How to Add multiple nested Dictionaries - dictionary

dicta={'name': 'C','children': {'name': 'testA','children': {'name': 'test_file'}}}
dictb={'name': 'C','children': {'name': 'testA','children': {'name': 'test_fileB','children': {'name': 'test_file'}}}}
dictc={'name': 'C','children':[{"name":"testA","children":[{"name":"test_file"},{'name': 'test_fileB','children': {'name': 'test_file'}}]}]}
I want to use dicta and dictb to get dictc;but I don't know how.

You can define a function to merge dictionaries and call it recursively:
def merge(dict1, dict2):
result = {**dict1}
if 'children' in dict1 and 'children' in dict2:
if dict1['children']['name'] == dict2['children']['name']:
result['children'] = [merge(dict1['children'], dict2['children'])]
result['children'] = [dict1['children'], dict2['children']]
elif 'children' in dict1:
result['children'] = [dict1['children']]
elif 'children' in dict2:
result['children'] = [dict2['chidlren']]
del result['children']
return result
dictc = merge(dicta, dictb)
You didn't provide many details on how exactly the merge should work, but this example does produce the dictc as you want. You may need to tweak something for your needs


Incrementing a value progressively on each item

So i have this Grafana dashboard that i'm making up using jq and different files. The problem i end up with is that when you export the json produced by Grafana, it will export it the way it sees it currently. Example:
"gridPos": {
"h": 1,
"w": 24,
"x": 0,
"y": 22
"panels": []
"gridPos": {
"h": 1,
"w": 24,
"x": 0,
"y": 43
"panels": []
"gridPos": {
"h": 1,
"w": 24,
"x": 0,
"y": 17
"panels": []
But the problem is that the grid positions need to be properly incremented (the Y's) so that when you reload the Grafana dashboards, the panels nested under row panels get set to their proper locations. If you have a sub panel that has a gridPos.y that is lower than the row panel's gridPos.y then it will appear in a weird location.
I tried using reduce and foreach but i'm not super good with these constructs yet. For example, i tried this:
1 as $currentY |
foreach .[] as $item (
(. + [$item * {"gridPos": {"y": ($currentY + 1)}}]);
. | last
But i can't figure out how to increment $currentY within the loop to achieve proper incrementation. The objective would be to nest a second foreach/reduce to continue setting and incrementing $currentY in all panels and sub panels.
Can you help? Thanks!
Note: I know i should use reduce when using .|last, this was just the last try. Don't point that out, i want guidance on how to increment $currentY in the current approach.
With your existing approach as such, you need to reference the y field in each $item processed and increment its value, rather than the predefined value of $currentY, i.e.
1 as $currentY |
foreach .[] as $item (
(. + [$item * {"gridPos": {"y": ($currentY + $item.gridPos.y )}}]);
which again could be written as
1 as $currentY |
foreach .[] as $item (
(. + [ $item | .gridPos.y += $currentY ]);
which again could be written with a simple walk expression
1 as $currentY |
walk ( if type == "object" and has("gridPos") then .gridPos.y += $currentY else . end )

Groovy: Dynamically create nested / combine maps in code

I'm trying to dynamically create nested map like below in code.
def people = [
[name: 'Ash', age: '21', gender: 'm'],
[name: 'Jo', age: '22', gender: 'f'],
[name: 'etc.', age: '42', gender: 'f']
So I can search it like below
person = people.findAll {item ->
item.gender == 'm' &&
item.age == '21'}
My problem is that whilst I can dynamically create one dimensional maps in code, I don't know how to dynamically combine maps in code to create nested map e.g. let's assume in code I have created two maps name1 and name2. How do I add them to people map so they are nested like above example?
def people = [:]
def name1 = [name:'ash', age:'21', gender:'m']
def name2 = [name:'Jo', age:'22', gender:'f']
I've searched / tried so many posts without success. Below is close, but does not work :(
In your example, people is a list of maps, not a nested map
So you can simply do:
def people = []
def name1 = [name:'ash', age:'21', gender:'m']
def name2 = [name:'Jo', age:'22', gender:'f']
people += name1
people += name2
Or define it in one line:
def people = [name1, name2]

