How to synchronize QAudioOutput on multiple devices? - qt

I have an audio playing app that runs on several distributed devices, each with their own clock. I am using QAudioOutput to play the same audio on each device, and UDP broadcast from a master device to synchronize the other devices, so far so good.
However, I am having a hard time getting an accurate picture of "what is playing now" from QAudioOutput. I am using the QAudioOutput bufferSize() and bytesFree() to estimate what audio frame is currently being fed to the sound system, but the bytesFree() value progresses in a "chunky" fashion, so that (bufferSize() - bytesFree()) / bytesPerFrame doesn't give the number of frames remaining in the buffer, but some smaller number that bounces around relative to it.
The result I am getting now is that when my "drift indicator" updates, it will run around 0 for several seconds, then get indications in the -15 to -35 ms range every few seconds for maybe 20 seconds, then a correcting jump of about +120ms. Although I could try to analyze this long term pattern and tease out the true drift rate (maybe a couple of milliseconds per minute), I'd much rather work with more direct information if it's available.
Is there any way to read the true number of frames remaining in the QAudioOutput buffer while it is playing a stream?
I realize I could minimize my problems by radically reducing the buffer size and feeding QAudioOutput with a high priority process, but I'd rather have a solution that uses longer buffers and isn't so fussy about what it runs on - target platforms vary from Windows 10 machines to Raspberry Pi Zero Ws, possibly to Android phones.


The elegant way to handle ADCs with DMA in a RTOS

I'm currently setting up an AZURE RTOS (ThreadX on STM32), with Ethernet, SPI and ADCs activated.
This STM32 has to pass-through configuration information from time to time, coming from my PC over the Ethernet-Port.
It has to pass these information via SPI to two other STM32, which makes the first STM32 the system-controller / system-interface. This will be a low-priority task, since the activation of the passed configuration will be started by sync-lines, running from the system-controller to the two other STMs.
While doing so, the system-controller has to read-in ADC values constantly and pass them via Ethernet / TCP to my computer.
I've used the ThreadX TCP server example, as given by STM, as a starting point.
From there I've managed to set up three servers on three ports, communicating sucessfully with a python script on my PC (as a first test).
Now come the two great questions:
Since my input signal may contain frequencies up to 2.5 MHz, I want to digitize this signal with the full 5 MSPS (Nyquist), which ADC3 is capable of.
The smallest internally available data-type at full resolution is uint16_t, which makes the data rate work out to be R = 16 * 5 MSPS = 80 MBit/s (worst-case, I bet, there is optimization possible ... e.g. 8 bits resolution, which halves the data-rate ... but this resolution might not be enough ... or 16 bits, and FFT afterwards, which is also sufficient, since I'm mostly interested in energy per frequency band, but initially I wanted to do this on my computer, for best flexibility).
Even if the Ethernet-IF is capable of doing 100MBit/s, the TCP layer of NetXDuo, I bet, is not.
(There is also USB OTG on this board available, but since networked devices are in my opinion more versatile, I prefer using Ethernet ... nevertheless, USB might be a backup solution)
From my measurements, a data-stream transmitted to the uC via TC from within python, and mirrored back within a thread to my PC allows for relatively consistent 20 MBit/s.
... How do I push this speed to a better level?
(I think 20MBit/s is the back-and-forth data-rate, so one-way may be faster)
However. Second question:
The ADC within the STM is capable of storing data via DMA to memory.
There are two callbacks available, one at half-full, one at full buffer state.
My problem is mostly about the way of reading out the DMA and/or triggering the conversion in the first place.
How do you do this the "right" way on a RTOS (such that you don't brake the RT in RTOS)?
I see some options here, what are the pros/cons you can think of?
a) Let the ADC run freely, calling the call-backs at the respective fill-levels, triggering a TCP-transmission whenever one of the call-backs is reached
-> may lead to glitches due to insufficient speed of the TCP layer in my opinion.
b) Let the ADC conversion be triggered by a thread, which is preempted and will later TCP-transmit the data, as soon as the memory-buffer is full
-> may lead to inconsistency in the converted values, since you get burst-style conversions, with gaps in between, while the buffer is read
c) Let a thread trigger each conversion individually
-> A no-go I think, since threads are not triggered that often, to get a decent sample-frequency
d) Let a free-running ADC trigger callbacks, let a thread do the FFT, transmit within another thread the data via TCP
-> May work, but is less flexible, since the data gets crunched within the uC.
--> Are there other ways you can think of / what do you think about the ways I named here?
--> What do you think about question 1)?
Have a nice day!

sending two packages simultaneously through a bandwidth link between two network devices?

if i have two network devices A and B, and there is a bandwidth link of 1000 Mbps and i would like to send two packages simultaneously each with the size 500 Mb from device A to device B. how it works in real life. option (A) the link only transmits one package at a time until it reaches to its destination then sending the next package. for example, if i sent the two packages at 10:00 pm for the first package it will take (500/1000)(transmission delay) = 0.5 second to reach to device B at 10:05 pm then the next package will reach at 10:10 pm. option (B) the two packages will be sent at the same time and all reach to its destination (device B ) at 10:05 pm as the bandwidth can stand the two packages 500 + 500 = 1000 Mbps. if the second option is the correct answer, then if i want to send three packages each with the size 500 Mb, does that mean the third package will be lost due to inefficient bandwidth ?? please help
i am using a simulator, and in that simulator only one package is transmitted at a time until reaching its destination and then the second package is sent. is that how sending packages work in real life??
Why would you want to send two packages simultaneously? That's not a rhetorical question. It could make sense to send audio and video simultaneously, so the sound track matches up with the events on screen.
From a programming perspective, you hand off your data to the OS. This function call might not return immediately, if the amount of data is large and the OS has not enough RAM available to buffer it.
Note: you seem to mix up size and bandwidth, when you talk about 500 Mb + 500 Mb = 1000 Mbps. The units make it clear that this does not add up like that. Sending a 500 Mb package over a 1000 Mbps link indeed takes half a second (500 ms), sending 3 such packages takes 1500 ms. There's no magic at the 1000 millisecond barrier that would cause the first two packages to be sent, but the third package to be lost. In fact, it's quite possible to download a 700 MB file (~1 CD, 5800 MBit) over a 10 Mbit line. That just takes 580+ seconds.
Real world networking is a little more complicated. Firstly the data you send is not just send as a big block of data, but instead split up into Segments, Packets, Frames and bits by the different networking layers. If you want to know more read up on the OSI-model.
If the data is send over a normal networking cable (like CAT6) the Ethernet protocol is used, which depending on the version uses different encoding protocols: Although not used anymore Manchester Code is probably the easiest to get a rough understanding of what those do. Through that only one bit for every time-slot can be received.
If you are using an optic carrier it is possible to transmit multiple signals at the same time (compare multiplexing). Since this requires much more complex hardware it is not used between two (normal) computers, but between Providers and cities.
In your specific case the data send by some application is processed first by the operating system and then the network card until it is split up into Ethernet frames of 1518 bytes (compare MTU) which are then send over the network encoded by the specific method determined by the transmission technology. On Host B the same process is reversed. The different parts of your two data-packets can be send after each other, alternating or in some other form, which will be determined by the different layers and depending on their exact configurations.

Kontakt beacon has garbage response time at 6 metres

I'm reading so much propaganda about BLE beacons (, in my case) being accurate to the centimetre, readable at 70 metres etc etc, but my experience has been nothing like that.
I have 3 beacons. If they're in the next room over (door open, around 6 or 7 metres), it'll detect maybe one or two, after around 20 seconds. Even then I often need to restart my app over and over to detect it.
Move them to the same room, and they're pretty much okay. Everything's default, scanMode is 'LOW_LATENCY', scanPeriod is 'RANGING', I'm not sure what else I can do.
Do these results sound way off, or are they just not that good?
A few tips about Bluetooth beacons in general, not specifically Kontakt beacons:
When you need to restart your app to detect beacons, that clearly means it is something on the phone, not the beacons themselves that are the issue. That issue may be the app, the SDK, the Bluetooth stack on the phone, or the phone's bluetooth hardware. Try an off the shelf detector app like BeaconLocate for iOS or Android and also test with a different phone.
The range of a beacon is dependent on its output transmitter power, typically measured at 1 meter. This output power is adjustable on many hardware beacons and is often set lower than the maximum to save battery on battery-powered models. For best detection results, set the output power to the maximum that configuration allows. An output power at one meter should be at least -59 dBm for best results. Less negative numbers mean more power. Because some phone models have poor sensitivity and measure RSSI inaccurately, you may want to measure with different models. In general iOS models are more predictable receivers.
The range of a beacon between rooms varies greatly depending on materials in walls, furnishings, and local geometry. A beacon with an output power of -59 dBm at one meter can be reliably detected by a phone with a sensitive receiver at 40 meters away, but only with clear line of sight conditions (typically outdoors). Intermittently, I have seen such beacons be detected outdoors at over 100 meters away. Intermittently means that 99% of packets are lost, a small percentage are successfully received.
Always be skeptical of marketing claims from companies trying to sell you something. The above points should tell you what is achievable from an independent engineering perspective.

