When dragging a node, I would like to leave the node and its connected nodes exactly where I dropped them.
In the example bellow, you can see that when dropping the node/s they keep going back to the original place.
physics: {
repulsion: {
centralGravity: 1,
springConstant: 0.05,
stabilization: true
interaction: {
tooltipDelay: 200,
hideEdgesOnDrag: false
Turn off physics (physics: false). Stabilize will still work as will initial layout, it will even respect your options.
Alternatively you can set the moved nodes fixed to keep physics on for the other nodes. However you'd have to handle this manually (fixed nodes can't be moved at all so you'd have to change fixed to true/false dynamically).
I am using vis.js to visualize my network.
The number of nodes and edges that are being passed to this library is approximately around 500 and 2000 respectively.
Earlier when my code would add nodes and edges, the browser would become unresponsive after processing 1000 edges.
I have included the following parameters in the options.
options.layout.hierarchical = true;
options.edges.smooth = false;
options.layout = {improvedLayout : false};
With options.layout = {improvedLayout : false} being added, I am able to get the output on the screen.
However the nodes are not settled and they seem to take time to adjust to the layout. Also the hierarchy is not clearly seen.
How can I correctly display all the nodes and edges in a hierarchical manner with vis.js? What are the additional parameters that I have to add?
I am attempting to create a pathfinding algorithm for a game. Basically, after the player rolls a number, I need to determine all possible locations that the player can end up on a grid. The player cannot move directly backwards after a given step, and the player can only move one grid square per step.
The problem is, right now I am attempting to brute force the solution by recursively navigating along the graph and manually checking each valid move.
// Recursive function for navigating one step at a time.
function navigate($stamina, $coords, $coords_previous)
// If the movement stamina has not been spent.
if ($stamina != 0)
// Note: there may be less than four neighboring
// cells in a given location due to obstacles.
foreach ($neighboring_cells as $coords_neighboring)
// If the coordinates of the neighbor are not the same as the
// coordinates of the previous move (we can't move backwards)
if ($coords_neighboring != $coords_previous)
// Recurse.
navigate($stamina, $coords_neighboring, $coords);
// No more stamina.
// Add $coords to our array of endpoints.
This works for small rolls (low $stamina values). However, as $stamina increases, this methodology starts to become super redundant. This is due to the fact that the player can move in circles over and over again, exponentially increasing the number of potential endpoints.
My question is, what can be done to decrease redundancy in the above function?
Define a state as a combination of a grid position and a facing (i.e., the direction the player moved in to get there). This is useful because we can define successors of a given state: in particular, those at adjacent grid positions (with appropriate facings) other than the one the player just came from.
Then compute the set of states reachable in n steps. For n=0, this is just the player's initial position (with a special "no facing" value if the first move can be in any direction). To compute it for n+1, generate all valid moves from each of the states in the previous set, discarding any duplicates. When you reach the set for $stamina steps, just discard the facings (and any duplicate positions).
In terms of graph algorithms
This is similar to a breadth-first search on a graph whose vertices are the states and whose edges connect a state to its successor states. However, here we don't disregard new (longer) paths to a state, since some positions might be reachable (in exactly $stamina steps!) only via looping back. One could also include the remaining stamina in the state (and define no edges away from a state with 0 moves left); then you would perform a normal graph search and collect all the leaves.
In either case these would probably be implicit graphs, but the algorithm is clearer implemented directly rather than in terms of a graph.
I am working on a qwtPlot and have implemented custom scrollbars to illustrate the position of things on the plot when zooming in (in regards to the whole thing - so basically the percentage).
Now, everything works fine, apart from the moment, when I do any zooming or panning right at the beginning (or simply when I see the whole plot and then I want to zoom in).
This is a slot I am using to refresh the appearance of the scrollbar:
void ScrollHorizontal::refreshAfterChanges() {
printV("value", value());
printV("pageStep", pageStep());
in the constructor I set the maximum to 0 (just in case, but it doesn't change anything)
The last 3 lines print out some values useful for debugging. What I found out thanks to them is that the slot is executed correctly, but the setValue(int) function doesn't work as I would expect it to:
//printed values right after starting the program
//printed values after using the zoomer once
Then, when I move the plot a tiny bit, e.g. zoom it 1.1 times, the setValue works properly and value() return the same thing I set. But if I go to the 100% view (the starting point) I get the same problems again.
Just to illustrate it, here are some screenshots:
(100% view, right before zooming in)
(badly set qscrollbar)
Ok - problem was caused by the line
It was setting the maximum to 0 sometimes. why? I wanted the slider to take up the whole length of the scrollbar so that at the beginning when the plot was shown in 100% view, you couldn't scroll it and I could achieve that by setting the pagestep to my plot's maximum value and the maximum to 0.