Getting a list item within a dictionary by key

I have a list of state names:
stateNames = ['Alabama', 'Georgia', 'Florida']
And I have a dictionary that has a list of codes for each state name. *Not all states have codes. And I don't need the codes for all states, just the ones from the list:
masterdict = {'Alaska': [1,2,3], 'Alabama': [4, 5, 6], 'Arkansas': [7,8,9], 'Arizona': [], 'California': [], 'Colorado': [], 'Connecticut': [], 'DistrictOfColumbia': [], 'Delaware': [], 'Florida': [21, 48], 'Georgia': ['1,3,2,4,5'], 'Wyoming': []}
I want to look through my list and get the codes individually for each state in that list. I'm still a little off on the logic. One is a list(item in list) and one is a dictionary with keys ('state name') and values (list of codes). What am I doing incorrectly here:
for item in stateNames:
for k in masterdict.item():
if item == masterdict[k]:
In your first loop, you are getting all of the keys. So you don't need to do another loop. Just grab the value by the key.
for item in stateNames:

Using Map in PySpark to parse and assign column names

Here is what I am trying to do.
The input data looks like this(Tab seperated):
12/01/2018 user1 23.3s
12/01/2018 user2 21.1s
The data is coming in through Kafka and is being parsed with the following code.
kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, "spark-streaming-consumer", {topic: 1})
lines = x: x[1])
parsed_log = lines.flatMap(lambda line: line.split(" "))
.map(lambda item: ('key', {
'date': item['date'],
'user': item['user'],
'ip': item['ip'],
'duration': item['duration'],}))
The parsed logs should be in the following format:
('key', {'date': 12/01/2018, 'user': user1, 'ip':, 'duration': 23.3s})
('key', {'date': 12/01/2018, 'user': user2, 'ip':, 'duration': 21.1s})
In my code the code lines for "lines" and "parsed_log" and not doing the job. Could you please let me know how to go about this.
This is the solution:
lines = x: x[1])
variables_per_stream = line: line.split(" ")) item: ('key', {'id': item[0],'name': item[1]}))

How to update a Python dictionary with a reference dictionary the Pythonic way?

I think it is pretty straightforward. All I am trying to do is update the original dictionary's 'code' with that of another dictionary which has the value. I get a feeling 2 for loops and an IF loop can be further shortened to get the answer. In my actual problem, I have few 1000's of dicts that I have to update. Thanks guys!
referencedict = {'A': 'abc', 'B': 'xyz'}
mylistofdict = [{'name': 'John', 'code': 'A', 'age': 28}, {'name': 'Mary', 'code': 'B', 'age': 32}, {'name': 'Joe', 'code': 'A', 'age': 43}]
for eachdict in mylistofdict:
for key, value in eachdict.items():
if key == 'code':
eachdict[key] = referencedict[value]
print mylistofdict
[{'age': 28, 'code': 'abc', 'name': 'John'}, {'age': 32, 'code': 'xyz', 'name': 'Mary'}, {'age': 43, 'code': 'abc', 'name': 'Joe'}]
There is no need to loop over all values of eachdict, just look up code directly:
for eachdict in mylistofdict:
if 'code' not in eachdict:
eachdict['code'] = referencedict[eachdict['code']]
You can probably omit the test for code being present, your example list always contains a code entry, but I thought it better to be safe. Looking up the code in the referencedict structure assumes that all possible codes are available.
I used if 'code' not in eachdict: continue here; the opposite is just as valid (if 'code' in eachdict), but this way you can more easily remove the line if you do not need it, and you save yourself an indent level.
referencedict = {'A': 'abc', 'B': 'xyz'}
mylistofdict = [{'name': 'John', 'code': 'A', 'age': 28}, {'name': 'Mary', 'code': 'B', 'age': 32}, {'name': 'Joe', 'code': 'A', 'age': 43}]
for x in mylistofdict:
except KeyError:
