Repeated terminal command in VSCode - .net-core

I'm working on a large angular / .NET Core project and have to type e.g. dotnet run /path/to/subproject in the terminal often.
Can I use VSCode to store/manage these common commands? I've been through the vscode docs on launch.json and tasks.json but cannot find a good answer.

Yes, you have a couple of options.
(1) Set up a command to just rerun the last command - see Make a keybinding to run previous or last shell commands
"key": "alt+x", // choose your keybinding
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
"args": { "text": "\u001b[A\u000d" }
or (2) just put your frequently-used command into a keybinding ala:
"key": "alt+x", // choose your keybinding
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
"args": { "text": "dotnet run /path/to/subproject\u000d" },
// "when": "terminalFocus"
The \u000d is a return so the command runs immediately. I find it easiest to not have the when clause so I can run it from anywhere - editorFocus or terminalFocus, etc.
These go into your keybindings.json.
You can use variables where you have /path/to/subproject. See task - variable substitution and available variables which may help with your path.


Is it possible to only release prereleases with semantic release?

I want to use semantic-release to only publish prereleases.
I have this config in my package.json:
"release": {
"branches": [
"name": "main",
"prerelease": "alpha",
"channel": "alpha"
But if I run npx semantic-release I run into the following error:
ERELEASEBRANCHES The release branches are invalid in the `branches` configuration.
A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 release branches are required in the branches configuration (
This may occur if your repository does not have a release branch, such as master.
Your configuration for the problematic branches is [].
As soon as I add another (not prerelease) branch, it works.
Is it possible to only have prerelease branches configured?
I solved this by creating a stable branch that I will not push to. This is not the most elegant solution, but works for now.

Julia in Google Colab

I am trying to setup Julia with Google Colab. Installation instructions as in have been followed. Despite that, I am unable to launch Julia.
I am trying to use Julia with Google Colab. I followed the following steps:
Install CUDA
!dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-9-0-local_9.0.176-1_amd64-deb
!apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-9-0-local/
!apt update -q
!apt install cuda gcc-6 g++-6 -y -q
!ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-6 /usr/local/cuda/bin/gcc
!ln -s /usr/bin/g++-6 /usr/local/cuda/bin/g++
Install Julia 1.2.0
!curl -sSL "" -o julia.tar.gz
!tar -xzf julia.tar.gz -C /usr --strip-components 1
!rm -rf julia.tar.gz*
!julia -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add IJulia; add CuArrays; add Flux; precompile"'
The above two steps run perfectly fine. I am unable to initiate a Julia session. I tried:
With this, the Julia start-up screen keeps showing with no command-line.
The easiest option is to use this Colab notebook template.
It supports any Julia version, and also has GPU support.
Turns out that it was just the sequence of steps that was wrong. Very helpful video posted Just to reiterate:
Save the following as .ipynb file, and upload it on Google Colab:
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"name": "Julia on Colab.ipynb",
"version": "0.3.2",
"provenance": []
"kernelspec": {
"name": "julia-1.2",
"display_name": "Julia 1.2"
"accelerator": "GPU"
"cells": [
"metadata": {
"id": "oMSuTc3pDlHv",
"colab_type": "code",
"colab": {}
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": []
Install CUDA in the same notebook using the commands mentioned in the question.
Install Julia 1.2.0 in the same notebook using the commands mentioned above.
Configure the settings as demonstrated in the video and you are all set!
In addition to the answer by user3856486: you can now skip the CUDA installation step (mentioned here). That saves a lot of time, especially since you have to rerun these steps whenever you close the notebook/the runtime disconnects.

