Why does my symfony demo install with an old version of symfony? - symfony

I installed the symfony demo but it installs using an older version, I'm not sure why?
Earlier I installed an older version of the demo using command:
composer create-project symfony/symfony-demo bp3 1.1.1
This works fine and installs to directory bp3, runs fine, uses Symfony 3.3.9 (pops up a box in the bottom right on the Dev toolbar in red with the Symfony logo says sf 3.3.9 and when you hover says it is out of support).
Then I tried to install the latest version of the demo using command:
symfony new bp4 --demo
I assumed it would install the latest version of the demo to directly bp4, but when I launch the site in directory bp4 it is running on Symfony 3.3.6. (pops up a box in the bottom right on the Dev toolbar in red with the Symfony logo says sf 3.3.6 and when you hover says it is out of support).
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Symfony CLI version v4.14.4
Composer version 1.10.6 (installed globally)
PHP 7.2.11 (cli)
Thank you

Use create-project symfony/symfony-demo project-folder.
If you want to use latest version of Symfony install PHP 7.3.5 or latest (I'm use PHP 7.4.2)


Tried calling FirebaseX.subscribe, but the FirebaseX plugin is not installed

I recently ran in to this problem out of no where. Every thing was working perfectly fine before, but recently I am not able to subscribe to a topic. I cant see the topics name on the cloud messaging portal.
Tried calling FirebaseX.subscribe, but the FirebaseX plugin is not installed
common.js:279 Install the FirebaseX plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add
The weird part is that I already have the plugin installed.
I ran the following commands.
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebasex
npm install #ionic-native/firebase-x
Here is a part of my cordova plugin list
cordova-plugin-firebasex 9.0.2-cli "Google Firebase Plugin"
cordova-plugin-googlemaps 2.7.0-20200330-2338 "cordova-plugin-googlemaps"
cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3 "cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard"
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 4.1.1 "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview"
cordova-plugin-market 1.2.0 "Market"
cordova-plugin-nativestorage 2.3.2 "NativeStorage"
cordova-plugin-screen-orientation 3.0.2 "Screen Orientation"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.3 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.3 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.4 "Whitelist"
cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing 5.4.7 "SocialSharing"
cordova-promise-polyfill 0.0.2 "cordova-promise-polyfill"
Any one familiar with this situation?
The error message indicates the plugin is not available at runtime; this could be because the plugin failed to install into your project.
Remove and re-add the mobile platform, e.g.
ionic cordova platform rm ios --nosave && ionic cordova platform add ios --nosave --verbose
Then look for errors in the console output.
(If testing Android then substitute android for ios above).
did you get the error message "Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova version. cordova: 8.1.1, failed version requirement: >=9" while installing the plugin.
Supported Cordova Versions
cordova: >= 9
cordova-android: >= 8
cordova-ios: >= 5
It doesn't work when using live reload, i.e. when I use ionic cordova run android, but it does work when I use ionic cordova build android and get the apk file transferred on the phone. The apk file should be in /platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug.
You can then use adb install to transfer the file to your phone.

How to correctly install Zend Framework 3 with Composer?

I'm trying to install Zend Framework 3, but I don't know why I get ZF 2.51.
I've followed the Zend docs https://framework.zend.com/downloads
and after I've launched the command to create the project if I go to the home of the project just created, I see "Welcome to Zend Framework 2"
Congratulations! You have successfully installed the ZF2 Skeleton Application. You are currently running Zend Framework version 2.5.1. This skeleton can serve as a simple starting point for you to begin building your application on ZF2.
What I have wrong?
composer create-project zendframework/skeleton-application path/to/install
I've update Composer to the latest version 1.8.3, but I still can't use Zend 3.
When I try to use:
composer create-project zendframework/skeleton-application projectname "3.0" I get this error:
Could not find package zendframework/skeleton-application with version ^3.0
Try specifying a version number:
composer create-project zendframework/skeleton-application /path/to/install ^3.0
Worked for me. Looks like it automatically pulls an older version.

How to create production stability drupal 8 project using composer?

I've been getting to drupal and recently found out about composer. I use the following command to create a dev drupal instance:
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:~8.x-dev <folder-name> --stability dev --no-interaction
I was wondering what the package name is for the stable release of drupal.
Thank you.
You shouldn't need to change anything about your core build, both development and production will be running the current build of drupal/core. But modules like Devel or Stage File Proxy can be added to the require-dev section in your composer.json and installed while doing development and kept out of the build on production.
Hopefully this link will help: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/update/update-core-via-composer#update-drupal-8-core
The very last part about Production environments says to run composer install --no-dev to remove any dev dependencies from the build.

In Composer force install when bundle requires older version of symfony2

The title I think is pretty clear: how do I install a bundle that requires a slightly older version of symfony?
For example: I have the 2.4.* and the bundle requires 2.3.*.
I am sure that the bundle will also work for this version, but composer doesn't allow me to install it.
How can I resolve?

Using Products.ResourceRegistries 2.1.2 on plone 4.1.4

I would like to use plone.app.jquery 1.7.2 on my plone 4.1.4, but it doesn't work because plone 4.1.4 use an old version of Products.ResouceRegistries that doesn't enable the "bundle" option.
So I figure myself that I have to update Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.1.2.
I have modified the versions.cfg and run buildout, but with no effect (no download of the new version).
How could I update the version ?
Why not just upgrade to Plone 4.2?
The problem was there is a kgv in the buildout that pinned Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.0.6 :
Removing the ?plone=4.1.4 and pin Products.ResouceRegistries to 2.1.2 make it works.
