Committing to github with RStudio - git-config

I cannot commit to my github repository with Rstudio.
I followed the correct syntax and tutorial. This is the error I am getting:

It looks like you need to config a global user.
try to run the command:
git config --global "[your email]"
git congif --global "[your username]"


I cannot add Firebase Crashlytics CocoaPods to my Xcode project

I'm following instructions from
At this point:
$ pod repo add crashlytics
I'm getting this error:
Cloning spec repo `crashlytics` from `` [!] /usr/bin/git clone -- crashlytics
Cloning into 'crashlytics'... ERROR: Repository not found. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
I've checked the connection to GitHub:
$ ssh -T
Hi Username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
I've also checked I have a valid SSH key:
$ ssh-add -l -E md5
4096 MD5:b0:26:2f:78:55:57:51:0f:71:17:6d:93:15:dd:67:a8 (RSA)
What am I missing?
Check the english version of the docs, those do not mention any of those repo-adding commands:
Looks like the spanish translation is outdated.

Git does not recognize my global inside RStudio

I am trying to commit my script changes inside RStudio, but I always get an error about not having a git account to refer to.
I have already tried to run in RStudio's Terminal:
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
Then I confirm that my account is correctly recognized:
$ git config --global --list
I also refreshed the Git tab, and reopened the commit window, to no avail.
I checked Tools --> Version Control --> Project Setup..., which show my project URL correctly.
I expected to be solved after my e-mail being shown by the Terminal, but that's not the case.
Apparently, the solution was to sign in with my instead of my
git config --global "Your Name"
Indeed, I already put that line in my question, but I had only tried the one (I thought they would be interchangeable).

`devtools::install_git()` with stored git credentials

Currently using install_git() to install from a repo protected by Azure Active Directory results in an error:
> devtools::install_git("")
Downloading git repo
Installation failed: Error in 'git2r_clone': Unable to authenticate with supplied credentials
even though the AAD credentials are stored in the git credential manager. For example, calling this from the command line works just fine:
git clone
is there any way to have R use the credentials from the git credential manager for this install?
Try the git parameter, e.g., git = "external".

Using http for a different github account

I'm trying to connect using http for a second github account I've recently set up. When I pushed to, I always got the following error:
remote: Permission to usernameOf2ndGithubAccount/repo.git denied to usernameOf1stGithubAccount
That means I've probably made the username of my 1st github account as the default somewhere. But I've looked through all my environment variables and bashrc but couldn't find it to be set anywhere. Can someone please point out how to fix this issue? Thanks!
P.S. I've tried connecting using ssh for my 2nd github account (by using a new pair of private/public key), and that works fine.
You can specify the username to use in the URL, e.g.:
When you set-up git, it will ask for a username and email. This will we global for all your repositories.
You could see your name and email with (which could be different for each repository)
git config
git config
You could change it as follows (only for the current git repository)
git config "myname"
git config ""
To see your/update global config, pass --global (after config), e.g.
git config --global
When using TortioseGit, you could easily view and change with a GUI.
This is windows credential manager problem. Nothing to do with SSH or HTTPS. You need to add the second account to the manager. It only reads the github site not the direct https path.
Bash terminal git config --global credential.useHttpPath true
this will add the direct path not just the github site.

pull command error : Failed connect to

I tried to pull repository so that I can merge the changes made to my repository.
But while using the pull command it gives following error:
$ git pull master
error: Failed connect to;
No error while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed
I tried setting the http proxy but no change.
push command worked perfectly fine but error with pull command.
Any suggestions?
I had the same issue because I forgot to remove my proxy configuration on Git.
git config --global http.proxy
If it returns something you have to unset the value with the following command :
git config --global --unset http.proxy
There is a lot of way to set a proxy for git and maybe this is not the good one. You can also check your environment variable.
echo $http_proxy
After that, it should works
Why are you using https?
For private repo on GitHub, you would use (as shown here):
git clone
But for a public repo, a simple:
git clone
should be enough.
