I am trying to do the following:
I have a two datasets about my company. The first one has, say, the top 20 growing sellers. The second one has the bottom 20 losing sellers. So, it's something like this:
growing_seller <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","h")
sales_yoy_growing <- c(100000,90000,75000,50000,37500,21000,15000,12000,10000,8000)
top_growing <- data.frame(growing_seller,sales_yoy_growing)
losing_seller <- c("i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r")
sales_yoy_losing <- c(-90000,-75000,-50000,-37500,-21000,-15000,-12000,-10000,-8000,-5000)
bottom_losing <- data.frame(losing_seller,sales_yoy_losing)
I am trying to plot both charts in the same plot using DIFFERENT categories, corresponding to the sellers' name. So what I have so far is this:
growing_seller <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","h")
sales_yoy_growing <- c(100000,90000,75000,50000,37500,21000,15000,12000,10000,8000)
top_growing <- data.frame(growing_seller,sales_yoy_growing)
losing_seller <- c("i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r")
sales_yoy_losing <- c(-90000,-75000,-50000,-37500,-21000,-15000,-12000,-10000,-8000,-5000)
bottom_losing <- data.frame(losing_seller,sales_yoy_losing)
highchart() %>%
data = top_growing$sales_yoy_growing,
type = "column",
grouping = FALSE
) %>%
data = bottom_losing$sales_yoy_losing,
type = "column"
This is what I want to achieve graphically: Chart example
Now,I would like to have a different category array per each independent x-axis: something like the possibility to have "two hc_xAxis" controls, where I could specify per each plotted series its own categories.
My final aim is to, then, have the seller's name as I parse over each of the different columns.
Hope I was clear enough :)
Highcharts displays the point's name in the tooltip by default. You just need to point the name value in your data.
You can do it this way:
top_growing <- data.frame(name = growing_seller, y = sales_yoy_growing)
This is the whole code:
growing_seller <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","h")
sales_yoy_growing <- c(100000,90000,75000,50000,37500,21000,15000,12000,10000,8000)
top_growing <- data.frame(name = growing_seller, y = sales_yoy_growing)
losing_seller <- c("i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r")
sales_yoy_losing <- c(-90000,-75000,-50000,-37500,-21000,-15000,-12000,-10000,-8000,-5000)
bottom_losing <- data.frame(name = losing_seller, y = sales_yoy_losing)
highchart() %>%
data = top_growing,
type = "column",
grouping = FALSE
) %>%
data = bottom_losing,
type = "column"
I would like the user to be able to page through the plots in a trelliscopejs object by group. In the following example the group I would like to paginate by is "continent". In the example, there are always 10 plots per page. The first 5 plots are from continent Africa, the next three Americas and the final two Asia. Instead, I would like each page to show one continent only by default (user could then sort and filter as needed). So the 5 Africa plots would show on the first page, then the user would click next, and view the 3 Americas plots, then click next and view 3 Asia plots, and so on.
# reduced gapminder dataset to use for this example
data <- gapminder %>%
filter(country %in% sample(levels(country),15)) %>%
nest(data = !one_of(c("country", "continent")))
# add a plot column with map_plot
pops <- data %>% mutate(
panel = map_plot(data, function(x) {
plot_ly(data = x, x = ~year, y = ~pop,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers")
# generate trelliscope object
pops %>%
arrange(continent, country) %>%
trelliscope(name = "populations", nrow = 2, ncol = 5)
Would it be possible to paginate by group in this way?
I have a column that contains 4 variables which are( Bad , Good , Very Good , Excellent )
I need to count how much they repeats in that column and compare each of them and presint to me in pie chart and bar chart in echarts4r
For example : df <- data.frame( var = c("low","low","low","high") ) i want the same result as ggplot(df)+geom_bar(aes(var)).
First you need to create a dataframe which shows the count per var and after that you can use this in e_chart with e_bar like this:
df <- data.frame( var = c("low","low","low","hight") )
df_result <- df %>%
count(var) %>%
plot <- df_result %>%
e_charts(x = var) %>%
e_bar(n, legend = FALSE, name = "var")
Which is the same result using ggplot:
I am using from the package OlinkAnalyze and I am trying to make box plots.
df = npx_data1
the code for the boxplot is:
plot <- df %>%
na.omit() %>% # removing missing values which exists for Site
olink_boxplot(variable = "Site",
olinkid_list = c("OID01216", "OID01217"),
number_of_proteins_per_plot = 2)
It takes values from the olinkID column. What I would like, is to loop through the column, choosing the next two olinkID at a time, to make boxplots, renaming the plot each time (e.g.plot 1 with OID01216 and OID01217 and plot 2 with OID01218 OID01219
I used a while loop.
df = npx_data1
i <- 1
ids <- as.data.frame(unique(df$OlinkID))
while(i <= nrow(ids)){
x <- i+1
temp <- ids[i:x,]
plotx <- df %>%
na.omit() %>% #
olink_boxplot(variable = "Site",
olinkid_list = c(paste(c(ids[i,],ids[x,]))),
number_of_proteins_per_plot = 2)
plottemp <- assign(paste0("plot_",ids[i,],"_",ids[i,]),plotx)
i <- i+2
If you want the loop, you could write like this:
for i in seq(from = 1, to = length(data$OlinkID), by = 2){
the plot code
This way you can access the two observations you want by data$OlinkID[i] or data$OlinkID[i+1].
