Microsoft Graph 'Unable to read JSON request payload' error when inviting users to Azure AD in Python with Requests - python-requests

I'm trying to automate inviting users to an Azure AD using the MS Graph API but get an 'Unable to read JSON request payload' error.
I'm pulling data from a ticketing system, retrieving the current AAD users and diff-ing both. Then I'll be pushing the new ones into the AAD and updating them to include them in an Attendees AD Security group.
I created a Python Azure Function that calls the Graph API with Requests :
def insert_users(users_emails):'Inserting new users in AAD')
token = generate_auth_token()
users_emails = users_emails[:2]
added_attendees = []
for email in users_emails:
req_body = {
"invitedUserEmailAddress" : email
, "inviteRedirectUrl" : ""
body_length = sys.getsizeof(req_body)
req_headers = {
'Authorization' : 'Bearer {0}'.format(token)
, 'Content-Type' : 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
, 'Content-Length' : str(body_length)
response =
, headers = req_headers
, data = req_body
response = response.json()
return added_attendees
The Graph API sends back the following error message :
{'code': 'BadRequest',
'message': 'Unable to read JSON request payload. Please ensure Content-Type header is set and payload is of valid JSON format.',
{'request-id': '4ff5332d-d280-4b0d-9e04-a7359ab0e2fb', 'date': '2020-05-27T14:51:18'}
I tried adding the charset to the Content-Type header but it won't work. I read someplace the Content-Length could be useful so I added it too, to no avail.
Tests run ok in Postman and I'm already performing a POST request against the Azure AD API to get an Access Token so the Requests JSON body is parsed fine then. I also tried using single or double quotes in the JSON payload but it didn't work either.
My take is something is misinterpreted by the Graph API but I can't figure out what.
Thanks forward for your help !

i found a solution. Instead of passing a data argument to the method, I passed a json= argument
response =
, json={'invitedUserEmailAddress':email,'inviteRedirectUrl':''}
, headers = req_headers


python fastapi redirect and authenticate

I'm trying to authenticate the user after visiting the registration link
(link example:
My code:
#app.get("/confirm-email", status_code=200, )
def confirm_email(
token: str = fastapi.Query(..., min_length=64, max_length=256,
db: Session = fastapi.Depends(database.get_db)):
if user := crud.read_user_by(db, column='current_token', value=token):
if user.created_datetime + timedelta(minutes=30) > # TODO change minutes to days
return fastapi.responses.RedirectResponse(
headers={"access_token": token, "token_type": "bearer"})
raise fastapi.HTTPException(
detail="Confirmation link is expired")
raise fastapi.HTTPException(
detail="Wrong token")
def read_users_me(token: str = fastapi.Depends(oauth2_scheme),
db: Session = fastapi.Depends(database.get_db)):
return services.get_user_by_token(db=db, token=token)
except Exception as e:
raise fastapi.HTTPException(
detail="Could not validate credentials",
headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Bearer"},
But every time I'm failing when trying to use /users/me endpoint (getting 401 error, UNAUTHORIZED).
Maybe I put the token in the wrong place or using wrong headers?
If using OAuth 2.0 and wanting to set the access_token in a request, tipically, it goes into the Authorization header like the example in the RFC: Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM - in the example, mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM would be the value of the token.
It seems to me that you are accessing the users/me endpoint with the headers access_token: [token value] and token_type: "bearer". Instead, I believe the following header should be set: Authorization: Bearer [token value]
After a little researching, I figured out that redirection by specification can't have authorization headers (browser/client will just ignore it mainly). So even if headers are correct - it's nonsense. One possible solution to use URL.

