How do we get the rights of a user in Sailpoint? - sailpoint

I'm trying to write a policy violation in Sailpoint. But I don't know how to get the rights of the user who is asking a new right. I've tried this:
List links1 = null;
IdentityService service = new IdentityService(context);
Application app1 = context.getObjectByName(Application.class, "Autres");
try {
links1 = service.getLinks(identity, app1);
} catch (Exception e)
List DUList1 = new ArrayList();
if(links1.size() != 0){
Object DUObj = links1.get(0).getAttribute("DU");
if(DUObj != null){
if (DUObj instanceof String)
DUList1.add((String) DUObj);
DUList1.addAll((List) DUObj);
It was supposed to return the list of the rights that the user has and the rights that he is asking. But it doesn't work.

"Links" in IIQ are accounts, which are entities that you get from IIQ Applications.
IIQ works with 2 types of "rights", which are entitlements and roles.
Entitlements are usually aggregated from IIQ Applications as "groups", while Roles are manually defined as pure IIQ entities. You may think of Roles as groups of entitlements (roughly speaking).
So in order to check what "rights" an IIQ identity has, you must check entitlements and roles.
Since you're working on a policy, I am assuming you're trying something for the access request. In this case, you can consider that roles will be translated into a set of entitlements, so all we have to check are, in the end of the day, entitlements.
I suppose your application "Autres" is aggregating both accounts and entitlements, right? So in your application schema, there is at least 1 account attribute that is marked as "entitlement". Let's say you have something like this
Account schema
login (correlates to your identity, identifies your account uniquely)
groupsXYZ (correlates to your entitlements)
Then your rule will get the entitlements using something like this
Application app = context.getObjectByName(Application.class, "Autres");
Link account = identity.getLink(app);
Object groups = account.getAttribute("groupsXYZ");
if (groups == null){
}else if (groups instanceof List){
}else if (groups instanceof String){
Now, notice that groups can be a List or a String. It depends if your account has one or more entitlements associated to it. Because of that, you need to check the type first (I really don't know why IIQ does not use List always, probably because the way they map their XMLs internally), but you must be careful with it and provide the appropriate typecast.
So in the case you're showing, does "DU" maps to an application account attribute which represents the entitlement? You can debug and print all the attributes for example in order to see what's associated to your account (link).
Now, if we're not talking about entitlements, but about IIQ Roles, then we're talking about something like this
Bundle someRole = context.getObjectByName(Bundle.class,"My IIQ Role ABC");
boolean hasRole = identity.hasRole(someRole);


Inconsistent results when listing groups an external account belongs to

Our Google domain has groups (synced copies of our Active Directory email listservs/distribution groups) that have a lot of external accounts (currently kept as contacts in Active Directory).
As part of an intranet site I'm building I'm trying to be able to do mass search and replace of individual contact email address when for example a school district changes its domain name. One of the visual/verification steps I'm working on is to list the Google group membership of any selected external account, but I'm getting mixed results. For some accounts it seems to list the groups properly, and for others it doesn't seem to pull any. I have verified the external account's group membership in both Active Directory and in Google Admin group management, but when I query Google via code I don't get valid results every time... What am I missing? Code below.
-- in Global.asax
public static List<string> GOOGLE_GetListOfUsersGroups(string useremail)
List<string> groupList = new List<string>();
///stripped out credential/service stuff...
var groups = service.Groups.List();
groups.UserKey = useremail;
Groups gs = groups.Execute();
if (gs != null)
foreach (Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.Data.Group g in gs.GroupsValue)
catch (Exception ex)
SendERROREmail("GLOBAL<HR>GOOGLE_GetListOfUsersGroups()<HR>useremail:" + useremail + "<HR>" + ex.ToString());
return groupList;
and the consuming function:
--- in Page.aspx
protected void ddlADExternalContacts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ddlADExternalContacts.SelectedIndex > 0)
//show what google has for same group
List<string> memberList = Global.GOOGLE_GetListOfUsersGroups(ddlADExternalContacts.SelectedValue);
if (memberList != null)
foreach (string s in memberList)
lbContactsGoogleGroups.Items.Add(new ListItem(s, s));
Also, does anyone have a good example how to handle this in Google's 'preferred' JSON format rather then the API route?
UPDATE: Ok, its not my code, its something with the group/Google. When I use the 'try it' functionality on the sdk admin site I get the same results for groups that work (in my code and their site) and no results from the same groups that should be showing results...
"kind": "admin#directory#groups",
"etag": "\"HKdfSgTnCxrWl3RtRnlZSCPY3NjdWJxz53nrhwSz7ob4/oMWMqbsluP5m2PCo8Y7WmWeHGP4\""
Not that that helps me any, as there's no error or anything, just the 'no groups' result as if it can't find the external account...
UPDATE2: Ok, based on what I'm seeing after some testing, I have a sneaky suspicion that Google is doing some validation of emails before checking for group membership and reporting anything. I.E. if the email being searched for is no longer valid (client's server doesn't responds that the account is reachable/enabled/exists...), it won't bother going any further... will try it out with a few more email addresses that I know should be invalid and update....later.
It looks like what you are experiencing might be a bug.
This has been reported on Google Issue Tracker here.
What you can do in this situation is to star the issue above and eventually add a comment saying that you are affected by it.

