Can I use ClassId in tabbedpage to differentiate their content - xamarin.forms

I'm trying to use the same page for 3 tabs in TabbedPage. But each tab has to display different data in the listview. Is there a way to set a parameter for each tab?
<local:Sales Title="Pending"
<local:Sales Title="Posted"
<local:Sales Title="Uploaded"
I tried using ClassId, and Title to get their difference but I'm having trouble retrieving the ClassId in the Sales class constructor, are there any other ways to get the output I want?
public Sales()
BindingContext = this;
salesCollection = new ObservableCollection<Head>();
Console.WriteLine(Title); //returns null
Console.WriteLine(ClassId); // returns null

You can load data in OnAppearing method:
protected override void OnAppearing()
Console.WriteLine(ClassId + "OnAppearing");
BindingContext = this;
salesCollection = new ObservableCollection<Head>();
Or load data with a little delay in constructor:
public AboutPage()
Task.Run(async () =>
await Task.Delay(200);
Console.WriteLine(ClassId + "AboutPage");
BindingContext = this;
salesCollection = new ObservableCollection<Head>();


Command with navigation to another page

i need to redirect to another page in ViewModel after performing some action. I have button and set my command, however if i load the page fort the first time then i get an error "Please use navigation page" application fails and i start it again and try to load the page and it works, but if i delete the app from emulator and try all over again i have the same process.
public ICommand FilterItemsCommand { get; private set; }
public FilterArticlesForPurchaseViewModel()
: base()
Task.Run(async () => await LoadAllDataForArticlesAndCategories()).Wait();
FilterItemsCommand = new Command(async () => await FilterItems());
private async Task FilterItems()
await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ArticlesForPurchaseFiltered());
MainPage = new NavigationPage(GetMainPage());
I have also tried this
Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new ArticlesForPurchaseFiltered());
But then i cant go back to previous page and if i use android back button the application fails
BTW i am using master detail
You can add INavigation navigation to your ViewModel's constructor like following code.
public ItemsViewModel(INavigation navigation)
Title = "Browse";
Items = new ObservableCollection<Item>();
LoadItemsCommand = new Command(async () => await ExecuteLoadItemsCommand());
FilterItemsCommand = new Command(() => { navigation.PushModalAsync(new Page1()); });
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<NewItemPage, Item>(this, "AddItem", async (obj, item) =>
var newItem = item as Item;
await DataStore.AddItemAsync(newItem);
When you binding the viewmodel, you can add the attribute like following code.
public ItemsPage()
BindingContext = viewModel = new ItemsViewModel(Navigation);
If you want to achieve the navigation in the viewModel, you can use
// this way you need add `MainPage =new NavigationPage( new MainPage());` in app.xaml.cs
navigation.PushAsync(new Page1());
// this way you do not need `MainPage =new NavigationPage( new MainPage());` in //app.xaml.cs, just used it directly
navigation.PushModalAsync(new Page1());

Fill JavaFX combobox by javascript class (Nashorn)

I try to use my custom class which I have created in my script (the script is written in Nashorn) and after that I try to use this custom class to fill in as items in combobox. I know that if I want to see correct values in combobox that the class has to override method toString, but in this case I do not know much how can be overriden this method in my custom class written in Nahorn.
Below I provide my code where the variables cmbCategories is JavaFX combobox and CategoryItem which I try to use as object to fill in the items in combobox and display as category name.
I would appreciate any suggestion or ideas how can be this problem resolved.
var ClientBuilder = Java.type("")
var Platform = Java.type("javafx.application.Platform")
var Executors = Java.type("java.util.concurrent.Executors")
var Response = Java.type("")
var String = Java.type("java.lang.String")
var List = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList")
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(function () {
print("Calling for category data...")
var categoryData = ClientBuilder
.target(String.format("%s%s", "http://localhost:8080", "/client/action/categories"))
if(categoryData.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
var categories = JSON.parse(categoryData.readEntity(String.class))
var categoryItems = new List();
for each (var category in categories) {
categoryItems.add(new CategoryItem(, category.category))
Platform.runLater(function() {
} else {
function CategoryItem(id, name) { = id; = name;
this.toString = function () {
Use the ScriptEngine to retrieve an appropriate string in the cellValueFactory of the ComboBox.
Simplified example
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
final ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByMimeType("application/javascript");
ComboBox<Object> comboBox = new ComboBox();
comboBox.setCellFactory(c -> new ListCell<Object>() {
protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty || item == null) {
} else {
Bindings bindings = new SimpleBindings();
bindings.put("a", item);
try {
// use script engine to retrieve text
setText(Objects.toString(engine.eval("", bindings)));
} catch (ScriptException ex) {
Bindings b = new SimpleBindings();
b.put("cmbCategory", comboBox);
engine.eval("function CategoryItem(id, name) { = id; = name;}\n"
+"var Platform = Java.type(\"javafx.application.Platform\")\n"
+ "var categories = [new CategoryItem(1, 'a'), new CategoryItem(2, 'b'), new CategoryItem(3,'c')]\n"
+ "for each (var category in categories) {cmbCategory.getItems().add(category);}", b);
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(comboBox));
I don't see the purpose of using JavaScript for this though. Everything you do in the javascript code could be done from java code more efficiently...

Caliburn Micro: How to add text to the bottom of a list box and display it

I'm trying to figure out how to add text to the bottom of a list box and display it. In WPF with code behind, I would grab the ScrollViewer and manipulate it, but I can't figure out how to do it with Caliburn...
You have a couple options.
1) In your ViewModel you can call GetView and cast it to your view type and get a reference to the ScrollViewer. Something like:
var myView = this.GetView() as MyView;
var myScrollView = myView.MyScrollView;
That works fine but isn't ideal if you're trying to not couple the view to the view model.
Option 2) is to implement IResult, see docs here.
public class ScrollViewResult : IResult
public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed = delegate { };
private ScrollViewResult ()
public void Execute (ActionExecutionContext context)
var view = context.View as FrameworkElement;
var scrollViewer = FindVisualChild<ScrollViewer>(view);
//do stuff to scrollViewer here
Completed (this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs { });
private static TChildItem FindVisualChild<TChildItem> (DependencyObject obj)
where TChildItem : DependencyObject
for (var i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount (obj); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild (obj, i);
if (child != null && child is TChildItem)
return (TChildItem)child;
var childOfChild = FindVisualChild<TChildItem> (child);
if (childOfChild != null)
return childOfChild;
return null;
//this isn't required of course but comes in handy for
//having a static method and passing parameters to the
//ctor of the IResult
public static IResult DoSomething ()
return new ScrollViewResult ();
Then you can call it like:
public IEnumerable<IResult> SomeAction()
yield return ScrollViewResult.DoSomething();

send data from silverlight to (or php?) when the user click on a button

If I click on a button of my Silverlight app, another third-party web app must gets some data.
My experience, until now, has been to create web service functions that you can call when you need, but in this case I have to give the possibility to the customer to "handle the click event on the button". In the actual case the third-party app is ASP.Net, but, if it were possible, I would like to do something portable.
Before to start with some crazy idea that will comes in my mind, I would ask: How would you do that?
I Use This Class To Create And Post a Form Dynamically
public class PassData
public static PassData Default = new PassData();
public void Send(string strUrl, Dictionary<string, object> Parameters, string ContainerClientID = "divContainer")
var obj = HtmlPage.Document.GetElementById(ContainerClientID);
if (obj != null)
HtmlElement divContainer = obj as HtmlElement;
HtmlElement form = HtmlPage.Document.CreateElement("form");
form.SetAttribute("id", "frmPostData");
form.SetAttribute("name", "frmPostData");
form.SetAttribute("target", "_blank");
form.SetAttribute("method", "POST");
form.SetAttribute("action", strUrl);
if (Parameters != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> item in Parameters)
HtmlElement hidElement = HtmlPage.Document.CreateElement("input");
hidElement.SetAttribute("name", item.Key);
hidElement.SetAttribute("value", item.Value.ToString());
private void ClearContent(System.Windows.Browser.HtmlElement obj)
foreach (HtmlElement item in obj.Children)
divContainer is id of a div in html

Threading for methods on button click

I am calling few methods on a button click.
All three functions are independent from each other and they take long time to execute. I checked and found that by threading I can run all three together which will save the execution time.
As I am new to threading concept, could anyone please guide me the simplest way I can do threading in scenario or other way which will be useful in this scenario.
One more problem in the same function:
I am binding 5 gridviews after the three functions execution. Like this
gv1.DataSource = GetData("Mill");
gv2.DataSource = GetData("Factory");
gv3.DataSource = GetData("Garage");
gv4.DataSource = GetData("Master");
They all are using the same method for getting the result and they are also taking time to load. Is there any way I can run them parallel too? I afraid, because they are using same method to get the data. Is it possible to do threading for them. How ?
I am not sure how Parallel.Invoke() decides what to execute in parallel, but if you want an assurance that they will execute in parallel, use threads:
var t1 = new Thread(MySlowFunction);
t1.IsBackground = true;
var t2 = new Thread(MySlowFunction);
t2.IsBackground = true;
# To resync after completion:
Or even better, use the ThreadPool:
Remember to handle your thread exceptions.
The simplest answer is to use MSDN: Parallel.Invoke().
You should also consider: Asynchronous Pages.
Try using System.Threading.Tasks namespace
Something like
var task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoA());
var task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoB());
var task3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoC());
Task.WaitAll(task1, task2, task3);
Here's an example which will execute the 4 tasks in parallel:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
public class MyViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void BtnBindClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// we define the input for the tasks: each element consists
// of the grid we are willing to bind the results at the end and
// some optional parameter we want to pass to the GetData function
var inputs = new[]
new { Grid = gv1, Input = "Mill" },
new { Grid = gv2, Input = "Factory" },
new { Grid = gv3, Input = "Garage" },
new { Grid = gv4, Input = "Master" },
// define the tasks we want to execute in parallel
var tasks = inputs
.Select(x => Task.Factory.StartNew(
() => new { Grid = x.Grid, Output = GetData(x.Input) })
// define a task which will be executed once all tasks have finished
var finalTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, x => x);
// wait for the final task
// consume the results
foreach (var item in finalTask.Result)
if (item.Exception == null)
// if no exception was thrown for this task we could bind the results
item.Result.Grid.DataSource = item.Result.Output;
private MyViewModel[] GetData(string input)
// Simulate slowness
return Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(x => new MyViewModel
Id = x,
Name = input
