How do I remove the download button on the Vimeo Embedded Player? - wordpress

I am running an Online School Website using Wordpress and I want to embed Vimeo videos on my site. As my courses are paid, I don't want my students to be able to download the videos for offline viewing as this may lead to easy Piracy. So I want to remove the download icon shown in the image below:
So far I have tried the following:
Un-checking the box which says "What can people do with your videos? Download them" under the "Upload defaults" Settings.
Setting all my videos to "Hide on". I thought this would make anyone with the link unable to download them, but the icon is still showing.
Is there a way I can remove this icon or do I need to move my videos to another hosting platform which allows such basic privacy settings? I have the Vimeo Plus plan.

Just culling an answer from the comments, as this question has invited non-answers. Quoting #Tommy Penner:
That download button isn't a standard part of the Vimeo player
-- it might be WordPress itself or a browser extension that adds the button.
So the first thing to do is check whether an extension is causing the button to appear. This obviously still leaves the scenario where your students might have some extension which causes the button to appear. The solution, as of the date of this post, appears to be to go into your privacy settings and uncheck the 'Allow Downloads' option. This should prevent even extensions from enabling that button.
You can disable downloads of your video by navigating to the video, selecting the Privacy option on the right side, and toggle off the Allow download switch at the top of the panel. The setting will automatically save.
Source: Vimeo support site.


How to hide controls and info of a embeded youtube video?

I want to remove all information from the embedded videos like:
The title of the videos
Watch on YouTube
Suggested videos
Name of the channel
Can I do that?
YouTube alone allows you to do some of these things for example if you go to the video you are wanting to share and you click share and then the embed option you get a few settings.
The main one you will want it the one which says "show player controls" when this is unticked viewers wont be able to skip the video at all but they can still pause / play.
If you want to hide the title card simply add this is to the end of the URL for the video "&showinfo=0" and this should remove that information for you.
As for everything else I am not too sure on so hopefully someone else can help with the remaining parts

Why section background is not changing in elementor plugin of wordpress on live site?

When my website was in development stage(i.e. when it's on localhost), I was easily able to change section background and effects used to reflect immediately. But when I made my site live on Windows Server 2012 and tried to update section backgrounds, background is not updating. Whenever I add new image to server, it's not displaying in section background. But when I try old uploaded images, all those images display.
I tried following possible solutions:
I changed absolute path's of images to relative path, but not worked,
I cleared wordpress' cache, it also not worked,
I cleared browser cache, it also not worked,
I changed "CSS Print Method option" to "Internal Embedding" from "External CSS" in elementor's settings option, it also not worked,
I'm not using another page builder
I tried templates that also not worked.
I checked this elementor's link also - My changes do not appear online, what can I do?
But above document didn't work for me. Is there anyone faced this issue and have solution for this problem?
For the second time i struggled with this issue for hours only to find the quick fix:
Elementor > Settings > Advanced > CSS Print Method > Internal Embedding
I tried many of your answers, but with no effect.
Style > Background and then select HOVER (Instead of NORMAL) finally did the trick!
This problem occurs just because of "User Permissions". I used Microsoft Windows Server 2012, So I followed following steps:
Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools
Search for Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and double click on it
Then go to sites
Select your live site -> Right click on it -> Edit permisions
Go to Security tab
Click on edit -> Click on "Add..." button for adding new user.
Type Every -> click on Check Names -> Click on Ok
Now you can see "Permissions for Everyone" options below Add and Remove buttons.
Check full control check box and click on apply
And finally click on Ok.
Now elementor can read images. When you'll update image, you need to stay calm and wait to update. It'll take time to change.
Don't make Image Size option full, it'll take too much time to update. Instead of that use 1024x1024. It'll update fast and you can see change immediately.
Just don't forget to remove that user after complete updation of live site. It's bad practice to have full access to live site.
I had a similar problem. I couldn't get images or background colors to show up on my background. I found that the background overlay was set to white with an opacity of 100%. Once I set it to 0% opacity everything worked. I don't remember setting any overlay so it was probably on by default.

Alternative of Video Embedder video plugin in Wordpress

I want to use videos from in WordPress want to to show multiple links for videos in single page and when I click on a link it should the video in popup form.
I tried this " Video Embedder " but this is not opening videos in popup from.
Please Help.
Just take the embed code from the share option and paste that into your post's html. Then go back to the visual mode and adjust the dimensions if necessary to fit your screen (600 px or whatever).
Better yet, when you look at the Screencast site, instead of grabbing the “Embed On Your Page” code, simply look above at the “Share URL.” This is the content you’ll need to add to the Screencast Short Code. Make sure you grab “http:……../” and everything. So your shortcode should look like this;
[screencast url="" width="xxx" height="yyy"]
The next plugin you'll need doesn't get rave reviews, but I do know some people who've used this successfully. I know it's old, but apparently still works. Popup Video Generator. And here's an example of how to use it properly.

