I have an R code that contains some nested bracket for loop within which I used rmse() function from Metrics package. I tried it without the function and it worked, but inside my nested R code it does not.
Here is what I desire to do with R
I have generated a 50-time series dataset.
I lice the same time series dataset into chunks of the following sizes: 2,3,...,48,49 making me have 48 different time series formed from step 1 above.
I divided each 48-time series dataset into train and test sets so I can use rmse function in Metrics package to get the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for the 48 subseries formed in step 2.
The RMSE for each series is then tabulated according to their chunk sizes
I obtained the best ARIMA model for each 48 different time series data set.
My R code
# simulate arima(1,0,0)
n <- 50
phi <- 0.5
wn <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
ar1 <- sqrt((wn[1])^2/(1-phi^2))
for(i in 2:n){
ar1[i] <- ar1[i - 1] * phi + wn[i]
ts <- ar1
t<-length(ts)# the length of the time series
li <- seq(n-2)+1 # vector of block sizes(i.e to be between 1 and n exclusively)
RMSEblk<-matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = length(li))#vector to store block means
for (b in 1:length(li)){
l<- li[b]# block size
m <- ceiling(t / l) # number of blocks
blk<-split(ts, rep(1:m, each=l, length.out = t)) # divides the series into blocks
singleblock <- vector() #initialize vector to receive result from for loop
for(i in 1:10){
res<-sample(blk, replace=T, 100) # resamples the blocks
res.unlist<-unlist(res, use.names = F) # unlist the bootstrap series
# Split the series into train and test set
train <- head(res.unlist, round(length(res.unlist) * 0.6))
h <- length(res.unlist) - length(train)
test <- tail(res.unlist, h)
# Forecast for train set
model <- auto.arima(train)
future <- forecast(test, model=model,h=h)
nfuture <- as.numeric(out$mean) # makes the `future` object a vector
# use the `rmse` function from `Metrics` package
RMSE <- rmse(test, nn)
singleblock[i] <- RMSE # Assign RMSE value to final result vector element i
RMSEblk[b]<-mean(singleblock) #store into matrix
The error I got
#Error in rmse(test, nn): unused argument (nn)
But when I wrote
train <- head(ar1, round(length(ar1) * 0.6))
h <- length(ar1) - length(train)
test <- tail(ar1, h)
model <- auto.arima(train)
#forecast <- predict(model, h)
out <- forecast(test, model=model,h=h)
nn <- as.numeric(out$mean)
rmse(test, nn)
It did work
Please point out what I am missing?
I am able to run your code after making two very small corrections in your for loop. See the two commented lines:
for (b in 1:length(li)){
l<- li[b]
m <- ceiling(t / l)
blk<-split(ts, rep(1:m, each=l, length.out = t))
singleblock <- vector()
for(i in 1:10){
res<-sample(blk, replace=T, 100)
res.unlist<-unlist(res, use.names = F)
train <- head(res.unlist, round(length(res.unlist) * 0.6))
h <- length(res.unlist) - length(train)
test <- tail(res.unlist, h)
model <- auto.arima(train)
future <- forecast(test, model=model,h=h)
nfuture <- as.numeric(future$mean) # EDITED: `future` instead of `out`
RMSE <- rmse(test, nfuture) # EDITED: `nfuture` instead of `nn`
singleblock[i] <- RMSEi
It is possible that these typos did not result in errors because nn and out were defined in the global environment while you ran the for loop. A good debugging tip is to restart R and try to reproduce the problem.
Your code does not define nn. Other code that works has nn. To start code with clean slate use this line as first executable line:
I wrote the below R function to do the following task:
Simulate 10 time series data set from ARIMA model through arima.sim() function
Split the series into sub-series of possible 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s.
For each size take a resample the blocks with replacement, for new series and obtain the best ARIMA model from the subseries from each block size through auto.arima() function.
Obtain for each subseries of each block sizes RMSE.
