I'm trying to plot roc curve from lasso logistic regression result. so I used predict() using type="response" to get a probability. however, the result was opposite of when I put type = "class"
first of all, this is my dataset. my predictor has 2 levels
selected_data$danger <- factor(selected_data$danger, levels = c(1,0))
# Factor w/ 2 levels "1","0": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# partition
input_train <- createDataPartition(y=lasso_data$danger, p=0.8, list=FALSE)
train_dataset <- lasso_data[input_train,]
test_dataset <- lasso_data[-input_train,]
# [1] 768 62
# [1] 192 62
I did run both cases(type = class, response) to compare.
lasso_model <- cv.glmnet( x=data.matrix(train_dataset[,-length(train_dataset)]), y = train_dataset[,length(train_dataset)],
family = "binomial" , type.measure = "auc",alpha=1, nfolds=5)
lasso_pred <- predict(lasso_model, newx=data.matrix(test_dataset[,-length(test_dataset)]),
s=lasso_model$lambda.min, type= "class", levels=c(1,0))
lasso_pred_resp <- predict(lasso_model, s="lambda.1se", newx=data.matrix(test_dataset[,-length(test_dataset)]), type="response", levels=c(1,0))
threshold <- 0.5 # or whatever threshold you use
pred <- ifelse(lasso_pred_resp>threshold, 1, 0)
table(lasso_pred, pred)
# pred
# lasso_pred 0 1
# 0 11 95
# 1 76 10
I have no idea why this is happening...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For logistic regression in R, the probability or "response" always refers to the probability of being the 2nd level, in your case it is "0".
So you predictions should be:
pred <- ifelse(lasso_pred_resp>threshold, 0, 1)
To avoid confusions, you can also do:
lvl <- levels(lasso_data$danger)
pred <- ifelse(lasso_pred_resp>threshold,lvl[2],lvl[1])
I did a Ljung-Box Test for independence in r with 36 lags and stored the results in a list.
for (lag in c(1:36)){
box.test.list[[lag]] <- (Box.test(btcr, type = "Ljung", lag))
I want to extract the p-values as well as the test statistic (X-squared) and print them out to look something like:
X-squared = 100, p-value = 0.0001
I also want to pull it out p-value indivually but rather than just spit out numbers, I want something like:
[1] p-value = 0.001
[2] p-value = 0.0001
and so on. Can this be done?
With the test data
btcr <- rnorm(100)
you can perform all your tests with
box.test.list <- lapply(1:36, function(i) Box.test(btcr, type = "Ljung", i))
and then put all the results in a data.frame with
results <- data.frame(
lag = 1:36,
xsquared = sapply(box.test.list, "[[", "statistic"),
pvalue = sapply(box.test.list, "[[", "p.value")
Then you can do what you like with the results
# lag xsquared pvalue
# 1 1 3.659102 0.05576369
# 2 2 7.868083 0.01956444
# 3 3 8.822760 0.03174261
# 4 4 9.654935 0.04665920
# 5 5 11.190969 0.04772238
# 6 6 12.607454 0.04971085
I have data set from a incomplete lattice design study that I have imported into R from excel and would like to conduct a PBIB.test. However, after running the function as shown below, the output shows object Area not found, even after repeated times.
library("agricolae", lib.loc = "~/R/win-library/3.3")
Rdata2 <- PBIB.test("BlockNo", "AccNo", "Rep", Area, k = 9, c("REML"), console = TRUE)
Error in data.frame(v1 = 1, y) : object 'Area' not found
What is the problem?
See below for a sample application of PBIB.test, based on the agricolae tutorial.
First, create some sample data.
# Construct the alpha design with 30 treatments, 2 repetitions, and block size = 3
Genotype <- c(paste("gen0", 1:9, sep= ""), paste("gen", 10:30, sep= ""));
r <- 2;
k <- 3;
s <- 10;
b <- s * r;
book <- design.alpha(Genotype, k, r,seed = 5);
# Source dataframe
df <- book$book;
Create a vector of response values.
