Firebase events export from BigQuery - firebase

Is there a recommended way of exporting firebase events to Google Cloud Storage (for example Parquet format)?
If I export my data to BigQuery, what is the best way to have the data consistently pushed to GCP Cloud Storage?
The reason is that I have daraproc jobs dealing with parquet files in Cloud Storage, I want my firebase data to be accessible in the same way.

Exporting data from BigQuery directly as parquet file is not supported currently.
BigQuery supports three format now,
You have option to transform data to parquet file using Apache Beam & Google Cloud Dataflow. Use ParquetIO to transform data after reading data from BigQuery and write it to Cloud Storage.
Exporting Data(BigQuery)
ParquetIO(Apache Beam)


Copy Firestore Database Data to Bigquery using Cloud Shell Terminal

Does anyone know how I can manually copy/transfer data from Firestore database to Bigquery using Cloud Shell Terminal?
I did this in the past but I'm unable to find the documentation/video that I used. I find a lot that states that once Bigquery is connected to Firebase, it should be automatic but mine is not.
When I ran code in the Cloud Shell Terminal to pull data from Firebase the collection was copied as a table into a Bigquery dataset. Two tables were created and "raw_latest" and "raw_changelog" were created.
I'm not sure how to transfer another collection now.
I specifically need to transfer data from a subcollection in the Firestore database.
You can now export data from Cloud Firestore to BigQuery with a
Firebase Extension. To import all the previous data you will need
first to install the extension because all the writes while doing
the export first without installing the extension will be lost.
Firestore allows import / export data to BigQuery using a GCS
bucket. The data is exported to a Cloud Storage bucket and from
there it can be imported into Big Query.
The gcloud commands for the same are :
export data :
gcloud beta firestore export --collection-ids=users gs://my bucket/users
load backup into bq :
bq load --source_format=DATASTORE_BACKUP mydataset.users gs://gs://mybucket/users/all_namespaces/kind_users/all_namespaces_kind_users.export_metadata
Here are some links that might be helpful:

How to query Firebase Firestore(Not real time database) collection and retrieve data in excel or CSV format

I have developed a web app using flutter and stored the user data in the Firebase cloud Firestore.
I want to retrieve the collection data after querying in JSON or CSV format. Is there any tool or some google service to do so, want to be in my Firebase free quota limit.

importing data from firestore into bigQuery

I have upgraded my account to blaze which is one of the prerequisite. I have tried to followed the FAQ Link BigQuery to Firebase. still not able to see any of the data from firestore or firebase-realtimeDatabase into bigQuery.
I see option in bigQuery to create Dataset. however after creating dataset it allows me to upload data from [file], [cloud storage], [bigQuery],[google Drive] . but not firestore database.
Plesae help.
Firestore now allows to import / export data. The data is exported to a Cloud Storage bucket and from there it can be imported into Big Query. Here are some links that might be helpful: (Firestore uses the same format as Datastore for imports / exports)
** Edit:
Docs for BigQuery imports from Firestore are now available
In case anyone need it. I ended up automating scripts because current export data option only allows stream data and preserve for 30 days.
export data
gcloud beta firestore export --collection-ids=users gs://mybucket/users
load backup into bq
bq load --source_format=DATASTORE_BACKUP mydataset.users gs://gs://mybucket/users/all_namespaces/kind_users/all_namespaces_kind_users.export_metadata
You can now export data from Cloud Firestore to BigQuery with a Firebase Extension. See:
Also see David's answer on how to import/export data.
Outdated answer below:
There is no built-in support to import data from the Firebase Realtime Database or Cloud Firestore into BigQuery.
For now, if you want to import data, you'll have to write code to do so.
You should use the BigQuery export extension built-in in Firebase
See details:
Now, this extension will be importing to your BigQuery table new created/updated/deleted documents inside a collection, your current old data before the new one is added will not be placed inside this table.
To import all the previous data you will need first to install the extension because all the writes while doing the export first without installing the extension will be lost.
After you install the extension, just use gcloud to export all the current dataset
I made an NPM package that lets you create a BigQuery dataset and tables with autogenerated schemas based on your Firestore data, and then copy and convert chosen Firestore collections.
There is now also an extension that does it

Access Google Datastore via BigQuery

It looks like Querying Google Cloud Bigtable Data is possible with BigQuery, with a url like:[PROJECT_ID]/instances/[INSTANCE_ID]/tables/[TABLE_NAME]
Even though Google Datastore is built on Google Bigtable, there's no indication of what the PROJECT_ID, INSTANCE_ID or TABLE_NAME would be, where
[PROJECT_ID] is the project containing your Cloud Bigtable instance
[INSTANCE_ID] is the Cloud Bigtable instance ID
[TABLE_NAME] is the name of the table you're querying
Is connecting to Datastore via a live connection possible via BigQuery? (i.e. not just via datastore-backup)
BigQuery allows you to query below sources
CSV files
Google sheets
Newline-delimited JSON
Avro files
Google Cloud Datastore backups
[Beta] Google Cloud Bigtable
BigQuery allows you to query below Google Cloud Datastore backups. But to do that you need create a table on BigQuery using the Datastore backup.
Follow the steps:
Step 1 - Create a bucket on gcs to store your backup. (link)
Step 2 - Take a backup of datastore. (link)
Step 3 - On Biguery load your backup creating a table (link)
Some considerations about Step 3:
You need import table by table.
The location will be the files ended on [Entity Name].backup_info.

Uploading files automatically from Google Cloud to Big Query

How to automate the process of uploading .CSV files from Google Cloud onto Big Query.
Google Cloud Storage provides access and storage log files in CSV formats which can be directly imported into BigQuery for analysis. In order to access these logs, you must set up log delivery and enable logging. The schemas are available online, in JSON format, for both the storage access logs and storage bucket data. More information is available in the Cloud Storage access logs and storage data documentation.
In order to load storage and access logs into BigQuery from the command line, use a command such as:
bq load --schema=cloud_storage_usage_schema.json my_dataset.usage_2012_06_18_v0 gs://my_logs/bucket_usage_2012_06_18_14_v0