SNMP network bandwith logger-monitor

I have a switch working with SNMP protocol. I want to get/log or monitor the data of bandwith for switch and connected devices/ports. the amount of incoming or outgoing data have to be calculated periodically into a log file simply.
As another option, a simple program for monitoring the network bandwith, total data traffic etc. of SNMP network may be useful for me. But it have to be so compact and light software. many programs are not freeware and their sizes are very big. Is there a solution to do that process? Thanks..
Interfaces monitored through SNMP report their data usage in the ifInOctets and ifOutOctets counters. The numbers they report can't be used directly; you need to sample them every X minutes or seconds, where X gets smaller the faster the interface. You simply subtract the previous number from the current one to give you how much traffic went by during those X minutes. Watch out for wrapping as it gets to the 32 bit integer limit (it certainly won't send negative traffic ;-) The number X will be greatly affected by how long it takes to wrap a 32 bit number at the interfaces maximum speed.
If you have a high speed switch, ideally you should actually use the ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets if your switch supports it. These are 64-bit numbers and won't wrap frequently and thus X can become much much larger. But not all devices support them.

How to synchronize media playback over an unreliable network?

I wish I could play music or video on one computer, and have a second computer playing the same media, synchronized. As in, I can hear both computers' speakers at the same time, and it doesn't sound funny.
I want to do this over Wi-Fi, which is slightly unreliable.
Algorithmically, what's the best approach to this problem?
Whether both computers "play" the same media, or one "plays" the media and streams it to the other, doesn't matter to me.
I am certain this is a tractable problem because I once saw a demo of Wi-Fi speakers. That was 5+ years ago, so I'm figure the technology should make it easier today.
(I myself was looking for an application which did this, hoping I wouldn't have to write one myself, when I stumbled upon this question.)
You introduce a bit of buffer latency and use a network time-synchronization protocol to align the streams. That is, you split the stream up into packets, and timestamp each packet with "play later at time T", where T is for example 50-100ms in the future (or more if the network is glitchy). You send (or multicast) the packets on the local network, to all computers in the chorus. The computers will all play the sound at the same time because the application clock is synced.
Note that there may be other factors like OS/driver/soundcard latency which may have to be factored into the time-synchronization protocol. If you are not too discerning, the synchronization protocol may be as simple as one computer beeping every second -- plus you hitting a key on the other computer in beat. This has the advantage of accounting for any other source of lag at the OS/driver/soundcard layers, but has the disadvantage that manual intervention is needed if the clocks become desynchronized.
hybrid manual-network sync
One way to account for other sources of latency, without constant manual intervention, is to combine this approach with a standard network-clock synchronization protocol; the first time you run the protocol on new machines:
synchronize the machines with manual beat-style intervention
synchronize the machines with a network-clock sync protocol
for each machine in the chorus, take the difference of the two synchronizations; this is the OS/driver/soundcard latency of each machine, which they each keep track of
Now whenever the network backbone changes, all one needs to do is resync using the network-clock sync protocol (#2), and subtract out the OS/driver/soundcard latencies, obviating the need for manual intervention (unless you change the OS/drivers/soundcards).
nature-mimicking firefly sync
If you are doing this in a quiet room and all machines have microphones, you do not even need manual intervention (#1), because you can have them all follow a "firefly-style" synchronizing algorithm. Many species of fireflies in nature will all blink in unison. describes the algorithm these fireflies use: "If a firefly receives a flash of a neighbour firefly, it flashes slightly earlier." Flashes correspond to beeps or buzzes (through the soundcard, not the mobo piezo buzzer!), and seeing corresponds to listening through the microphone.
This may be a bit awkward over very large room distances due to the speed of sound, but I doubt it'll be an issue (if so, decrease rate of beeping).
The synchronization is relative to the position of the listener relative to each speaker. I don't think the reliability of the network would have as much to do with this synchronization as it would the content of the audio stream. In order to synchronize you need to find the distance between each speaker and the listener. Find the difference between each of those values and the value for the farthest speaker. For each 1.1 feet of difference, delay each of the close speakers by 1ms. This will ensure that the audio stream reaches the listener at the same time. This all assumes an open area, as any in proximity to your scenario will generate reflections of the audio waves and create destructive interference. Objects within the area may also transmit sound at a slower speed resulting in delayed sound of their own.