Sending headers to post request

I have this python code that does not work as expected.
import requests
import json
data = {'mnumber':'9819838466'}
r = = API_ENDPOINT, data = json.dumps(data))
print (r.text)
This will return an error:
{"stackTrace": [["/var/task/", 5, "handler", "return
mydic[code]"]], "errorType": "KeyError", "errorMessage": "''"}
When I test the API using Amazon console's gateway, I get the expected output (i.e. string like "mumbai"). It means this is client side issue. I have confirmed this by using "postman" as well that returns the same error as mentioned above. How do I send correct headers to post request?
You can create a dictionary with the headers such as
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer 12345",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"key" : "value"
Then at the point of making the request pass it as a keyword argument to the request method i.e .post() or .get() or .put
This will be
response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)

Python Request Session JIRA REST post http 405

Using python requests session I can connect to JIRA and retrieve issue information ...
session = requests.Session()
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % bas64_val}, headers=headers)
jira = session.get(jira_srch_issue_url + select_fields)
# select_fields = the fields I want from the issue
Now I'm trying to post a payload via the JIRA API, using a fixed issue url e.g. ""
Which should be a case of the following, given:
payload = { "update": {
"fixVersions": [ {"set": "release-2.139.0"} ]
posted =, data=payload)
# returns <Response [405]>
# jira_task_url =
But this doesn't appear to work! Looking into the http 405 response, suggests that my payload is not properly formatted! Which notably, is the not easiest thing to diagnose.
What am I doing wrong here? Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Please note, I am not looking to use the python jira module, I am using requests.session to manage several sessions for different systems i.e. JIRA, TeamCity, etc..
Found the solution! I had two problems:
1) The actual syntax structure should have been:
fix_version = { "update": { "fixVersions": [ {"set" : [{ "name" : "release-2.139.0" }]}]
2) To ensure the payload is actually presented as JSON, use json.dumps() which takes an object and produces a string (see here) AND set 'content-type' to 'application/json':
payload = json.dumps(fix_version)
app_json = { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
session.put(https://.../rest/api/latest/issue/KEY-9876, headers=app_json, data=payload)
Rather than trying to define the JSON manually!

API authentication in R - unable to pass auth token as header

I am looking to do a simple GET request (from the Aplos API) in R using the httr package. I'm able to obtain a temporary token by authenticating with an API key, but then I get a 401 "Token could not be located" once trying to use the token to make an actual GET request. Would appreciate any help! Thank you in advance.
AplosURL <- ""
AplosAPIkey <- "XYZ"
AplosAuth <- GET(paste0(AplosURL,AplosAPIkey))
AplosAuthContent <- content(AplosAuth, "parsed")
AplosAuthToken <- AplosAuthContent$data$token
#This is where the error occurs
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer:", AplosAuthToken)))
This is a Python snippet provided by the API documentation:
def api_accounts_get(api_base_url, api_id, api_access_token):
# This should print a contact from Aplos.
# Lets show what we're doing.
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer: {}'.format(api_access_token)}
print 'geting URL: {}accounts'.format(api_base_url)
print 'With headers: {}'.format(headers)
# Actual request goes here.
r = requests.get('{}accounts'.format(api_base_url), headers=headers)
response = r.json()
print 'JSON response: {}'.format(response)
return (response)
In the python example, the return of the auth code block is the api_bearer_token which is base64 decoded and rsa decrypted (using your key) before it can be used.
api_token_encrypted = data['data']['token']
api_bearer_token = rsa.decrypt(base64.decodestring(api_token_encrypted), api_user_key)
That decoded token is then used in the api call to get the accounts.
The second issue I see is that your Authorization header does not match the example's header. Specifically, you are missing the space after "Bearer:"
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer: {}'.format(api_access_token)}
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer:", AplosAuthToken)))
Likely after addressing both of these you should be able to proceed.

Angular2 post with mailchimp

My post works in postman but doesn't work inside my app. What am I doing wrong?
let data = obj;
let url = '{somenumber}/members';
let username: string = 'user';
let password: string = 'mytokenhere';
let headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(username + ":" + password));
headers.append("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
return, data, {headers: headers}).subscribe(
data => this.response(data),
error => this.response(error)
I'm getting a CORS error in app:
'XMLHttpRequest cannot load{{somenumber}}/members. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:4200' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 501.'
Mailchimp doesn't support client side calls to their API. What you would need to do is setup a server that can proxy the requests from the browser to Mailchimp. There isn't much you can do client side to get it to work if the Mailchimp API doesn't provide the CORS response headers.
If your API that you create is on the same domain as the website, then the CORS issue would be eliminated (or you can also fix by setting the appropriate headers)
See the note under Authentication:
More Info:
