Can't create [id] attribute in Grakn - vaticle-typedb

I'm trying to define a new attribute id like so:
id sub attribute, datatype double;
However when I try this, I get this syntax error:
define id sub attribute, datatype double;
no viable alternative at input 'id'
syntax error at line 1:
define id sub attribute, datatype double;
mismatched input 'id' expecting {'match', 'define', 'undefine', 'insert', 'compute'}
All uncommitted data is cleared
Is it not possible to create an attribute called id?

id is a reserved keyword in Graql.
Therefore, you cannot have a user-defined type called id, I suggest using identifier instead.
id is used for matching concepts in Grakn by their Grakn-generated id, like so:
match $x id V12345; get;
although the recommended approach is instead to match using a user-defined key.


Query SQLite using uuid returns nothing

I'm querying a SQLite db file using the id column, which is UNIQUEIDENTIFIER type.
The two commands are :
SELECT * FROM scanned_images WHERE id = cast('5D878B98-71B2-4DEE-BA43-61D11C8EA497' as uniqueidentifier)
SELECT * FROM scanned_images WHERE id = '5D878B98-71B2-4DEE-BA43-61D11C8EA497'
However, the above commands both returned nothing.
I also tried:
SELECT * FROM scanned_images WHERE rowid = 1
this command returns the correct data.
There is no uniqueidentifier data type in SQLite.
According to the rules of type affinity described here in 3.1. Determination Of Column Affinity, the column's affinity is numeric.
All that this expression does:
cast('5D878B98-71B2-4DEE-BA43-61D11C8EA497' as uniqueidentifier)
is return 5.
You should have defined the column's data type as TEXT, because you have to treat it like TEXT and write the condition:
WHERE id = '5D878B98-71B2-4DEE-BA43-61D11C8EA497'
WHERE id = '(5D878B98-71B2-4DEE-BA43-61D11C8EA497)'
if as shown in the image it contains surrounding parentheses.

Can I use a scalar function as the table name in .create table control command?

I have a stored function that generates an identity name based on a set of parameters like this:
.create function
with (docstring = 'Returns the table name for the specified data log provider.')
GetTableName(param1: string, param2: string)
// Some string cleansing and concatenation
let tableName = strcat(system, source);
I want to use this function to create a table. Tried the following options with no success:
.create table GetTableName('value1', 'value2') (Timestamp: datetime)
.create table [GetTableName('value1', 'value2')] (Timestamp: datetime)
I'm guessing the command expects the table name to be a string literal. Is there any way to accomplish this?
Control commands that create tables cannot include query execution (and vise versa: queries cannot run control commands).
The restriction exists for security reasons.
You can achieve the scenario using client code and having two calls:
1) Derive table name
2) Generate table create command and send it to the server.

ibm bpm - execute sql statement return type

how to manage the result of a query that returns an integer "select count(*) from table"?
1) I've tried to bind the output of a SQL Execute Statement service to an integer variable and doesn't work. (type mistmatch)
2) i've tried to use types like 'SQLResult', SQLResultRow, SQLResultColumn as well but they dont work:
Caused by: com.lombardisoftware.core.TeamWorksException: Type ismatch the value "[Element: ]" must be and instance of type atructured IBM BPM Java Class found: org.jdom.Element
3) i've tried to bind the output to a XMLElement variable and i've got this value
< resultSet recordCount=\"1\" columnCount=\"1\">5< /columnn>< /record>< /resultSet>
so now... how can I access the recordCount attribute of this node?
anyway, I don't like so manipulate a variable of XMLType, when are the types SQLResult, SQLResultRow, SQLResultColumn used?
****** EDITED *******
even if i get a result as XMLElement.. i can't manipulate it.
methods like: tw.local.result[0].rows[0].column[0].getText() don't work (the intellisense as well)
the XMLElement as an attribute "recordCount" but i don't know how to get his value..
Anyway, the only workaround that i found is to change the query in order to return a normal set of records(not a scalar value)
select field from table instead of select count(field) from table
so i could to map the output value to a list of objects and than count its length...
ugly and dirty :-(
anyone know how manipulate the XMLElement in a script block?
Please try this.
Bind the output variable from sql execute statement as 'ANY' type.
variable name - result (ANY)
Query - select count(field) as COUNTVAL from table
tw.local.totalCount = tw.local.result[0].rows[0].indexedMap.COUNTVAL;
Use Return type as XMLElement then bind a XMLElement in output mapping.
For eg: If you are using tw.local.output as ouput mapping (of type XMLElement) then,"Count "+tw.local.output.xpath('/resultSet/record/column').item(0).getText());
This will print the count
If you want to get "recordCount" Attribute then use

How to remove collection or edge document using for loop in ArangoDB?

I'm using the latest ArangoDB 3.1 on Windows 10.
Here I want to remove the collection document and edge document using the for loop. But I'm getting an error like document not found (vName).
vName contains the many collection names. But I dunno how to use it in for loop.
This is the AQL I am using to remove the documents from the graph:
LET op = (FOR v, e IN 1..1 ANY 'User/588751454' GRAPH 'my_graph'
COLLECT vid = v._id, eid = e._id
RETURN { vid, eid }
FOR doc IN op
COLLECT vName = SPLIT(doc.vid,'/')[0],
vid = SPLIT(doc.vid,'/')[1],
eName = SPLIT(doc.eid,'/')[0],
eid = SPLIT(doc.eid,'/')[1]
REMOVE { _key: vid } in vName
Return output im getting from the AQL (Web UI screenshot)
vName is a variable introduced by COLLECT. It is a string with the collection name of a vertex (extracted from vid / v._id). You then try to use it in the removal operation REMOVE { ... } IN vName.
AQL does not support dynamic collection names however, collection names must be known at query compile time:
Each REMOVE operation is restricted to a single collection, and the collection name must not be dynamic.
So, you either have to hardcode the collection into the query, e.g. REMOVE { ... } IN User, or use the special bind parameter syntax for collections, e.g. REMOVE { ... } IN ##coll and bind parameters: {"#coll": "User", ...}.
This also means that REMOVE can only delete documents in a single collection.
It's possible to workaround the limitation somewhat by using subqueries like this:
LET x1 = (FOR doc IN User REMOVE aa IN User)
LET x2 = (FOR doc IN relations REMOVE bb IN relations)
The variables x1 and x2 are syntactically required and receive an empty array as subquery result. The query also requires a RETURN statement, even if we don't expect any result.
Do not attempt to remove from the same collection twice in the same query though, as it would raise a access after data-modification error.

array must be declare error in pl sql

I want to return a array in a function as my function looks like below,
RETURN t_array
strings t_array;
--do something
RETURN strings;
But it gives a error t_array must be declare. I want to know where to declare it and how can i declare it?
When you are using a custom type, you have to declare that type first. For example:
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE string_array IS TABLE OF varchar2(50);
Which creates a new type named string_array that is a table of varchars.
For more information check the official oracle dokumentation here
