ::Int32, ::Int64)
Should I be able to do this? The problem, I think, is that the loop variable has the wrong type to be used as an array index?
n = parseint(readline(STDIN))
A = Array{Int32, n}
for i in 1:n-1
ai = parseint(Int32, readuntil(STDIN, ' '))
A[i] = ai #The error happens here!
A[n] = parseint(Int32, readline(STDIN))
Your assignment of A is legal, but it doesn't do what you think it does.
A = Array{Int32,n}
julia> typeof(A)
This declares an A to be the type representing an array of n dimensions. What you want instead, probably is A to be a variable of type Array{Int32,1} that contains n elements. So instead try the following:
A = Array(Int32,n);
julia> typeof(A)
