How can I merge two dataframes equivalently to VLookup criteria? - r

I have just recently started using R for my master thesis. I need to match the ID number (uuid) of dataframe 1 to the investee names in dataframe 2.
Dataframe 1
investee_name uuid
1 Wetpaint e1393508
2 Zoho bf4d7b0e
3 Digg 5f2b40b8
4 Omidyar Network f4d5ab44
5 Facebook df662812
6 Trinity Ventures 7ca12f
Dataframe 2:
investee_name investor_name investor_type
1 Facebook cel organization
2 Facebook Grock Partners organization
3 Facebook Partners organization
4 Photobucket Ventures organization
5 Geni Fund organization
6 Gizmoz Capital organization
As you can see, in Dataframe 2 the investee names appear mutliple times. With VLookup in Excel I could have easily matched the respective IDs from dataframe 1 but for some reason the merging does not work in R.
I have tried the following:
investments_complete <- merge(v2_investments, ID_organizations, by.x= names(v2_investments)[1], by.y= names(ID_organizations)[1])
v2_investments_complete <- (merge(ID_organizations,v2_investments, by = "investee_name"))
for both options it merges the ID colums but I get 0 observations.
At last, I tried this:
v2_investments_merged <- merge(v2_investments, ID_organizations, by.x = "investee_name", by.y = "investee_name", all.x= TRUE)
here the merge works and all needed observations are there but al IDs have the value NA.
Is there any kind of merge function that mirrors the Vlookup that I intend to do? I've spent hours trying to solve this but couldn't, so I would be very grateful for support!

It is possible that there are some leading/lagging spaces in the by columns. One option is trimws from base R which would remove the whitespace from both ends (if any)
v2_investments$investee_name <- trimws(v2_investments$investee_name)
ID_organizations$investee_name <- trimws(ID_organizations$investee_name)
Now, the merge should work


fuzzy and exact match of two databases

I have two databases. The first one has about 70k rows with 3 columns. the second one has 790k rows with 2 columns. Both databases have a common variable grantee_name. I want to match each row of the first database to one or more rows of the second database based on this grantee_name. Note that merge will not work because the grantee_name do not match perfectly. There are different spellings etc. So, I am using the fuzzyjoin package and trying the following:
library("haven"); library("fuzzyjoin"); library("dplyr")
filings <- read_dta ("/path/filings.dta")
> head(forfuzzy)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
grantee_name grantee_city grantee_state
<chr> <chr> <chr>
... 7 - 70000 rows to go
> head(filings)
# A tibble: 6 x 2
grantee_name ein
<chr> <dbl>
4 10 CAN 654987
rows 7-790000 omitted for brevity
The above examples are clear enough to provide some good matches and some not-so-good matches. Note that, for example, 10 THOUSAND WINDOWS will match best with 10 THOUSAND MUSKETEERS INC but it does not mean it is a good match. There will be a better match somewhere in the filings data (not shown above). That does not matter at this stage.
So, I have tried the following:
df<, filings, by="grantee_name", method="jw", p=0.1, max_dist=0.1, distance_col="distance"))
Totally new to R. This is resulting in an error:
cannot allocate vector of size 375GB (with the big database of course). A sample of 100 rows from forfuzzy always works. So, I thought of iterating over a list of 100 rows at a time.
I have tried the following:
lst = split(forfuzzy, cumsum((1:nrow(forfuzzy)-1)%%n==0))
df<, function(df_)
(stringdist_inner_join(df_, filings, by="grantee_name", method="jw", p=0.1, max_dist=0.1, distance_col="distance", nthread = getOption("sd_num_thread")))
)%>% bind_rows)
I have also tried the above with mclapply instead of lapply. Same error happens even though I have tried a high-performance cluster setting 3 CPUs, each with 480G of memory and using mclapply with the option mc.cores=3. Perhaps a foreach command could help, but I have no idea how to implement it.
I have been advised to use the purrr and repurrrsive packages, so I try the following:
purrr::map(lst, ~stringdist_inner_join(., filings, by="grantee_name", method="jw", p=0.1, max_dist=0.1, distance_col="distance", nthread = getOption("sd_num_thread")))
This seems to be working, after a novice error in the by=grantee_name statement. However, it is taking forever and I am not sure it will work. A sample list in forfuzzy of 100 rows, with n=10 (so 10 lists with 10 rows each) has been running for 50 minutes, and still no results.
If you split (with base::split or dplyr::group_split) your uniquegrantees data frame into a list of data frames, then you can call purrr::map on the list. (map is pretty much lapply)
purrr::map(list_of_dfs, ~stringdist_inner_join(., filings, by="grantee_name", method="jw", p=0.1, max_dist=0.1, distance_col="distance"))
Your result will be a list of data frames each fuzzyjoined with filings. You can then call bind_rows (or you could do map_dfr) to get all the results in the same data frame again.
See R - Splitting a large dataframe into several smaller dateframes, performing fuzzyjoin on each one and outputting to a single dataframe
I haven't used foreach before but maybe the variable x is already the individual rows of zz1?
Have you tried:
stringdist_inner_join(x, zz2, by="grantee_name", method="jw", p=0.1, max_dist=0.1, distance_col="distance")

