Axoniq Event Handler Resuming from offset - axon

I am looking at the AxonIQ framework and have managed to get a test application up and running. But I have a question about how EventHandlers should be treated when using a store that has persistence in the Read Model.
From my (possible naive) understanding. #EventHandler annotated methods in my Projection class get called from the beginning when first launched. This would mechanism seems to assume that the Projection utilises some kind of in volatile store (e.g. an in memory sql like h2) which is re-created from scratch during the application bootup.
However, if the store was persistent in something like Elastic Search, I would want the #EventHandler to resume from its last persisted event instead of from the beginning event.
Is there anyway to control the behaviour of the #EventHandler in this way?

Axon has two types of Event Processors: Subscribing and Tracking.
The Subscribing mode (which was the default up to Axon 3) will handle events in the thread that delivers them. That means you're at "the mercy" of the delivery guarantees of whichever component delivers the events.
The Tracking mode (which is the default since Axon 4 when using an Event Store or otherwise a source that supports it) will have events handled in dedicated threads, managed by the Event Processor itself. That means events are handled asynchronously from the actual publication mechanism.
The Tracking Event Processor uses Tokens to keep track of progress. These Tokens are stored in a TokenStore and updates as the Processor has correctly processed each incoming event (possibly batched). You decide where those tokens are stored. If you update a relational database, we recommend storing the tokens in the same database, so that event changes and tokens are updated atomically.
If you don't specify any TokenStore, it depends on whether you're on Spring Boot, in which case Axon will attempt to detect a suitable TokenStore implementation for you. Otherwise, it may very well just be an in-memory TokenStore, which causes Processors to re-initialize on every startup (and possibly start from the beginning).
To configure a TokenStore
On Spring (Boot), simply add a bean of type TokenStore with the implementation you want to use
When using Axon's Configuration API, on the EventProcessingConfigurer, use one of the registerTokenStore(...) methods.
When the Tracking Processor starts, it will check the Token Store for previous progress, and continue from there automatically.


Axon Framework: Convert XStream serialized events to Jackson Serializer in existing application

We have an application that was written using the Axon Framework. Based on the issues we are having with XStream, the idea of converting to the Jackson serializer has been proposed.
Is it possible to convert the current events in the event store to a JSON representation using configuration options in Axon or are we going to have to handle this manually?
Axon Framework, nor any of the extensions, provide something out of the box to achieve this.
The most straightforward way to rewrite an event store is to write a basic event handling application that reads from store one and writes (with the desired adjustments) to store two.
From an effort perspective, that's something like this:
Construct basic Axon Framework application, reading from current XML store.
Configure the second EventStore in your application separately from Axon's Configurer. This second store's EventStorageEngine should receive the JacksonSerializer, whereas the default store should use the XStreamSerializer
Write an event handler that handles all events, keeping things like the timestamp (very important) intact. This handler should 'append' events into store two.
Start the application. The default Streaming Event Processor will read everything, give it to your Event Handler, that'll provide them to the second store.

Axon4 - Re-queue failed messages

In below scenario, what would be the bahavior of Axon -
Command Bus recieved the command
It creates an event
However messaging infra is down (say kafka)
Does Axon has re-queing capability for event or any other alternative to handle this scenario.
If you're using Axon, you know it differentiates between Command, Event and Query messages. I'd suggest to be specific in your question which message type you want to retry.
However, I am going to make the assumption it's about events, as your stating Kafka.
If this is the case, I'd highly recommend reading the reference guide on the matter, as it states how you can uncouple Kafka publication from actual event storage in Axon.
Simply put, use a TrackingEventProcessor as the means to publish events on Kafka, as this will ensure a dedicate thread is used for publication instead of the same thread storing the event. Added, the TrackingEventProcessor can be replayed, thus "re-process" events.