Can someone please explain how to integrate open graph & Like button into wordpress?

I am trying to implement Open Graph and the “Like” button on my wordpress website. I want to have the Like button positioned directly beneath a youtube video posted on one of my wordpress pages.
I have watched the facebook open graph video explaining the code to put onto your page, but it doesn’t explain how to do it in wordpress. I have researched several wordpress plugins that implement open graph into your site, but they all seem to take data from the site itself and automatically implement it into the open graph data. It also seems to me that using the “Like” button wordpress plugins, the like button is automatically placed either at the top or bottom of the page or in the sidebar.
Can anyone please help me understand exactly how to implement the open graph code into wordpress in a manner where I can control all the parameters of the code (image, url, site name, description, etc), and how to implement the Like button directly underneath of the video on my webpage?
It doesn't matter if it's "for Wordpress" or not. Wordpress is a framework, not a language. Use the Like Button Tool to generate the code you need for ANY Page - Wordpress or otherwise - and read up on the Open Graph Protocol to give you an idea on how to write your <head> section.
Facebook's Debugging Tool will also help you with any caching issues you may be experiencing, along with lots of extra information you might find useful in regards to your website.

How to link youtube video without captions?

Is it possible to link youtube videos in HTML code without showing it's captions (subtitles)?
Let's say I have following video: . It has default english subtitles. However, when linking this video, I want to load it without them. Is there a possibility to do so with some kind of parameter in video?
I found this link with description how to do it, but it doesn't seem to work. If I try to use following format of link, it shows captions anyway: Is it not working or did I misunderstand anything?
I found the documentation to be a little misleading in that setting &cc_load_policy=1 does not show the closed captions by default, but enables toggling with the cc button in the video control bar when entered as shown here -
It seems cc_load_policy is a parameter that only accepts 1 as value, so even if you try to use 0 or off values to turn off captions, it won't make a difference (at least until today: 2015-05-18 2017-09-11):
2017-09-11 Solution: "Enable privacy-enhanced mode"
When you share a video in Youtube through the embedding option, you can click the "Enable privacy-enhanced mode" checkbox. This will change the URL to a different Youtube domain:
Just by doing this, even if the user has captions On by default, the nocookie option will not read the cookie associated to the user preferences (it's as if the user does not require captions by default).
I have created this codepen example in order to explain this:
Try playing the "No parameters" video and then the cc_load_policy=1 video (it may not display captions due to user preferences, even if in the latter the CC button is activated - red underline);
Then play the "nocookie domain" video and there should be no captions.
Try activating captions in the "no parameters" video and refresh the page.
All videos except the "nocookie domain" video will display captions.
Disclaimer: I have only seen this working in Chrome (Firefox and Edge always display captions in the nocookie domain, even in private navigations). If you activate/deactivate captions manually in the "nocookie domain" video, then it will display/hide captions in this domain when you refresh the page respectively.
Old stuff (partial solution for owners of the video)
cc_lang_pref does not accept off or Off as a value either...
I managed to turn off captions/subtitles for the default language of the video this way only for Safari and IE (I have captions in the default language and English - in my case, Chrome and Firefox seemed to have ignored the change, but I suggest to give it a shot anyway):
In youtube if you go to your video's Info and Settings page and click Advanced Settings tab, set the Video Language to Not applicable.
Save and go to Subtitles and CC page, where a pop-up appears explaining that «You must select a video language before adding subtitles or CC.» (this seems not to be true, because they even appear anyway).
Choose your video's default language in the pop-up: this is what makes it understand that you don't need captions of your default language when the video is in the same default language the weird thing is, this is the step that will make them not to show up, and it's not because the same language is used in the captions.
In the URL's video that you do not want to have captions do not use cc_load_policy parameter, but you can use cc_lang_pref to the default language like this:
Again, this seems to work only in some browsers (Firefox and Chrome not included), but hope it helps...
The site says how to turn on caption. It does not talk about turning off captions. I thinkit depends on the user's previous choice.
When you embed a video on another
site, you can make it so that captions
are always shown on the embedded
video. To enable captions on a video
you'd like to embed, just add
&cc_load_policy=1 to the video's embed
It's very simple, add iv_load_policy=3 parameter to your embed code.
Peace to whom will follow the guidance,
(Thanks for your tries but I found something nice not far away from there...)
Ask for a language preference that is not from the translated captions (for my exemple "He" stands Hebrew, that was not among the offered translations of the video.)
Add ?hl=He to the url, like this :
without it :
and with it :
Makes it... ?
It worked for me on Firefox, Edge and Opera.
-- Enjoy !
Note : the particle desapears after the loading of the page ...But the job is done !