How should I get and set a folder's group and user permission settings via Core Service?

I can get strings representing group and user permissions for a given folder with the following.
// assumes Core Service client "client"
var folderData = client.Read("tcm:5-26-2", new ReadOptions()) as FolderData;
var accessControlEntryDataArray =
foreach (var accessControlEntryData in accessControlEntryDataArray)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1}",
Some Folder
Everyone has Read
Editor has None
Chief Editor has None
Publication Manager has None
Interaction Manager has None
T2011-CB-R2\areyes has All
[scope] Editor 020 Create has Read, Write
T2011-CB-R2\local1 has Read, Write, Delete
[rights] Author - Content has None
Seems like the four possible values for `AllowedPermissions are:
Read, Write
Read, Write, Delete
This works great for my use case to create a folder permissions report. I can .Replace() these to a familiar notation (e.g. rw-- or rwdl).
But is manipulating these string values the right approach to set permissions as well? I'd imagine I'd want objects or maybe enums instead. Could someone point me in the right direction?
Also I noticed I get some, but not all non-applicable groups set as None. I don't specifically need them here, but I'm curious at what determines whether those get returned--did I miss something in my code?
Rights and Permissions are enums, indeed. You can set using the method below. If you want to set multiple rights you should do something like "Rights.Read | Rights.Write"
Keep in mind that this method will return you object that you have to save \ update \ create after
public static OrganizationalItemData SetPermissionsOnOrganizationalItem(
OrganizationalItemData organizationalItem,
TrusteeData trustee,
Permissions allowedPermissions,
Permissions deniedPermissions = Permissions.None)
if (organizationalItem.AccessControlList == null)
= new AccessControlListData
{AccessControlEntries = new AccessControlEntryData[0]};
var entries = organizationalItem.AccessControlList
// First check if this trustee already has some permissions
var entry = entries.SingleOrDefault(
ace => ace.Trustee.IdRef == trustee.Id);
if (entry != null)
// Remove this entry
entries.Add(new AccessControlEntryData
AllowedPermissions = allowedPermissions,
DeniedPermissions = deniedPermissions,
Trustee = new LinkToTrusteeData { IdRef = trustee.Id }
= entries.ToArray();
return organizationalItem;

Get ALL Mailboxes via EWS (Exchange WebServices) - not my own but also shared and group mailboxes

Can anyone provide me with a .NET (C# / VB) sample of how to get all mailboxes that I have access to ?
I have only been able to get my OWN mailbox via EWS - not ALL THE OTHER mailboxes that I also have access to through Outlook.
I don't have the names nor the id's of these mailboxes but isn't it possible to retrieve ALL mailboxes - including my own - that I am allowed to see - just as I can in Outlook ?
I am using Autodiscover to get my mailbox like this: service.AutodiscoverUrl("xxxx#ee.dd") - this will perhaps only get my own mailbox and not all the rest?
Please help !?
The way I got around this was to define the group mailbox in question as a "mailbox" object and then obtain the FolderID for the particular folder.
Define mailbox object
Mailbox gpmailbox = new Mailbox("");
Get the FolderID (in this case, the Inbox)
FolderId gpInbox = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, gpmailbox);
Use FolderID in your normal code (in this case I'm obtaining 100 messages)
ItemView view = new ItemView(100);
FindItemsResults<Item> results = hookToServer.FindItems(new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, gpmailbox), view);
The key is to grab the FolderID of the folder you need. Hope this helps.
Edit: I also failed to note that my object "hookToServer" is simply the ExchangeService object. Here's how I defined it:
ExchangeService hookToServer = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1);
hookToServer.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
hookToServer.Url = new Uri("TheExchangeServer")
I also used this as reference:
EWS 2007 Group Mailbox Guide
You can do this by Using Autodiscover to get user settings, this is a completely separate service to the one with the AutodiscoverUrl method.
The setting name you need is AlternateMailboxes, this will give a collection of all the 'other' mailboxes you have access to. You might then add the user's default mailbox to get a complete list.
In c#:
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover; // from nuget package "Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices"
internal List<string> GetAccessibleMailboxes()
AutodiscoverService autodiscoverService = new AutodiscoverService("");
autodiscoverService.Credentials = networkCredential;
var userSmtpAddress = networkCredential.UserName;
GetUserSettingsResponse userresponse = autodiscoverService.GetUserSettings(
var alternateMailboxCollection = (AlternateMailboxCollection)userresponse.Settings[UserSettingName.AlternateMailboxes];
var smtpAddressList = alternateMailboxCollection.Entries.ToList().Select(a => a.SmtpAddress).ToList();
return smtpAddressList;