## Load packages and prepare multicore process
n_cores <- detectCores()
cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)
registerDoParallel(cores = detectCores())
## simulate ARIMA(1,0, 0)
#n=10; phi <- 0.6; order <- c(1, 0, 0)
bootstrap1 <- function(n, phi){
ts <- arima.sim(n, model = list(ar=phi, order = c(1, 0, 0)), sd = 1)
## create a vector of block sizes
t <- length(ts) # the length of the time series
lb <- seq(n-2)+1 # vector of block sizes to be 1 < l < n (i.e to be between 1 and n exclusively)
## This section create matrix to store block means
BOOTSTRAP <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = length(lb))
colnames(BOOTSTRAP) <-lb
## This section use foreach function to do detail in the brace
BOOTSTRAP <- foreach(b = 1:length(lb), .combine = 'cbind') %do%{
l <- lb[b]# block size at each instance
m <- ceiling(t / l) # number of blocks
blk <- split(ts, rep(1:m, each=l, length.out = t)) # divides the series into blocks
res<-sample(blk, replace=T, 10) # resamples the blocks
res.unlist <- unlist(res, use.names = FALSE) # unlist the bootstrap series
train <- head(res.unlist, round(length(res.unlist) - 10)) # Train set
test <- tail(res.unlist, length(res.unlist) - length(train)) # Test set
nfuture <- forecast::forecast(train, model = forecast::auto.arima(train), lambda=0, biasadj=TRUE, h = length(test))$mean # makes the `forecast of test set
RMSE <- Metrics::rmse(test, nfuture) # RETURN RMSE
BOOTSTRAPS <- matrix(BOOTSTRAP, nrow = 1, ncol = length(lb))
colnames(BOOTSTRAPS) <- lb
If the function is called as below:
bootstrap1(10, 0.6)
I get the following result:
## 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
##[1,] 1.287224 2.264574 2.998069 2.349261 1.677791 1.183126 2.021157 1.357658
My attempt to use Monte Carlo function to make my function run three(3) different and distinct times.
param_list=list("n"=10, "phi"=0.6)
MC_result<-MonteCarlo(func = bootstrap1, nrep=3, param_list = param_list)
I got the following error message:
Error in MonteCarlo(func = bootstrap1, nrep = 3, param_list = param_list) :
func has to return a list with named components. Each component has to be scalar.
Please help me to get right what I did wrong either on my function or the MonteCarlo() function.
Based on the error message, I would try replacing the end of your function with something like:
names(BOOTSTRAPS) <- letters[1:10]
Then the resulting output is a named list with names letters[1:10].
I'm trying to understand how to use Dynamic Linear Modeling for forecasting. I found an example of the DLM functionality of the MARSS package in R being used for forecasting. Below is all the code in the example, starting with loading the data and ending with creating the in-sample forecasts.
What I don't understand is how I would make an out-of-sample forecast? The code below generates "in-sample" forecasts, where it uses already-known information to generate predictions about already-existing data.
Say I want to forecast the Salmon Survival tomorrow rather than throughout the last several weeks. How would I do that?
Any help would be appreciated.
# load the data
data(SalmonSurvCUI, package = "MARSS")
# get time indices
years <- SalmonSurvCUI[, 1]
# number of years of data
TT <- length(years)
# get response variable: logit(survival)
dat <- matrix(SalmonSurvCUI[, 2], nrow = 1)
# get predictor variable
CUI <- SalmonSurvCUI[, 3]
## z-score the CUI
CUI.z <- matrix((CUI - mean(CUI))/sqrt(var(CUI)), nrow = 1)
# number of regr params (slope + intercept)
m <- dim(CUI.z)[1] + 1
# for process eqn
B <- diag(m) ## 2x2; Identity
U <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = 1) ## 2x1; both elements = 0
Q <- matrix(list(0), m, m) ## 2x2; all 0 for now
diag(Q) <- c("q.alpha", "q.beta") ## 2x2; diag = (q1,q2)
# for observation eqn
Z <- array(NA, c(1, m, TT)) ## NxMxT; empty for now
Z[1, 1, ] <- rep(1, TT) ## Nx1; 1's for intercept
Z[1, 2, ] <- CUI.z ## Nx1; predictor variable
A <- matrix(0) ## 1x1; scalar = 0
R <- matrix("r") ## 1x1; scalar = r
# only need starting values for regr parameters
inits.list <- list(x0 = matrix(c(0, 0), nrow = m))
# list of model matrices & vectors
mod.list <- list(B = B, U = U, Q = Q, Z = Z, A = A, R = R)
# fit univariate DLM
dlm1 <- MARSS(dat, inits = inits.list, model = mod.list)
# get list of Kalman filter output
kf.out <- MARSSkfss(dlm1)
## forecasts of regr parameters; 2xT matrix
eta <- kf.out$xtt1
## ts of E(forecasts)
fore.mean <- vector()
for (t in 1:TT) {
fore.mean[t] <- Z[, , t] %*% eta[, t, drop = FALSE]
# variance of regr parameters; 1x2xT array
Phi <- kf.out$Vtt1
## obs variance; 1x1 matrix
R.est <- coef(dlm1, type = "matrix")$R
## ts of Var(forecasts)
fore.var <- vector()
for (t in 1:TT) {
tZ <- matrix(Z[, , t], m, 1) ## transpose of Z
fore.var[t] <- Z[, , t] %*% Phi[, , t] %*% tZ + R.est
The model of the beta and alpha is a random walk without drift so the prediction of beta(TT+k) and alpha(TT+k) will just be beta(TT) and alpha(TT) where TT is the last time step in the data (in this case CUI.z).
