Cloud Logging API not showing JSON Payload - stackdriver

I am are using cloud logging APIs to publish stackdriver logs. I'm using an enhancer to convert a textpayload to jsonPayload. I don't see any errors while I convert the payload. However, I do not see any data in jsonPayload on the console.
I tested with textPayload and it works perfectly fine, Is there something clearly obvious that I might be missing.
UPDATE: I got the jsonpayload to log but now, I see that only the values which are null are being logged. Non null values are not logged

Documentation on how to log structured logs to cloud logging can be found here:
It sounds like your JSON is likely to be invalid if values are ignored and nulls are accepted. Perhaps quotes around text are missing?
I'd suggest you output your logs to console or a file and manually inspect the format.


Authenticating Google Cloud Storage in R Studio

I know a similar question has been asked (link), but the response didn't work for me.
TLDR: I keep running into errors when trying to authenticate Google Cloud Storage in RStudio. I'm not sure what is going wrong and would love advice.
I have downloaded both the GCS_AUTH_FILE (created a service account with service admin privileges'--downloaded the key associated with the service account) and also downloaded GAR_CLIENT_WEB_JSON by creating a OAuth 2.0 Client ID and downloading that associated JSON file.
I've tried authenticating my Google Cloud Storage in several ways and hit different errors.
Way 1-automatic setup:
Then I select any one of the options, and get the error: Error in if (file.exists(local_file)) { : argument is of length zero And that error happens no matter which of the three options I select.
Way 2 - basic, following manual setup instructions from the package:
Sys.setenv("GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET" = "my-default-bucket",
"GCS_AUTH_FILE" = "/fullpath/to/service-auth.json")
In this case, GCS_AUTH_FILE is the file that I mentioned at the beginning of this post, and the GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET is the name of the bucket. When I run the first line, it seems to be working (nothing goes awry and it runs just fine), but when I run gcs_auth() I get taken to a web browser page that states:
"Authorization Error
Error 400: invalid_request
Missing required parameter: client_id"
Way 3: Following the method from the post that I linked above
This way involves manually setting the .Renviron file w/ the GCS_AUTH_FILE and GAR__CLIENT_WEB_JSON locations, and then running gar_auth(). And yet again, I get the exact same error as in Way 2.
Any ideas about what could be going wrong? Thanks for your help. I wasn't sure how to put in totally reproducible code in this case, so if there is a way I should do that, please let me know.

Google Cloud Function logs showing error icon for Info log types

I am new to google-cloud and to stack driver logging. deployed a python script as cloud function also enabled in-built logging for python. I had set multiples logs based on the execution."Cloud fucntion was Triggerred on time {}".format(datetime.utcnow()))
While viewing in cloud function logs, i see many, like even the statement above, for which I have set INFO as the log level is displayed with !! icon which according to the legends should be displayed for only error types.
As I am new to this stack-driver logging, I am not sure of the reason, can anyone please explain? Thanks.

Permission errors unit-testing Google Cloud Functions calling firestore db

I'm following the guide at, but I always get " FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions" when I run my test. I have the correct service-account.json file and I'm setting up firebase-functions-test with it (that part goes without error).
I've tried it with the emulator running (setting the FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST var), and without it (which I assume uses live data) but I always get this error, as soon as my code under test does a db request such as:
data = await db().collection('/machines').get()
So my function under test is getting called, but it just can't do anything.
I also tried calling firebase.initializeApp() the same way I do in my front-end app, but that doesn't help, although without it I get the error telling me to call Firebase App.initializeApp().
firebase use is set to my current project.
I also tried running my test as firebase emulators:exec jest, no difference.
Any ideas?

How come Stackdriver messes up my error grouping

In my experience the Stackdriver Error Reporting service groups unrelated errors together. This is a big problem for me on several levels:
The titles often do not correlate to the reported errors in "recent samples". So I have to look at the samples for each error to see what errors really happend because the title really can't be trusted.
I might set an error to "muted" and as a result other errors that are grouped under the same title don't get reported anymore. It might take me months to discover that certain errors have been happening that I wasn't aware of.
In general I have no overview about what errors are happening in what rate.
This all seems to violate basic functionality for an error reporting system, so I think I must be missing something.
The code is running on Firebase Functions, so the Firebase flavour of Google Cloud Functions and is written in Typescript (compiled to Javascript with Firebase predeploy script).
I log errors using console.error with arguments formatted as Error instances like console.error(new Error('some error message')). AFAIK that is the correct way for code running on Node.js.
Is there anything special I can do to make Stackdriver understand my code better?
I have this in a root of my functions deployment:
import * as sourceMaps from "source-map-support";
Below is a screenshot of one error category. You see that the error title is "The service is currently unavailable", yet the samples contain errors for "Request contains an invalid argument" and "This request was already locked..."
The error about service and invalid argument could be related to the FCM service, so there is some correlation although I think these are very different errors.
The error about request lock is really something completely unrelated. The word "request" in this context means something really different but the word is the only relationship I can see.
The error reporting supports Javascript, but not Typescript as mentioned in the documentation for the product, nevertheless, you should take a look at your logs and see if they are properly formatted for them to be ingested in the error reporting.
Also, keep in mind that the errors are grouped based on the guidelines over at this document, so maybe you won't get the grouping you get due to them.
Hope you find this useful.

Cloud Functions for Firebase sometimes have Invalid credential error

Not appear every time, but sometimes this error appears in the log:
FIREBASE WARNING: {"code":"app/invalid-credential","message":"Credential implementation provided to initializeApp() via the \"credential\" property failed to fetch a valid Google OAuth2 access token with the following error: \"read ECONNRESET\"."}
Is there any way to handle this kind of error like retry?
Or is it okay to ignore it?
Just ensure that your machine time auto sync. and not manualy,
And your XXX......json from firebase is the latest downloaded. (if you dont sure, download it again - and this file will be the newer one)
that what helped me.
I am also facing this issue. Looks like it retries and get the job done but cloud functions are taking time to process data.