# Response variable
response <- c(
Run PBIB.test
model <- with(df, PBIB.test(block, Genotype, replication, response, k = 3, method="REML"))
#Analysis of Variance Table
#Response: yield
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#Genotype 29 72.006 2.4830 1.2396 0.3668
#Residuals 11 22.034 2.0031
#[1] "Residual (restricted) maximum likelihood"
# test name.t treatments blockSize blocks r alpha
# PBIB-lsd Genotype 30 3 10 2 0.05
# Efficiency Mean CV
# 0.6170213 4.533333 31.22004
#Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
# Data: NULL
# Log-restricted-likelihood: -73.82968
# Fixed: y ~ trt.adj
# (Intercept) trt.adjgen02 trt.adjgen03 trt.adjgen04 trt.adjgen05 trt.adjgen06
# 6.5047533 -3.6252940 -0.7701618 -2.5264354 -3.1633495 -1.9413054
#trt.adjgen07 trt.adjgen08 trt.adjgen09 trt.adjgen10 trt.adjgen11 trt.adjgen12
# -3.0096514 -4.0648738 -3.5051139 -2.8765561 -1.7111335 -1.6308755
#trt.adjgen13 trt.adjgen14 trt.adjgen15 trt.adjgen16 trt.adjgen17 trt.adjgen18
# -2.2187974 -2.3393290 -2.0807215 -0.3122845 -3.4526453 -1.0320169
#trt.adjgen19 trt.adjgen20 trt.adjgen21 trt.adjgen22 trt.adjgen23 trt.adjgen24
# -3.1257616 0.2101325 -1.7632411 -1.9177848 -1.0500345 -2.5612960
#trt.adjgen25 trt.adjgen26 trt.adjgen27 trt.adjgen28 trt.adjgen29 trt.adjgen30
# -4.3184716 -2.3071359 1.2239927 -1.3643068 -1.4354599 -0.4726870
#Random effects:
# Formula: ~1 | replication
# (Intercept)
#StdDev: 8.969587e-05
# Formula: ~1 | block.adj %in% replication
# (Intercept) Residual
#StdDev: 1.683459 1.415308
#Number of Observations: 60
#Number of Groups:
# replication block.adj %in% replication
# 2 20
# Fit Statistics
#AIC 213.65937
#BIC 259.89888
#-2 Res Log Likelihood -73.82968
I want to compare a multinomial logit model and a random forest using a grouped brier score within cross validation. The theoretical foundation of this approach is: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3702649/pdf/nihms461154.pdf
My dependent variable has three outcomes and my data-set compremises life-time data, where the lifetime lies between 0-5.
To make things reproducable, my dataset looks like:
N <- 1000
X1 <- rnorm(N, 175, 7)
X2 <- rnorm(N, 30, 8)
length <- sample(0:5,N,T)
Ycont <- 0.5*X1 - 0.3*X2 + 10 + rnorm(N, 0, 6)
Ycateg <- ntile(Ycont,3)
df <- data.frame(id=1:N,length,X1, X2, Ycateg)
df=setDT(df)[,.SD[rep(1L,length)],by = id]
df=df[ , time := 1:.N , by=id]
id X1 X2 Ycateg time
1: 1 178.0645 10.84313 1 1
2: 2 169.4208 34.39831 1 1
3: 2 169.4208 34.39831 1 2
4: 2 169.4208 34.39831 1 3
5: 2 169.4208 34.39831 1 4
6: 2 169.4208 34.39831 1 5
What I did so far is:
fitControl <- trainControl(method = 'cv',number=5)
data = df,
method = "multinom",
trControl = fitControl)
Since the models are used to predict probabilities at each time point, I want to compute the following for each fold:
Brier Score for each category of the dependent variable: BS_i=(Y_it,k - p_it,k)² - where i denotes observation i of the test-fold,t the time and k the class k of the dependent variable
Summarise for this one fold 1. by computing 1/n_t (BS_i) where n_t are the number of observations which do have an observed time t - so a grouped computation
So in the end, what I want to report - for example for a 3 fold CV & knowing that time ranges from 0-5 - is an output like this:
fold time Brier_0 Brier_1 Brier_2
1 1 0 0.39758714 0.11703814 0.8711775
2 1 1 0.99461281 0.95051037 0.1503217
3 1 2 0.01791559 0.83653814 0.1553521
4 1 3 0.92067849 0.55275340 0.6466206
5 1 4 0.73112563 0.07603891 0.5769286
6 1 5 0.29500600 0.66219814 0.7590742
7 2 0 0.24691469 0.06736522 0.8612998
8 2 1 0.13629191 0.55973431 0.5617303
9 2 2 0.48006915 0.01357407 0.4515544
10 2 3 0.01257112 0.40250469 0.1814620
. . . . . .
I know that I have to set up a customized version of the summaryFunction, but I'm really lost on how to do this. So my main aim is not to tune a model but to validate it.
There is one thing that should be remarked: the summaryFunction can only return a single numeric vector - correct me if I'm wrong. Futher, the data-parameter of the summaryFunction contains a column rowIndex which can be used to extract additional variables form the original data set.