So the boxplot code should be
plot <- data %>%
na.omit() %>%
olink_boxplot(variable = "Oxwatchtime",
olinkid_list = c(data$OlinkID[i],data$OlinkID[i+1]),
number_of_proteins_per_plot = 2)
If you want to save the plots, add a ggsave() or a png()/pdf() in the loop to save them externally or create a list with them using ggarrange() function from ggpubr package. Let me know if it works as you intended.
OlinkAnalyze::olink_boxplot() plots several plots until all proteins specified under the olinkid_list argument are plotted. The number_of_proteins_per_plot argument determines the number of IDs plotted on one plot.
Try this:
ids <- unique(npx_data1$OlinkID)
variable = "Site",
olinkid_list = ids,
verbose = TRUE,
number_of_proteins_per_plot = 2)
The code runs for a while as each plot takes time to be generated. When it completes you can use the arrow buttons in RStudio to look at all the plots.
For the past few days I have been trying to figure out how to draw a Venn diagram from an arbitrary number of sets and came across the R package venneuler. This code:
genes <- paste("gene",1:20,sep="")
df = data.frame(term=character(), class=character(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (k in 1:15) {
df2=data.frame(term=sample(genes,10), class = rep(paste("class ",k,sep=""),10), stringsAsFactors =
v <- venneuler(df)
par(cex = 0.5)
produces a figure like this:
This figure was just what I was looking for. Anyway, I would like to remove the name of the set (class 1, class 2 etc.) from the plot, and instead add the elements (e.g. gene1, gene2) contained within each set.
You could directly modify v$labels:
v <- venneuler(df)
par(cex = 0.5)
# Create the list of genes per class
classgenes <- df %>% group_by(class) %>%
summarize(labels = paste(stringr::str_sort(term,numeric=T),collapse = '\n')) %>%
# Order the class new label according to v$labels order
newlabels <- left_join(data.frame(class = v$labels), classgenes)
#> Joining, by = "class"
# Modify the labels
v$labels <- newlabels$labels
I want to use the tooltip function within ggvis to create hover text for specific points along a curve. I can get the plot to form, but the text in the hover field won't show up. This occurs when I try to add a background layer that should not be considered part of the interactive part of the visualization. Below is some code illustrating:
# one-compartment oral concentration curve
comp1.oral <- function(ka,ke,v,f,dose,time){
(ka * dose * f)/ (v*(ka-ke)) * (exp(-ke * time) - exp(-ka*time))
time <- 0:200 # time points to create curve
tp <- 6 # number of times to sample
tmax <- max(time)
#generically choosing tp points to sample at
tnew <- exp(seq(0,log(tmax),length=(tp)))
#computing the concentration (y value)
y <- comp1.oral(.1,.03,4,1,100,tnew)
#creating dataframe with values
# PK and ECG should be in the hover text
d1 <- data.frame(
Conc= y,
PK = 1:tp,
ECG= "No"
# creating a column with the text to appear in the hover box
d1$long <- paste0("PK: ",d1$PK,"<br>","ECG: ",d1$ECG,"<br>")
#creating another data frame to input the time-conc curve as a background layer
d2 <- data.frame(
The code below will form the plot I want but without the hover text.
d1 %>%
ggvis(x = ~Time, y=~Conc) %>%
layer_points(size.hover:=200) %>%
layer_paths(~x,~y,data=d2) %>%
if (!is.null(d1$Time)) paste0("PK:", "<br>ECG:", "<br>Time: ", as.character(round(d1$Time)), " minutes post-dose")
}, "hover")
I would like to get the otehr values from d1$long into the hover text box. I tried adding it similar to what is seen in the rotten tomatoes shiny example, but it wouldn't work.
I tried the following, but it can't seem to find the additional text in the variable d1$long
d1 %>%
ggvis(x = ~Time, y=~Conc, key := ~long) %>%
layer_points(size.hover:=200) %>%
layer_paths(~x,~y,data=d2) %>%
if (!is.null(d1$Time)) paste0(as.character(d1$long),"Time: ", as.character(round(d1$Time)), " minutes post-dose")
}, "hover")
The error is that the variable should be passed in the layer_points
d1 %>%
ggvis(x = ~Time, y=~Conc) %>%
layer_points(size.hover:=200, key := ~long) %>%
layer_paths(~x,~y,data=d2) %>%
if (!is.null(d1$Time)) paste0(as.character(d1$long),"Time: ", as.character(round(d1$Time)), " minutes post-dose")
}, "hover")