Microsoft dynamics CRM 2011: how to generate lead from external contact form

i developed CMS to one of my customers and he wants that when a user fill in the contact form, it will automatically generate lead in his CRM.
what is the easiest way to do that?
by the way, the contact form is ajax and the data is transfered to asmx, so it will be easy to call to CRM webservice or something like that, because i'm already in the server side.
can someone point me to tutorial or some code example?
Your best start will be with the SDK available here, which contains example code and the sdk dlls etc...
Here is a page with a quick reference to all the web service endpoints available in the different flavors of CRM 2011.
From the SDK samplepcode\cs\quickstart creating account, but very similar for lead:
// Connect to the Organization service.
// The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri,
// This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.
_serviceProxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
// Instaniate an account object.
// See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine
// which attributes must be set for each entity.
Account account = new Account { Name = "Fourth Coffee" };
// Create an account record named Fourth Coffee.
_accountId = _serviceProxy.Create(account);
Console.Write("{0} {1} created, ", account.LogicalName, account.Name);
// Retrieve the account containing several of its attributes.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet(
new String[] { "name", "address1_postalcode", "lastusedincampaign" });
Account retrievedAccount = (Account)_serviceProxy.Retrieve("account", _accountId, cols);
Console.Write("retrieved, ");
// Update the postal code attribute.
retrievedAccount.Address1_PostalCode = "98052";
// The address 2 postal code was set accidentally, so set it to null.
retrievedAccount.Address2_PostalCode = null;
// Shows use of a Money value.
retrievedAccount.Revenue = new Money(5000000);
// Shows use of a boolean value.
retrievedAccount.CreditOnHold = false;
// Update the account record.
Console.WriteLine("and updated.");

ASP.NET username change

I have an site which uses the Membership provider. Each comment, entry etc in the DB is tracked by the userID.
Since MS doesn't provide a way to change the username, I've found the userNAME in the "users" table in the DB and there is only 1 place where the username appears.
My question is,
Is it safe to provide an "edit profile" page where the user is allowed to edit their own username. Of course i would handle this change in the background by directly changing the "username" value in the DB.
Are there any downsides to this ? I've created and modified some test accounts and it seems to be fine, i am just wondering if there is any known negatives to this before putting it into production.
cptScarlet's link was good, however I despise using stored procedures if I don't have to and I favor Entity Framework whenever possible. Here's what I did to change the user name, using EF 4.0 and .NET 4.0:
Right click project -> Add New Item -> ADO.NET Entity Data Model
Give it a proper name, I chose "MembershipModel.edmx" and click Add
Select Generate from database and click Next
Add the connection to your 'aspnetdb' database (the ASP.NET membership database)
Give it a proper name, I chose "MembershipEntities"
Click Next
Drill into Tables and select aspnet_Users
Change the Model Namespace to MembershipModel
Click Finish
Now you can add code to create the EF object context and modify the database:
public void ChangeUserName(string currentUserName, string newUserName)
using (var context = new MembershipEntities())
// Get the membership record from the database
var currentUserNameLowered = currentUserName.ToLower();
var membershipUser = context.aspnet_Users
.Where(u => u.LoweredUserName == currentUserNameLowered)
if (membershipUser != null)
// Ensure that the new user name is not already being used
string newUserNameLowered = newUserName.ToLower();
if (!context.aspnet_Users.Any(u => u.LoweredUserName == newUserNameLowered))
membershipUser.UserName = newUserName;
membershipUser.LoweredUserName = newUserNameLowered;
Note: I did not account for application ID's in my code. I typically only ever have one application using the ASP.NET membership database, so if you have multiple apps, you'll need to account for that.
