R partykit::ctree() how to break tie in selecting splitting variable of identical p-value - r

For a node x in partykit::ctree object, I use the following lines to get the splitting variables on the node:
However, a splitting variables of a node returned by this code is different from the one on the tree created by plot. It turns out that three columns in k$criterion have the minimum p-value; i.e.
length(inds) #3
Seems the info_node(x) returns the 1st of the three variables as names(k$p.value), but plot chooses the 3rd one. I wonder if such discrepancy is caused by two reasons:
Multiple variables have the minimum p-value, and there is an internal method to break such a tie in selecting only one splitting variable.
Maybe these three variable have slightly different p-value, but because of the fixed p-value precision in k$criterion, they appear to have the same p-value.
Any insight is appreciated!

The comparisons are done internally on the log-p-value scale, i.e., are more reliable in case of tiny p-values. If ties (within machine precision) still remain for the p-value, they are broken based on the size of the corresponding test statistic.

here is one example. Thank you!
tFit=ctree(a ~ ., data=dfb, control = ctree_control(minsplit= 10,minbucket = 5,
maxsurrogate=2, alpha = 0.05))
plot(tFit) #displayed splitting variable is d
names(nodeInfo$p.value) #b, not d


Negative Binomial model offset seems to be creating a 2 level factor

I am trying to fit some data to a negative binomial model and run a pairwise comparison using emmeans. The data has two different sample sizes, 15 and 20 (num_sample in the example below).
I have set up two data frames: good.data which produces the expected result of offset() using random sample sizes between 15 and 20, and bad.data using a sample size of either 15 or 20, which seems to produce a factor of either 15 or 20. The bad.data pairwise comparison produces way too many comparisons compared to the good.data, even though they should produce the same number?
# make data that works
num_sample=sample(c(15,17,20),24*5,T),# more than 2 sample sizes...
# make data that doesn't work
num_sample=sample(c(15,20),24*5,T),# only 2 sample sizes...
# fit models
# pairwise comparison
First , I think you should look up how to use emmeans.The intent is not to give a duplicate of the model formula, but rather to specify which factors you want the marginal means of.
However, that is not the issue here. What emmeans does first is to setup a reference grid that consists of all combinations of
the levels of each factor
the average of each numeric predictor; except if a
numeric predictor has just two different values, then
both its values are included.
It is that exception you have run against. Since num_samples has just 2 values of 15 and 20, both levels are kept separate rather than averaged. If you want them averaged, add cov.keep = 1 to the emmeans call. It has nothing to do with offsets you specify in emmeans-related functions; it has to do with the fact that num_samples is a predictor in your model.
The reason for the exception is that a lot of people specify models with indicator variables (e.g., female having values of 1 if true and 0 if false) in place of factors. We generally want those treated like factors rather than numeric predictors.
To be honest I'm not exactly sure what's going on with the expansion (276, the 'correct' number of contrasts, is choose(24,2), the 'incorrect' number of contrasts is 1128 = choose(48,2)), but I would say that you should probably be following the guidance in the "offsets" section of one of the emmeans vignettes where it says
If a model is fitted and its formula includes an offset() term, then by default, the offset is computed and included in the reference grid. ...
However, many users would like to ignore the offset for this kind of model, because then the estimates we obtain are rates per unit value of the (logged) offset. This may be accomplished by specifying an offset parameter in the call ...
The most natural choice for setting the offset is to 0 (i.e. make predictions etc. for a sample size of 1), but in this case I don't think it matters.
get_contr <- function(x) as_tibble(x$contrasts)
cfun <- function(m) {
pairwise~trt_time:pre_trt:storage_time, offset=0) |>
nrow(cfun(mod.good)) ## 276
nrow(cfun(mod.bad)) ## 276
From a statistical point of view I question the wisdom of looking at 276 pairwise comparisons, but that's a different issue ...

Reducing "treatment" sample size through MatchIt (or another package) to increase sample similarity

I am trying to match two samples on several covariates using MatchIt, but I am having difficulty creating samples that are similar enough. Both my samples are plenty large (~1000 in the control group, ~5000 in the comparison group).
I want to get a matched sample with participants as closely matched as possible and I am alright with losing sample size in the control group. Right now, MatchIt only returns two groups of 1000, whereas I want two groups that are very closely matched and would be fine with smaller groups (e.g., 500 instead of 1000).
Is there a way to do this through either MatchIt or another package? I would rather avoid using random sampling and then match if possible because I want as close a match between groups as possible.
Apologies for not having a reproducible example, I am still pretty new to using R and couldn't figure out how to make a sample of this issue...
Below is the code I have for matching the two groups.
data<- na.omit(data)
data$Group<- as.numeric(data$Group)
data$Group<- recode(data$Group, '1 = 1; 2 = 0')
m.out <- matchit(Group ~ Age + YearsEdu + Income + Gender, data = data, ratio = 1)
s.out <- summary(m.out, standardize = TRUE)
matched.data <- match.data(m.out)
MatchIt, like other similar packages, offers several matching routines that enable you to play around with the settings. Check out the argument method, which is set to method = 'nearest' by default. This means that unless you specify, it will look for the best match for each of the treatment observations. In your case, you will always have 1000 paired matches with this setting.
You can choose to set it to method = 'exact', which is much more restrictive. In the documentation you will find:
This technique matches each treated unit to all
possible control units with exactly the same values on all the covariates, forming subclasses
such that within each subclass all units (treatment and control) have the same covariate values.
On the lalonde dataset, you can run:
m.out <- matchit(treat ~ educ + black + hispan, data = lalonde, method = 'exact')
As a consequence, it discards some of the treatment observation that could not get matched. Have a look at the other possibilities for method, maybe you will find something you will like better.
That being said, be mindful not to discard too many treatment observations. If you do, you will make the treatment group look like the control group (instead of the opposite), which might lead to unwanted results.
You should look into the package designmatch, which implements a form of matching called cardinality matching that does what you want (i.e., find the largest matched set that yields desired balance). Unlike MatchIt, designmatch doesn't use a distance variable; instead, it uses optimization to solve the matching problem. You select exactly how balanced you want each covariate to be, and it will do its best to solve the problem while retaining as many matches as possible. The methodology is described in Zubizarreta, Paredes, & Rosenbaum (2014).

How to generate OUTLIER-FREE data in R?

I would like to know how can I generate an OUTLIER-FREE data using R.
I'm generating data using RNORM.
Say I have a linear equation
Y = B0 + B1*X + E, where X~N(5,9) and E~N(0,1).
I'm going to use RNORM in generating X and E.
Below are the codes used:
X <- rnorm(50,5,3) #I'm generating 50 Xi's w/ mean=5 & var=9
E <- rnorm(50,0,1) #I'm generating 50 residuals w/ mean=0 & var=1
Now, I'm going to generate Y by plugging the generated data on X & E above in the linear equation.
If the data I've generated above is outlier-free (no influential observation), then no Cook's Distance of observations should exceed 4/n, which is the usual cut-off for detecting influential/outlying observations.
But I wasn't not able to get this so far. I'm still getting outliers once I generate data following this procedure.
Can you help me out on this? Do you know a way how can I generate data which is OUTLIER-FREE.
Thanks a lot!
Well, one way would be to detect and delete those outliers by finding the generated points that exceed some cutoff. Of course this would harm the "randomness" in your generated data but your request for outlier-free data implies that by definition. Possibly, decreasing the variance of X could also help.
Is there a particular reason you need the X's to be normally distributed? The assumption of normality in regression is for the residuals (the error term). Typically the measured independent variable won't be normally distributed -- in a balanced, (quasi-)experimental setup, the X's should be close to uniformly distributed. A uniform distribution for the X's (or even an evenly divided sequence generated with seq()) would help you here because the "outlierness" of outliers arises from being both being far from the center from the sample space and being comparatively few in number. With a uniform distribution, they are no longer few in number, which reduces their leverage.
As a sidebar: real-data has outliers. This is actually one of the ways we can detect touched-up or even faked data in science. If you're interested in simulations that correspond to something in reality, then outliers may not be a bad thing. And there is a whole world of robust methods for dealing with data with arbitrarily bad outliers in a principled way as opposed to arbitrary cutoff points.

Boxplot including outliers in R, make the whole ranges being compared.

I am comparing several values using R, they are 8 variables stored in 1000 length vectors. That means, 1000*8 matrix, 8 columns represent 8 variables.
Then I call
I got like:
The mean values of 8 variables are very close to each other. Which makes the comparison and interpretation very hard. Can I include all the outliers in my plot ? Then the whole range would be easier to compare ? Or any other suggestions could be given to distinguish these variables ?
Here is the boxplot in question (since the OP doesn't have the rep to post pictures):
It looks like the medians (and likely also the means) are pretty much identical, but the variances differ between the eight categories, with category 1 having the lowest and 8 the highest variance. Depending on the real question involved, these two pieces of information (similar median/mean, different variance) may already be enough.
If you want a formal significance test whether the variances are equal, you can use Hartley's or Bartlett's test. If you want to formally test equality of means with unequal variances (so ANOVA is not appropriate), look here.

Is it possible to specify a range for numbers randomly generated by mvrnorm( ) in R?

I am trying to generate a random set of numbers that exactly mirror a data set that I have (to test it). The dataset consists of 5 variables that are all correlated with different means and standard deviations as well as ranges (they are likert scales added together to form 1 variable). I have been able to get mvrnorm from the MASS package to create a dataset that replicated the correlation matrix with the observed number of observations (after 500,000+ iterations), and I can easily reassign means and std. dev. through z-score transformation, but I still have specific values within each variable vector that are far above or below the possible range of the scale whose score I wish to replicate.
Any suggestions how to fix the range appropriately?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
To generate a sample that does "exactly mirror" the original dataset, you need to make sure that the marginal distributions and the dependence structure of the sample matches those of the original dataset.
A simple way to achieve this is with resampling
my.data <- matrix(runif(1000, -1, 2), nrow = 200, ncol = 5) # Some dummy data
my.ind <- sample(1:nrow(my.data), nrow(my.data), replace = TRUE)
my.sample <- my.data[my.ind, ]
This will ensure that the margins and the dependence structure of the sample (closely) matches those of the original data.
An alternative is to use a parametric model for the margins and/or the dependence structure (copula). But as staded by #dickoa, this will require serious modeling effort.
Note that by using a multivariate normal distribution, you are (implicity) assuming that the dependence structure of the original data is the Gaussian copula. This is a strong assumption, and it would need to be validated beforehand.
