Qt-default version issue on migration from RPi4 to NVIDIA Jetson Nano - qt

Having an issue on migrating a Qt project from RPi4 to NVIDIA Jetson Nano. We wanted to migrate our project to Jetson Nano to improve image processing performance.
The qt dependency of our project is >= 5.11. But Jetson Nano uses Ubuntu 18.04.4 and it has qt5-default package pre-installed in it (in my understanding some system files use it). And this qt5-default packages version is 5.9.5.
I tried to downgrade my qt dependency, but every change made lead to harder to fix issue.
I tried to upgrade default qt5 version but couldn't find any similar guidance. The guides/questions already exists are about x86 etc. environment. Couldn't find any ARM based solution. The qt downloads doesn't give any buildable for ARM env (or I can't find them). The official documents only talks about cross-compiling.
What should I do to overcome this issue? Thanks in advance.

Okay I finally was able to successfully compile QT 5.12.9 on the Nano itself (no cross compilation).
The steps I did:
git clone https://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git
cd qt5
git checkout 5.12.9
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ~
mkdir qt5-build
cd qt5-build
Configure and build
../qt5/configure -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtwebengine
sudo make install
Make took like nearly a whole day to compile all sources. Also I had some compilation errors before. However after skipping webengine and not building the tests and examples in ./configure I was finally able to sucessfully make it.


Cannot find serial port support in Qt 6.3.2

For some reason I should use Qt6 for my project. I need serial port functionality but Qt Creator cannot find corresponding module. The following error is raised:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: serialport. My .pro file includes serialport - it seems to me that the problem is in the absence of this module. Also I don't corresponding examples projects.
I tried to install libqt5serialport5 and libqt5serialport5-dev using commands:
sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5
sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5-dev
but it didn't help. Please explain how to add serial port module to my Qt6 installation.
Below is information about my installation:
Qt Creator 8.0.2
Based on Qt 6.3.2 (GCC 10.3.1 20210422 (Red Hat 10.3.1-1), x86_64)
This problem has been solved very simple. Use Qt MaintenanceTool using which allows remove/update or install modules.

I need a minimal QT 5.0 Compiler install for Ubuntu 14.04 64bit

I need a minimal QT 5.0 Compiler install for Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
I just need to run qmake and have the QT includes, macros and libraries work under g++. I do not need The QT GUI development environment.
I tried the following...
wget http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.5/5.5.0/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.5.0.run
... Follow instructions... At the end I get "Warning: QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded" which I need.
So I had to build from source, which takes overnight! (but does work)...
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git
cd qt5
git checkout 5.5
... Follow instructions... It does work.
I only want the compiler, not everything! How do I get that?
Just install a package called build-essential + the Qt5 development packages you need (or qt5-default package). Ubuntu 14.04 has Qt 5.2.1 in the package repositories.
build-essential installs g++ tool chain and qt5-default installs the Qt5 development libraries.
Qt is not a compiler. It is a toolkit framework library coded for C++.
You need at least a C++11 compiler, like GCC (g++, at least 4.9) or Clang/LLVM (clang++)
You probably want to say that you don't need the QtCreator editor and IDE.

How can I install qt5 to Debian using commandline?

I need to install Qt5 to my Debian using commandline. How can I do that?
My system:
debian 2.6.30-vortex86mx-yh
I am trying to install using qt online installer from qt-project.org.
But after ./qt.run I get this error:
libstdc++.so.6 version glibcxx_3.4.11 not found
I try to install libstdc++6. but Debian said it is already newest version.
cat /etc/issue result is:
Debian 5.0
Also my debian has no gui. I have to do it using commandline.
Try this command for installing from default debian 5 repository:
#apt install g++
#apt install qtcreator
#apt install qtdeclarative5-dev
You should be able to run the qt-installer in a decent debian version. Get Version by:
cat /etc/issue
On older versions or "unsupported" versions you can still download the sources and build the libraries yourself, which is probably your way to go, since the vortex86-builds are pretty limited in compiler flags. Compiling is rather easy, depending on your needs. The configure script itself gives you a lot of hints regarding possible flags.
Another alternative is to find a user-managed repository that has QT5 for your debian version and add this repository to your sources.lst, so you could perform a apt-get install libqt5.

How can i Built Qt-Creator against Qt5, in Ubuntu 12.04?

I had an existing Qt4 installation on my ubuntu built using the "Software center". After that, I installed Qt5 from git using the default settings. Now, realizing that the Qt Creator version I had, was configured for Qt 4.8.1, I uninstalled it (using software center) and now i am looking for some guidance to re-build it and link against Qt5. From their blog, I have noticed that the latest version should be a part of Qt5 installation but I am unable to start it from the HUD in ubuntu, nor do i know of any command-line options to fire it up from the terminal. Thank you for your time.
Hate to just throw up a link, but this guy explains it well.. for multiple operating systems.
You may refer to the Qt wiki.
An example procedure of build:
./configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests
./make install
Your build target may be ARM or other platform,then you can use ./configure --help to see more configure help.

in ubuntu 12.04 make cannot find Qt libraries

When I run make (after running qmake) I get the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtGui
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtCore
In synaptic it shows that I have installed libqtcore4 and libqtgui4.
There is no such directory as /usr/bin/ld.
Basically, I've installed the QtSDK, and QtCreator seems to work fine in that it can build the hello world program. But I want to be able to work from the CLI and run make. I suspect that I may need to redirect the make program to look elsewhere for QtGui and QtCore. If so, how do I find out where those libraries are? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and I've followed the advice of this page http://www.qtforum.org/article/28081/installing-qt-4-5-2-on-linux.html down to the last section where it talks about libraries. Any suggestions?
Install Qt using apt-get
sudo apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-gui
or if you want everything
sudo apt-get install libqt4-*
The advice at http://www.qtforum.org/article/28081/installing-qt-4-5-2-on-linux.html is outdated and useless in your case since you have a recent version of Ubuntu. It leads to having two different versions of Qt side by side, which is technically possible but hard to manage.
You should install the qtcreator Ubuntu package and just delete the /opt/qtsdk... directory and undo the modifications suggested by the outdated instructions. It is essential that your PATH is not tweaked so that it's the Ubuntu version of qmake that is found when called from the command line.
If you still have compilation problems after that, they're likely to be solved by installing more packages, such as libqt4-dev or others Qt-related packages.
Also, /usr/bin/ld is not a directory, it's the linker program.
