Cannot drag GridView from the ControlsFX library to my project in SceneBuilder - javafx

Hello I am doing my project in JavaFX and I would like to use GridView from the ControlsFX library. I have successfully imported the library to Scenebuilder, however when I try to drag and drop the GridView onto my project it does not work, I tried dragging it into the Hierarchy section into different Panes also, but it just won't let me do it. Anyone knows, what might be the problem?
I am using SceneBuilder from GluonHQ version 11.0.0, ControlsFX library is in version 8.40.11 - I tried importing one using the "Search repositories" option in SceneBuilder, however that led into the same result.


Edit multiple QT widgets (GUI) in QT Creator

I have a general GUI editing question using QT. We can create GUI applications using the QT form view where we can edit the layout graphically. And then we can swtich to the code to fine tune. Problem is i can Edit only the main window GUI. Now if i want to create another dialog e.g, pop up, i could only do so from code. Can you recommend any example or direct to the QT Documentation which shows how to edit multiple widget/dialog windows graphically using IDE.
I looked through the questions asked here which neatly explains how to open a new dialog window with code examples. But i could not find any example showing how to edit multiple layouts using QT's graphical editor.
To add other forms to your application, right click on the project name in the project tree view, then select "Add New", then under the Qt category look for "Qt Designer Form Class", like in this picture:
Follow the rest of the wizard (will ask the class name) and in the end you should find tree more files in your treeview with extensions .h, .cpp and a .ui. Click on the latter one to open the designer and edit the form from there.

QML and Qt Creator

I designed a Qt application by Qt creator. As you well know when you build a new form is possible to drag an drop the default items inside the main window. Instead of use classical "push button" I created a custom button by adding .qml file to the project. The problem now is that I don't know how I can use (or integrate) the new button inside the form of my project.
Thanks in advance
As long as your component is in the path of your application qml files, all you need to use your component is to place it somewhere. You don't need to include or import anything. Any user component is directly available to the entire project.
As long as the QML component is made from only built in components, it can even be safely loaded from arbitrary location on disk, over network or just from a source string. Check this answer for details on dynamic instantiation.
A friendly advice - type the code, do not use the visual editor - it is pretty weak.
EDIT: I don't know about you, but for me, seems like every custom qml file in the project qml folder is automatically added to the QML types in the designer library. So contrary to what I assumed, you shouldn't really need to do anything to get your custom type available for use in the designer.
I found this 1 year-old question when facing the same problem. This is what I found out:
If you save your custom button with an initial uppercase letter (CustomButton.qml instead of customButtom.qml), QtDesigner shows your component in the library panel correctly.
Sometimes you need to restart QtDesigner to work.

Similar controls/Design as scene builder or gimp

I was thinking of building an application like Scene builder but for image editing.
I thought of doing a similar layout design like SceneBuilder where u can drag controls.
Is there any similar controls that could be used to replicate the gui of SceneBuilder?
Or is there any other different designs like a toolbox like gimp.
SceneBuilder code is open source.
If you want to replicate SceneBuilder's GUI, reviewing it's source might be a good place to start.

No autocomplete and f3 not working

My Flashbuilder 4.6 it not working. The f3 button is not working and neither does autocomplete. Has anyone else had this problem? Know how to fix it?
I'm checking to make sure that my keyboard is not broken.
Based on our comments; it sounds like your projects have somehow lost the "Flash Builder" nature.
In Windows, you can right click on the project and there should be an option to "Add/Change Project Type". You probably need to select "Add Flex Project Type" from the list of project types.
If that doesn't work, you may need to create a new project from scratch.

Workflow in QtDesigner

I'm using Qt 2009.03 with the Visual Studio addon 1.0.2. I'm writing an application that has commands to open non-modal windows, and multiple windows can be opened at the same time.
These windows themselves need to be designed in QtDesigner. An example of what I'm looking for can be found in Firefox. If I go to Tools / Addons it opens a child window.
I'm not sure what is the correct workflow in QtDesigner. I thought it might be a "Frame" but that doesn't seem to be a window, with your standard close / minimize tabs and menu bar. I thought perhaps it was (from Visual Studio) File / New Project / Qt4 Projects / Qt4 Designer plugin. That generates some classes, but there's no .ui file for me to design with.
In Visual Studio, the workflow I use when I want to design a new window is to add a Qt GUI class with Project->Add Class...->Qt4 Classes->Qt4GuiClass.
Then, fill out the form as necessary and the VS add-in will add the appropriate ui and moc files. Double clicking on the ui file will bring up Qt Designer, which you can use to lay your window out.
Consider restating the question, I'm not sure I understood what the problem is -- how to create a ui file? How to create ui file inside VS? (or Creator?) What Qt class to base your window on? Something else?
Do you use QtCreator or VS with Qt integration? (Or is there hybrid approach? O_o)
Anyway, you can always open QtDesigner separately and create ui file inside. Then add it to .pro file (assuming you are using .pro and not VS solution directly).
For base window you can even use QWidget. Decorations (titlebar, system menu, minimize, etc) depend on window flags passed into constructor.
Taking your example:
the Firefox main window is a QMainWindow
the addin window is a QDialog (non-modal)
You create a Qt designer UI (VS 2003) by right clicking your project in the solution explorer, clicking "Add" and selecting "Add Qt GUI class".
Usually you use a QMainWindow for the main window in your application. This will give you your minimise, and close buttons. In your QMainWindow you can add or remove a menu bar by right clicking on the form in QtDesigner.
For a non-model window, you would normally use a QDialog. This will also give you your minimise, and close buttons.
Are you definately using the visual studio add-in (opens ui files in Qt Designer)?
There is also the visual studio integration. (opens ui files within visual studio and provides tools to edit it)