Visual Studio Code cannot build the default dotnet core class library

I cannot get VS Code to build an empty class library while dotnet core can quite happily.
In PowerShell I create a folder called CoreTesting, navigate into it and launch VS Code with code.
I hit CTRL + ` to enter the terminal and navigate into the solution's folder.
I then enter dotnet new classlib --name Common, see the new folder Common and enter dotnet build .\Common\ to build the class library. All is well.
I add the Common folder to VS Code and hit CTRL + SHIFT + B and see No build task to run found. Configure Build Task..., so I hit return and see Create tasks.json file from template, so I hit return again and see:
.NET Core
So I select .NET Core and see that a .vscode folder is created containing tasks.json. This file contains:
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build",
"command": "dotnet build",
"type": "shell",
"group": "build",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "silent"
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
I hit CTRL + SHIFT + B again and see the option build Common, so I hit return and see this:
> Executing task in folder Common: dotnet build <
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.0.225-preview+g5ebeba52a1 for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MSBUILD : error MSB1003: Specify a project or solution file. The current working directory does not contain a project or solution file.
The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
The structure I can see is this:
What have I done wrong?
I was able to reproduce your problem on v1.41.1 for Windows. In doing so it created this tasks.json which is similar to yours...
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build",
"command": "dotnet",
"type": "shell",
"args": [
// Ask dotnet build to generate full paths for file names.
// Do not generate summary otherwise it leads to duplicate errors in Problems panel
"group": "build",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "silent"
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile"
When you invoke a task, it defaults to using the workspace folder (CoreTesting) path as the working directory. However, the project file is a directory beneath in Common, hence the error The current working directory does not contain a project or solution file.
A quick fix for this is to simply open the directory with the project file as the workspace folder (i.e. File → Open Folder... → Select the Common directory).
Alternatively, if that solution is undesirable then with CoreTesting opened as the workspace folder you can configure the task to execute with a different working directory. To do this, set the task's options.cwd property...
/* snip */
"tasks": [
/* snip */
"problemMatcher": "$msCompile",
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Common"
I found this property in the Schema for tasks.json, and it's also mentioned in the Custom tasks section of the Tasks documentation. After making either change above the library builds successfully for me.

How can I use mesos-execute to run a jar

I have set up my mesos cluser correctly with one master and two slaves. What I am trying to do is use the mesos-execute framework to run jar files on the cluster. I can use it to run simple commands like:
mesos-execute --master=mesosr:5050 --name="simple-test" --command=echo "hello"
Which will run as expected. However if I try to replace that echo "hello" command with something like "java -jar helloWorld.jar" it won't work.
I managed to identify the problem, but I don't know how to fix it. The issue is that the command doesn't run from the home directory, it runs from something similar to this
I got that path by running "pwd" as a command on mesos-execute.
Now, my question is how do I get out from there? cd doesn't work.
Is there any way for me to get to the home folder or to a special folder where I can put my jars to make them accessible to mesos-execute?
The use case for this application is that there will be a lot of small jar files that will have to be run on the cluster. They don't have to stay alive, so I am not using anything like Marathon for these jars.
Thank you.
From mesos-execute -h
--task_group=VALUE The value could be a JSON-formatted string of TaskGroupInfo or a file path containing the JSON-formatted TaskGroupInfo. Path must be of the form file:///path/to/file or /path/to/file. See the TaskGroupInfo message in mesos.proto for the expected format. NOTE: agent_id need not to be set.
"name": "Name of the task",
"task_id": {"value" : "Id of the task"},
"agent_id": {"value" : ""},
"resources": [{
"name": "cpus",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 0.1
"name": "mem",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 32
"command": {
"value": "sleep 1000"
What interest you most is command part. There you can define your task with all files it need to download to run correctly. All possible configuration options for command are specified in CommandInfo.
Ok, so I figured out how to do it.
I was going about it all wrong, perhaps not the best idea to tackle a new thing at the end of a workday.
What I was trying to do was change directory to the home directory as part of the mesos-execute command. This is not allowed. The way to run a jar that is located in the home directory is to specify the path of the jar in the java -jar command. So the final command, that works, looks like this:
mesos-execute --master=mesosr:5050 --name="simple-test" --command="java -jar /home/user/jarFile.jar"
This works, and the jar is executed on the cluster.

How to compile .less files on save in Visual Studio 2015 (preview)

