FCM: where best to retrieve data displayed in the notification? - push-notification

I have an app where I have set up some triggers using Firebase Functions. Those triggers will send push notifications to a set of users when they go off. The notification will display some information based on the trigger that could involve getting data from one or more collections based on ids.
I now see two options:
I could retrieve the data that will be displayed in the notifications on the server side in the trigger function and send it in the notification data payload, or
I could just send the ids through the notification data payload and do the retrieval of the displayed data on the client side in onMessageReceived() before building the notification that is ultimately displayed
Is one option better than another? What considerations should I take into account for either option?
Thanks in advance for your advice.

I believe that the first option makes more sense, since the server side function is perfectly capable of performing the complete operation all by itself, and would probably be more performatic with it.
Not to mention that, if your are using Firestore for example, you would only make one read per notification, instead of two with the second option.
Another final point to be considered that advocates for the first option is that the network may fail in the middle of your operation, and the notification would either be showned incomplete, or you would have to treat any errors it might generate on the client side, if you do it all on the server side, you can simply not send a "error notification" to your users and retry the operation.


Implementing a notification system for sending/accepting friend request using firebase cloud functions and firestore

I am trying to implement a notification system for handling notifications similar to friend request notifications. For example, I write the email of the person I want to send a friend request to. then click on send request. I am confused as to after that, what exactly should happen?
Right now I am thinking that on clicking send request, I would create a document in cloud firestore in a 'notifications' collection, which would then invoke a cloud function that sends a push notification to the user with that email. The user now has the option to accept or deny the request. Choosing any of those actions would update the notification document which will again invoke a cloud function that would add both users to each other's friends list and notify the first user.
So my questions are: -
Is this method reasonably good to be implemented in a production app since it is involving many cloud function invocations and document read and writes? Or even better question - How would you implement something like this in a production-grade app?
Is there any other method that is secure (in the sense that no one should be able to wreck this process by changing the code on the frontend) and efficient (less read/writes/invocations)?
Can this be done without creating any document whatsoever? Purely by cloud functions? Then would it be able to capture other user's response to friend request and do the necessary changes?
For the problem you are describing I would approach it in the say way you are doing, and in fact there are not that many operations going on here, since you would have 2 Firestore writes and 2 invocations of cloud functions, not to mention that the second invocation could take a long time to be fired depending on the user's actions, so you don't need to be more efficient than that.
To you final question I would say that it would be difficult to have this implemented without information going through Firestore because you need to store the acceptance of the friend request, and for the same reason mentioned above, you need to store that information somewhere, even if temporarily.
I know I'm late but maybe this will help to someone else.
My way adding sent - receive friend request system is following:
For example:
When I click add friend (on stranger) I will call function:
addDoc(doc('users', stranger.id, 'receivedFriendRequests'), { user:me });
This function will add ME into his receivedFriendRequests docs so he will be able to get that docs and check users who sent request to him.
So, in notifications Component you have to just get your receivedFriendRequests` docs and map all users and make function to accept friend requests for each of them.
When you click accept you need to delete that user from receivedFriendRequests and store both users in "friends" collection. You can do it in your own way, but I give the best example, in my opinion.

Manage Telerik backend push notifications based on data

I've been going around in circles today trying to figure out the best approach, but I'm still lost. Hoping someone here or the Telerik forums has the answer.
My user has a group of records with dates. I need to send a single push notification to the user for each unique date in that data.
I can create this push notification on the client side (appbuilder hybrid app) when a record is created. However, the client sdk for notifications only exposes create, not read or delete. That means -
I can't make sure there's only one notification per device, even if there are multiple records with the same date.
I can't change/remove the existing push notification if the date in a record is changed.
I thought about using Telerik Cloud Code for Data... But the sdk doesn't expose read/delete. I'd have to read all notifications for that User Id from the REST service and then determine which need to be updated/removed. That sounds like a mess of code for a scenario which I would consider somewhat normal. I'm also concerned about timing out, since there's a 5 second limit on cloud code for data.
So, what's the best way to manage my push notifications in Telerik backend services?
The question was answered in the Telerik Developer Forums here -> link

Can I implement the concept of channels in Firebase?

