Re-trigger scheduled instances with SAP BO API? - jar

I want to re-trigger all the failed schedules using a java jar file on CMS.
Just for testing I wrote this below program which i suppose would re-trigger a certain schedule, which completed successfully.
Please help me find where did i go wrong since it shows success when I run this program on CMS but the schedule doesn't get triggered
public class Schedule_CRNA implements IProgramBase {
public void run(IEnterpriseSession enterprisesession, IInfoStore infostore, String str[]) throws SDKException {
//System.out.println("Connected to " + enterprisesession.getCMSName() + "CMS");
//System.out.println("Using the credentials of " + enterprisesession.getUserInfo().getUserName() );
IInfoObjects oInfoObjects = infostore.query("SELECT * from CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE si_instance=1 and si_schedule_status=1 and SI_ID=9411899");
for (int x = 0; x < oInfoObjects.size(); x++) {
IInfoObject oI = (IInfoObject) oInfoObjects.get(x);
IInfoObjects oScheds = infostore.query("select * from ci_infoobjects,ci_appobjects where si_id = " + oI.getID());
IInfoObject oSched = (IInfoObject) oScheds.get(0);
Integer iOwner = (Integer)"SI_OWNERID").getValue();

It seems you missed the putting of your retrieved scheduled object into collection.
The last part in your snippet should be:
IInfoObjects objectsToSchedule = infostore.newInfoObjectCollection();
You cannot schedule report directly but rather through collection. Full sample is here.
Also your coding deleting object from repository and rescheduling it again with each iteration seems weird, but it is up to your requirement.


IIS performance improve

I have a ASP NET project, which utilises several ASHX.
it runs barely acceptable with daily 50000 login api calls(and each login comes diff amount of other API calls)
but now it takes >1min with daily 150,000 login api calls.
to t/shoot the problem, these thing I done on 1 of the API with sproc call which only retrieve data:
1) I run it in another brand new instance, in local-machine, it runs less than 100milisec; current web-instance runs > 1min
2) I run the sproc alone in SSMS, it take < 1sec; current web-instance runs > 1min
3) I did local parameter assignment on that particular sproc, to prevent parameter sniffing and re-built and re-exec, same result.
4) the part the serialize the Json(newtonsoft) uses static, also very fast, less than 1 sec.
I ran "" and indeed very slow; but I am not sure why it's slow.
I tried to use "DebugView" (""), since it can write plenty log without file-locking, but not sure how to put it works for web application.
Anyway/ tool to capture the independent begin_request & end_request time externally and accurately? (I tried to put the time span in Global.asax, but get some null parameters sometimes) Best if anyone has the idea to pinpoint the part that caused it.
sample timespan test:
private string single_detail(HttpContext context)
PlayDetailApiResult o = new PlayDetailApiResult
string json = generateJsonFromObj(o); // init default
long current = 0;
DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;
// call sp
int ret = plmainsql.getPracticeQualificationTimeLeft(...);
DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan ts = dtEnd - dtStart;
LoggingHelper.GetInstance().Debug("single_detail getPracticeQualificationTimeLeft's duration(ms): " + ts.TotalMilliseconds);
if (ret != 0)
o.Code = ...;
DateTime dtStart_1 = DateTime.Now;
json = generateJsonFromObj(o);
DateTime dtEnd_1 = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan ts_1 = dtEnd_1 - dtStart_1;
LoggingHelper.GetInstance().Debug("single_detail generateJsonFromObj's duration(ms): " + ts_1.TotalMilliseconds);
catch (Exception ex)
LoggingHelper.GetInstance().Debug("single_detail : " + ex.Message + "|" + ex.StackTrace);
return json;
most of the result:
2015-03-04 18:45:29,263 [163] DEBUG LoggingHelper single_detail getPracticeQualificationTimeLeft's duration(ms): 5.8594
2015-03-04 18:45:29,264 [163] DEBUG LoggingHelper single_detail generateJsonFromObj's duration(ms): 0
these thing I noted.
1) computer's processor usage and memory usage: memory is at 70%, which i think still is not peak
2) check if Gzip compression is enabled : my json runs on mobile (iOS/Android/WM); some code changes needed, and not tested to prevent any compress-decompress issue; as compression also increase CPU usage at the same time
You can also try miniprofiler. It is very easy to use and displays the execution time for every step or function you want to monitor.
Check out

Windows phone 8 sqlite async issue

Currently i am working on an app that uses sqlite. I have a scenario in which there are graphs according to days of week. User can check graphs of any day. There may be data available for that day or not.
Issue is for the first time every thing goes well. But then if user taps again on the day which actually have data available, app stop working, or i can say it stuck. it didn't crash or any exception.
private async void getGraphData(int p)
var checkCount = p;
Color currentAccentColorHex = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentColor"];
BabySleepChart.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(ConvertStringToColor(currentAccentColorHex.ToString()));
Conn = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(DB_NAME);
ObservableCollection<Graph> BabydailySleep = new ObservableCollection<Graph>();
var sundayData = await Conn.QueryAsync<BabySleep>("SELECT * FROM BabySleep WHERE today = ?", Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-p).Date.ToString("d")));
var count = sundayData.Any() ? sundayData.Count : 0;
if (count == 0)
MessageBox.Show("No date for " + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-p).ToString("dddddd"), "Data Not Found", MessageBoxButton.OK);
In else i display graphs. I am using amcharts. (The control doesn't go after the query for 2nd time.)
Please help . How can i solve this issue.