Extracting a value based on multiple conditions in R

Quick question - I have a dataframe (severity) that looks like,
industryType relfreq relsev
1 Consumer Products 2.032520 0.419048
2 Biotech/Pharma 0.650407 3.771429
3 Industrial/Construction 1.327913 0.609524
4 Computer Hardware/Electronics 1.571816 2.019048
5 Medical Devices 1.463415 3.028571
6 Software 0.758808 1.314286
7 Business/Consumer Services 0.623306 0.723810
8 Telecommunications 0.650407 4.247619
if I wanted to pull the relfreq of Medical Devices (row 5) - how could I subset just that value?
I was thinking about just indexing and doing severity$relfreq[[5]], but I'd be using this line in a bigger function where the user would specify the industry i.e.
example <- function(industrytype) {
weight <- relfreq of industrytype parameter
thing2 <- thing1*weight
So if I do subset by an index, is there a way R would know which index corresponds to the industry type specified in the function parameter? Or is it easier/a way to just subset the relfreq column by the industry name?
You would require to first select the row of interest and then keep the 2 column you requested (industryType and relfreq).
There is a great package that allows you to do this intuitively with tidyverse library(tidyverse)
data_want <- severity %>%
subset(industryType =="Medical Devices") %>%
select(industryType, relfreq)
Here you read from left to right with the %>% serving as passing the result to the next step as if nesting.
I think that selecting whole row is better, then choose column which you would like to see.
frame <- severity[severity$industryType == 'Medical Devices',]

How to write a for-loop that searches names from data.frame in a character vector?

I have a data.frame with names of football players, for example:
names <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),
year=c('Maradona', 'Cruyff', 'Messi', 'Ronaldo', 'Pele', 'Van Basten', 'Diego'))
> names
id year
1 1 Maradona
2 2 Cruyff
3 3 Messi
4 4 Ronaldo
5 5 Pele
6 6 Van Basten
7 7 Diego
I also have a 6,000 scraped text files, containing stories about these football players. These stories are stored as 6,000 elements in a large vector called stories.
Is there a way a loop (or an apply function) can be written that searches for the names of each of the football players. If a match or multiple matches occur, I would like to record the element number and the name(s) of the football player.
For example, consider the following text in stories[1]:
Diego Armando Maradona (born 30 October 1960) is a retired Argentine
professional footballer. He has served as a manager and coach at other
clubs as well as the national team of Argentina. Many in the sport,
including football writers, former players, current players and
football fans, regard Maradona as the greatest football player of all
time. He was joint FIFA Player of the 20th Century
with Pele.
The ideal data.frame would have the following structure:
> outcome
element name1 name2
1 1 Maradona Pele
Does somebody know a way to write such a code that results in one data.frame for with information on all football players?
I just did it with a loop, but maybe you can do it with an apply function
#Make sure you include stringsAsFactors = F or my code won't work
football_names <- data.frame(id=c(1:7),
year=c('Maradona', 'Cruyff', 'Messi', 'Ronaldo', 'Pele', 'Van Basten', 'Diego'),stringsAsFactors = F)
outcome <- data.frame(element=football_names$id)
for (i in 1:nrow(football_names)){
names_in_story <- football_names$year[football_names$year %in% unlist(strsplit(stories[i],split=" "))]
for (j in 1:length(names_in_story)){
outcome[i,j+1] <- names_in_story[j]
names(outcome) <- c("element",paste0("name",1:(ncol(outcome)-1)))
I don't undertsand your question exactly. But you can try to use a string match using astringr function and lapply.
I assumed that your data stories is a list.
The function finds all names you provide into the function as a vector and counts their occurence. The output is again a list.
foo <- function(x,y) table(unlist(str_match_all(x,paste0(y,collapse = "|"))))
The result
res <- lapply(series, foo,names$year)
Then you can merge and sum up the data (rowSums()) for example like this:
Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T, by="Var1"), res)

How do I generate a dataframe displaying the number of unique pairs between two vectors, for each unique value in one of the vectors?

First of all, I apologize for the title. I really don't know how to succinctly explain this issue in one sentence.
I have a dataframe where each row represents some aspect of a hospital visit by a patient. A single patient might have thousands of rows for dozens of hospital visits, and each hospital visit could account for several rows.
One column is Medical.Record.Number, which corresponds to Patient IDs, and the other is Patient.ID.Visit, which corresponds to an ID for an individual hospital visit. I am trying to calculate the number of hospital visits each each patient has had.
For example:
Medical.Record.Number    Patient.ID.Visit
AAAXXX           1111
AAAXXX           1112
AAAXXX           1113
AAAZZZ           1114
AAAZZZ           1114
AAABBB           1115
AAABBB           1116
would produce the following:
Medical.Record.Number   Number.Of.Visits
AAAXXX          3
AAAZZZ          1
AAABBB          2
The solution I am currently using is the following, where "data" is my dataframe:
#this function returns the number of unique hospital visits associated with the
#supplied record number
countVisits <- function(record.number){ <- data$Patient.ID.Visit[which(data$Medical.Record.Number
== record.number)]
recordNumbers <- unique(data$Medical.Record.Number)
visits <- integer()
for (record in recordNumbers){
visits <- c(visits, countVisits(record))
visit.counts <- data.frame(recordNumbers, visits)
This works, but it is pretty slow. I am dealing with potentially millions of rows of data, so I'd like something efficient. From what little I know about R, I know there's usually a faster way to do things without using a for-loop.
This essentially looks like a table() operation after you take out duplicates. First, some sample data
#sample data
dd<-read.table(text="Medical.Record.Number Patient.ID.Visit
AAABBB 1116", header=T)
then you could do
tt <- table(Medical.Record.Number=unique(dd)$Medical.Record.Number), responseName="Number.Of.Visits") #to get a data.frame rather than named vector (table)
# Medical.Record.Number Number.Of.Visits
# 1 AAABBB 2
# 2 AAAXXX 3
# 3 AAAZZZ 1
Or you could also think of this as an aggregation problem
aggregate(Patient.ID.Visit~Medical.Record.Number, dd, function(x) length(unique(x)))
# Medical.Record.Number Patient.ID.Visit
# 1 AAABBB 2
# 2 AAAXXX 3
# 3 AAAZZZ 1
There are many ways to do this, #MrFlick provided handful of perfectly valid approaches. Personally I'm fond of the data.table package. Its faster on large data frames and I find the logic to be more intuitive than the base functions. I'd check it out if you are having problems with execution time.
med.dt <- data.table(med_tbl)
num.visits.dt <- med.dt[ , num_visits = length(unique(Patient.ID.Visit)),
by = Medical.Record.Number]
data.Table should be much faster than data.frame on a large tables.

Simple lookup to insert values in an R data frame

This is a seemingly simple R question, but I don't see an exact answer here. I have a data frame (alldata) that looks like this:
Case zip market
1 44485 NA
2 44488 NA
3 43210 NA
There are over 3.5 million records.
Then, I have a second data frame, 'zipcodes'.
market zip
1 44485
1 44486
1 44488
... ... (100 zips in market 1)
2 43210
2 43211
... ... (100 zips in market 2, etc.)
I want to find the correct value for alldata$market for each case based on alldata$zip matching the appropriate value in the zipcode data frame. I'm just looking for the right syntax, and assistance is much appreciated, as usual.
Since you don't care about the market column in alldata, you can first strip it off using and merge the columns in alldata and zipcodes based on the zip column using merge:
merge(alldata[, c("Case", "zip")], zipcodes, by="zip")
The by parameter specifies the key criteria, so if you have a compound key, you could do something like by=c("zip", "otherfield").
Another option that worked for me and is very simple:
alldata$market<-with(zipcodes, market[match(alldata$zip, zip)])
With such a large data set you may want the speed of an environment lookup. You can use the lookup function from the qdapTools package as follows:
alldata$market <- lookup(alldata$zip, zipcodes[, 2:1])
alldata$zip %l% zipcodes[, 2:1]
Here's the dplyr way of doing it:
alldata %>%
select(-market) %>%
left_join(zipcodes, by="zip")
which, on my machine, is roughly the same performance as lookup.
The syntax of match is a bit clumsy. You might find the lookup package easier to use.
alldata <- data.frame(Case=1:3, zip=c(44485,44488,43210), market=c(NA,NA,NA))
zipcodes <- data.frame(market=c(1,1,1,2,2), zip=c(44485,44486,44488,43210,43211))
alldata$market <- lookup(alldata$zip, zipcodes$zip, zipcodes$market)
## Case zip market
## 1 1 44485 1
## 2 2 44488 1
## 3 3 43210 2