The Firebase chat application seems to suggest that all clients will receive the messages sent to a given FireBase url.
Now, one way of ensuring that users only receive messages sent to a specific channel is to filter messages at the client, but this would mean that all messages will be propagated to all clients and the client would do the filtering.
Is there any way to establish channels at the Firebase server - or does this mean that one would need to create separate firebases for separate channels, which would mean that if one wanted user-specific push-messages, it might require creating one channel/firebase for each user.
So, what is the suggested solution?
The Firebase Data Structure makes this quite easy, actually! The demo app puts the chat messages in the root of the Firebase (i.e. https://samplechat.firebaseio.com/), but you could just as easily use separate locations within your Firebase for separate chats, e.g. /chat1, /chat2, etc. Or better yet, you could have a /chats/ location with an arbitrary number of chats underneath, each named uniquely (possibly using push()).
Then a user could receive and push messages to a particular chat by referencing it directly (e.g. https://samplechat.firebaseio.com/chats/chat-id/) and then they won't get any data for any other chats.

Validate approach for clearing notifications

Could you validate my approach for using Firebase to manage a user notification system?
Basically I want to have user specific channels as well as more general channels which hold notifications. These notifications would appear on an intranet if the user has not viewed them before.
The idea being a server side action will update Firebase endpoints using the REST API either for a specific user or broadcast to everyone. The specific user messages I can easily mark as read and therefore not show them again, its the general broadcast I am struggling slightly with.
I could add a flag(user ID) to the general broadcast to indicate its read but I am concerned about performance as the client would have to check historic broadcast messages for the existence of this flag. I could add a user id to create a new endpoint which should be quicker.
e.g. /notification/general/ - contains the message, this triggers the client which then checks to see if /users/USERID/MessageID exists if it doesnt display the message and create this end point.
Is there something I am missing or is that the best approach?
Are the messages always consumed in-order? If so you could have each client remember the ID of the last message it read in each public channel. You could then use "startAt" on the queue to limit it to only new messages.
If they're not consumed in order, then you'll need some way of storing data about which ones were read and which ones weren't. Perhaps you can have each message get sent out to everyone's personal queue, and then have each user remove read messages.
Since there are already undividual user messages, why not just deliver the broadcasts to everyone individually (think email) rather than trying to store a single copy and figure out who read it.
To reduce bulk, you could store the message content separately, and simply store the ids in a user's queue. Then when they are viewed, you flag them per-user without any additional complexity.
At 100k of users receiving 100 messages a day including broadcasts, with a standard firebase ID (around 20 characters), that comes out to 210,000,000 characters a year (i.e. nothing for a database, and probably still far less than the actual bulk of storing the message body), assuming they never expire and get deleted.

Check database for changes via long polling

Im creating a chat app in ASP.NET MVC3.
im using long polling and AsyncController to do so
when a user posts a chat its saved in database , to retrieve should i constantly check database for change in record or after definite interval
or is there an better/ efficient way of doing it
i came across this question but could not get a usable answer.
You may take a look at SignalR for an efficient way. Contrary to the standard polling mechanism (in which you are sending requests at regular intervals to check for changes), SignalR uses a push mechanism in which the server sends notifications to connected clients to notify them about changes.
Since you're already using long polling and an asynccontrolller, why not create a message pool? Take a look at this solution.
In a nutshell, instead of just writing the updated chat to the database, you should also stick it in some sort of queue. Then each user's async thread is listening to that pool waiting for a message to appear. When one appears return the data to the user through your normal operation. When all listening threads have picked up the message it can be removed from the queue. This will prevent you from having several threads hammering your database looking for a new message.
You can give PServiceBus(http://pservicebus.codeplex.com/) a try and here is a sample web chat app( running and does not need database in between to pass message between two web clients. If you want to persist data in the database for logging sake, you can always subscribe to the chat message and log it to database.