Akka Multi Node Testing available in Java?

I have read the Akka Java documentation about Multi Node Testing, however all codes are in Scala. Is there any reason for that? Google search was unsuccessful as well.
To reduce the tumbleweedness of this question, I did try :). A simple translation to Java of the existing Scala codes migth look like this:
public class ClusterTest {
protected RoleName first;
public void SimpleClusterListenerClusterJoinTest() throws Exception {
new MultiNodeSpec(new MultiNodeConfig() {{
first = this.role("first");
second = this.role("second");
third = this.role("third");
"akka.crdt.convergent.leveldb.destroy-on-shutdown = on\n" +
" = akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider\n" +
" = off\n" +
" = on\n" +
"akka.loggers = [\"akka.testkit.TestEventListener\"]\n" +
"akka.loglevel = INFO\n" +
"akka.remote.log-remote-lifecycle-events = off")); }}) {
Address firstAddress = node(first).address();
ArrayList<RoleName> firstnode = new ArrayList<RoleName>() {{
Seq<RoleName> fisrtnodeseq = (Seq<RoleName>)JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(firstnode).toList();
runOn(fisrtnodeseq, null);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster((ExtendedActorSystem) system());
// verify that single node becomes member
cluster.subscribe(testActor(), MemberEvent.class);
public int initialParticipants() {
return roles().size();
HOWEVER During the run with the arguments:
-Dmultinode.max-nodes=4 etc. according to Multi Node Testing (if I list here all of the arguments the editor heavily complains :[ ) I will get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid ActorSystem name [ClusterTest_2], must contain only word characters (i.e. [a-zA-Z0-9] plus non-leading '-')
at akka.remote.testkit.MultiNodeSpec.<init>(MultiNodeSpec.scala:252)
at com.akkamint.demo.ClusterTest$2.<init>(
is the internally generated ActorSystem name wrong?
Besides this I have two questions:
How can access the gossips from Java as in the Scala code,
awaitCond(Cluster(system).latestGossip.members.exists(m ⇒ m.address == firstAddress && m.status == Up))
and I have not found any way to implement the same in Java. My workaround is to subscribe to member events (see above), otherwise I do not know, is this effectively the same or not?
Thunk function (the second argument of runOn method)? What is that? How can use it?

