Do I need to continue build my model until controller and view or create another model to create associations to each? - ruby-on-rails-6

In my rails app, I am done creating my first model and the unit testing. What to do next?

Let us take an example of user and post, the classic example in the ruby guides. My advice would be you want to ensure that users can be successfully created for instance. This entails creating an interface for their creation if it is web then after creating model and testing, creating routes, controller, and view in that order would be great, you want to create the user successfully be continue. We solve small problems at a time. If you going the TDD way then I would recommend outside testing using capybara


Generating test data for functional tests

I need to generate some test data for a Web and WPF application (both .NET Apps). So I had two possible solution in my mind.
Generate test data by using sql scripts. This approach has the issue that I need to validate the inserted data.
Use the insert API of my .NET code to generate test data. For this I am not sure if its oversized, but I would reuse the validation logic of my code.
Do you have any other suggestions? Maybe Microsoft tools for supporting those creation tasks?
Don't use sql/db in your test. It is extra dependency that has nothing to do of your program logic. Normally, I would create an interface called IDataProvider and then provide different implementation i.e. DbDataProvider for normal execution or FakeDataProvdier for testing. With that IDataProvider interface, means that you can plug into whatever datasource your want for your testing e.g. TextFile, xml, json, objectbuilder using your own api etc.
Using insert API for generating test data is a better idea. But, why would you worry about performing validation to your test data ? Normally, a test should failed if the test data is wrong or you are not doing right functional test.

Entity Framework Best Practices in ASP.Net

I have just started working on entity framework in an application and I was wondering if someone could point in the right direction with respect to best practices. I have some questions in particular which I have listed below.
First of all I am using entity framework 4.0. I already have my database created and so I created a class library and generated the entity model from the database. I had been using Guids generated by the database so I had to modify the ssl to include the attribute StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity". Is there a way to do this automatically or do I have to manually edit the ssl everytime I update the database and the model? (For those of you know are facing a problem with guids or want to know why I am doing this.. this is a clear article on the problem with auto generated GUIDs)
I was planning on using a single file in the class library to hold all the database queries. Is this good practice? How would I ensure different programmers dont rewrite the same queries over and over?
I was planning on using a unique context per method. Is this the right way to go? I read through Rick Strahl's post on context lifetime management. But I am still not sure if a unique context per method is the right way to go.
Can I have my database queries as static methods since they do not make use of any instance variables?
If I use a unique context per method as mentioned in 3 and I wish to modify an entity object returned by one context what would be the best practice? Do I use the attach functionality to attach the object to a new context and save the changes ? I havent tried this but I have read a couple of articles and it seems a bit straightforward but wanted to know if there are any alternatives to this.
If you any suggestions on how you use Entity Framework in an application I definitely could use help. This is my first framework application so any tips will help
This was issue in initial version of VS 2010. In some cases this should already work correctly once you have VS 2010 SP1 installed. If it doesn't install this KB.
You can easily get huge class with a lot of static methods. Try to use some separation by the entity type you are querying. You will never fully ensure that another programmer will not create the same query again. This is about correct query naming following same naming policy, documentation and communication among programmers.
Unique context "per method" is usually not needed. In most cases you should be happy with unique context per logical (business) transaction - in case of web application logical operation is in most cases single request processing = one context per request.
If you pass context instance to your queries the answer is yes. Once you don't create them as static and they will take context instance from their class instance you will be very close to repository pattern.
This is exactly problem with context per method and it is hard to solve because to make this work you must first detach entity from the first context and attach it to the second context. If your entity has also related entities loaded all these relations will be nulled during detaching (unless you use deep clone instead of detaching = creating second instance of the entity).

How to implement unit tests in a database-backed ASP.NET application (also UI testing)

ASP.NET apps that I've developed (on ASP.NET 2.0) have typically been backed by a database; the great majority of the .NET code on the server loads data in the form of a DataSet or SqlDataReader and uses it to databind something like a DataGrid. The meaningful logic is either database dependent or user interface dependent.
In this context, how should I implement unit tests that would be run by a continuous integration server (probably CruiseControl.NET)? Should I set up a test database connection for it to use to test CRUD operations and more complex SPROCs, or should more logic be contained in the .NET code and not in a SPROC? This becomes more complex when there is structure in the database that the application expects to find (such as a Users table in something I'm writing for a CMS).
Also, what are the best ways to do unit-testing of user interfaces? I've found NUnitASP, which is now abandoned but mentions Selenium and Watir.
Take a look at the MVP pattern (Model View Presenter). This should allow you to isolate the behaviour of your system and unit test it properly.
Also, consider switching to MVC (I would go with Fubu over ASP.NET MVC). This will allow you to test controllers and have a more rails-like experience.
To automate, I use WatiN (like watir but for .NET). On top of it I use StoryTeller (Google "StoryTeller Jeremy Miller") to present what is happening in a more human readable way and to provide templates for QA to use.
I would highly recommend against any business logic in sprocs. Stay away from them. Look at the repository pattern to abstract away getting and setting data.
Hope this gets you started.

How to test membership, profile, roles with VS Test Framework?

We're getting some errors, if we try to test something with the membership framework. It seems that it can't instantiate the membership environment and so, it can't access all the profiles, users and so on.
Has anybody seen a similar problem? Or is it working for someone?
If you are depending on external resources such as your database and the configuration files (used when using the ASP.NET membership) you aren't writing very effective unit tests. You will have to keep everything in sync including the data in the database. This because a maintenance nightmare.
If you want to test this way, I recommend setting up your configuration to have membership (you can grab this from your application). You then will also want to set up a test database to connect to. It needs to be populated with fake data, so you'll need scripts to make sure the data is consistent.
I would however recommend that you take the approach of doing more proper unit tests. When we refer to a "unit test" we mean testing a very small piece of code at a time. This code should not depend on anything else, so what you need to do is use interfaces and use fakes, stubs, or mocks so that your tests scope is enclosed to a single unit of code.
If you want to go this route I highly recommend reading Working Effectively with Legacy Code. There are also plenty of other books and resources which talk about how to find seams and decouple your code so you're able to test it. Once you get the hang of unit testing you'll be glad you looked into this.
The test framework is looking at the test project's web.config file which likely doesn't have the right configuration. You should really write interfaces around the authentication/membership providers and write some dummy implementations to test with.
Going on from Benrick's answer - I recommend you take a look at the ASP.NET MVC project - this has examples of the interfaces and wrappers you would need to have to properly unit test your code.
As the comments in the AccountController.cs file state:
The FormsAuthentication type is sealed and contains static members, so it is difficult to unit test code that calls its members. The interface and helper class below demonstrate how to create an abstract wrapper around such a type in order to make the AccountController code unit testable.

WatiN test data reset/clean up

I'm wondering how people are currently resetting their data / cleaning up test remnants for their WatiN/Wartir tests?
For example, lets say there's a test to add a user into the system and the username has to be unique. Obviously the first run without any users should work fine, but the second run will fail without manual intervention.
There are a couple of strategies that you could do for this, I am assuming that you are using WatiN, with Nunit or VS Unit tests to run your tests.
Use transactions
An approach that is used when unit testing is that you "wrap" the whole test in a transaction and at the completion of the test roll the transaction back. In .net you can use System.Transactions for this.
Build a "stub page"
Build a page in your applicaiton that uses the existing business logic to delete your data. This page would need to be secured and ideally not even deployed in to production.
This is the approach that I would recommend.
Call a web service
Develop a web service, or call one directly from the app tier of the applicaiton to perform the delete. You will probably need to develop this as well.
Clean up directly
Build some classes in your test code to access the data and clean it up.
With any of these you will need to cleanup before and after you run your test, i.e. in the test setup and test cleanup methods. The reason to do it twice is that you should assume that your test has failed and not cleaned up properley.
Use Linq to Sql AFAIK if you are using Linq to sql, it works in-memory and wraps the whole update in a transaction for you automatically. If you simply don't call the SubmitChanges(); method then you should be fine, but I haven't tested this myself.
I have asked a developer to make a script that will reset database. After a suite of tests, I just call that script and start from clean database.
Mike - your question isn't unique for Watir/WatiN. It applies for any UI testing, so search around for similar solutions for Selenium, Windmill, and even headless integration tests (HtmlUnit, API tests, etc). I've answered this question a couple times personally on StackOverflow.
WatiN is for UI testing.
In order to test the scenario you are looking for, you can generate user id using the c# code that will make it unique (as against the way it is stored when you created the test).