So your prediction is
logit.survival(TT+k) = alpha(TT) + beta(TT)*CUI.z(TT+k)
alpha(TT) and beta(TT) would be output via kf.out$xtT[,TT], i.e. last state estimate. You will need to provide a CUI.z at t=TT+k.
MARSS version 3.11.0 will have predict function and will output these predictions along with the prediction intervals. But release date is sometime late summer 2020. The functionality is in the GitHub development site (under the resids_update branch) but final testing is still being done.
I'm trying to speed up a script that otherwise takes days to handle larger data sets. So, is there a way to completely vectorize the following script:
# k-fold cross validation
df <- trees # a data frame 'trees' from R.
df <- df[sample(nrow(df)), ] # randomly shuffles the data.
k <- 10 # Number of folds. Note k=nrow(df) in the leave-one-out cross validation.
folds <- cut(seq(from=1, to=nrow(df)), breaks=k, labels=FALSE) # creates unique numbers for k equally size folds.
df$ID <- folds # adds fold IDs.
df[paste("pred", 1:10, sep="")] <- NA # adds multiple columns "pred1"..."pred10" to speed up the following loop.
for(i in 1:k) {
# looping for different models:
m1 <- gam(Volume ~ s(Height), data=df, subset=(ID != i))
m2 <- gam(Volume ~ s(Girth), data=df, subset=(ID != i))
m3 <- gam(Volume ~ s(Girth) + s(Height), data=df, subset=(ID != i))
# looping for predictions:
df[df$ID==i, "pred1"] <- predict(m1, df[df$ID==i, ], type="response")
df[df$ID==i, "pred2"] <- predict(m2, df[df$ID==i, ], type="response")
df[df$ID==i, "pred3"] <- predict(m3, df[df$ID==i, ], type="response")
# calculating residuals:
df$res1 <- with(df, Volume - pred1)
df$res2 <- with(df, Volume - pred2)
df$res3 <- with(df, Volume - pred3)
Model <- paste("m", 1:10, sep="") # creates a vector of model names.
# creating a vector of mean-square errors (MSE):
MSE <- with(df, c(
sum(res1^2) / nrow(df),
sum(res2^2) / nrow(df),
sum(res3^2) / nrow(df)
model.mse <- data.frame(Model, MSE, R2) # creates a data frame of model names, mean-square errors and coefficients of determination.
model.mse <- model.mse[order(model.mse$MSE), ] # rearranges the previous data frame in order of increasing mean-square errors.
I'd appreciate any help. This code takes several days if run on 30,000 different GAM models and 3 predictors. Thanks
I have written a custom likelihood function that fits a multi-data model that integrates mark-recapture and telemetry data (sensu Royle et al. 2013 Methods in Ecology and Evolution). The likelihood function is designed to be flexible in terms of whether and how many covariates are specified for different linear models in different likelihood components which is determined by values supplied as function arguments (i.e., data matrices "detcovs" and "dencovs" in my code). The likelihood function works when I directly supply it to optimization functions (e.g., optim or nlm), but does not play nice with the mle2 function in the bbmle package. My problem is that I continually run into the following error: "some named arguments in 'start' are not arguments to the specified log-likelihood function". This is my first attempt at writing custom likelihood functions so I'm sure there are general coding conventions of which I'm unaware that make such tasks much more efficient and amendable to the mle2 function. Below is my likelihood function, code creating the staring value objects, and code calling the mle2 function. Any advice how to solve the error problem and general comments on writing cleaner functions is welcome. Many thanks in advance.
Edit: As requested, I have simplified the likelihood function and provided code to simulate reproducible data to which the model can be fit. Included in the simulation code are 2 custom functions and use of the raster function from the raster package. Hopefully, I have sufficiently simplified everything to enable others to troubleshoot. Again, many thanks for your help!