Ok, so I've created a new ASP.Net 5/MVC 6 project in Visual Studio 2015 Preview. In keeping with our current method of doing things, for styling I want to use .less files. Creating the files is straightforward, but Web Essentials no longer compiles them.
So my question is this: what precisely do I need to do to get my .css files generated when I save the .less files?
Based on my adventures getting Typescript to work nicely, I will have to use Grunt to accomplish this task, but I am brand-new to Grunt and so I'm not sure how one would do it?
Please help!
With VS 2015 Web Essential is split into multiple extensions you can download
the Web Compiler extension from here and it also has details on how to use it.
It is certainly not elegant as it used to be, but if you are using existing project and want to use a compiler for LESS then this may do the basic job.
So here's how to do it (compile on build and non-elegant compile on save):
Step 1
Open up your package.json file (it's in the root of your project) and add these lines:
"grunt-contrib-less": "^1.0.0",
"less": "^2.1.2"
Obviously you can change the version numbers (you'll get helpful intellisense), these are just the current versions.
Step 2
Right-click on the NPM folder (under Dependencies) and click Restore Packages. This will install less and grunt-contrib-less.
Step 3
Once those packages are restored, go to your gruntfile.js file (again, in the root of the project). Here, you'll need to add the following section to grunt.initConfig
less: {
development: {
options: {
paths: ["importfolder"]
files: {
"wwwroot/destinationfolder/destinationfilename.css": "sourcefolder/sourcefile.less"
You'll also need to add this line near the end of gruntfile.js:
Step 4
Then just go to View->Other Windows->Task Runner Explorer in the menu hit the refresh icon/button, then right-click on less under Tasks and go to Bindings and tick After Build.
Hooray, now less files will compile and we (I) learned about grunt, which seems really powerful.
Step 5: Compiling on save
I still haven't got this working to my satisfaction, but here's what I've got so far:
As above, add another NPM package grunt-contrib-watch (add to package.json, then restore packages).
Then add a watch section in gruntfile.js, like this (obviously this can work for other types of files as well):
watch: {
less: {
files: ["sourcefolder/*.less"],
tasks: ["less"],
options: {
livereload: true
So you'll now have something like this in your gruntfile.js:
/// <binding AfterBuild='typescript' />
// This file in the main entry point for defining grunt tasks and using grunt plugins.
// Click here to learn more.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
bower: {
install: {
options: {
targetDir: "wwwroot/lib",
layout: "byComponent",
cleanTargetDir: false
watch: {
less: {
files: ["less/*.less"],
tasks: ["less"],
options: {
livereload: true
less: {
development: {
options: {
paths: ["less"]
files: {
"wwwroot/css/style.css": "less/style.less"
// This command registers the default task which will install bower packages into wwwroot/lib
grunt.registerTask("default", ["bower:install"]);
// The following line loads the grunt plugins.
// This line needs to be at the end of this this file.
One can then simply set this task to run on Project Open (right-click on watch under Tasks in the Task Runner Explorer (it's under View->Other Windows in the top menu) and you're done. I would expect you'd have to close and re-open the project/solution to get this to kick in, otherwise you can manually run the task.
(Note: there is now a new question asked here directly concerning sass. I tried to alter the question and tags in this question to include sass, but someone didn't allow it.)
I would like to add the answer to the same question for sass (.scss). The answer is so related I think these may best be combined as two answers in this same post (if you disagree, please let me know; else, we might add "or sass" in the post title?). As such, see Maverick's answer for some fuller details, here's the nutshell for sass:
(Pre-step for Empty Projects)
If you started with an empty project, first add Grunt and Bower:
Right click solution -> Add -> 'Grunt and Bower to Project' (then wait for a minute for it to all install)
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "^0.4.5",
"grunt-bower-task": "^0.4.0",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "^0.6.1",
"grunt-contrib-sass": "^0.9.2"
(FYI: grunt-contrib-sass link)
Dependencies -> right-click NPM -> Restore Packages.
1) Add or make sure these three lines are registered near the bottom (as NPM tasks):
2) Again in gruntfile.js, add init configurations, something like the following.
{ Caveat: I am no expert on such configurations. I found the sass configuration on an excellent blog post some time ago that I can't locate at this time in order to give credit. The key was I wanted to find all files in the project within a certain folder (plus descendants). The following does that (notice "someSourceFolder/**/*.scss", and see important related note here). }
// ... after bower in grunt.initConfig ...
"default": {
"files": [
"expand": true,
"src": [ "someSourceFolder/**/*.scss" ],
"dest": "wwwroot/coolbeans", // or "<%= src %>" for output to the same (source) folder
"ext": ".css"
"watch": {
"sass": {
"files": [ "someSourceFolder/**/*.scss" ],
"tasks": [ "sass" ],
"options": {
"livereload": true
Now follow the instructions for Task Runner Explorer as given in the other answer. Make sure to close and reopen project. It seems you have to run (double click) 'watch' (under 'Tasks') every time the project is started to get the watch watching, but then it works on subsequent saves.