Recommended way(s) to log events in Corda

We are capturing a new committed state in the vault through vaultTrack method on Corda RPC proxy for using in the logs recording. Although it’s working properly, we thinks it might have cause some overhead for network connection. So, we decided to try using ServiceHub in the CorDapp for capturing the new event instead. Unfortunately, the event keep occurring every time when the flow is called (based on observable concept?). Maybe we did not set up properly?. Based on your experience and expertise, could you
Suggest what went wrong; and
The corresponding solutions?
More details here:
As we are using the logs of CorDapp for a performance benchmark. Therefore, we are focusing only new committed state event. In API endpoint where we had started, we are using VaultTrack in RPC to record each new committed state event as shown in the example below:
Although the API seems to work properly but we think it might consume RPC connection in the overall performance since the observable is called every time a new state is committed. Please correct us if we're wrong. As such we decided to change to logging the events in the flow instead.
In CorDapp, we are using VaultService in ServiceHub to record each new committed state event in the ‘call function’ of flow initiator as shown in the example below:
We found that the logs recording in CorDapp i.e. in the flow (from the serviceHub mentioned above) keep gaining duplicated log every time the flow is called. From our initial investigation, we found that the problem is "vaultService" keep getting subscribed every time the flow is initiated. Therefore, we switched back to use the API endpoint method. Please could you advise us the right way to capture the event in CorDapp. To log the event of a newly committed state during our performance testing.
The approach of subscribing to a vault observable within a flow will not work. Once the flow ends, the subscription will not be terminated. Every time you run the flow, an additional subscriber will be added. This will degrade performance (although the RPC overhead is generally quite low as long as the states serialise quickly enough).
You should observe updates to the vault using an RPC client instead. Here is an example:
val client = CordaRPCClient(nodeAddress)
val proxy = client.start(rpcUserUsername, rpcUserPassword).proxy
// Track IOUState updates in the vault
val (snapshot, updates) = proxy.vaultTrack(
// Log the existing IOUStates and listen for new ones.
snapshot.states.forEach { logState(it) }
updates.toBlocking().subscribe { update ->
update.produced.forEach { logState(it) }
When you call start on the CordaRPCClient, you will connect to the node's Artemis message queue. This message queue will be used to stream updates from the vault back to the client over time.
In the example above, the vault updates are simply logged. You can change this behaviour as required (e.g. to call an API whenever an update is produced).

Change tracking information using DbContext

In reading an article on N-Tiered Applications, I came across information regarding concurrency tokens and change tracking information:
Another important concept to understand is that while the
default-generated entities support serialization, their
change-tracking information is stored in the ObjectStateManager (a
part of the ObjectContext), which does not support serialization.
My question is three-fold:
Is there the same thing when using DbContext?
If the only interaction with the database is in a Repository class within a using statement, does closing the database connection when the program leaves the using statement get rid of any option for change tracking?
Can this be leveraged as/with a Concurrency Token?
Yes. DbContext is just wrapper around ObjectContext and it exposes change tracking information through ChangeTracker property (returns DbChangeTracker) and for particular entity through calling Entry method (returns DbEntityEntry<T>).
Yes. Closing context will remove all change tracking information.
Concurrency token and change tracking are two completely different concepts. Change tracking tells context what operations it has to execute on database when you call SaveChanges. It tracks changes you did on your entities since you loaded them into current context instance. Concurrency token resolves optimistic concurrency in the database => it validates that another process / thread / user / context instance didn't change the same record your context is going to modify during SaveChanges.

Custom Windows Workflow activity that executes an asynchronous operation - redone using generic service

I am writing a custom Windows Workflow Foundation activity, that starts some process asynchronously, and then should wake up when an async event arrives.
All the samples I’ve found (e.g. this one by Kirk Evans) involve a custom workflow service, that does most of the work, and then posts an event to the activity-created queue. The main reason for that seems to be that the only method to post an event [that works from a non-WF thread] is WorkflowInstance.EnqueueItem, and the activities don’t have access to workflow instances, so they can't post events (from non-WF thread where I receive the result of async operation).
I don't like this design, as this splits functionality into two pieces, and requires adding a service to a host when a new activity type is added. Ugly.
So I wrote the following generic service that I call from the activity’s async event handler, and that can reused by various async activities (error handling omitted):
class WorkflowEnqueuerService : WorkflowRuntimeService
public void EnqueueItem(Guid workflowInstanceId, IComparable queueId, object item)
this.Runtime.GetWorkflow(workflowInstanceId).EnqueueItem(queueId, item, null, null);
Now in the activity code, I can obtain and store a reference to this service, start my async operation, an when it completes, use this service to post an event to my queue. The benefits of this - I keep all the activity-specific code inside activity, and I don't have to add new services for each activity types.
But seeing the official and internet samples doing it will specialized non-reusable services, I would like to check if this approach is OK, or I’m creating some problems here?
There is a potential problem here with regard to workflow persistence.
If you create long running worklfows that are persisted in a database to the runtime will be able to restart these workflows are not reloaded into memory until there is some external event that reloads them. As there they are responsible for triggering the event themselves but cannot until they are reloaded. And we have a catch 22 :-(
The proper way to do this is using an external service. And while this might feel like dividing the code into two places it really isn't. The reason is that the workflow is responsible for the big picture, IE what should be done. And the runtime service is responsible for the actual implementation or how it should be done. That way you can change the how without changing the why and when part.
A followup - regardless of all the reasons, why it "should be done" using a service, this will be directly supported by .NET 4.0, which provides a clean way for an activity to start an asynchronous work, while suspending the persistence of the activity.
for details.
