penalty.factor with model matrix input - r

I am trying to fit a model using glmnet. For the data input I am converting my data to sparse.model.matrix format using a model formula. I am trying to de-regularize one of the variables I wish to include as a control but I can not get the penalty.factor argument to work! First I am not sure how long the vector needs to be, the model matrix has columns for each level of my original variable, do i need to specify a penalty.factor for each level? I believe I have tried both, the longer penalty vector seems to do nothing while the shorter one results in an convergence error. The code is set up as below:
X <- sparse.model.matrix(model.formula, data)
fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X, y, family = "poisson", type.multinomial = "ungrouped" , penalty.factor = reg.weights)

Yes, you're on the right track. penalty.factor should be a vector the same length as there are columns in your sparse model matrix. In the example below, it would need to be length 8.
[1] 32 8
If you're getting convergence issues, that's a separate problem unfortunately, and not necessarily related to the penalty.factor.


R Cross Validation lm predict function [duplicate]

I am trying to convert Absorbance (Abs) values to Concentration (ng/mL), based on an established linear model & standard curve. I planned to do this by using the predict() function. I am having trouble getting predict() to return the desired results. Here is a sample of my code:
newdata=data.frame(Concentration=Abs[1]))#using Abs[1] as an example, but I eventually want predictions for all values in Abs
Running that last lines gives this output:
> predict(object=LM.2,
+ newdata=data.frame(Concentration=Abs[1]))
1 2 3 4
0.5338437 0.4731341 0.3820697 -0.0732525
Warning message:
'newdata' had 1 row but variables found have 4 rows
This does not seem to be the output I want. I am trying to get a single predicted Concentration value for each Absorbance (Abs) entry. It would be nice to be able to predict all of the entries at once and add them to an existing data frame, but I can't even get it to give me a single value correctly. I've read many threads on here, webpages found on Google, and all of the help files, and for the life of me I cannot understand what is going on with this function. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You must have a variable in newdata that has the same name as that used in the model formula used to fit the model initially.
You have two errors:
You don't use a variable in newdata with the same name as the covariate used to fit the model, and
You make the problem much more difficult to resolve because you abuse the formula interface.
Don't fit your model like this:
mod <- lm(log(Standards[['Abs550nm']])~Standards[['ng_mL']])
fit your model like this
mod <- lm(log(Abs550nm) ~ ng_mL, data = standards)
Isn't that some much more readable?
To predict you would need a data frame with a variable ng_mL:
predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(ng_mL = c(0.5, 1.2)))
Now you may have a third error. You appear to be trying to predict with new values of Absorbance, but the way you fitted the model, Absorbance is the response variable. You would need to supply new values for ng_mL.
The behaviour you are seeing is what happens when R can't find a correctly-named variable in newdata; it returns the fitted values from the model or the predictions at the observed data.
This makes me think you have the formula back to front. Did you mean:
mod2 <- lm(ng_mL ~ log(Abs550nm), data = standards)
?? In which case, you'd need
predict(mod2, newdata = data.frame(Abs550nm = c(1.7812,1.7309)))
say. Note you don't need to include the log() bit in the name. R recognises that as a function and applies to the variable Abs550nm for you.
If the model really is log(Abs550nm) ~ ng_mL and you want to find values of ng_mL for new values of Abs550nm you'll need to invert the fitted model in some way.

wrapnls: Error: singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates

I have created a loop to fit a non-linear model to six data points by participants (each participant has 6 data points). The first model is a one parameter model. Here is the code for that model that works great. The time variable is defined. The participant variable is the id variable. The data is in long form (one row for each datapoint of each participant).
Here is the loop code with 1 parameter that works:
1_p_model <- dlply(discounting_long, .(Participant), function(discounting_long) {wrapnls(indiff ~ 1/(1+k*time), data = discounting_long, start = c(k=0))})
However, when I try to fit a two parameter model, I get this error "Error: singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates" while still using the wrapnls function. I realize that the model is likely over parameterized, that is why I am trying to use wrapnls instead of just nls (or nlsList). Some in my field insist on seeing both model fits. I thought that the wrapnls model avoids the problem of 0 or near-0 residuals. Here is my code that does not work. The start values and limits are standard in the field for this model.
2_p_model <- dlply(discounting_long, .(Participant), function(discounting_long) {nlxb(indiff ~ 1/(1+k*time^s), data = discounting_long, lower = c (s = 0), start = c(k=0, s=.99), upper = c(s=1))})
I realize that I could use nlxb (which does give me the correct parameter values for each participant) but that function does not give predictive values or residuals of each data point (at least I don't think it does) which I would like to compute AIC values.
I am also open to other solutions for running a loop through the data by participants.
You mention at the end that 'nlxb doesn't give you residuals', but it does. If your result from your call to nlxbis called fit then the residuals are in fit$resid. So you can get the fitted values using just by adding them to the original data. Honestly I don't know why nlxb hasn't been made to work with the predict() function, but at least there's a way to get the predicted values.