Likelihood function:
CSCR.RSF.intlik2.EXAMPLE <- function(alpha0,sigma,alphas=NULL,betas=NULL,n0,yscr=NULL,K=NULL,X=X,trapcovs=NULL,Gden=NULL,Gdet=NULL,ytel=NULL,stel=NULL,
# this version of the code handles a covariate on log(Density). This is starting value 5
# start = vector of starting values
# yscr = nind x ntraps encounter matrix
# K = number of occasions
# X = trap locations
# Gden = matrix with grid cell coordinates for density raster
# Gdet = matrix with gride cell coordinates for RSF raster
# dencovs = all covariate values for all nGden pixels in density raster
# trapcovs = covariate value at trap locations
# detcovs = all covariate values for all nGrsf pixels in RSF raster
# ytel = nguys x nGdet matrix of telemetry fixes in each nGdet pixels
# stel = home range center of telemetered individuals, IF you wish to estimate it. Not necessary
# alphas = starting values for RSF/detfn coefficients excluding sigma and intercept
# alpha0 = starting values for RSF/detfn intercept
# sigma = starting value for RSF/detfn sigma
# betas = starting values for density function coefficients
# n0 = starting value for number of undetected individuals on log scale
n0 = exp(n0)
nGden = nrow(Gden)
D = e2dist(X,Gden)
nGdet <- nrow(Gdet)
alphas = alphas
loglam = alpha0 -(1/(2*sigma*sigma))*D*D + as.vector(trapcovs%*%alphas) # ztrap recycled over nG
psi = exp(as.vector(dencovs%*%betas))
psi = psi/sum(psi)
probcap = 1-exp(-exp(loglam))
#probcap = (exp(theta0)/(1+exp(theta0)))*exp(-theta1*D*D)
Pm = matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(probcap),ncol=ncol(probcap))
ymat = yscr
ymat = rbind(yscr,rep(0,ncol(yscr)))
lik.marg = rep(NA,nrow(ymat))
for(i in 1:nrow(ymat)){
Pm[1:length(Pm)] = (dbinom(rep(ymat[i,],nGden),rep(K,nGden),probcap[1:length(Pm)],log=TRUE))
lik.cond = exp(colSums(Pm))
lik.marg[i] = sum( lik.cond*psi )
nv = c(rep(1,length(lik.marg)-1),n0)
part1 = lgamma(nrow(yscr)+n0+1) - lgamma(n0+1)
part2 = sum(nv*log(lik.marg))
out = -1*(part1+ part2)
lam = t(exp(a0 - (1/(2*sigma*sigma))*t(D2)+ as.vector(detcovs%*%alphas)))# recycle zall over all ytel guys
# lam is now nGdet x nG!
denom = rowSums(lam)
probs = lam/denom # each column is the probs for a guy at column [j]
tel.loglik = -1*sum( ytel*log(probs) )
out = out + tel.loglik
Data simulation code:
e2dist <- function (x, y){
i <- sort(rep(1:nrow(y), nrow(x)))
dvec <- sqrt((x[, 1] - y[i, 1])^2 + (x[, 2] - y[i, 2])^2)
matrix(dvec, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(y), byrow = F)
spcov <- function(R) {
v <- sqrt(nrow(R))
D <- as.matrix(dist(R))
V <- exp(-D/2)
cov1 <- t(chol(V)) %*% rnorm(nrow(R))
Rd <- as.data.frame(R)
colnames(Rd) <- c("x", "y")
Rd$C <- as.numeric((cov1 - mean(cov1)) / sd(cov1))
co <- seq(0.3, 0.7, length=5)
X <- cbind(rep(co, each=5),
rep(co, times=5))
B <- 10
co <- seq(0, 1, length=B)
Z <- cbind(rep(co, each=B), rep(co, times=B))
dencovs <- cbind(spcov(Z),spcov(Z)[,3]) # ordered as reading raster image from left to right, bottom to top
dimnames(dencovs)[[2]][3:4] <- c("dencov1","dencov2")
denr.list <- vector("list",2)
for(i in 1:2){
denr.list[[i]] <- raster(
B <- 20
co <- seq(0, 1, length=B)
Z <- cbind(rep(co, each=B), rep(co, times=B))
detcovs <- cbind(spcov(Z),spcov(Z)[,3]) # ordered as reading raster image from left to right, bottom to top
dimnames(detcovs)[[2]][3:4] <- c("detcov1","detcov2")
detcov.raster.list <- vector("list",2)
trapcovs <- matrix(0,J,2)
for(i in 1:2){
detr.list[[i]] <- raster(
trapcovs[,i] <- extract(detr.list[[i]],X)
alpha0 <- -3
sigma <- 0.15
alphas <- c(1,-1)
beta0 <- 3
betas <- c(-1,1)
pixelArea <- (dencovs$y[2] - dencovs$y[1])^2