But that caused the setValue(int)problem - you can't set a value bigger than the maximum.
So what finally worked for me is:
double valueToSet=myPlot->getLowerBound(QwtPlot::xBottom);
I have a table that shows the probability of an event happening.
I'm fine with part 1, but part 2 is not clicking with me. I'm trying to get my head around how
the binary numbers are derived in part 2?
I understand 0 is assigned to the largest probability and we work back from there, but how do we work out what the next set of binary numbers is? And what do the circles around the numbers mean/2 shades of grey differentiate?
It's just not clicking. Maybe someone can explain it in a way that will make me understand?
To build huffman codes, one approach is to build a binary tree, using a priority queue, in which the data to be assigned codes are inserted, sorted by frequency.
To start with, you have a queue with only leaf nodes, representing each of your data.
At each step you take the two lowest priority nodes from the queue, make a new node with a frequency equal to the sum of the two removed nodes, and then attach those two nodes as the left and right children. This new node is reinserted into the queue, according to it's frequency.
You repeat this until you only have one node in the queue, which will be the root.
Now you can traverse the tree from the root to any leaf node, and the path you take (whether you go left or right) at each level gives you either a 0 or a 1, and the length of the path (how far down the tree the node is) gives you the length of the code.
In practice you can just build this code as you build the tree, but appending 0 or 1 to the code at each node, according to whether the sub-tree it is part of is being added to the left or the right of some new parent.
In your diagram, the numbers in the circles are indicating the sum of the frequency of the two nodes which have been combined at each stage of building the tree.
You should also see that the two being combined have been assigned different bits (one a 0, the other a 1).
A diagram may help. Apologies for my hand-writing:
So basically when I try to draw more a mesh inside an FBX file its orientation is always removed and it's scaled down. I'm not sure if the issue is caused by code or the way I'm exporting the FBX files. I have been trying to narrow down the cause and I am fairly sure it's not caused by the way I export the FBX (but I could be wrong), so it's either the XNA content pipeline or my drawing code
Here are some pics I took to show my problem, where the gray background is in 3Ds Max as I see it and red background is in XNA:
THis is as it appears in 3D StudioMax: http://i.stack.imgur.com/e0oW4.png
This is how it appears in XNA: http://i.stack.imgur.com/1vOcx.png
Both are being viewed from the same angle and direction but varying distances.
Now what is really odd is if I create another mesh in max, say a box, and export that (along with the original model), it works fine: http://i.stack.imgur.com/SIDg9.png
So long as there is more than one mesh in the fbx model it draws properly (though I'm still suspicious if it's drawing with proper scaling applied, i.e. if in Max it is 1 unit long in XNA it becomes something like 1.27 units long), if there is less its orientation which I applied to it in 3D studio max is removed when I draw it.
This is how I draw the model:
foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
foreach (BasicEffect effect in mesh.Effects)
effect.World = boneTransforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index];
Vector3 cameraPosition = Camera.Get.Position;// new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
//cameraPosition.X = -Camera.Get.PosX;
//cameraPosition.Y = Camera.Get.PosY;
effect.View = Camera.Get.View;// Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraPosition + Camera.Get.LookDir, Camera.Get.Up);
effect.Projection = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4,
0.01f, 1000000); //Matrix.CreateOrthographic(800 / 1, 480 / 1, 0, 1000000);
//effect.TextureEnabled = true;
effect.LightingEnabled = true;
effect.PreferPerPixelLighting = true;
//effect.SpecularColor = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
Obviously mesh.draw() is called twice when there is more than one mesh in the fbx file..
Generally if you are having a problem with the position or scale of the mesh while rendering, then it's likely to be related to the matrices. Not necessarily the exporting, but rather how you use them in the code.
I use blender3d for modelling, but I know that Blender3d actually defines different spaces when you are creating the meshes within the editor. For example, if you create a mesh while in 'object' mode, the position/rotation/scale of the object in the scene will not be exported (because that object will be the root of a new tree, centered around 0,0,0). So I would check for a similar situation in 3DMax - make sure you are transforming the vertices in Max relative to 0,0,0, or else you may lose the 'initial' translation and when you render in XNA, all the objects will be rendered around your 0,0,0 (i.e. appear mixed together).
Failing that, and I can't remember exactly off the top of my head, but I think you may need to multiply the current mesh's absolute matrix transform with that of the parent's world matrix transform. Although it's been a while so I'm not too sure.