How to deserialize the JSON array? - azure-resource-manager

I am trying to add artifacts to VM in DevTest Lab and i want to pass the artifacts name dynamically.
Below is my parameter
"Artifacts": {
"type": "array"
And in Resource section am calling this as
Am calling this ARM as below from powershell file
$sampleJob += Start-Job -Name $fileName -FilePath $scriptlocation -ArgumentList $artifact
$artifact is defined as object type Object[]
When running the script am getting the following error.
"message": "Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'Microsoft.DevTestLab.VirtualMachine.Data.Models.Rest.ArtifactInstallProperties' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) to deserialize correctly.
How to fix the above error. Any help can be appreciated. Thank you.

In the Resource section, remove the outer pair of square-brackets. It should look like:
"artifacts": "[parameters('Artifacts')]"


Using reference funtion in an ARM template parameter file

Is there anyway to use the reference funtion in an ARM parameter file? I understand the following can be used to retrieve the intrumentation key of an app insights instance but this doesnt seem to work in a parameter file.
"[reference('microsoft.insights/components/web-app-name-01', '2015-05-01').InstrumentationKey]"
I currently set a long list of environment variables using an array from a parameter file and need to include the dynamic app insights instrumentation key to that list of variables.
Unfortunately, no.
Reference function only works at runtime. It can't be used in the parameters or variables sections because both are resolved during the initial parsing phase of the template.
Here is an excerpt from the docs and also how to use reference correctly:
You can't use the reference function in the variables section of the template. The reference function derives its value from the resource's runtime state. However, variables are resolved during the initial parsing of the template. Construct values that need the reference function directly in the resources or outputs section of the template.
Not in a param file... it's possible to simulate what you want by nested a deployment if that's an option. So your param file can contain the resourceId of the insights resource and then a nested deployment can make the reference call - but TBH, probably easier to fetch the key as a pipeline step (or similar).
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"insightsResourceId": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "'microsoft.insights/components/web-app-name-01'"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2018-02-01",
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
"name": "nestedDeployment",
"properties": {
"mode": "Incremental",
"parameters": {
"instrumentationKey": {
"value": "[reference(parameters('insightsResourceId'), '2015-05-01').InstrumentationKey]"
"template": {
// original template goes here
Way 1
Use the reference function in your parameter file for resources that are already deployed in another template. For that you have to pass the ApiVersion parameter. Refer MsDoc. which follows:
"value": "[reference(resourceId(variables('<AppInsightsResourceGroup>'),'Microsoft.Insights/components', variables('<ApplicationInsightsName>')), '2015-05-01', 'Full').properties.InstrumentationKey]"
You need to change the property that you are referencing from '.InstrumentationKey' to '.properties.InstrumentationKey'.
Refer to Kwill answer for more information.
Way 2
Get the Content of parameter file in PowerShell variable/Object using
$ParameterObject = Get-Content ./ParameterFileName.json
Update the Parameter file values using
#Assign the parameter values using
$ParameterObject.parameters.<KeyName>.value = "your dynamic value"
Pass $parameterObject to -TemplateParameterObject parameter
Refer here
Way 3
You have to Add/Modify the parameter file values using (PowerShell/ Dev lang (like Python, c#,...) ). After changing the parameter file try to deploy it.

How to get first item from array in Robot Framework

I have the following response from a POST request:
So I used the "Convert String to JSON" function and got the following response:
{'facilities': [{'id': 'f966a7d9-6a2d-43df-8cbf-ebdcb8c7fdc4',
'description': 'luovbfvwofgdrcwvqtyqohjioocszgplcjh',
'hasAnyPartnership': False, 'hasAnyProcedure': False}
How do I get the ID value that is inside FACILITIES?
'facilities': [{'id': 'f966a7d9-6a2d-43df-8cbf-ebdcb8c7fdc4'
The JSON example you have provided is not the valid one. It is missing ] of facilities array and } of opening external brace. After correction it should look like this -
You can use following keywords from JSONLibrary
${json}= Convert String to JSON ${JsonVar}
${idValue}= Get Value From Json ${json} $.facilities[0].id
Output -

Load JSON File into Robot Framework

I am trying to load a JSON file and use the values to perform some actions based on my tests. I tried to load the json value which I think I got right, but when trying to log the output, I got error message:
Resolving variable '${qa["REQUEST_ID"]}' failed: TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Not exactly sure what this means since I am new to Robot Framework. This is what I did to load and log the values:
${file} Get File ${CURDIR}/RequestIDs.json
${qa} Evaluate json.loads('''${file}''') json
Log To Console ${qa["REQUEST_ID"]}
Json file looks something like:
"REQUEST_ID" : 10513
"REQUEST_ID" : 48156
"REQUEST_ID" : 455131
So basically I want to get the "REQUEST_ID" value and type that in a text field.
Look at the structure of your json - it's a list of dictionaries; so you have to first specify which list member you want, and then its REQUEST_ID field:
Log To Console ${qa[0]["REQUEST_ID"]
# print the value from all present dictionaries in the list:
FOR ${member} IN #{qa}
Log To Console ${member["REQUEST_ID"]

Use pydrill storage_update() to create Apache drill storage

I am trying to create MySQL apache drill storage plugin using pydrill. It is throwing error:
RequestError: TransportError(400, 'Unrecognized field "type" (class, not marked as ignorable (2 known properties: "config", "name"])\n at [Source: org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.EntityInputStream#1843f42f; line: 1, column: 138] (through reference chain:["type"])')
Here is my code:
drill = PyDrill(host='host',port='8047',user='xx')
configu = '{"type": "jdbc","driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver","url": "jdbc:mysql://host:3306","username": "xx","password": "xx",enabled:true}'
Any help is highly appreciated!
I found out the solution. We need to pass the storage name as a parameter, and as a json 'key':'value' in the config parameter.
Here is the corrected code:
configu={'config': {'driver': 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver','enabled': True,'password': 'xyz','type': 'jdbc','url': 'jdbc:mysql://host:3306','username': 'xx'},'name':'xxx'}
And Bingo! It worked!

Conversion from an .avsc file to a Java file using Maven

I created a .avsc file and I declared the following field: { "name": "event_time", "type": { "type" : "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis"}, "doc": "The timestamp when the event was registered." }
When the package instruction from maven is executed, the following field is created: private DateTime event_time;
Then, the conversion from DateTime to Long is realized using the following code:
this.event_time = (DateTime)value$;
This line of code throws an exception when it is executed because the Long object cannot be converted into a DateTime object in this manner.
I would like to know if it is possible to rewrite the class which is generated from the .avsc file using the command package. This class is in the target folder.
Otherwise I would like to know what other possible options exist for sending a timestamp using AVRO.