Failing to write offset data to zookeeper in kafka-storm

I was setting up a storm cluster to calculate real time trending and other statistics, however I have some problems introducing the "recovery" feature into this project, by allowing the offset that was last read by the kafka-spout (the source code for kafka-spout comes from to be remembered. I start my kafka-spout in this way:
BrokerHosts zkHost = new ZkHosts("localhost:2181");
SpoutConfig kafkaConfig = new SpoutConfig(zkHost, "test", "", "test");
kafkaConfig.forceFromStart = false;
KafkaSpout kafkaSpout = new KafkaSpout(kafkaConfig);
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("test" + "spout", kafkaSpout, ESConfig.spoutParallelism);
The default settings should be doing this, but I think it is not doing so in my case, every time I start my project, the PartitionManager tries to look for the file with the offsets, then nothing is found:
2014-06-25 11:57:08 INFO PartitionManager:73 - Read partition information from: /storm/partition_1 --> null
2014-06-25 11:57:08 INFO PartitionManager:86 - No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset
Then it starts reading from the latest possible offset. Which is okay if my project never fails, but not exactly what I wanted.
I also looked a bit more into the PartitionManager class which uses Zkstate class to write the offsets, from this code snippet:
public void commit() {
long lastCompletedOffset = lastCompletedOffset();
if (_committedTo != lastCompletedOffset) {
LOG.debug("Writing last completed offset (" + lastCompletedOffset + ") to ZK for " + _partition + " for topology: " + _topologyInstanceId);
Map<Object, Object> data = (Map<Object, Object>) ImmutableMap.builder()
.put("topology", ImmutableMap.of("id", _topologyInstanceId,
"name", _stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME)))
.put("offset", lastCompletedOffset)
.put("partition", _partition.partition)
.put("broker", ImmutableMap.of("host",,
.put("topic", _spoutConfig.topic).build();
_state.writeJSON(committedPath(), data);
_committedTo = lastCompletedOffset;
LOG.debug("Wrote last completed offset (" + lastCompletedOffset + ") to ZK for " + _partition + " for topology: " + _topologyInstanceId);
} else {
LOG.debug("No new offset for " + _partition + " for topology: " + _topologyInstanceId);
public void writeBytes(String path, byte[] bytes) {
try {
if (_curator.checkExists().forPath(path) == null) {
.forPath(path, bytes);
} else {
_curator.setData().forPath(path, bytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
I could see that for the first message, the writeBytes method gets into the if block and tries to create a path, then for the second message it goes into the else block, which seems to be ok. But when I start the project again, the same message as mentioned above shows up. No partition information can be found.
I had the same problem. Turned out I was running in local mode which uses an in memory zookeeper and not the zookeeper that Kafka is using.
To make sure that KafkaSpout doesn't use Storm's ZooKeeper for the ZkState that stores the offset, you need to set the SpoutConfig.zkServers, SpoutConfig.zkPort, and SpoutConfig.zkRoot in addition to the ZkHosts. For example
import org.apache.zookeeper.client.ConnectStringParser;
import storm.kafka.SpoutConfig;
import storm.kafka.ZkHosts;
import storm.kafka.KeyValueSchemeAsMultiScheme;
final ConnectStringParser connectStringParser = new ConnectStringParser(zkConnectStr);
final List<InetSocketAddress> serverInetAddresses = connectStringParser.getServerAddresses();
final List<String> serverAddresses = new ArrayList<>(serverInetAddresses.size());
final Integer zkPort = serverInetAddresses.get(0).getPort();
for (InetSocketAddress serverInetAddress : serverInetAddresses) {
final ZkHosts zkHosts = new ZkHosts(zkConnectStr);
zkHosts.brokerZkPath = kafkaZnode + zkHosts.brokerZkPath;
final SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(zkHosts, inputTopic, kafkaZnode, kafkaConsumerGroup);
spoutConfig.scheme = new KeyValueSchemeAsMultiScheme(inputKafkaKeyValueScheme);
spoutConfig.zkServers = serverAddresses;
spoutConfig.zkPort = zkPort;
spoutConfig.zkRoot = kafkaZnode;
I think you are hitting this bug:
And the comment from the colleague above fixed my issue. I added some newer libraries to.

google api .net client v3 getting free busy information

I am trying to query free busy data from Google calendar. Simply I am providing start date/time and end date/time. All I want to know is if this time frame is available or not. When I run below query, I get "responseOBJ" response object which doesn't seem to include what I need. The response object only contains start and end time. It doesn't contain flag such as "IsBusy" "IsAvailable"
#region Free_busy_request_NOT_WORKING
FreeBusyRequest requestobj = new FreeBusyRequest();
FreeBusyRequestItem c = new FreeBusyRequestItem();
c.Id = "";
requestobj.Items = new List<FreeBusyRequestItem>();
requestobj.TimeMin = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
requestobj.TimeMax = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
FreebusyResource.QueryRequest TestRequest = calendarService.Freebusy.Query(requestobj);
// var TestRequest = calendarService.Freebusy.
// FreeBusyResponse responseOBJ = TestRequest.Execute();
var responseOBJ = TestRequest.Execute();
Calendar API will only ever provide ordered busy blocks in the response, never available blocks. Everything outside busy is available. Do you have at least one event on the calendar
with the given ID in the time window?
Also the account you are using needs to have at least free-busy access to the resource to be able to retrieve availability.
I know this question is old, however I think it would be beneficial to see an example. You will needed to actually grab the Busy information from your response. Below is a snippet from my own code (minus the call) with how to handle the response. You will need to utilized your c.Id as the key to search through the response:
FreebusyResource.QueryRequest testRequest = service.Freebusy.Query(busyRequest);
var responseObject = testRequest.Execute();
bool checkBusy;
bool containsKey;
if (responseObject.Calendars.ContainsKey("**INSERT YOUR KEY HERE**"))
containsKey = true;
if (containsKey)
//Had to deconstruct API response by WriteLine(). Busy returns a count of 1, while being free returns a count of 0.
//These are properties of a dictionary and a List of the responseObject (dictionary returned by API POST).
if (responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**"].Busy.Count == 0)
checkBusy = false;
checkBusy = true;
if (checkBusy == true)
var busyStart = responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**"].Busy[0].Start;
var busyEnd = responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**].Busy[0].End;
string isBusyString = "Between " + busyStart + " and " + busyEnd + " your trainer is busy";
richTextBox1.Text = isBusyString;
string isFreeString = "Between " + startDate + " and " + endDate + " your trainer is free";
richTextBox1.Text += isFreeString;
MessageBox.Show("CalendarAPIv3 has failed, please contact support\nregarding missing <key>", "ERROR!");
My suggestion would be to break your responses down by writing them to the console. Then, you can "deconstruct" them. That is how I was able to figure out "where" to look within the response. As noted above, you will only receive the information for busyBlocks. I used the date and time that was selected by my client's search to show the "free" times.
You'll need to check if your key exists before attempting the TryGetValue or searching with a keyvaluepair.
