How to get visible nodes with Visjs - vis.js

I have this large network created with vis-network:
When clicking on the nodes I create clusters. For example if I click on the 2 green boxes the result is:
In this new view I have two regular nodes ("Program #3289" and "Task #7300") and two clusters ("Project #3415" and "Project #3416") that contain their children.
If I use dataset.get() it returns all my 106 initial nodes.
If I use network.body.nodes it returns all my 106 initial nodes + my two clusters.
What I want: a way to only get the visible nodes in my network. In that case, I should get only 2 regular nodes and 2 clusters.
Did I miss a function that permits to do it?
Thank you

I finally came up with the below solution:
var visibleNodes = [];
for (var nodeId in visNetwork.body.nodes) {
// we check if the node is inside a cluster
if (!visNetwork.clustering.clusteredNodes[nodeId]) {


How to traverse all vertex and get nested objects

I want to get nested objects in the form of
{ country :
MY graph is in format
vertex: country ---> states ---->cities ---> mallls
edges: (type:'state') ('type','city')
ex: inE('typeOf').outV().has('type','state') move to next vertex "states".
next same inE('typeOf').outV().has('type','city') moves to "city" vertex. then "malls" vertex .
And tired to write the code, some vertex has no cities i have an error that situavation."
The provided traverser does not map to a value: v[8320]->[JanusGraphVertexStep(IN,[partOf],vertex), HasStep([type.eq(city)]), JanusGraphPropertiesStep([code],value)]
Thats why i am using coalesce because some state has not an edge 'inE('partOf').outV().has('type','city')' means no city
My query
But the result is
{country={code=IN, states={code=DD, cities=0}}}
here i am getting one state 'DD' and that state is no city,so it gives 'cities = 0".
the above result is only one state is coming, i want all states, cities and malls in each city.
Please update query or change query
In order to collect all the results you should use .fold() traversal which returns a list of the collected traversals. without fold you will get only the first traversal like in your example.
In order to keep the types the same I changed the constant to [] instead of 0.
It was also not clear if the "type" property is on the edge or the vertex. I find it more appropriate to have it on the edge, so I fixed it as well by moving the has('type',...) between the inE() and outV().
Last, you don't need to "store" the traversal using "as" and then "select" it.
This query should give you the required result:

Filtering disconnected nodes in vis.js

I've got a network backed by DataSets containing my nodes and edges. The edges are weighted, and I want to add the ability to hide edges, and their corresponding nodes, that fall below some threshold. I can easily filter the edges using a DataView, but want to know how to find nodes that no longer have an edge associated with them and hide them as well. Any hints?
I actually figured out a slick way to do it. After I update the edgeView as described above, I do this:
nodeView = new vis.DataView(nodes, {
filter: function(node) {
connEdges = edgeView.get({
filter: function(edge) {
( == || (edge.from ==;
return connEdges.length > 0;
Works like a charm.
One way would be to loop over the nodes, and for each node, loop over all edges to see if there is at least one edge which has this node's id as it's from or to property.

Adding nodes group by group to a D3 force directed graph

I am trying to implement a force directed network similar to this. However, each of my nodes are assigned a group value for example
Node Group
node1 1
node2 1
node3 2
node4 3
node5 3
And I would like the network to grow i.e. after a period of time (say 2 seconds), the subsequent node group is added with their links.
Is this attainable?
Yes. the trick is to encapsulate the part that draws the graph in a function. Add the specific groups after the approppriate intervals to the graph data structure and call that function. The code would look roughly like this.
function update(graph) {
var link = svg.selectAll("")
var node = svg.selectAll("circle.node")
.text(function(d) { return; });
You should be able to reuse everything else basically as it is.

Graph: node dependency

I have a graph like this:
for example I want to know the dependency of node 8 which are : 1,2,3,5 . can some body give me some code or may be pseudo code to solve this problem?
Dependency structure is a partially ordered set. I had similar case which I covered with 2 methods (in python):
nodes_to_update( to_proc ) parameter is a set of nodes to start with (e.g. set([8])). Returns two set of nodes: set of all nodes on which given nodes depend and set of leaf nodes. Idea is to recursively visit all nodes on which depend visited nodes.
sequence_to_update( to_proc ) parameter is like above. Return (ordered) list of nodes so that nodes in list depend only on nodes before in list. It is done by adding leaf node to the ordered list, and updating set of nodes to processed (all and leaf nodes).
Dependent nodes are get with method down_nodes(o_id) and nodes that depends on are get with up_nodes(o_id).
def nodes_to_update(self, to_proc):
all_to_update, first_to_update = set(), set()
while to_proc:
n = to_proc.pop()
ds = self.down_nodes(n) # nodes on which n depends
if not ds:
return all_to_update, first_to_update
def sequence_to_update(self, to_proc):
all_to_update, first_to_update = self.nodes_to_update(to_proc)
update_in_order = []
while first_to_update:
n_id = first_to_update.pop()
# nodes which depend on n_id (intersection of upper nodes and all nodes to update)
for up_id in (self.up_nodes(n_id) & all_to_update):
if all(d not in all_to_update for d in self.down_nodes(up_id)):
return update_in_order

Collapse a jung node based on node selection

I am trying to collapse all the children of a vertex when a user clicks on it. But the problem is that, every time I tried to do so, I got the following error:
Tree must not contain edu.ics.jung.graph.DelegateForest#17510d96
The code is given below:
public void graphClicked(MyNode v, MouseEvent me)
Collection<MyNode> childrens = graph.getChildren(v);
Collection picked = new Hashset(childrens);
Graph ingraph = this.radialLayout.getGraph();
Graph clusterGraph = collapser.getClusterGraph(graph,childrens);
Graph g = collapser.collapse(ingraph,clustergraph); //The error report points on this line
I am using a Forest with RadialLayout.
Can anyone help me? How can I solve the problem?
Check out the tree node collapse and vertex collapse demos here:
The source for each of these is included in the distribution files.