mu <- exp(beta0 + as.matrix(dencovs[,3:4])%*%betas)*pixelArea
EN <- sum(mu)
N <- rpois(1, EN)
pi <- mu/sum(mu)
s <- dencovs[sample(1:nrow(dencovs), size=N, replace=TRUE, prob=pi),1:2]
J <- nrow(X)
K <- 10
yc <- d <- p <- matrix(NA, N, J)
D <- e2dist(s,X)
loglam <- t(alpha0 - t((1/(2*sigma*sigma))*D*D) + as.vector(trapcovs%*%alphas))
p <- 1-exp(-exp(loglam))
for(i in 1:N) {
for(j in 1:J) {
yc[i,j] <- rbinom(1, K, p[i,j])
detected <- apply(yc>0, 1, any)
yscr <- yc[detected,]
ntel <- 5
nfixes <- 100
poss.tel <- which(s[,1]>0.2 & s[,1]<0.8 & s[,2]>0.2 & s[,2]<0.8)
stel.id <- sample(poss.tel,ntel)
stel <- s[stel.id,]
ytel <- matrix(NA,ntel,nrow(detcovs))
d <- e2dist(stel,detcovs[,1:2])
lam <- t(exp(1 - t((1/(2*sigma*sigma))*d*d) + as.vector(as.matrix(detcovs[,3:4])%*%alphas)))
for(i in 1:ntel){
ytel[i,] <- rmultinom(1,nfixes,lam[i,]/sum(lam[i,]))
Specify starting values and call mle2 function:
start1 <- list(alpha0=alpha0,sigma=sigma,alphas=alphas,betas=betas,n0=log(N-nrow(yscr)))
parnames(CSCR.RSF.intlik2.EXAMPLE) <- names(start)
out1 <- mle2(CSCR.RSF.intlik2.EXAMPLE,start=start1,method="SANN",optimizer="optim",
So I have a system of ode's and some data I am using the R packages deSolve and FME to fit the parameters of the ode system to data. I am getting a singular matrix result when I fit the full parameter set to the data. So I went back and looked at the collinearity of the parameters using a collinearity index cut-off of 20 as suggested in all the FME package documentation I then picked a few models with subsets of parameters to fit. Then when I run modFit I get this error:
Error in approx(xMod, yMod, xout = xDat) :
need at least two non-NA values to interpolate
Can anyone enlighten me as to a fix for this. Everything else is working fine. So this is not a coding problem.
Here is a minimal working example (removing r=2 in modFit creates the error which I can fix in the minimal working example but not in my actual problem so I doubt a minimal working example helps here):
`## =======================================================================
## Now suppose we do not know K and r and they are to be fitted...
## The "observations" are the analytical solution
## =======================================================================
# You need these packages
## logistic growth model
TT <- seq(1, 100, 2.5)
N0 <- 0.1
r <- 0.5
K <- 100
## analytical solution
Ana <- cbind(time = TT, N = K/(1 + (K/N0 - 1) * exp(-r*TT)))
time <- 0:100
parms <- c(r = r, K = K)
x <- c(N = N0)
logist <- function(t, x, parms) {
with(as.list(parms), {
dx <- r * x[1] * (1 - x[1]/K)
## Run the model with initial guess: K = 10, r = 2
parms["K"] <- 10
parms["r"] <- 2
init <- ode(x, time, logist, parms)
## FITTING algorithm uses modFit
## First define the objective function (model cost) to be minimised
## more general: using modFit
Cost <- function(P) {
parms["K"] <- P[1]
parms["r"] <- P[2]
out <- ode(x, time, logist, parms)
return(modCost(out, Ana))
(Fit<-modFit(p = c(K = 10,r=2), f = Cost))
I think the problem is in your Cost function. If you don't provide both K and r, then the cost function will override the start value of r to NA. You can test this:
Cost <- function(P) {
parms["K"] <- P[1]
parms["r"] <- P[2]
#out <- ode(x, time, logist, parms)
#return(modCost(out, Ana))
Cost(c(K=10, r = 2))
This function works:
Cost <- function(P) {
parms[names(P)] <- P
out <- ode(x, time, logist, parms)
return(modCost(out, Ana))
The vignette FMEDyna is very helpful: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/FME/vignettes/FMEdyna.pdf See page 14 on how to specify the Objective (Cost) function.