Lasso, glmnet, preprocessing of the data

Im trying to use the glmnet package to fit a lasso (L1 penalty) on a model with a binary outcome (a logit). My predictors are all binary (they're 1/0 not ordered, ~4000) except for one continuous variable.
I need to convert the predictors into a sparse matrix, since it takes forever and a day otherwise.
My question is: it seems that people are using sparse.model.matrix rather than just converting their matrix into a sparse matrix. Why is that? and do I need to do this here? Outcome is a little different for both methods.
Also, do my factors need to be coded as factors (when it comes to both the outcome and the predictors) or is it sufficient to use the sparse matrix and specify in the glmnet model that the outcome is binomial?
Here's what im doing so far
#Create a random dataset, y is outcome, x_d is all the dummies (10 here for simplicity) and x_c is the cont variable
y<- sample(c(1:0), 200, replace = TRUE)
x_d<- matrix(data= sample(c(1:0), 2000, replace = TRUE), nrow=200, ncol=10)
x_c<- sample(60:90, 200, replace = TRUE)
#FIRST: scale that one cont variable.
scaled<-scale(x_c,center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
#then predictors together
x<- cbind(x_d, scaled)
#HERE'S MY MAIN QUESTION: What i currently do is:
xt<-Matrix(x , sparse = TRUE)
#then run the cross validation...
cv_lasso_1<-cv.glmnet(xt, y, family="binomial", standardize=FALSE)
#which gives slightly different results from (here the outcome variable is in the x matrix too)
xt<-sparse.model.matrix(data=x, y~.)
#then run CV.
So to sum up my 2 questions are:
1-Do i need to use sparse.model.matrix even if my factors are just binary and not ordered? [and if yes what does it actually do differently from just converting the matrix to a sparse matrix]
2- Do i need to code the binary variables as factors?
the reason i ask that is my dataset is huge. it saves a lot of time to just do it without coding as factors.
I don't think you need a sparse.model.matrix, as all that it really gives you above a regular matrix is expansion of factor terms, and if you're binary already that won't give you anything. You certainly don't need to code as factors, I frequently use glmnet on a regular (non-model) sparse matrix with only 1's. At the end of the day glmnet is a numerical method, so a factor will get converted to a number in the end regardless.

randomForest() machine learning in R

I am exploring with the function randomforest() in R and several articles I found all suggest using a similar logic as below, where the response variable is column 30 and independent variables include everthing else except for column 30:
dat.rf <- randomForest(dat[,-30],
na.action = na.omit)
When I try this, I got the following error messages:
Error in randomForest.default(dat[, -30], dat[, 30], proximity = TRUE, :
NA not permitted in predictors
In addition: Warning message:
In randomForest.default(dat[, -30], dat[, 30], proximity = TRUE, :
The response has five or fewer unique values. Are you sure you want to do regression?
However, I was able to get it to work when I listed the independent variables one by one while keeping all the other parameters the same.
dat.rf <- randomForest(as.factor(Y) ~X1+ X2+ X3+ X4+ X5+ X6+ X7+ X8+ X9+ X10+......,
na.action = na.omit)
Could someone help me debug the simplier command where I don't have to list each predictor one by one?
The error message gives you a clue to two problems:
First, you need to remove any row that has a NA anywhere. Removing NA should be easy enough and I'll leave you that one as an exercise.
It looks like you need to do classification (which predicts a response which only has one of a few discrete levels), rather than regression (which predicts a continuous response). If the response is continuous, randomForest() will automatically apply regression.
So, how do you force randomForest() to use classification?As you noticed in your first try, randomForest allows you to give data as predictors and response data, not just using the formula style. To force randomForest() to apply classification, make sure that the value you are trying to predict (the response, or dat[,30]) is a factor. Remember to explicitly identify the $x$ and $y$ arguments. This is easy to do:
randomForest(x = dat[,-30],
y = factor(dat[,30]),
This way your output can only take one of the levels given in y.
This is all buried in the description of the arguments $x$ and $y$: see ?help.

Feeding newdata to R predict function

R's predict function can take a newdata parameter and its document reads:
newdata An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are used.
But I found that it is not totally true depending on how the model is fit. For instance, following code works as expected:
x <- rnorm(200, sd=10)
y <- x + rnorm(200, sd=1)
data <- data.frame(x, y)
train = sample(1:length(x), size=length(x)/2, replace=F)
dataTrain <- data[train,]
dataTest <- data[-train,]
m <- lm(y ~ x, data=dataTrain)
But if the model is fit as such:
m2 <- lm(dataTrain$y ~ dataTrain$x)
The last two line will produce exactly the same result. The predict function works in a way ignoring newdata parameter, i.e. it can't really compute the prediction on new data at all.
The culprit, of course, is lm(y ~ x, data=dataTrain) versus lm(dataTrain$y ~ dataTrain$x). But I didn't find any document that mentioned the difference between these two. Is it a known issue?
I'm using R 2.15.2.
See ?predict.lm and the Note section, which I quote below:
Variables are first looked for in ‘newdata’ and then searched for
in the usual way (which will include the environment of the
formula used in the fit). A warning will be given if the
variables found are not of the same length as those in ‘newdata’
if it was supplied.
Whilst it doesn't state the behaviour in terms of "same name" etc, as far as the formula is concerned the terms you passed in to it were of the form foo$var and there are no such variables with names like that either in newdata or along the search path that R will traverse to look for them.
In your second case, you are totally misusing the model formula notation; the idea is to succinctly and symbolically describe the model. Succinctness and repeating the data object ad nauseum are not compatible.
The behaviour you note is exactly consistent with the documented behaviour. In simple terms, you fitted the model with terms data$x and data$y then tried to predict for terms x and y. As far as R is concerned those are different names and hence different things and it did right to not match them.
