How to pass Hasura action handler url from environment variables? - hasura

I am creating some Hasura actions to handle custom logic. My backend is running on http://localhost:3002. I want the handler's URL's first portion to get from an environment variable.
I also added ACTION_RESOLVER_API_ENDPOINT: "http://localhost:3000" to the environment section of the docker-compose.yml file
I want the URL to be like this.
${ACTION_RESOLVER_API_ENDPOINT}/<functionName> how to access that variable and use it in the handler section of the Hasura console.

Add to the input the following value:
and the ACTION_BASE_ENDPOINT will come from the ENV variable with the same name.


Hiding Storyblok API-Key

I'm using Next.js with Storyblok and recently made use of the react-next-boilerplate.
I noticed that they put the preview token in the _app.js, so essentially publish it:
accessToken: "your-preview-token",
use: [apiPlugin],
If I use an environment variable instead, which isn't available on the client, I get the error
You need to provide an access token to interact with Storyblok API
in the client. That's because (I think) my components use StoryblokComponent, which makes use of the global Storyblok state. So I wonder:
Should I ignore this error, as I don't plan to interact with the Storyblok API other than using it for component rendering (all the data comes from the server, as far as I understand the concept of static site generation), and component rendering seems to be still working?
Should I just publish the preview token?
Should I create two tokens, one for the server and one for the client?
Setting the token to process.env.STORYBLOK_API_KEY || "NULL" (where "NULL" can be anything except the empty string) also works (no more errors) but seems like a weird solution.
I don't really understand why they combine these two things, component rendering and data fetching, in the same function.
I would use a .env.local file and populate it with:
To use the environment variable inside _app.js you have to pass it to next.config.js like this:
module.exports = {
env: {

How to generate the SERVER_NAME in a console with symfony?

I want to write a script that send notification mails to users and execute it every hour and I want it to match the server name that host the symfony site. I've already tried with $_SERVER but it's not defined and the solution on this post but there is no request with the console so it's does work.
Since there is no traditional 'web request/response' thing in console command, all URLs you generate with {{ path('...') }} in twig or $this->generateUrl('...') or similar controllers/services´, will be probablyhttp://localhost/...
To fix that, simply add: (if you're on symfony 5.1+)
# config/packages/routing.yaml
# but you should move it to your .env file and user two differen env-variables for host and scheme
default_uri: ''
or if you are using older version, put
router.request_context.scheme and to you parameters. Like
# config/services.yaml
router.request_context.scheme: 'https' ''
Take a look here:
And here (my personal advice)

Find out if you are running in a command and the command parameters in Symfony

We have a service that can be called from a Symfony command and from a normal web request. Is there a way to find out if the service was called from a command or from a web request? If so, if it was called from a command, is there a way to find out the parameters that were used when running the command?
In symfony Console,
the command line context does not know about your VirtualHost or domain name
It means that you can check the request scheme, host, base_url and base path since these request properties have no values in the console context unless you configure them (
Hi you can use this to know if the service is used from the cli, if it runs with apache you will get this apache2handler
if(php_sapi_name() === 'cli') {
//some code

How to route requests to desired endpoint using Environment Variables in APIGEE

I've a situation where I need to route requests to desired endpoint based on Environment the request hits. for example QA - QA, Prod to Prod
I've configured a proxy and defined a default target host during initial config.
Then I'm using a javascript to decide target host based on the env the request comes in.
var env = context.getVariable('');
if(env=="prod") {
var host = '';
if(env=="test") {
var host = '';
I've used this JS file in target endpoint(default) preflow as a step.
I see that all requests are sent to the default host that I configured during initial process.
Am I missing something here please help.
Also I've seen about using Target Server Env config. I've configured the hosts but how do I reference/use it in my proxy.
I usually set the target endpoint (it is the same to host of yours) in Key Value Mapping of 'Environment Configuration' of Apigee.
And then assign it to variable (example assign it to variable name endpointUrl) in Key Value Maps Operation policy
Finally, use it in your Target Request Message like below.
Adventage of this method is if your host changed, you just edit the value in Key Value Mapping not edit in your code and do not need to re-deploy your API.
However, I answer you from my work experience only.
Maybe you have try to go Apigee Community, you may found the solution that suits you.

Paw Extensions : Dynamic Value based on URI

I have an API that includes an account ID as part of the url (e.g. /account/7319310/report) where 7319310 is then account ID.
There are different credentials for each account, stored in MySQL although they could be stored in another manner if it made it easier.
I'd like Paw to automatically use the correct credentials based on the account parameter in the URI (it's always the second element) - is this possible?
In paw you can use a regex Dynamic to extract the data you need from the url:
Paw does not have a direct connection to MySQL, you can make http request from a custom value but you would need a server running to push these request to the server. A better option would be to save the credentials into a flat json file.
"1234334": {
"key1": 123456,
"key2": 345211
With this saved you can load this json file in a Custom Dynamic Value:
Here you can embed the extracted user id by using the regex dynamic value. inline in the code. Paw will reload the file on every request so you could set up a cron job to dump your database to this JSON file.