customSummary <- function (data, lev = NULL, model = NULL) { # for training on a next-period return
#browser() #essential for debugging
# get observed dummy
Y_obs = model.matrix( ~ data[, "obs"] - 1) # create dummy - for each level of the outcome
# get predicted probabilities
Y_pre=as.data.frame(data[ , c("current","default","prepaid")])
# get rownumbers
# get time of each obs
# put it all together
# group by time and compute crier score
out=df_temp %>% group_by(time) %>% summarise(BS_cur=1/n()*sum((Y_cur-p_cur)^2),BS_def=1/n()*sum((Y_def-p_def)^2),BS_pre=1/n()*sum((Y_pre-p_pre)^2))
# name
# now create one line of return - caret seems to be able to hande only one
out_stack$ind=paste(out_stack$ind,out$time,sep = "_")
# recall, the return type must be simply numeric
# which type of cross validation to do
fitControl <- trainControl(method = 'cv',number=5,classProbs=TRUE,summaryFunction=customSummary, selectionFunction = "best", savePredictions = TRUE)
grid <- expand.grid(decay = 0 )
data = df,
method = "multinom",
trControl = fitControl,
tuneGrid = grid
BS_cur_1 BS_cur_2 BS_cur_3 BS_cur_4 BS_cur_5 BS_def_1 BS_def_2 BS_def_3 BS_def_4 BS_def_5 BS_pre_1 BS_pre_2 BS_pre_3 BS_pre_4 BS_pre_5
1 0.1657623 0.1542842 0.1366912 0.1398001 0.2056348 0.1915512 0.2256758 0.2291467 0.2448737 0.2698545 0.1586134 0.2101389 0.1432483 0.2076886 0.1663780
2 0.1776843 0.1919503 0.1615440 0.1654297 0.1200515 0.2108787 0.2185783 0.2209958 0.2467931 0.2199898 0.1580643 0.1595971 0.2015860 0.1826029 0.1947144
3 0.1675981 0.1818885 0.1893253 0.1402550 0.1400997 0.2358501 0.2342476 0.2079819 0.1870549 0.2065355 0.2055711 0.1586077 0.1453172 0.1638555 0.2106146
4 0.1796041 0.1573086 0.1500860 0.1738538 0.1171626 0.2247850 0.2168341 0.2031590 0.1807209 0.2616180 0.1677508 0.1965577 0.1873078 0.1859176 0.1344115
5 0.1909324 0.1640292 0.1556209 0.1371598 0.1566207 0.2314311 0.1991000 0.2255612 0.2195158 0.2071910 0.1976272 0.1777507 0.1843828 0.1453439 0.1736540
1 Fold1
2 Fold2
3 Fold3
4 Fold4
5 Fold5
Using the ranger package I run the following script:
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, Y) ~ ., data = train_frame[1:50000, ], write.forest = TRUE, num.trees = 100)
test_frame <- train_frame[50001:100000, ]
preds <- predict(rf, test_frame)
chfs <- preds$chf
plot(chfs[1, ])
The cumulative hazard function has indexes 1 - 36 on the X-axis. Obviously this corresponds with time, but I'm not sure how: my time of observation variable ranges from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 399. What is the mapping between the original data and the predicted output from predict.ranger, and how can I operationalize this to quantify degree of risk for a given subject after a given length of time?
Here's a sample of what my time/event data looks like:
Y time
<int> <dbl>
1 1 358
2 0 90
3 0 162
4 0 35
5 0 307
6 0 69
7 0 184
8 0 24
9 0 366
10 0 33
And here's what the CHF of the first subject looks like:
Can anyone help me connect the dots? There are no row or columns names on the "matrix" object that is preds$chf.
In the prediction object is vector called unique.death.times containing the time points where the CHF and survival estimates are computed. The chf matrix has observations in the rows and these time points in the columns, same for survival.
Reproducible example:
## Split the data
n <- nrow(veteran)
idx <- sample(n, 2/3*n)
train <- veteran[idx, ]
test <- veteran[-idx, ]
## Grow RF and predict
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, status) ~ ., train, write.forest = TRUE)
preds <- predict(rf, test)
## Example CHF plot
plot(preds$unique.death.times, preds$chf[1, ])
## Example survival plot
plot(preds$unique.death.times, preds$survival[1, ])
Setting importance = "impurity" for survival forests should throw an error.
I have a Log-likelihood like this,
l(parameter)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} \delta log[1-exp{-t^{\alpha} e^{x'\beta}}]-(1-\delta)t^{\alpha} e^{x'\beta}
I want to optimize in using R. I have tried it this way, but it is showing an error!
time status x
55 1 1
1 0 1
6 0 0
24 0 0
42 1 0
35 1 1
# log-likelihood
mle.logreg = function(para, data){
alpha <- para[1]
x <- as.matrix(model.matrix(~data$x)[-1])
beta <- as.matrix(rep(para[2],nrow(x)), ncol=1)
delta <- data$status
time <- data$time
l1 <- delta*log(1-exp(-(time^alpha)*exp(t(x)%*%beta)))
l2 <- (1-delta)*((time^alpha)*exp((t(x)%*%beta)))
loglik <- sum(l1-l2)
fit <- optim(para=c(0.001,0.001),mle.logreg,data=dat1)
Here is the error.
Error in optim(para = c(0.001, 0.001), mle.logreg, data = dat) :
cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'double'
In addition: Warning message:
In optim(para = c(0.001, 0.001), mle.logreg, data = dat1) :
one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:
use "Brent" or optimize() directly
How can I solve this? Could any body give me solution?